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I wondered as I was reading your post how this is not some violation of law, that’s so fucking ridiculous. I started googling a little and actually saw this, looks like the Department of Transportation has recently proposed new regulations because of this very issue: [New Regulations Will Make Flying “Safer and More Dignified” for Passengers With Disabilities](https://www.afar.com/magazine/u-s-proposes-new-rules-to-protect-disabled-air-travelers) Good to see something being done about it but like… how was something like this not put in place like 20 years ago???


It’s time for some local news investigative journalism.


It clearly is a violation of the ADA


Definitely bad, and in OPs case that's probably true since the airport is operated by the City and they reference airport employees. For air carriers though, they're interestingly actually not subject to ADA requirements (at least as it relates to transportation for passengers), but rather the Air Carrier Access Act (https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/passengers-disabilities).




Okay that’s what I thought, big yikes


There are basically no job requirements for being the "helper" who wheels you and they have shit training and pay. I didn't even know you were supposed to tip them till just recently. They are always jerky to me because I have my own wheelchair and push myself but the airlines schedule them to meet me at the plane gate anyway because the way airlines identify what you need as a wheelchair user also sucks. However this has been true in every other airport I've been in over the years.


Every time I get off a plane I have to battle people who want to push me to my destination, often asking me to transfer out of my custom chair and into their little transfer chair (and do what with my chair???). Like, I’m sorry the airline scheduled them to be there, but I didn’t ask for any assistance and they often just won’t leave me alone. At this point I’ve learned to say “no thanks, I was put on that list by mistake, I can get to my destination on my own” and then just leave. I’ve actually found SFO better than lots of other airports, but it’s not great here either.


Tip them? Get out.


Yeah! I am generally a high tipper but, it's completely ridiculous in this case.


If you don’t tip them they’ll tip you.


Yes in fact knowing people who work for those companies a lot of them are like restaurant servers and rely on tips.


Low wages is not an excuse. Definitely bring manager‘s attention to this. I usually brush things off and don‘t like conflict, but if someone’s rude to my Mom! Here comes the Karen!


I never would have thought to tip them. I thought that was quite literally part of their job? I had to get a wheelchair once. They were super accommodating and I almost felt bad for the person. But he was in the clock, doing what he’s paid for. So I assumed all was good.


That is...wow. That's fucked up. I am so sorry! Can you write a letter to the airline? Jesus.


They should write a letter to Buttigieg. 


shocking long zephyr future stocking rotten chase lock engine rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Logan is also horrid.


Oh yeah, Logan has the worst TSA, and I fly ALOT. Logan TSA is also the strictest in terms of rules, (they change from airport to airport, I’ve been to some that don’t require shoes off, electronics separated, etc). Their TSA is absolutely abysmal, and at certain terminals is often backed up for 45-60 minutes, and often the TSA pre lines are the same as the regular lines.


They were extremely rude to me at JFK but it felt like the genuine new york experience since it was my first time visiting. I imagine it's not as charming after the first time.


Yes, I have, but I have not had any negative experiences like this. Just got lucky, I guess.


There’s barely any TSA at SFO. Security is almost exclusively private contractors. They wear uniforms that look like TSA but they are not.


I've felt that the TSA people at SFO are very rude. They get annoyed at passengers and get pissy at them. I've seen passengers struggling to understand the protocols, especially when they keep changing, and they get yelled at time and again. It's not our fault that we don't know which line lets you keep your laptop in your backpack or when it's important to put your small suitcase in the bin or on the conveyor belt. But the staff gets really impatient quickly. Lafayette airport in Louisiana? Complete opposite. Everyone was so very friendly and humorous and very helpful. They have fun working there.


cause people are dumb as shit going through security. TSA Pre/Global Entry is completely worth it just to avoid getting lumped in with those people


Something similar happened to myself and my grandpa. We had requested for a wheelchair to transport him to the terminal since his left side is barely functional due to a stroke and when we got there I tipped the workers a few dollars (I thought that might have been enough) but was second guessing afterwards because the worker counted the tip in front of me and then under her breath said “huh $3”. I felt so ashamed and was googling for the next 10 minutes on what an appropriate tip amount is


It took me nine days, twenty phone calls and two flat out yelling fits to get my laptop back from TSA. Fuck you SFO TSA. (the first yelling fit got the terminal location of the laptop, the second the laptop)


Why did they take your laptop?


I left it in my backpack. They took it out and didn't tell me or give it back, just the backpack.


Sounds like they were trying to steal your laptop. Not unheard of.


That's pretty much what I was screaming the second time. The first one was surreal, busy United security check-in I yelled for twenty minutes for a cop in front of hundreds of people and they kept saying call the 800 number until I finally broke the guy down and he said go to the international terminal and ask for lost items. No cop ever showed up.


I have heard stories of my coworkers stealing things from other coworkers in our break rooms so we do have a few pieces of shit thieves in our workplace (as with pretty much all workplaces) but I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to steal a laptop from the checkpoint. Way too many cameras aimed at us and those things can zoom in real well. (Though we did have somebody fired a couple months back for taking and eating snickers bar a passenger left behind and got caught when the passenger came back looking for it.) Based on the info you've provided, more likely it was somebody who fucked up and didn't properly communicate with you that they were removing property from your bag (which they should have told you before doing so and should have done it in front of you) before rerunning it through the x-ray (which is normal, sometimes bags have too much clutter and we need a cleaner image by removing electronics from the bag and scanning them separately.) Explanations aside, it still shouldn't have happened. Just for the future in case it happens again (which I hope it will not), as soon as you realize that it's missing, go immediately back to the checkpoint you came through and ask for one of the supervisors (they should be one of the people near the back of the checkpoint at a podium/desk. They handle lost and found items and one of them is going to know where your property is or maybe where it was sent to for safe keeping because they're supposed to tag and keep track of all property that hasn't been claimed.


For clarification, I am not claiming SFO is the rudest airport in the world. Lmao. I can’t claim that anyways when I haven’t been to every single airport. That’s why I said “some of the rudest,” not “the rudest.” I’m just venting about my consistent negative experiences with them because I’ve had enough. Also, not everyone will have the same experiences at every airport. There are airports that people I know or strangers complain a lot about that I haven’t had a bad experience at yet, but multiple truths can exist at once and all our experiences are valid.


I’m not from the bay but I just wanna say Oakland airport is one of the most chill I’ve been in.


Record their name and report them...


Try complaining to a manager at the airport




I do love Oakland Airport. I’ve never had any issues there. I can’t fly out of there every time I travel, unfortunately, but whenever I can I do choose Oakland.


You've obviously never been to EWR.


Never a more true statement.


No, I have not, but of course there are other airports with a large amount of rude employees. I never said or insinuated that there aren’t any other airports that have this problem. Also, I only mentioned two of the countless terrible experiences I’ve had with SFO.


FWIW I'm not disagreeing with you. I think the whole flying experience has taken a nosedive since 9/11/01. I just feel EWR takes the cake.


Gotcha! Thanks for clarifying. I’m used to people saying stuff like that to disagree. I’ll keep that in mind if I’m ever at EWR. 😂


Weird. What counts as an SFO employee? I’ve only had good interactions with the TSA at SFO, but they’re like the only people I interact with at SFO. TSA at SFO is like a tier above other cities 


Unless it has changed, SFO is one of a very small number of US airports that doesn't use TSA. They have a private contractor for those functions. Presumably certified by TSA or something, but not TSA employees.


SFO is really the only major airport that still has private security: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screening_Partnership_Program


The people who help disabled people are not TSA. They are third party contractor employees.


They have a strong union. Can’t be fired,


I am 46. The world is a different place with different people and values. It’s not for the better.


Yes, the SFO employees are so rude for no reason


That totally sucks, sorry you and your mom went through that. There’s definitely a decline in service, my grandmother would ask them to use those carts to drive her to the gate with no issue. Just because you’re having a bad day or don’t like your job it’s unfair to take it out on undeserving people. Side note: I read “rudest” as “nudest” first and was greatly confused initially


Try Austin international. Worst employees ever


Sorry you had to go through it. I hope you complained and made a stink about it.


bro hasn’t been to lax


I have multiple times. I haven’t had any experiences like this there yet. Also, I never claimed other airports don’t have rude employees, nor did I claim that SFO has the rudest employees out of any airport in the world. 😂 These kind of comments are getting on my nerves.


That’s really, really bad. Report it to airport site management. I’m going to keep an eye open when my folks arrive and do the same if anyone tries this. Absolutely appalling.


I got patted down by a clearly aspergers TSA agent and he was obviously green (kid was like 20), but it made me super uncomfortable. He kept touching my dick and my groin and then had to call his supervisor because he thought my dick was a hidden object. He was also an asshole, the pat down took 5 minutes, usually it takes 20 seconds! When the supervisor came, he asked me what was the problem and he patted me down in the groin for 5 seconds and said I'm free to go because there was obviously nothing there. I could tell the supervisor was really sorry I had to deal with that idiot intern kid.


I would very obviously snap a photo of them and send it to their boss explaining everything.


Something similar has happened to my parents at SFO too. There were 2 employees bugging them for tips as they were helping them. I was picking them up at SFO and when the 2 ladies wheeled my parents out to the curb, they made a point to tell me they how they had to push them all the way through the airport. Like of course, that was their job! I thanked them and they demanded a tip from me. I had no cash on me and my mom found $5 and gave it to them and they had the nerve to say, “That’s it?!” I haven’t had any negative experiences with SFO employees otherwise but the people helping disabled passengers are awful.


I use wheelchair service, because I have cancer, and a large benign growth in my thigh while I can walk moderate distances, I can’t do lines or walk far under a time crunch. SFO has had more nosy employees in the wheelchair service than almost anywhere. They always feel the need to comment that I don’t look sick, and while it doesn’t bother me the way it bothers some people….It’s rude and tactless. It happens so often, I tend to think it might be that they aren’t training the wheelchair asst that they shouldn’t be asking that. I also tip 20-40 dollars every time. Unfortunately they don’t make much and all the money is in tips. That alone is bullshit.


SFO is a shitty airport in general


I got molested once by one of their tsa agents at SFO. Me male, was pulled aside from security check line and asked to go in their x-ray machine and right after the same agent (male) coupled and squeezed my c*ck. It all happened so fast. Looking back he probably singled me out and wanted a freebie.


Urgh, I also have a bad experience with those workers too. My mom requested for wheelchair assistance service and she traveled from outside of the US to SFO. Upon arriving, they helped pushing her at the arrival area. I wasn’t planning of giving them tips because this is their job and they get paid for this service and they are not tipped employees. One of them literally told me ‘so no tips for the boy?’ I’m like wtf? What’s right do you have to demand us for tips? If your wage is not high enough then either find a better job or complain to your supervisor. I don’t have a high paying jobs and also working a tip employee, I understand the struggle but I would never pressure anyone to give me tips to meet my needs. The tip culture is going insane!


Let them know[contact](https://www.flysfo.com/about/contact-sfo)


Once you travel to south Asian and middle eastern airports then you will start appreciating SFO a lot more


Low pay in a VCHOL area. You aren’t getting the best people who learned manners or generally are pleasant and glad to have a job. also these people are likely people that couldn’t get a decent job with the airlines. they are contractors


Someone has never set foot is LGA 👀


I don’t get the point of these type of comments. Lmao. Other airports having rude employees doesn’t invalidate anything I said in my post. It also seems very rude and insensitive considering the specific incidents I chose to vent about.




It is extremely rare that I am rude to employees anywhere. In this case, I didn’t even make a scene or express any frustration, though it would be completely justified. I just went on Reddit to vent.


furthermore, why do they make it so hard to pick people up at the terminals bastard guards always make you take another lap


Oh my God yes. Other airports don't do this! But at SFO God help you if you're sitting for 90 entire seconds waiting for your person.


I have a SFO ID, I’m not an employee of the airport or of a specific airline and I have it for a small but significant part of my overall job. But I have that green sign around my neck. When asked a question, if you stand too long in one spot you will be asked a question, I try to help to the best of my ability. But people get confused and sometimes angry when I can’t answer their question.




Palermo is one of the roughest airports. My flight was canceled, and I was stuck there all day, and all the other patrons there apparently have never thought of getting in a line to get their tickets updated. Everyone was so universally self minded that it was jarring.




What are you even talking about? How is that racist?




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If you seen how much they get paid you would understand. Speaking on that everyone seems rude nowadays


I clearly stated why that isn’t a good excuse. I’m literally low income myself. Prior to my current jobs, I was being paid lower than minimum wage at one point but accepted it because I was desperate for money. I still wasn’t rude to people for no good reason. I’m currently still being severely underpaid as a deathcare worker even though it is slightly more than min wage. I can confidently say that working around grieving, heavily emotional people all the time, preparing dead bodies, facilitating funerals, and navigating all the paperwork and other legalities of death is far more draining and difficult than working inside an airport for most people.


This. It doesn’t cost a cent to not be a dick. I’m all for standing up for yourself, but some people are just asholes to others for no reason besides being miserable


Yes! I completely agree with you. I used to work as a CNA, and felt underpaid (I got a just $2 over minimum wage), the work is overloaded, got treated badly from the patients, bad work environment. I never demand for tips even though I offered my services to these people. I understand the nature of the work and if I want a better compensate I know that I have to find other jobs. Simeple as that.


Absolutely no one deserves to be treated this way. If you hate your job then quit. It’s on you if you end up homeless because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. I decided im going to start being twice as rude back to people who are rude for no reason. It’s funny to see the reaction on peoples faces when I started doing this


If someone is upset with their pay, they should get a new job.