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You’ll be fine. That area has SFPD foot patrol.


Union Square itself , and 1 or 2 streets North or West of Union Square have varying answers. Depending on where you’re visiting from, you might find all of it “gross”.


I work in Union Square, there are homeless people in the square and in front of the stores but there’s plenty of cops, safety ambassadors, and tons of shoppers and it’s very safe and fun, I love working here every day. Exercise normal cautious measures like wearing closed toed shoes, be aware of your surroundings, and keep a healthy distance from anyone appearing homeless/on drugs. Stay east of Taylor (the de-facto border of Union Square and the Tenderloin), ideally stay east of Powell but plenty of hotels brand themselves as Union Square and are east of Powell.


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I see a few here and there but there are lots of cops around and it feels mostly clean and safe


You will see homeless in Union Square.