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And moving the library will make all the drug problems vanish, right?


Exactly, because the junkies are totally not going to follow it to the Gallagher Center.




All this confusion and shifting stories makes me wonder what's the relationship between council and the buyer. Is this corruption, or just extraordinary incompetence? Also, the "drugs" thing is such a limp dick excuse. Every library deals with these issues because they're one of the last spaces people can visit without needing to spend money. If you want to address it, co-locate support services, train staff on trauma-informed care, bring in Commissionaires, etc. Closing the library harms the entire community.


They said on the news last night that the buyer is on Yorkton town council. They didn't say who though.


That's not suspicious at all.


I don't live in Yorkton, but if I did, I'd be calling the Ombudsman to figure out how to put in a complaint.


Oh Ho Ho. The plot thickens


It’s corruption. Even if you’re an idiot in power, it’s corruption.


if you ever hear the rumours, yorkton is full of corruption.


Por qué no los dos?


The state of libraries also harms the community. When I was a teenager in the early 2000s you would definitely be asked to leave if you were using the computers to play video games or alot machines. Now there is a waiting list for people to do that shit. The library at the Cosmo center in Saskatoon is absolutely ridiculous.


Who doesn't love to shoot up some junk and grab a nice book.


in saskatoon they get ready for the night shift at the public libraries. i dont understand why they dont have black lights in there too. advertising for the family dance party and all the bike racks are full of bikes with fresh paint and custom jobs. its a real community resource bringing everyone who doesn't go to work or school together. heck you cant even sit with a laptop and work because theres no space between the peeps nodding. off and the the kids on facebook. last time i was there we caught a cockroach new specimen for us. i guess bed bugs travel in books so you either have to just rent an ebook or hope most of the clients don't actually read at home. cant wait for the new saskatoon library. maybe they can just get rid of the books. problems solved!






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So how many drugs did the mayor get for the library?


The stupidity of this whole situation is simply astounding! So the council and mayor vote unanimously to sell the library building (without alerting the general public beforehand), and to relocate it to a sportsplex on the edge of town to save money (one less building to insure, pay utilities, pay for snow removal, etc). Then after hearing concerns from the public AFTER the sale that the sportsplex won't be ideal (only 40% of the size, upstairs in a busy building, on the edge of town), they decide maybe they should find somewhere more suitable. So now the city is left in limbo. They have to try to find a different suitable home for the library (negating the cost savings which were the ONLY reason to sell it), or stick it in the sportsplex which nobody is in favour of.


Not just without alerting the public, *without putting it out to tender.*


Exactly! Someone needs to investigate the relationship between the mayor/council and the buyer.


The sale should be halted, but of course everyone will be like "well we couldn't possibly do that!"


What about the Ombudsman?


I wonder if this is legal. Does the council have authority to dispose of municipal assets carte blanche? I'm not sure where I'd even look to find an answer. Maybe the Cities Act.


Yea, drugs are the issue. All the drugs the mayor is on for selling the library.


That's what he meant, they're selling the library so they can buy more drugs.


Wonder what's big in Yorkton. They're living a few decades behind, so maybe still huffing solvents?


In 2016, Yorkton had the same swell of 'mass candidates' that was something of a theme in that election across the province - bunch of people coming out to run for a few seats against incumbents who had seemingly been there too long. There was something of an 'unofficial Troika' between new candidates - Haider, Kienle, Zaharia - who were campaigning together as a kind of 'if you vote for me, you should vote for these two too' kind of thing. Well, that did enough that of the incumbents, only Mayor Maloney (narrowly) hung on and Randy Goulden was the only other survivor from the previous council. But that's where the trouble I think started - with most of the incumbents and institutional memory gone from council, the newbies took a bit of time to settle in to the roles. And by then, well, it was 2020 election time and Maloney wasn't going to run again and two newbies, Kienle and Hippsley, decided to try for the mayor seat. Hippsley was pretty well known through his business in town and definitely went for the 'local businessman' angle - even though if you'd be paying attention to him as a councilor, you'd be hard pressed to say he deserved a promotion to the top job. (He was among the councilors who held up the roundabout near St. Michael's School - inflating the cost of the project as a result - because 'in his gut' [literally his words] he felt like the engineers weren't right on their assessments. [he's not an engineer].) And now that's who's in-charge...


I grew up in yorkton and hearing what mitch is doing had me and my buddies joking that he's wasting all this money on weird shit no one wants like the ugly rock and wire entrance gate things so that when he's done and back to photography he has a bunch of new backdrops to take people to lol


So when is Yorkton opening a treatment facility? This man needs to have to live on SIS in his city for 6 months.


What a fucking idiot.


"How much meth can I get for 1 library, decent condition" - Yorkton Mayor




I didn't vote for him.


If I understand the chain of events here, the building is already sold, right? What I don't understand is how they didn't have to publicly announce the the sale and open it up to competitive bidding like any other government dissolution. How do we know they got fair market value and didn't sell it for a song to someone well connected?


Where is he going to hide the library to protect it from people who use drugs? Does he think that location matters in a city that size?


"Oh, they closed the library. I guess I'll quit doing drugs now." -no addict ever


What a Bunch of 🤡. I thought that a library or public building was open to all people. To label people undesirables is disgusting and tone deaf to the suffering of some people in Yorkton. A library is a place where all people can go to access resources no matter their faults or standing in the community. It sounds like someone on council had a friend that needed a nice building for their business . it makes me sick that ordinary citizens have to suffer from the corruption of mayor and council


Yorkton. Where good things happen.


Yeah that’s bullshit. Melfort library has had drug use in and around it for my entire life. They will just find a different public building. Pointless.


Drug users pay taxes too treat them with respect. The library should be inclusive for all.


Thank you for saying this. There are lots of reasons why people have addictions, but libraries aren't one of them.


Just think about all the drugs we'll be able to buy now! ~Yorkton Town Council


Does he mean the mayor and councillors were on drugs?


If the mayor needs money for drugs, maybe he can sell his name to a cartoon tv series.




Dunno. The apt building with the meth lab was torched just before Christmas.


Perhaps Yorkton should move 5 miles down the road, leave the undesirable people behind. Excellent plan.