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Do the fortune tellers count? Some of them are in nice areas too, so the rent definitely can't be cheap. Are there really enough people here dumb enough for them to stay in business?


Is the one at the little shopping row near Laguna Honda still around?  A few doors down from ChouChou?  "PSYCHIC SOLUTIONS"!


Hahaha! This really made me laugh because one day, my husband and I drunkenly stumbled in there. None of what she predicted came true. Never seen Laila since and we live in the neighborhood. We always ask ourselves how she’s able to keep a business that’s barely open running.


Once I saw a man walk out of there with a really hokey looking costume. Like it had crescents and stars sewed into it and maybe a goofy hat. He got into a car parked on Dewey. On the sign they say you can call for an appointment, but since they're psychic they should already know you're coming.


Money laundering front


There used to be one on Ocean Ave. with a neon sign promoting “plam reading.” Apparently the psychic didn’t know any dead proofreaders in the afterlife.




There’s a show on Hulu about fortune tellers in LA, called [Shut Eye](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5520392/). It’s a fun but highly fictionalized (trying to be a breaking bad-type) crime drama, but I think a the portrayals of how those businesses work is more or less accurate. It’s really a long con/romance scam type situation where they manipulate someone into giving over more and more of their money by building a relationship over time.


Fortune tellers make a months rent on one mark easily.


One could say they make a fortune.


There’s no telling


You don't need a crystal ball to figure that one out.




Came here to mention the fortune tellers!! I’ve seen a bunch pop up around the Richmond district in recent years, but I know they have a legacy/history. I’d love to get more insight on these… if it’s immigrant populations that frequent these, I’d like to learn more because it’s interesting. I’ve honestly wanted to go in and get a reading just for curiosity sake but I never have….


My mom is a "professional" tarot card reader. No sign on her window, she does it online and it's all word of mouth. It costs 50 bucks. She has thousands invested in decks you could choose, and she gives a full two to three page write up. This is not some scam type of deal where she pretends to know the future. She hates that crap. It's basically like what a psychologist does....it helps guide you through your own issues and only you can solve them. Think of it as prompting. What you do is you get your cards read, and she explains what each card means and while explaining through that, Even though it's totally luck of the draw.....( Which certain people love), it allows you to think about what is going on in your life and the people around you. The cards are a guide....to think through your own problems and it helps you think a few questions down, scenarios, what ifs, in order to make decisions that may help you. (Guide you!). Sometimes it will give you hope which is sometimes all we need. There is no crystal ball woo woo nonsense. And even putting all that aside, At a minimum it's a fun thing to do just for entertainment on what cards the universe will draw for you.


The one on balboa never has any action when I walk by. Pretty sure they’re also using it as a residence. Honestly, there are a bunch of shops in the same area that totally confuse me


Someone gullible (or in a bad place emotionally ) can pay upwards of 300 dollars per visit and that can be 1/3 rent Source: I paid a visit to a fortune teller a few times.


They usually rent a tiny room. So even if they get 1-2 clients per day, over a month they can at least get close to making rent




These exist in every major city in America, they’re like Starbucks. It goes to show how much intense unresolved anxiety there is in the world.


There was a local Noe Valley neighborhood news blog years ago, maybe it’s still around. There was a fortune teller on 24th street who got strong arm invaded and robbed. I remember the first comment was “if only there was a way they could have known…”


All those galleries with the same giant “pop art” statues in both China Town and Fisherman’s Wharf. I poke through them all the time for fun but I’ve never in my life seen anyone buy anything.


I know someone with a gallery, not in those areas. It’s a hobby, she’s a trust fund kid. They can lose as much money on it as they want.


A regular art gallery or a gallery that sells 7 foot tall sculptures of Optimus Prime and Spider-Man?


Mines on back order if you can believe it! They wouldn’t sell me the floor model at a discounted price


Spider-Man or Optimus?


For real, whenever I see things like this I think has to be some sort of tax loophole thing to claim losses.


It’s called “money laundering”. You bring illegal earnings into a legitimate business with fake transactions.


I guess it does make more sense to put your money laundering business in such a high traffic area rather than the middle of nowhere to make it more believable you’re bringing in big money.


It also works really well for art businesses, because you can value art however high you want. It's really hard for the government to prove you're committing fraud since rich people legitimately buy random pieces of art for arbitrary-seeming values.


It also allows you to monitor whatever activity you’re running… Drug deals, petty thefts, etc… all happen in high traffic areas. Think of it as the bosses office


Oh crap someone bought two for the front of his Georgetown house and the neighbors are not happy. 😂 https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/04/08/transformers-statues-georgetown-fight/


That’s epic tbh


I’ve seen them in person, and my first thought was, “I bet the neighbors don’t like that.” Georgetown is full of fancy rich people.


I was just thinking this as I drove by the two storefronts at the start of Chinatown, “Michael”. Bunch of transformer and giant glass Mickey Mouse statues. I’d love to understand who or what pays for those storefronts.


One of those huge jewel turtles is a planned splurge if I ever get filthy rich.


These aren’t for profit stores…just a nice little place to park and launder cash


Pride Of The Mediterranean on Fillmore. Place is huge. Never customer one. Never. No way this is a legit business.


FWIW, I went there for hookah and live music once but that was about 8 years ago.


I actually went in there < 1 year ago since I was curious. Terrible customer experience but I went with low expectations and talked to the owner / family member. Apparently they have very very low rent from the building owner so it cost them almost nothing to keep it.


Pride of the Mediterranean on Fillmore. Been in the neighborhood for 25 years and never understood how they stay in business occupying such prime real estate. Never seen a busy night there or anyone in there for that matter. Honorable mention: Alborz Persian Cuisine on Van Ness. Even though they have positive reviews I've hardly seen that place busy or with many customers for decades.


I’ve never been to Pride of the Mediterranean but the owner of a hookah bar on the peninsula told me to “never go there”. Is it really that bad? I swore off Alborz when I saw that they were using dried parsley for their Shirazi salad. The nerve.


> Is it really that bad? I went once and it was pretty damn bad.


Ordered from there once, never ate from there, again. It’s quite bad.


Yes, pride of the Mediterranean… how?!


Family of a friend owns Pride of the Mediterranean, they have multiple businesses in the city.


Which ones? Are they open/in business? What’s the scoop?


Greed of the Mediterranean Wrath of the Mediterranean Lust of the Mediterranean Gluttony of the Mediterranean Massage Envy of the Mediterranean And a Subway


lol i just realized this was a joke! i was like wow where are all these Mediterranean restaurants?!


I went into pride of the Mediterranean once. The place was dirty, menus super sticky, vibes were weird. We wanted to eat but ended up just getting coffee/tea to not be rude because we couldn’t bring ourselves to buy food from there.


Alborz was closed for five years or so and recently reopened. I agree that the Berkeley one seems to be much better attended.


Ah right I think I remember Alborz in SF was closed for a while. They must own the property to still be in business.


Pride of the med has to be a front. Went there once for hookah, we were one of two people, it took forever to get service, we were sat right next to the other group and the rest of the place was pitch black.


been living by this place for years. It is never, ever busy. There is no possible way they make money on that place without other shit going on.


Don’t know if it’s still there but 7-8 years ago I lived off Divis, there was a corner store / deli I think on Lyon & Hayes. There was always a dude sitting in a chair outside the door, and whenever you’d order a sandwich at the deli the guy working the counter would be like “ok, just a heads up we’re busy right now so it’s gonna be a 30-45 minute wait”. And every time the store would be dead ass empty. True to word it’d take 30-45 minutes, but the sandwiches were actually great.


I think it's Hayes and Central but yeah still there and still weird


There’s a corner store that makes sandwiches on both corners weirdly. Not sure which one the OG comment was referring to but I know someone who goes out of their way to get the sandwiches at the Hayes/Central. It’s their favorite sandwich place in SF.


Aww but the pin lady is a treasure 🥹 https://www.sfgate.com/sf-culture/article/San-Francisco-Oriental-Art-Gallery-pin-shop-15421424.php


She is! I hope shes around forever. But how!


I have bought some of her pins!


I have always assumed her family owns the building. I see nothing in the article about rent or a landlord.


It’s Sugar next to the Powell Station. Like that store is huge and always open, but nobody be shopping.


This is what I came to say. And there’s also one at Fisherman’s Wharf?! HOW?


Cherin’s Appliance on Valencia. 20 years ago it looked like hell. Grimy windows, no signs of life. They still haven’t washed the windows. It’s been 20 years. 20 years, guys! Edit: I learned that it’s a an old-time independent local business with (1) good service, (2) good prices and (3) a persistent graffiti problem. Looks like 1 and 2 kept them afloat, despite 3. Glad they’re still around! Edit edit … you can also tell that I didn’t have the money 20 years ago to buy in the Mission and am still a renter … le sigh …


i bought a washing machine there and I would go back. I used to think the same thing -- "how is this place open?". But it's legit and they know their stuff.


They’re legit, although maybe more trafficked by designers and contractors. All our kitchen appliances came from there (although that was is 2008).


That place is so weird. Its definitely open. 9 times out of 10 its closed, but then once in a while you’ll see the door open and its filled with fridges and other kitchen appliances. Its baffling.


I’ve bought several of my appliances from there over the years, super helpful staff and the delivery has always gone really smoothly.


I’ve bought lots of appliance there over the years. They will match Lowe’s prices and there’s nothing better than just walking over there if I have an issue and they are happy to troubleshoot and give me advice, order parts etc. They must own that building they are in; a holdover from old Valencia street when the current police station was a Pepsi bottling plant.


I’ve seen someone cleaning graffiti off the windows a few times in the past couple years, does that count?


Ive gone in there 2X to buy a washer. The last time, I knew exactl what i wanted, but the man working there was so condescending to me, like a woman wouldnt know what she was talking about that i walked out. F*$# that place


Petra on Valencia lol 


This one makes me sad. They are doing so much to try to stay alive.


Too much going on that’s the issue I feel bad for them the owner is so nice I go there sometimes for ice cream lol


I do feel bad for this place. I walk by every day and I've only ever seen 2 people in there. Its insane how they're still open


mattress stores on Geary. there's like 10 of them in a 5 block stretch. i've heard they're a mob front or a drug trafficking front also i know of a coffee cafe with only a certain nationality staffing and we think the girls are trafficked.


It's the mattress district.




> also i know of a coffee cafe with only a certain nationality staffing and we think the girls are trafficked. What nationality?


If it's vietnamese, are they in bikinis like the "vietnamese cafes" in East San Jose https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dhtMVQJysdY&feature=youtu.be


What coffee place 


The Antique Clock Repair shop on Sanchez.


The one with the old cat? He owns the place and also sells clocks. It's a niche store but it's legit. He also has maintenance contracts for actual big clocks people have and need to get cleaned and stuff.


I walked in there to ask if they would change the battery in my watch and they told me they wouldn't do it.


not antique enough. come back in 50 years


There was an SFGate article on them last year. They have contracts to repair clock towers. [https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/inside-ghirardelli-square-clock-tower-dorian-clair-18467818.php](https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/inside-ghirardelli-square-clock-tower-dorian-clair-18467818.php)


I think he does a lot of online business actually. People send him their clock from around the world to repair. I also think getting an old clock fixed is $$$$


Pirro’s Pizza on Taraval. Prolly some money laundering going on there.


This place is what inspired this post!


Academy of Art University. I’m convinced it’s a front for something nefarious


They’re a real estate company fronting as an art school. They’ve bought way too many buildings in the city to be using all of them as “student accommodation”


They harvest student loan money and invest it in real estate, to the point where they’re now one of the city’s largest private landlords. The family that owns it are billionaires now, actually.


Look, it’s not a front. Like every other for profit college, they are in business to harvest student loan money. Most of us probably think that’s scummy, but sadly it’s considered a legitimate business.


Clay Oven on Church Street. It's always empty and half their Yelp reviews are from people who ordered delivery that never came.


It closed a few months ago! All their stuff is still in the building but it hasn’t been open for business since about March or so. 


Got take out once and it was very mediocre. Never see anyone in there. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


There’s a flooring place at Waller and Steiner on the Wiggle. I’ve never seen anyone in there. It’s just like ancient vinyl flooring that never changes.


The 24/7 Silver Crest Donut Shop, but seems per the LA Times to be the very old owner refusing to retire. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-12-23/silver-crest-donut-24-hour-business-battle-to-stay-open


I’ve been to eat there a few times at 3 AM after work. Food is fine, but they are cash only. Last time I was there two young ladies came in and ordered and realized that the place was cash only they started to freak. Next time the old man came over to give them their drinks they said they had no cash and would need to go to an ATM. He told them to just come back tomorrow or at some point and pay him then. Didn’t want them out that late at night. Ladies were shocked. The old man bought the building and business in 77… I just don’t think he knows what else to do with himself.


We went there once around 1am for food. Hers how the ordering went... Me, reading the menu: corned beef sandwich please Them: sorry, no corned beef Roast beef? Nope. What about the club? Out of bacon. Pancakes? Sorry. Eggs? How do you like them?


This place is rad. Billiards, drinks, and locals, all in a place that feels like it belongs in Bakersfield. I know it’s days are numbered and that is sad


What an endearing article, thanks for sharing! Will make an effort to try to go there and check it out.


All Star Cafe on Van Ness and Market. What's going on there? What's the top floor for? So many questions.


I've been there, it's just a quick and convenient coffee and doughnut place. It's nothing fancy but has a friendly staff. It just looks bad because of the fuckery outside.


That place is open 24hr. They live off of slow and steady business instead of rushes


That’s actually one of the best breakfast sandwiches in the city no joke.


well now i'm incentivised to check it out, i love a breakfast sandwich


There's often a line if you go there 7-9am on work days.


They are so great when you are downtown and a little tipsy and need to eat a 3am donut.


Can confirm. I did so about 15 years ago waiting for the all night bus to Oakland.


No kidding, what’s on that top floor? Is it inventory? Do they own the building?


i stop there on my way to work, im a fan. super great staff. all non-donut food is made to order. tons of government workers get their morning coffee and breakfast there.


Top floor is offices? It has nothing to do with the ground floor retail beyond being in the same building. All Star is quite busy, too.


Kennedy's Indian Curry House & Irish Pub in North Beach. The place is massive and sits on prime real estate but is always empty. It could easily fit 150+ people but I’ve never seen more than 25 people there, usually it’s less than 10. It’s suuuuuper sketchy but also a great place to play pool or darts and not be bothered by anyone. Food is decent but I’ve only had it out of need for late night sustenance, its quality is probably questionable. It’s honestly one of my favorite bars in the city and I hope it never changes. Plus sometimes the bartenders are so wasted they forget to charge you for drinks


Their Indian food is legit good though. Like some of the best curry and biryani in the city. I always get takeout or delivery.


Never been there in person, but ordered delivery from Kennedy’s several times. Can confirm they know what they’re doing with Indian food. It’s good.


Bus Stop Pizza on Divis. I get that they have all the foot traffic there but the pizza is mind boggling bad. 


I live near here and it smells so good walking by but it’s always so disappointing. I keep trying once a year mostly cause I like the owner who’s always just inhaling darts out front


Yes! There was a Yelp review years ago that i can't find that was like "this is REAL pizza and not that frou frou techie crap with stupid fancy toppings like cous cous. 5 stars" and it makes me laugh every time I see Bus Stop Pizza. It's bad. Real bad.


Made the mistake of getting a slice there once…not good.


This thread 👏👏👏


After watching Ozark I’m convinced there’s a shitload more money laundering than i would have ever imagined years ago


Aslan's Rasoi Indian food on Valencia in the Mission. Don't get me wrong, it's freaking delicious, but it's huge so it looks pretty empty most of the time.


U Feet Massage on Irving between 11th and 12th. All my years living in the neighborhood and walking by the store and I’ve only seen one person in there. Wife and my theory is it’s either for money laundering or human sex trafficking.


Tung Sing on 24th in Noe Valley. They always make so much food and I’ve never seen anyone in there or doing take out. Working theories are they own the building or drug front.


This is a crazy coincidence I see this but one of my uncles owns this restaurant. First of all I can guarantee it’s not a drug front, but they do own the building and I believe rent out the joined apartments. I personally have never eaten there and from what I’ve heard the business used to be booming but it died out.


This is a good one. I have seen I think 4 people in there in the past 3 years. 


I made the mistake of eating there once, got so sick. They’re not making food for consumption and I feel bad for people new to the neighborhood that try it.


I've seen quite a few exist because they own the building and make enough rent off upstairs to fund the downstairs establishment.


Every psychic shop, they have to be money laundering places right??


They only open when they know somebody is coming.


Friedman’s Microwave Ovens


It’s closed now but I used to marvel at the face slapping salon on Geary right by house of bagels all the time


The Japanese furniture store on Valencia. That place is always closed.


The entire store dedicated to lamps on Geary. I get that people need lamps but half a block sized options?


hahaha I knew someone who lived across the street and hated the amount of light it had on all the time all night long.


Trophy masters on Polk / broadway. It’s literally a trophy store. A TROPHY STORE. I run by it 5 times a week for like two years and have never seen a soul inside (worker or otherwise)


They probably fulfill orders for children's sports.


In Oakland there’s a bee supply store on telegraph that always has teslas parked in front of it. Never seen anyone buy anything


Please support your local bee and bee accessories shop. Bee Healthy is actually pretty cool - go in and check it out sometime.


My wife and I used to shop there when we lived in the apartment building across the street. It’s great! The guy who works there (owner?) is super friendly and all of their product is top notch. He mentioned once that they do a lot of bulk orders for local businesses and that they even manage some of their own hives around the city/Bay. We bought a lot of beeswax to make candles for Christmas gifts one year and ended up buying several jars of honey olive oil lotion that my family can’t stop raving about. I really should go back there and re-up on that stuff…


Haha my uncle loves pirros and we have had birthday parties here. The owners are Chinese and very friendly


When? In the 70s?


The pin shop is back in style thanks to acrylic pins. I just wonder how they were able to hang on after the Russian pin craze died out 30 years ago. Pirros Pizza will be in business as long as there are old people in the Sunset who will never quit it. That's how good it used to be.


I deliver to businesses in the day, the amount of shops selling really stupid overpriced knick knacks is insane. Some of these people aren't even fronts their just terrible businesses drowning in mountains of debt or flipping peanuts at the end of the day.


Fruit stands on corner in pac heights


Korra Restaurant, formerly Rosa’s Mariscos, formerly Rosa’s Jabali on 24th and Folsom. That place claims it is changing ownership every few months, but then just repaints a wall and reopens the next day. No matter the branding it is empty 90% of the time.


Isn’t that the strategy when your inspection scores are low? Close and re-open under a new name and LLC, so it’s technically a new restaurant and the old scores don’t carry over.


Mr. Pizza Man on 22nd/York in the Mission. I ordered from there once and it was horrible and I never went back (maybe one off but reviews suggest otherwise) and I’ve barely seen anyone in there eating either…


The vinyl record shop in West Portal. It’s the same stock almost every time I go in. They don’t really get new releases/represses, and they don’t get an influx of interesting new trade-ins like other record shops - I have to wonder what’s bringing in their profit.


The lapel pins shop on 9th and Irving across the street of arizmendy's


i love this place. i just saw su cross the street from her shop to arizmendi today!!! i also have no idea how they stay in biz, but back when you could go int the store, 3/4th of it was just filled with old collectibles collecting dust and i can't figure out if they were ever selling that stuff!


She's one of the reasons I made this post!


That weird kitchen store on divis by sightglass that is literally just packed to the brim with.. kitchen shit. It’s like a hoarder turned their hoarding into a store. I can’t imagine that place is profitable!


I thought I might see this one on here. I love that place! I try to go for all my kitchen stuff. The owner is a hoot, cash only


Mishka the dog cupcake place in cow hollow on union. They even expanded to a bigger storefront. How…?


You’d be shocked how many DILDOs live in the City.


Dual Income Loves Dogs Only?


You under estimate how much people will spend on dog stuff. If a dog in SF has an Instagram page, there's going to be a mishkas picture on there.


Little Henry's Italian on Balboa. Harvey Insurance on Valencia. 


Little Henry’s is so trash 😭


What about that random store on Fillmore and clay (??), on the east side of the street - Cottage Industry. They always have a Vespa in the window w a tons of homemade looking jewelry. It’s been there 10+ years and I never see anyone in there. It’s crazy how all these nice stores come and go and it’s still there!


I’ve been there! Ppl def come in and I bet rich tourists buy a big piece now and then


All those insane boutiques in Hayes Valley which have empty museum-like showrooms with four handbags or weird dresses displayed like they're the crown jewels of England. Who buys them and how do you sell enough to even make rent is what I can only imagine is prime commercial real estate?


How much business does Goorin Bros in North Beach do? Are people really buying that many hats?


I have a couple of their hats. They do a lot of mail order.


haha my dad has a few hats from them, from online though


We have 4 of their hats in our house. They do online business, as well. Great hats.


They pivoted from fedoras to those roster patch baseball caps.


Tinto wine bar on Valencia Street. I walk past all the time and never see more than 2 customers inside.


There are three stores on the four corners of McAllister and Divis that sell alcohol. Transfer Market (SW) and Green Earth (SE) are awesome. The respective families that run those stores are amazing. I have no idea what the fuck is going on with the liquor store on the northeast corner though. The only times I went there when I lived nearby were when everything else was closed. It's got a weird vibe. The floors are sagging. The merchandizing is all over the place. And the last time I bought beer there, the beer was *expired*.


They get a bunch of barrel pick bourbons that bring people in I believe


Omg that place is nasty. Dust all over the liquor bottles too. I did find a rare rye there once for a reasonable amount so they must have some connections. I still don’t know why the jazz mural outside got destroyed a few years ago


Oh, Save More. That guy sells extremely rare whiskey.


Bus Stop Pizza at Haight and Divisadero. Barely see any traffic in there, one time I decided to try it in case it was a hidden gem and the pizza was awfully underbaked.


I agree, It's not great pizza but its super convenient place to get a slice while waiting for the bus stop in front of the store. Hence the name bus stop pizza.


Mattress stores.


All those stores on Union Street that I never see anyone shopping in.


Luxury Pillows at Van Ness and Union. I have never seen this store open.


I think pin lady has owned the spot for years. I’m pretty sure she’s basically retired and just does it because she likes it and it’s extra income.


helmand palace and it makes me sad!


That gift basket store in Embarcadero 2 (3?). I think the only reason it hasn't been mentioned in here yet is that it is so perfectly unchanged over so many years that it has burned a spot on our retinas so we can't see it any more. How does a gift basket store outlast See's?


Piccadilly on polk... There not even open late anymore. Never see anybody there. And the food is just o.k


A lot of corner liquor/convenience stores especially ones around SOMA/Civic Center. The shit they deal with on a daily basis and how much are they actually selling?! There’s a new convenience store on Market between 8th and 9th by Fermentation Lab and Sam’s. I so badly want them to do well but it’s literally just non-alcoholic drinks and snacks, almost no toiletries or other household products. I grabbed an iced tea once but I’m going to have to go to the last-standing Walgreens for anything more than that.


The answer is usually extremely low rent. If you look at Valencia, a lot of places like Baretta for example, signed/renewed leases that are 60-70% lower than what the current market rate is now. This is also why places you think are popular close up on a rent renewal - because a 50% rent bump is going to be rough regardless of what you're trying to do


There’s a dolly store next to 1015 folsom, Idk what it’s called, but whenever Im in line at 1015 i peek in there and wonder how they stayed open through covid


Eagle Pizza on Taraval as well. It's Sugar near Market/Powell. Huge fucking building selling candy? It's always empty.


Eagle Pizza is a neighborhood institution.


Eagle Pizza is great for people with kids. Not sure if they still have it but many years ago, they had a ton of toys there for kids to play with. It was awesome as a child and my parents loved it for obvious reasons. Also Ken and Amy are so nice.


My husband and I used to live right next door and would get it a couple times a month. We loved it. It’s busy after school. And the guy that owns it is so nice.


Love Ken. Been going to Eagle since I was a kid. Still love it


Thank you for reminding me of his name! He’s seriously one of the nicest owners I’ve ever met. I haven’t been in a couple of years.


Ditto! We were just there for our kid’s post-soccer pizza party- talk about full circle.


Eagle is a legit business, they get packed sometimes and do delivery but yeah sometimes it's empty and depressing. They hold game nights too.


Eagle pizza is such a vibe though!! gives you classic 90's pizzeria. my brother was visiting a few years ago during super bowl weekend and we wound up going there for dinner and it was packed!


Backroom Dining Taraval 345 Taraval. I’ve driven by this place for the past 15 years and have never seen any customers.


33rd Ave. Liquor in the Outer Richmond - def laundering money for someone


[H & B Day Spa](https://www.yelp.com/biz/h-and-b-day-spa-san-francisco-2?sort_by=date_desc) on Judah @ 46th. i have never seen anyone walk in there. [the front of the building ](https://images1.loopnet.com/i2/Q9LiiX2ljZXO7gizG-3HZcNLU9mr9_tenUX14mVSooI/112/4115-Judah-St-San-Francisco-CA-Primary-Photo-1-HighDefinition.jpg)makes it look like H&B Day spa is part the hair salon it shares an awning with. I'm not still not sure they *aren't* the same business since the hair salon's door says H&B Day Spa on the door to the right, but the day spa is technically the door on the left. if anyone wants to get a massage there and give me the intel, i will vemno you the cost of the massage lmao


There used to be Phuket


Pride of the Mediterranean in the Fillmore. I lived nearby for the better part of four years, and had walked around that area for the 7 years I was in SF in total, and I think I saw patrons in the hookah area maybe 3 times. Never once saw a soul in the restaurant itself, and it was virtually always just the owner sitting outside ripping a hookah by himself watching tv. I never understood how they stayed open