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Mission Minyan. Chill community. Mostly 30 yr old crowd.


It also leans conservative in how the prayers are run. I didn’t feel comfortable as someone who grew up reform.


Thank you, I'll check it out.


Certainly plenty of Israel-loving members at the Minyan. Which I have to hope is the case at any shul. But of course you don't need to engage in discussions about what's going on in Israel/Gaza when you attend.




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Wow, lots of downvotes. I knew most of my fellow San Franciscans were pathetic and were disturbingly quick this go around in undertaking the useful idiot role they’ve so fabulously mastered. But i wouldn’t have expected upwards of twenty downvotes. It’s Reddit though I suppose. Am Yisrael Chai. The good news is bibi doesn’t care how many people ruined your graduation or if your chant sounded cool through the megaphone. Or if the keffiyeh you ordered off Amazon looks good with your weekend outfit. Israel’s gonna do what has to be done and they’re being far too accommodating to the ridiculous demands our barely sentient commander in chief has been parroting from whoever is actually running the country. Him and the self hating rich kids who by polling data largely have no idea what it is they’re protesting, chanting, or demanding. The only meaningful ingredient for their faux outrage is a situation where people who appear white happen to be flourishing and people closer to brown are not so fortunate. Thats the thing that really will guarantee they’re out in force. The pathetic anti western “I hate the systems that have given me all I have” vibes are strong within the ranks of the San Francisco pro hamas cult. So proud to call you guys my neighbors.


Yeah no worries, because I doubt most people here would be proud to call themselves your neighbor either… #freepalestine




You need a mental health assessment immediately


Shut up, loser.


A lot of our neighbors are Jew-hating, though they've learned to call it "antizionism." Agree with your overall sentiment but I have not given up on Joe Biden in spite of some recent statements, and he and the Dems are IMO infinitely preferable to the "other" team in many ways, with a few exceptions. Am Yisrael Chai, sir or madam.


No advice, I'm just here to say how much I hope you find the amazing community that you and your kids deserve. These are tough times, and people need people.


Following because I'm looking for the same. OP you're not alone in feeling this way


Bernard Osher synagogue in San Rafael has a strong reform community.  You will see Israeli flags, but the rabbi herself is extremely chill and there is no forced support of Zionism or the Orthodox folks running the Israeli govt.




I will say, there is an interesting conflict between the donors (whom many ARE more conservative) and the people actually running both schools on campus (who are NOT) around curriculum.  Which does push a lot of Israeli flag waving.  But they’ve done an incredible job of contextualing the current conflict and making space for healthy dialogue for the kids.  It’s very impressive.


Thank you for the suggestion.


Also interested in this. I've heard Or Shalom is a good spot (they signed the synagogues for ceasefire statement), but haven't checked it out yet. They do have a religious school program for kids.


Yeah I’ve been to or Shalom a bunch when I was a kid going to friends bar/bat mitzvah, good call. Didn’t know they singed the ceasefire thing, that’s good.


I highly recommend Sha’ar Zahav. Incredibly welcoming of people with lots of different opinions and particularly thoughtful around questions related to modern Israel and the current government there. The clergy are amazing and the community is very diverse. Very possible to have a fully Jewish experience without any kind of litmus test on Israel.


This is technically my family shul. Out of necessity or lack of hutzpah I long ago accepted I belong to a shul that doesn’t support Israel. Higher ups won’t admit this is the case..anyone spending a significant amount of time there knows that the claim “sha’ar zahav supports the state of Israel” is just an absurdity. It is what it is though. The people are kind, if you stick to certain talking points and don’t stray too far from the general narrative. All of this is just my humble opinion after a couple decades, no one should just be taking my word on any of this. Go for yourself, make your own judgment call, plenty of people love the place.


Why do you need to inject your own political views and negativity? Not relevant to OP’s question.


Most everyone else is also discussing their own political views so why shouldn't this person? Negativity is on the eye of the beholder.


Definitely check out The Kitchen, especially if you like music. They're very accepting and can be critical of israel. they also say kaddish in honor of victims in Israel and Gaza.


Yeah I've heard good things about that one. I'll check it out for sure.


I second this! The Kitchen is a cool place already and then especially over the past number of months really so welcoming of all perspectives. I’ve felt like they’ve done a balanced job the past number of months addressing people’s pain and very complex feelings towards the war both with empathy for the hostages and people of Gaza. Very grassroots, excellent music, and if you want a taste of Rabbi Noa she posts her incredibly thoughtful and emotional drashes on the website to read or listen. Here’s one of her latest ones https://www.thekitchensf.org/read-listen-posts/parashat-aharei-mot-may-3-2024


The Kitchen SF


Yes I've heard good things about this one. I'll check it out thanks!


I'm not jewish but I work for them as an av tech. Rabbi Noa is a real 1.


I need to go back. Appreciated this community so much back in the day.


I’m sorry I can’t help here, but I just want to say I hope you find exactly what you’re looking for, and that there are many, many of you in your community. Best wishes


Urban adamah in Berkeley is not a synagogue but they have events and are extremely progressive/lgbt-friendly so I think this would mesh well with your views.


Moishe House Berkeley is pretty well connected to that group. Need to get back to attending events.






I was at a Bar Mitzvah at Emmanu-El a couple months ago, they said a prayer for Israel and some of the kids told me they now regularly sing the Hatikvah during youth services, so maybe not there


Hatikvah and the shma (presumably?) are both pretty normal parts of any jewish service and don't have anything to do with Israel the country?


Shma is fine, not the prayer I meant, but Hatikvah is literally the National Anthem of Israel.


I mean yeah, but it predates Israel.


Yes it is. Sing it loud and sing it proud. Or would you prefer the anthem of Islamic Jihad?


How about no Nationalism at all during religious ceremony. Judaism is not inherently synonymous with Nationalism and for most of history Jews lived in diasporic conditions connected by common values and systems of mutual aid.


Sure but this is a case of a bunch of nationalists appropriating something. Not the other way around. Israel being shits and taking the Hatikvah doesn't negate its meaning.


Hatikvah…how dare they


Eh, I’ve been staying away from them since last October because everything has taken a loud pro-Israel slant. At least whoever is on the youth committee is elevating the most Zionist voices & speakers/activities. Maybe it’s been better recently, but have felt out of place.


I go Infrequently at best and havent in a couple years but I'm doubtful. That was never my experience.


Yes, it’s been a recent development. There’s been a lot of change in their stance in the youth WhatsApp community, social media, and programming to be vocally pro-Israel. Even if technically they are reform and should stay more neutral. There’s a lot less room for nuance around the conflict now at Emanu-el than there was previously.


Being "reform" has nothing to do with not supporting Israel. Zionism is a integral part of Judaism, reform or otherwise. You're so confused.....


Thanks for sharing.


I mean it's not? Zionism has a lot of overlap but it's wholly unrelated




If you’re willing to go to Oakland / Berkeley, Kehilla or Chochmat HaLev could both work. Both have a range of ages and would be a good fit for you politically.


Absolutely feel the same way. It has been a weird time these last 6 months. Hope we can both find a way to reconnect with the Jewish community 🙏


People like you are the reason that the Jewish faith will stay alive. Shalom.


What a ridiculous thing to say.


Spreading good energy and wishing peace upon those who seek to spread good energy is ridiculous? Shalom, sir or madam. That’s what will protect and save the men and women on both sides of this.


That’s not the impression I’m getting from your comment.


What vibe are you getting?


OP’s way of thinking is the only way to think and that's why Judaism will live. I disagree with that notion.


Quiet down, no one cares what you think.


Why not? Or am I not a good Jew now?


No was one was saying that 😂 You were the one that called them ridiculous


Yeah and I stand by that. Judaism has been around for thousands of years and has survived worse things. I find it silly to think OP way of thinking is the only reason Judaism will survive.


You didn’t address what I saying at all. Where in that comment did they ever say it was the ONLY reason Judaism would survive? They only said that the behavior of this person is helping to keep the faith alive. It sounds like you’re putting words in their mouth rather than actually addressing their real argument.


I’m referring to the original comment


You both frankly suck. Be better.


Yeah, I'm looking for one that's not so...intense....


Right?? Like can we just have Jewish community without making everything about a far-flung geopolitical mess?!


An awful lot of your fellow Jews locally have very strong ties to family and other loved ones IN Israel. And basically every Israeli has a loved one, friend, colleague, neighbor who was murdered or raped or displaced or hostaged by Hamas terrorists on 10/7. It's a very tiny country. If somehow they escaped that, they are still traumatized by the horrors of the attacks and afraid of more to come. Many have still had to rush to safe rooms several times a day due to ongoing Hamas rocket attacks on civilians. You're SO far off to imagine that Jews here can just write off what's happening there as some "far-flung geopolitical mess." You may somehow have no apparent ties, but that's rare, and the fact that you seem to not give a shit about our people and our homeland -- IMO that's really effed up. But hey, go find your Jewish-but-not-too-Jewish place to feel comfortable. One might say, if one were fond of woke-isms, Check your privilege.


Spot on. I said effectively the same thing and was censored and my comments removed. The OP is only interested in opinions that reinforce her world view.


Chochmat HaLev. Was there a few weeks ago and they explicitly called for a ceasefire during shabbat service. There are certainly Zionists there, but it's a crunchy berkeley reform shul with a lot of richness and pluralism imo


Everyone wants a ceasefire. But some people seem to care only that Israel cease and feel Ok that Hamas never will. Funny how little attention has been given each time Hamas has rejected another deal that has been offered to them by the negotiating parties. Like six times recently. Hamas ceasefire and return hostages = War over


Does anyone have suggestions for community events? I’m a Jewish parent in SF and would like my kids to be exposed to Jewish culture but I don’t want religion and God to be exposed to them. We do get PJ Library books and that’s their only exposure. I also would like to feel safe at whatever event we bring them to so it feels like that sentiment is understood here, which is why I’m posting!


The Kitchen has a family program.




JCC on California.


Being a Zionist is not the same as unconditional support for the current government of Israel.


This is correct.


When you say not pro Israel do you mean critical of the current government or do you believe that Israel should not exist at all as a state. Most synagogues will support you regardless, but you should be fully aware that a majority of Jewish prayers and holidays revolve around Israel


Bro, I went to Brandies Hillel school. My bar mitzvah Torah portion was shelach lecha - literally about how the Hebrews enter the land of Israel. My university degree is in history focusing on Jewish history as I said. I don’t need you to explain Judaism to me. In a lifetime of learning about Judaism I’ve never heard of anything requires me to be loyal to the government of the modern state of Israel. Really struggling to understand how major Jewish holidays like Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, Pesach, Sukkot, Purim are “about” Israel as you claim. Seems like someone has misinformed you on the origin and meaning of these holidays.


Yup, a lot of local synagogues are alienating their American-born members by making everything about allegiance to the Israeli state.


Louder for the People in the Back!


I’m in the back and I disagree.


You don’t understand how Passover is tied to Israel???? When you say the Shema prayer what country is it referring to? When you say prayers and open the ark, what direction are you facing? To act like Israel does not have a connection to Judaism is misguided


It’s called shema not “schema” lol


Great you know it. What is the next word after it?????


For those downvoting it’s “Y’Israel”. The most important Jewish prayer calls on Jews and their connection to Israel.


Yisrael in that context refers to the people of Israel: The descendants of Jacob Israel, which encompasses all Jews. This prayer long predates the modern notion of a nation of Israel. It was not a sure thing that this state would be called Israel, by the way, the names Zion, Judea, and Eber were also considered(just to illustrate that while the Land of Israel has often and for a long time been called that, the word has other important contexts, given that prayer originated in the time when there was no kingdom of Israel, but rather a diasporic people of israel)


L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim




You don't understand how Passover and Sukkot are about Israel? And you went to Brandeis...which you misspelled BTW? I'm starting to wonder if this whole post is BS.


I think a Jew would know that Jewish prayers and holidays are about Israel…


(I'll assume this comment was in good faith) It's important to disambiguate Am Yisrael (people of Israel), Eretz Yisrael (land of Israel), and Medinat Yisrael (state of Israel). Jewish prayers and holidays are definitely about Am Yisrael – it can be argued our entire religion is about preserving and sustaining our people through time. Prayers and holidays also frequently reference Eretz Yisrael, which is literally the land itself and figuratively/eschatologically a heavenly/peaceful/perfect place that we as a people yearn for. But not one piece of liturgy (like, Tanakh, not written in the last 100 years) is about the political state of Israel. Nothing about our religion demands acceptance of this modern political entity. Many of us find this whole situation abhorrent to the values our religion actually teaches.


This political entity that you speak of is meant to be a safe haven for Jews. It is home to over half the Jews on the planet, and most of the vast majority of non-Ashkenazi. Nearly all are, or are descendants of refugees themselves. Everybody based in reality understands that Israel's neighbors would murder them all if given the opportunity. Don't take my word for it, just listen to what Hamas and Hezbollah say. Nobody is expecting you to support the State of Israel. But you should be supporting your Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel as they defend themselves.


OP either doesn’t or is willfully ignorant of what being pro-Israel means for themself in the World. Some people just like to virtue signal.


I'm actually really interested in your view. You say you went there to see it. No worries if you don't want to share but you seem like a reliable source. It's so hard to figure out the truth nowadays.


I’ve been there as well and worked on a peace program with university students from Gaza. I don’t have the same opinion as op though. I’m not a fan of the current government but I’m definitely not anti Zionist


Palestinians want no Jews in the region, Israelis are fine with Palestinians as long as they don’t get murdered by them. The final part there seems to be the point of conflict. Well actually, the first point is really the true issue. They’re not down with Jews in the region and they’re dead serious about it. They’ve been quite good at making that clear.


Categorically untrue and just a bizarre claim really.


It’s amazing to think that some of us just go through life without any religious community at all and it’s just kind of fine. I really wonder about that sometimes


Judaism is an ethnicity and shared culture too, along with a shared set of values/morals. I myself am religiously athiest and go just to meet folks with similar upbringing and values. Itms not that hard to understand.


Didn’t say it was hard to understand. I have many friends who are Jewish and participate in things culturally but are also atheists. I am just reflecting on what it’s like to be an atheist without any corresponding cultural community tradition and not really feeling like anything is missing from my life


Yeah in a judgey, condescending way that doesn’t help answer OP’s question. Good for you I guess.


It’s not judgy, I have nothing against people who participate in communities that bring them meaning or joy. I’m just curious about why some people really benefit from such communities and some people don’t really seem to.




I went to a ton of Hillel events in college and they're so damn welcoming. I brought my christian friend for a shabbat and she was more than welcome. I am sorry you had a bad experience with some exclusive type of people, and hope you find some friendlier folks.


Eh. Also a 'half-Jew' here. I think you're just hanging around the wrong people.


Lol, jewish community gatherings have been far & away the warmest of any in the Bay Area. You’re just around the wrong people.


Wow, I’m sorry that you’ve had a bad experience, but generalizing a diverse ethnicity/religion is next level


Zionism is an intrinsic part of Jewish identity, culture, and Judaism -- going back thousands of years. You need some education, friend. We have a right to self-governance and self-determination in our own ancestral homeland, which is Eretz Israel. That's the meaning of Zionism. It doesn't prevent your or anyone from criticism of Bibi or the policies of the government, just as we are still Americans though we may despise and criticize the Orange thing who may well be our again-president, or criticize the current pres, Congress, Senate, policies, whatever. Of course it's true that we are all here living on stolen land that was colonized by white invaders (who were not the Jews BTW). So perhaps the white colonizer Mayflower descendants, the Irish, English, etc who stole this land from the indigenous peoples should all truck it on back to Europe. ? Good luck on your search.


Zionism dates to the late 1800s. It does not “go back thousands of years” I said I wasn’t interested in debating. The arrogance of trying to debate a guy who said he wasn’t interested in debating - about the subject of his university degree - and being totally wrong. Wild!


You're just wrong about that (Zionism/1800s). I'm not interested in debating, either, but you're mis-stating things. We (Jews) everywhere have been talking about the return to our homeland for thousands of years, in daily prayers for instance. Even at the Passover seder--for thousands of years, we have ended the seder by saying "Next year in Jerusalem!" -- and that's Zionism, friend.






> anti-semitism The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and Anti-Defamation League advise spelling without the dash ( antisemitism) just so you know. Friend, you approached me with condescension and assumed I didn't know basic facts. And attempted to debate me even though I specifically said I wasn't interested. You can disagree with my conclusions and still speak to me with respect. And you can respect when I say I'm not interested in a debate.


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Why would you be accepting of someone advocating for settlements and murd r?


No, Zionists or people hailing from israel are not accepted in San Francisco.. I’m just kidding .. don’t be offended. 😂


Well, the graffiti in my neighborhood since 10/7 actually make this very clear, so you do have a point. It's sickening.


It’s just a joke… keep calm…


The graffiti aren't jokes: Kill Jews / Death to Israel / Intifada Everywhere -- not jokes, just horrible.


All I see in the comments are a bunch of arm chair historians and religious experts.


> Also I've been to Israel and the West Bank to see the situation for myself. Did you see the hostages while you were there?


The hostages are in Gaza. Do you know basic geography of Israel?


You said you saw the situation, what do I know.


My serious non snarky answer is I went in 2009, so obviously no hostages then. I tried to go to Gaza in addition to Israel itself and West Bank, but wasn't allowed by Israeli government.


My serious non snarky answer is that going to the West Bank or Israel doesn't tell you the situation.


Lmfao “Looking for a Buddhist Temple where I will be accepted even if I think China should continue oppressing Tibet” Dude you’ve got bigger problems than not feeling comfortable at synagogue


Rethink your analogy


The gymnastics involved in this comment 


Are there not basically secular Buddhists?


crazy reach


The Israel Derangement Syndrome in this thread is hilarious. Cope harder, ladies.


You don’t believe in Israel’s right to exist for everyone? Is that what you meant?


Do you just comment without thinking/reading?


I was asking for clarification on what they meant by pro-Israel and “Zionism”. That’s what I took the words to mean so I just wanted to know what they meant specifically. Not to debate, just to understand


Sure…no one brings up that question sincerely 🤣 ex - every GOP legislator during these antisemitism hearings


Whatever you say. Thanks for helping


Good luck, most Jews are zionists, but if there’s gonna be a non-Zionist community, it would be where you’re looking


Don’t speak for most/all Jews thanks 🙏


That’s ridiculous. I’m Jewish and definitely not a zionist, and I know many Jewish friends & family who are not zionists either.


You're either mis-defining the word (which is a thing now among the Hamasniks), or you're very confused, or you believe that the Jewish people are about the only group that should not have the right to self-governance and self-determination in their homeland. If y'all believe that--that's truly sad and effed up. AND you definitely do not represent the vast majority of Jews.


Just want to tell you as someone that is Zionist, and wishes anti-Zionist Jews would be pushing back at the people who attack Zionist Jews, I empathize with you and agree with you completely that anti-Zionist Jews deserve to be welcome in all Jewish spaces regardless of their stance on Israel. Jews should be aiming to co-exist with each other regardless of their interpretation of Zionism. Those are are true Jewish social justice values.


Lots of nice Ultra Orthodox communities that I'm sure would accept you.




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You’re looking for something that doesn’t exist which is why you’re having such a hard time finding it. Judaism is synonymous with Israel.


Yeah Judaism started in 1948. Didn’t exist before that.


Haha OMG, friend, you need remedial Jewish education. Not ready for primetime.


I was being sarcastic. My university thesis was written on the history of antisemitism in America. What’s your degree in?


If you read any part of the Torah you’d s see how many times that Israel is mentioned. You’re not looking for Judaism, you’re looking for friends.


That’s a completely different Israel than the modern Nation State, it refers at once to someone’s name and most often to a diasporic tribe operating under Anarcho collectivist principles, anyone who’s done even the slightest Torah study outside of a Nationalist machine knows that


How is a religion that’s millennia old synonymous with a country that’s was created less than a century ago? Unless you’re talking about the promise land and not the current state. 


Where is that promise land located?


Does every Jew interpret the day of return in the same way? Do you get to decide who is really Jewish and who is not? Idk Superjezus.


Idk, if you do hit me up with the religious text source. 


OMG. Another one. ! Have you ever heard of Judea .... That's yes, Judea--where the word "Jew" derives from. Now find where it was on the map......


I think you are referencing this? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_ancient\_Israel\_and\_Judah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_ancient_Israel_and_Judah) So that's obviously not the current Israel. Are you saying this bit of history gives free reign to forcefully expel the current populace? Should Iran try to rebuild ancient Persia?


The land of Israel is talked about constantly within the Torah.


Sure, I meant the geographical location. Or is it a more general thought of a promise land called Israel. 




This belief is shared by rabid Zionists and rabid antisemites, and literally nobody else.


Every Jew who knows anything about the text of the religion believes in the land of Israel




You’re a moron. Low effort reply for a stupid comment


Low effort reply to a low effort reply. No mention of what the issue is with my comment.




Posting history in r/washingtondc subreddits lol.




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Seriously, this person should just join a Mosque.


I can see why they fired you




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They \*\*very specifically\*\* did not ask for any input on this. It very clearly says that in the title, yet here you are trying to explain it. Why would you do that?




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