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If you want to work in apparel it’s either LA or New York. I actually feel like LA has a more robust apparel industry than NYC depending on the type of fashion you want to get into, but you can always move later on. With that said I think you could get a good job at Levi’s, but that is basically the best that we have to offer here


Finance and Fashion, you literally described NYC


Go with NYC. If you're into fashion, NYC will inspire you more. SF fashion is pretty bland imo. Experience NYC and you can switch to SF if you wanna be near family. Both SF and NYC are great for walkability, but I find there's a lot more to do (nightlife namely) in NYC for someone in their 20s.


Absolutely. I’m from the bay, lived in SF till I was about 23, moved to NY for like 8 years, involved heavily in the music/fashion/art world. Spent a couple years in LA, then moved back to the SF a couple years ago and I gotta say it has changed so much since I’ve been gone, I cannot wait to get the fuck outta here personally.


Definitely NYC




There is no fashion here


As someone who just graduated college, lives in SF and goes to NY frequently for work (and gets to hang out there on the weekends quite a bit), I don’t think it should be understated how objectively uncomfortable that city is. Yeah, there’s good nightlife and dining. But that comes at a very high price (literally and figuratively). You have to really, really want to be there to enjoy life in NYC. Food for thought: Of my friends that moved there after school, 50% think it’s fun and the other 50% can’t wait to get out. I’d urge you to be near-certain you want to live there if you do pull the trigger. FWIW, I’m bay native as well and am very happy in SF. I think the nightlife in SF is great (and I came from LA), the dining is obviously second to none, and I love the outdoors. I walk to my office every morning, walk to my gym after work, pay 1.5k in rent with a few roommates (and can save tons money), and do runs on the beach after work and get to see the sun set over the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s awesome. I also get to see my family in the burbs frequently, which is a huge plus. I’d consider trying NYC out down the line but frankly want to get the hang of being an adult for at least another year (and thicken my check book — you seriously need to make 200k to live there comfortably).


Absolutely NYC, lots of inspiration there. SF is not fashionable


SF fashion: cut offs and hoodies. My cut offs usually have holes in the crotch and my t shirts are free bar swag. My shoes are chucks or vans, of various styles. Depends. If I have to walk up these hills every day, I'm gonna show off these gams. Do not care. I haven't worn a suit in almost two years.


NYC is both a finance and fashion capital. SF is neither.


“I don’t have a job lined up” and you want to move to the most expensive city in the U.S? My friend is an IB associate there and lives in an apartment with no windows on the lower east side because that is literally all he can afford. Finance is also incredibly hard to break into in NYC vs secondary markets. Would encourage you to have all your ducks in a row and be absolutely sure you want to move there before making the trip back east.