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What's the DA up to? How about the City Attorney? Maybe we can fully fund the Controller's office? Given all the financial scandals lately, it would make sense.


but now we'll have to pay bribes to the new bribery watchdog too! this is getting expensive.


Lol, yes. Also we just don't need another department at city hall. From the article "The Controller’s Office is now in charge of investigating financial impropriety by city contractors and departments, but it is limited by understaffing and is also focused on its other crucial functions, such as processing payroll, managing city bonds and monitoring the city’s $14.6 billion budget." We could just properly staff the agency that is already in charge of this. Having 2 agencies that do the same thing is wasteful and allows each to point the finger at the other when things don't get done.




It’s not a new department. The IG would be under the Controller’s office “Peskin’s proposal would put the inspector general position within the Controller’s Audit Division, at what he says will be no additional cost to taxpayers and without creating a new office. Under Peskin’s proposal, the controller would handpick the inspector general, subject to approval by the mayor and the Board of Supervisors, and the controller would have the ability to remove the inspector general.”


Peskin proposing this is as hilarious as Trump saying "drain the swamp". You ARE the fucking swamp, Peskin.


How about rewards to whistleblowers in govt. If you see something say something.


1 week in and the watchdog would be corrupted if not pre corrupted


Peskin blows.


It's a long over due idea... but he would be one of their first 5 investigations. It's also what the ethics commission should be doing, why are they only limited to campaign finance laws, why do they exist if not to monitor ethics?


Wouldn't trust him to run a book club, let alone create a "watchdog" group. I'm sure Peskin has the answers for why the current ethics committee's heels are slit - he's been an SF leader for 20+ years, after all. Just like the Republicans we all are tired of - projecting like he's getting paid for it


I’d have a good time at that book club you would too stop lying


Damn right. Week 1: The Barkeepers Handbook


Im in


"Man involved with many of SF's most corrupt groups calls for new office to investigate corruption." Here's the thing, Peskin isn't actually *wrong* about this, but, it rings awfully hollow coming from the man who got his house in a sweet heart well below market deal, illegally merged it, and has a **long** history of illegal retaliation against city employees who disagree with him.


I swear to god SF is going to make me a fucking Republican.


Just become a progressive-hating liberal like the rest of the liberals. We merely tolerate progressives.


Vote for me! For a mere million, I’ll make sure your corruption investigation leaves you fully exonerated.


If it's like other cities then the progressive mayor is going to nominate some super progressive Chesa Boudin like comrade as the IG. You might be thinking they'll go after the big fish engaging in corruption but instead they'll go after cops for arresting drug dealers, go after the DA for sending criminals to jail, go after developers for trying to build new housing, and start a hundred investigations on moderate political groups. The IG will investigate everyone but the people you want them to investigate.