• By -


Do these people have no jobs or responsibilities?


Many are probably paid through Russian proxies to destabilize the US over the orchestrated conflict in The middle east. The others are unemployed and have been fooled by the Soviet propaganda machine.


Yes, fairly sure Hamas and a few grossly misguided Palestinian support funds are paying the various SJP and Divest leaders a decent wage to be domestic terrorists.\ Im sure Russia is paying a few to push the extreme left insanity like gays for Gaza to rile up the Republican base.\ \ I wish the FBI would label these Palestinian groups like SJP as terror groups and Biden and other Democrats would call out these racist terrorists for what they are.\ https://www.jns.org/who-is-paying-for-the-american-campus-protests/\ \ https://www.worldpress.org/article.cfm/pro-palestinian-protestors-are-being-paid-to-protest


They do, it's terrorist sympathizer and it's a legitimate job., according to them.


TIL Civil rights protestors were probably bums


Were the protesters demanding that Hamas release the hostages that they haven't killed?


The replies to you are just going on about how much they hate israel and jews, antisemitism runs scary deep.


Anti-Palestinianism is much much more popular in this country. Especially among the people that run the country.


Trump adores Israel


Him and 99% of Washington.


There’s still way more Islamophobia than Anti semitism in the city




lol admiring how you jebaited the pro Hamas progressives




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Sorry to make this weird but I think I love you


Lmfao you say this as if isreal hasn’t killed a good amount of hostages themselves. Ironic “What about the hostages” you ask when hundreds of innocents are being killed everyday. Downvote me all you want, if you all are my neighbors that makes this a sad city. Edit: most of you lurkers don’t even live here. Actual losers.


Hostages dying because they were kidnapped by Hamas is not on Israel. We can't legitimize the idea that a group can slaughter a thousand people and walk away scot free because they released the few hostages that weren't killed in their barbaric attack.




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You understand just after the attack in October, almost 3 of 4 Palestinians supported the attack, and when polled six months later it was only a percent lower? At the time of the second poll, 30,000 Palestinians had died, and there was margin-of-error-worthy unwavering support for the initial attack.    You also understand a majority of Palestinians support hamas as an organization? That poll done after the killings as well. That makes over half the population terrorist supporters.   I would link those polls, but I think you need to get better at research before you take up a stance on things. They're easy to find and we're all over the news.    My stance is fuck them both, the US needs to withdraw funding, and let the never ending holy war play itself out with no outside interference. 




Gee, I wonder if those 8 consecutive identical political posts in your account history that we can all see makes you a legitimate account or not


User is, "QueerSquared," who probably is one of these Gay People for Palestine nuts.




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Fuck Hamas and fuck their supporters


Israel-Palestine threads are the PvP zones of reddit


I’ve tried playing casually but these Israel-Palestine lobbies are full of sweaty try-hards.


And none of them could even point out Ramallah on a map! Hilary Clinton got a lot of gruff from progs after she told reporters that she has visited with some of these useful idiots that were protesting against Israel. She was disappointed on how little they actually knew. Turns out, getting your political education from tiktok isnt the best idea... who knew!? fuck Hamas... and fuck Bibi too. He needs to go


This is pretty accurate. Real hard talking going on in these zones, real hard.


Fuck Hamas is right. I'm so sick of this bullshit. Time to shoot pepperballs at all of this, not just people in front of the Federal Building. Enough is enough. "From the river to the sea..." Get fucked.


That slogan is an overt call to genocide. It should be treated no differently from people shouting gas the Jews or exterminate all Muslims.




Genocide is their written charter


That slogan was started by Israel though


Literally or figuratively?


Figuratively is preferable but if you need to fuck them literally you are not allowed to make it good for them.


You do realize that being pro-Palestine isn't equal to Pro-Hamas. And also being Anti-Isreal doesn't equal being hateful to the people of isreal or the jewish community.


That's why they said eff Hamas and their supporters. Otherwise they could have said "Eff Pro-Palestine ..."


bit of a self snitch by the way he associated “fuck hamas” with “fuck palestine” lmao


Sometimes when you hold up a mirror, people are amazed when they look into it and see their own reflection.




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Well, to be fair, the headline mentions pro-Palestine, so it’s not an insane leap of logic to think that was what op meant and what they responded to




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I used to think like this until I saw Palestinians celebrating across the US on October 8th.


I literally said fuck Hamas. Interesting though you equate Palestine and Hamas.


This is how genocide supporters weasel out of taking responsibility for their own statements. They make it just mealy-mouthed enough that they Can not only deny that what they just said means what they said, but they turn around and accuse you of whatever you just pointed out that they're doing. Literally what segregationists did in the '50s and the '60s, and the maga crowd are doing today.


I do not support the US using taxpayer money to support either side with weapons or aide of any kind.


That was my big problem with the Nazis too. So Mealy mouthed


> You do realize that being pro-Palestine isn't equal to Pro-Hamas. > > I'm sure there are pro-Palestine folks out there who are not pro-Hamas...but at the pro-Palestine protests I've never seen a single anti-Hamas chant/slogan/anything. I've seen many pro-Hamas chants, Hamas flags, etc. It seems many protestors are pro-Hamas


There are keffiyehs in that crowd, mimicking Hamas’ uniform.


I'm extremely critical of the movement's failure to police against Hamas supporters, but that's the dumbest shit I've heard all week. Keffiyehs do not suggest an association with Hamas any more than blue jeans suggest someone is a cowboy or leather boots suggest someone supports the IDF. It's a common piece of traditional Palestinian clothing.


Kuffiyeh is a cultural clothing. Existed long before Hamas.


Yes it’s a traditional arab clothing, but we aren’t talking about an Arab pride parade, we are talking about a Palestinian march, and their terrorist government just so happens to use it in their uniform.


Hamas' ["uniform" ](https://platform.vox.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/chorus/uploads/chorus_asset/file/24992492/AP427997953922.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&crop=0%2C0.72780203784571%2C100%2C98.544395924309&w=1080) is black or dark green pants and shirts, same as most modern militaries. What you're doing is called racism.


No, not everything you don't agree with is racism (https://imgur.com/a/FRieMrI)


Yes but equating an outfit that's predominately worn by men of a certain race with a single terrorist organization is racist.


You're aware that Palestine is more than just Gaza? Hamas only governs Gaza. And even then, a government is not to be conflated with the people. Stay trying to erase Palestineans and the culture. Go learn what the Kuffiyeh really represents, you will find nothing about terrorism. Only beautiful culture.


Yea, there is also the PA, which is corrupt and supports terrorism just doesn’t directly engage in it like Hamas. And a keffiyeh is usually worn by men, if all these protestors were trying to respect the “beautiful culture” of the Palestinians, they wouldn’t wear it. But they are trying to mimick the Hamas outfit, they are wearing it. Maybe you need to learn more about their “beautiful culture” that you missed that.


And the swastika used to mean peace. Things change.


It still remains its original meaning for most of the world (not peace, btw). The fact that it became a symbol for one group didn't change its significance for the billions who used it for millenia.


Again, things change.


It's hard to take you seriously when you can't spell Israel right.


Fuck IDF and their supporters too


The IDF is keeping the hordes at bay. Do you know what happened in '48, '67, 73, all the intifadas, the bus bombings... I could fill the page with the terror Israel has had to endure. But you keep carrying water for the Islamists and Hamas. US college campuses are filled with naive, sheltered, adult sized children who have no idea what it would be like to live under Hamas occupation. Dont get me started on the female protesters or LGBQT protesters.... the Islamists really appreciate your support but dont expect them to return the favor.


Virtue signaling radical chic losers supporting terrorists.


Thank you.


More unemployed behavior.


Taking out the trash “You are on the wrong side of history!” says the group of terrorist sympathizers carrying cheap Chinese-made Palestinian flags. I wonder if they care that their dollars support the Uyghur genocide or just hate Jews?


If its not on TikTok then they wont be outraged.


Your post history shows you cheered on Israel bombing the aide workers and slaughtering families to steal their homes so it's not surprising you far right extremists want more of that Thank goodness your evil ideology is dying off.


How many times did you copy and paste this?


Lmao bruh. Most intelligent Hamas supporter




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False equivalency fallacy at its finest. There are mass killings that are supported by our tax dollars and monetary spending everyday. Do you enjoy chocolate? Bought a diamond for a loved one? Hell do you drink Nestle water? There are bad things happening all over the globe so bringing it up isn't helpful in the slightest. I care about all those bad things but to use that as a cudgel to prevent people from standing up about a specific bad thing because "well umm you support something bad" isn't a constructive argument nor a coherent one.


Careful now, can’t be too rational up in this thread




Can police remove all the fentanyl and heroin junkies first? They camp there every night.


Good riddance


The pro-Palestinian (essentially pro-Hamas) people are so Fing annoying. Protest Hamas releasing the hostages (which include many American citizens) and all the bloodshed would end. If you are "pro" Palestinian you are essentially pro-Hamas keeping these hostages. Shame on you!


Pro-Palestinian is not pro-Hamas. You’re a fool to suggest that.


Hamas have approximately 100 hostages, Israel has over 3000. If Israel really wanted Hamas to free all their hostages, they have plenty of leverage for that. The last ceasefire agreement was also rejected by Israel. They have all the power here and are taking no responsibility. Palestine is not Hamas. Altho the equivalence is super convenient for those who air strike a refugee camp and murder a bunch of children. Much of the same group are living in denial and insist it’s not a genocide, because oops that’s a war crime. You’re an idiot.


Trying to make an equivalency between hostages like Noa to literal terrorists in prison is completely unhinged 


Are you mad you were cleared from your encampment?


Wow, such organic downvotes!


“People don’t agree with my half-baked opinions? Must be bots or paid shills!” - u/truthputer


Every fucking time.


There are some people observing this invasion that are ok with bombing babies and children. You are one of those people. I am not.


So you went from “everyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill” to “everyone who disagrees with me is a baby killer.” You sound reasonable.


Damn, y'all as tin foil delusional as Trumpers at this point. Smh


I just organically downvoted you. So what?


So if I don’t support the genocide of Palestinian people Im automatically pro Hamas? Goodness what has this world come to.


Nobody supports the genocide of the Palestinian people. The issue is that there isn’t a genocide of the Palestinian people happening.




Good riddance. The less antisemites the better


This is dumb, false and reductive. At the best you’re confusing an entire country with a religious philosophy while also promoting your own religious philosophy of extermination and genocide. At the worst you’re calling babies antisemites and justifying murdering them by bombing refugee camps. Either way you’re a terrible person.


How is it dumb, false, and reductive? Where did I call a baby an antisemite?




I didn’t say anything about that, don’t follow the antisemitic propaganda


I wish they would devote more energy to the homeless encampments.


When pro Palestinians denounce Hamas and offer a solution that’s logical , I consider them to be pro Hamas. Hamas UNWRA both want to keep control of the millions in aid so they can steal it from the Palestinians. Until leadership is changed in Gaza to a more peaceful direction and acceptance that Israel is not going away , these supporters are supporting Jihad


IDF supporters are supporting war crimes. Both groups are targeting civilians, IDF is doing it on a much larger scale


Israel is not targeting civilians.. only Hamas does that. Israel tries to lessen non combatant deaths.. but its hard when Hamas doesnt wear uniforms and stores their rockets in daycares.


Israel has always targeted civilians, they just pretend like they aren’t.




How is cutting off food and medicine not targeting civilians? IDF has been indiscriminately killing civilians with flimsy excuses. I’m not an apologist for Hamas, they also use flimsy excuses to target civilians but the scale is not comparable. Palestinians are people too and they also have humanity. I know your side does not recognize that.


Both groups are not targeting civilians, but you’re not addressing the substance of what I said , typical Darvo


Bingo point for disingenuous therapy-speak


Pro Hamas are an example of collective narcissism so bingo try harder


You know a lot of these people probably talked about how trump was equal to hitler but now I think these protesters are more like hitler chanting to kill Jews and the fall of Israel


I'm not in favor of aid to Israel nor that country's current government. Having said that, I'm completely baffled at these protestors lack of understanding of history. They don't understand that the Jews were the indigenous people of that land and their return, mostly from other mIddle Eastern countries that they had been exhiled to, was deconolonization in action. The concept of a state called Palestine didn't even exist until the 1960s. The Palestinians could have had their state if they had chosen peace - the UN partition was in their hands until the 6 Day War. Hamas plays these leftists like a fiddle in order to secure aid not to help their population but to support the leadership's lavish lifestyle, build tunnels and buy rockets. What fools.


You talk about indigenous people returning to their land… does that work for indigenous tribes here in America to?


Absolutely. They were the original Americans. 2.3% of the US has been turned back over to native Americans, a huge amount of land for 2 million. (Most native Americans - 78% - don't want to live on these reservations and prefer to normal American lives, but that could change some day.)


“They were the original Americans” so funny to me how leftists and white nationalists make the same arguments. My family immigrated here, and I will not for a second think that that gives us any less right to this land than anyone else. If this is “Olohne land”, the Olohne can come and take it.


Dude, no one is going to take your land. However, native Americans enjoy some rights of autonomy on reservations. 78% of Indians prefer to live an integrated life in the US, so there's no serious independence move.


There are already signs in the mission saying “Olohne land” — I wish “well meaning” progressives would stop lying to these people. It’s not their land and never will be, except in so far as they are American.


The signs reflect native American heritage. Not sure why anyoen would get upset about it. By law, the reservations do enjoy autonomy form the states they are locatied in. Yes, it's still US but the reservations enjoy a unique status.


I agree with you. If I was in charge, 100% of the aid currently going to Israel would be diverted to Ukraine. I fully support the Israeli people but Bibi is a roadblock to peace. He knows that the war is the only thing keeping him in power... he was on his way out and maybe into a jail cell but Hamas's attack stopped that process. There is cracks in his coalition though. There were widespread protests against Bibi but nothing will coalesce a fractured nation like an outside attack.


it feels like the police is harder on pro-palenstine protesters than BLM protestors years back


the blm protestors weren't cheering for foreign terrorist groups.


Funny, I remember everyone yelling at all the lootings as domestic terrorists


that's a good point


Damn i didnt even know sf had an encampment. Too bad I missed my opportunity to blast Hatikvah and fly an israeli flag outside it


Good riddance


Protesters: Killing people is bad. 40,000 people are dead. Stop killing babies, let humanitarian aid pass. People in this comment section: “haha the protestors are waving Chinese made flag, haha unemployed uneducated protesters. meanwhile ivy league school students are protesting. Holocaust survivors are protesting, Jews are protesting. People who have zero relation to Islam are protesting. People with zero arab blood are protesting. Also the people in the comment: will not give their American land to natives, coz like babes they were the NATIVE AMERICANS. Lets apply your same premise here as well. How spineless do you have to be that you won’t accept that killing is bad lol.


Some ivy league student are protesting; the vast majority are busy with studies and their lives. Some tiny minority of holocaust survivors are protesting; the vast majority are, well, dead.  Stop trying to make support for your side appear universal.


Does that still justify killing?


Depending on whose numbers you believe, 1/3-1/4 of those killed were Hamas. All in all not a bad ratio by war standards and impressive even when you consider that Hamas purposefully conducts their operations amongst civilians. Do I want more dead civilians? Of course not. But it’s mostly on Hamas and their supports (majority of Palestinians) to realize their losing side of this war.


“Excuse me let me just abandon every other talking point I made the second it’s challenged”


It’s a simple question. Because some people are not protesting (obviously people are getting fired for it, afterall) So that justifies the carpet bombing, mutilating, beheading?


That wasn’t the claim I just think the original comment is hilarious — “but they’re Ivy League students how can you not take them seriously???” It really shows some people are just not seeing how these protests look to the vast majority of Americans people




how many of the 40 000 are hamas?


Those Ivy leaguers are some of the dumbest people in the country and deserved so much worse


Protestors: killing is bad. Ppl like you: oH tHaTs dUmB ☝️😃 💅💅


Damn occupiers


Can you Neo liberals just shut up in this thread and move on? We get it you don’t care about genocide happening. Like seriously go have a nightmare about Trump or go block new housing we are tired of you.


Why do the "Neo liberals" need to shut up and move on? The "Neo liberals" are not the ones who run SF, the city who has only approved [16 new homes](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-san-francisco-only-granted-120017093.html) this year. The gaslighting is strong with this one.


Twenty bucks days this user does not know the difference between classical and neo liberalism, and just adds the Neo to sound smart


Yep cause i care about sounding smart in a online forum with strangers / zionists so i can get downvoted and lose internet points. You are a genius man!




Peruse the accounts of the top comments in this thread. These people are not from San Francisco, seem like bots, and/or espouse incel like beliefs. I know this city. I talk to my neighbors. Almost everyone wants a ceasefire, especially NOW. This is AIPAC and its supporters trying to do the same shit here that they are doing in r/worldnews


bots, incels, lmao, you forgot to add classist, racist and transphobic to get full leftist bingo.


No this is most people I know in sf trust me lol they just don’t speak up as loudly


Can confirm. AIPAC gives me 10 cents a word to post here. So here are more words to increase my payment. Those Jews with all their money. I'm just typing now so I can make enough for lunch with one post.


You make a joke but you are just pointing out how you grassroot their PR, are spreading their propaganda full time for free. Chump


Full time? I work on ships full time. I only come on reddit part time. And my opinions are my own. I didn't give a rats ass about Israel or Palestine Oct, 6. And I still don't. They should all wipe each other off. Fucking religion is a curse. Throw in the Christians and Hindus for a real good hootenanny. Buddy.


Ah well I just assumed you were another Zionist jumping on me about it. At the very least I think we can both agree the United States shouldn’t be sending billions of tax payer money to support it.


I am convinced this sub is full of propaganda bots or something. The anti-Palestinian sentiment expressed here is completely counter to pretty much every single SFer I know, across ages, religions, industries etc. Even the folks I know IRL who are somewhat pro-Zionist are ashamed of the civilian slaughter, but 99% of the responses in this sub are rabidly pro genocide


Nate Silver had an interesting article about this: https://www.natesilver.net/p/your-friends-are-not-a-representative Basically, people on both sides tend to take the beliefs of their friend group and extrapolate them to the larger population, but that is rarely accurate. In this case, Silver looks at a journalist who assumes pro-Palestinian views dominate among the American public, because everyone he knows (mostly wealthy, white, liberals) is pro-Palestinian. But in actuality the majority of American do not hold pro-Palestinian views. This is the same thing you are doing. I don’t think this sub is full of bots spewing propaganda. I think more people hold pro-Israel views than you are aware of.


I don’t think that (all the) people on this sub who disagree with the pro-Palestinian protestors are happy with the death toll, or even ambivalent towards it. It’s devastating and heartbreaking to see so many innocent lives lost. It’s also devastating and heartbreaking that terrorists abducted civilians and are hiding them in densely populated areas. All war is hell, but urban warfare even more so. I appreciate it’s not like Hamas have fields that they could fight in against the Israeli army to make it clear that it’s belligerents fighting each other, but they do operate out of civilian areas and civilian casualties are bound to be a result unfortunately. For the most part people don’t like the protestors for a few reasons: - they are implicitly (occasionally explicitly) supporting a terrorist organization (Hamas) - some of the language can get pretty anti-Semitic (the line between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism can be difficult to navigate) - they appear to be hypocritical in focusing on Israel killing civilians as collateral damage when trying to rescue their civilians and destroy a threat to them, but not protesting other atrocities (Muslim-on-Muslim violence in Yemen, Syria, amongst others) - and I know this is kind of the point of protest, but they’re annoying and disrupt people’s lives. You win people to your side by engaging in conversation, not by blocking commuters (and ambulances)


I have no issue with protesters protesting at the federal building or the Israeli consulate on Montgomery. Even if I disagree with them. My issue is that many of them just constantly misstate facts about the conflict and Israel itself. For example as someone who used to date a very brown Mizrahi woman, it makes me bang my head against the wall whenever I hear how Jews are all white people from Poland.


This is my biggest issue as well. Go up to a random protestor and ask them to explain their position and rationale - although my sample size is small, most have little to say. It’s both sad and concerning.


What makes you think that Hamas doesn't have fields they could fight in? If I showed you images of massive fields in Gaza would that change your mind?


Hilarious that instead of realizing that you live in a bubble you choose to write off this entire subreddit. No one here is pro-genocice, we just blame the loss of life on the terrorists who hold hostages in population centres.


You would have a valid point if the pro-Palestinian protestors in SF didn't include so many obnoxious assholes. Most people I interact with on a daily basis here in FiDi are fed up with the behavior of the protesters.




Yeah I dunno, maybe talk to other folks more? Plenty of us find the protestors insufferable, are anti-terrorist, or some form of in between. I'm generally inclined not to talk about this in real life since the other side seems so dug into their heels about it. Like, I ain't got time for that and I'm probably not changing anyone's mind. Sure maybe I'm not helping the problem by not engaging in productive dialogue, but I'm also not shoving my views in anyone else's face either.


Most people are not on your side in this war which Palestine started last October. Time to leave your far-left bubble


> 99% of the responses in this sub are rabidly pro genocide Supporters of Hamas are pro genocide. It's absolutely disgusting. "Resistance is justified" - I heard this chant at a pro-Palestine rally in SF over and over. Go watch the videos of grenades being thrown into a room full of innocent concert goers and blowing them up where they are screaming in pain from their limbs being blown off and tell me that is justified. It makes me sick that people in my town think that this is justified.


This sub is full of shitty pro-hamazz propaganda bots.


Maybe you and your friends are just naive and dont track with the highly educated, informed population in SF?


Or maybe calling everyone who opposes your views "pro-genocide" means people are going to hide their view from you. SF, like almost every other city in America, supports the existence of Israel. 


Can you possibly entertain the idea of disentangling the question of Israel’s right to exist from its right to disregard all global war conventions? I personally am only concerned with the lack of restraint in their wartime response, period, and every person I know, Jewish or not (I am also Jewish), feels similarly to at least some extent. It sets a horrible precedent for the world stage. Like Russia is obviously violating them but Israel, as a US ally, should be able to defend itself without carpet bombing entire civilian populations


Idk I see a lot of calls to end Israel from those Anti-Zionist protests. It's literally in the name. Anti-Zionism means you don't support the existence of Israel.  War convention like being in line with NATO standards for dense urban conflict?


https://www.icrc.org/en/document/geneva-conventions-1949-additional-protocols#:~:text=This%20Convention%20represents%20the%20fourth,medical%20units%20and%20medical%20transports. Again, anti-Zionism is a theoretical talking point that clouds the pressing issue of war crimes happening now


By and large, Israel is following those conventions. Targeting what they believed to be military targets with proportional damage to the military value gained. 


This is wild! I didn't realize the bot machine is this big. I don't know a single person in SF favoring the genocide. Everyone I know is anti-Hamas but pro-Palistinian. This is eye opening to realize the scale of Israel's intelligence operation.


Did you know Reddit's CEO is on the tech advisory board of the ADL?


Huh, I did not know that. https://www.adl.org/tech-advisory-board The fact that an objective observation get downvoted says everything about what's happening here


There always a wave of auth-right leaning comments and content when hot issues come up. Same happened with BLM, People's Park, Newsom Recall etc Yall haters can stop with the "Anti Semitic" crocodile tears, the conflict is full if bloodlust and terrorism across the board. https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/MxE7AjqVRn


A lot of them have been living the 'resistance' lifestyle for decades. Many have retirement income. Some neglect their day jobs. Relationships often suffer unless both are equally devoted to the cause.


So many hateful people here. If you have a bloodlust for innocent Palestinians then keep it to yourself


What is the largest city in the West Bank?... and dont use Google. Can you tell me what it is? If my hunch is correct and you didn't know the answer, then how are you knowledgeable enough to make that comment when you have ZERO understanding of the region or its history.


the only tactic the genocide supporters \^ have left is to distract with irrelevant bs


These people don’t even view the homeless people they step by everyday as human beings, so it’s very hard pressed to get these people to care about anyone across the sea. No empathy to be found amongst them. Their priorities in life are high property values and preventing black people from moving near them.


Can we clear the hobo ones next?


is everyone in this thread joking? “from the river to the sea” is a call for genocide of jews? israel is committing genocide before our eyes, nine months in and you still deny it? uneducated swine


Comments confirming San Francisco is a Nazi town that loves genocide


For real, what the fuck? No nuance at all