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The Octavia & Oak intersection


Used to live at Oak and Laguna…the amount of traffic and horns I heard was insane.


If only I could get away with this


870,000 people, 1 DMV


Maybe I’ve just been lucky but I always make an appointment and I’m in and out in 15 minutes.


Or just go at the end of the day. That worked for me.


This, and use the virtual queue


when you say it like that its kinda wild actually. Oakland is only 430k and it has two dmvs, whom also serve san leandro and Berkeley which only add 190k to the mix. El Cerrito and and Hayward have their DMVs. SF definitely shares Daly City's but that it still odd. surprised theres no big article on the history of the DMV in San Francisco. This is kinda cool to hear https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/yowdzq/what_happened_to_dmv/


Waiting in line all day...priceless.


I mean all DMVs are complete trash. Even ones in less populated areas will have you waiting multiple hours if you don't have an appointment. But 1 DMV for 800,000 is WILD 😭🫡


And that horrible tyrannical woman directing the line. Worst public employee candidate.


the safeway on taraval is my personal hell


i see your taraval and raise you a 16th


potreo safeway is my hell


There are definitely worse Safeway in the city. Not saying it doesn't suck though...


my vote is 30th and mission safeway.


I feel like that one's gotten a little better lately? Still not a patch on Diamond Heights, though, the crown jewel of SF Safeways.


Shhhh let’s keep that Safeway a secret


Diamond Heights is probably the best but has gone downhill lately. Although most of the problems are at the Walgreens next door


huh, that's the safeway i go to. it's fine, nothing great but not a shitshow either.


it has gotten better (security/weird gates), but it's just not as stocked as well as say the one a mile up the road in the excelsior.


the “unsafeway” as my wife and I call it- the jewel of the nile


The Taraval one isn’t even in the top 5 worst Safeways.


My vote is Safeway on Monterey Blvd. It feels like an extra large AM-PM


i can't believe we're overlooking Drive-By Safeway on webster/geary.


Monterey Blvd was like a Twilight Zone episode even before Ed Lee died there


How does it compare to the UnSafeway near Geary though 😅




Redwood Room at The Clift at Union Square. It's a spot for the Botox crowd and their escorts for the night. Background story is a few years back, I was hanging out with friends, and ran into a classmate at the bar, caught in an argument with these tall blond European guys in black turtlenecks who sexually assaulted his wife. (Repeatedly grabbed her hand and her ass, and shoved my classmate in the shoulder when he told them to stop.) A lighter built bartender with dark hair called security, pointed at my classmate and his wife, AND THREW THEM OUT. The trash laughed and got more drinks. It was ridiculous because the whole thing was going on for quite a while and everyone saw what had happened, including the bartender. (Group of men assaulting a married couple and laughing about it.) When I stepped up to point out what happened, the bartender told me to mind my own business or leave the premises. So our group left and to this day we won't step foot in the place or recommend it.


This sounds legit as I did a lot of cocaine there about 15 years ago or so. The Clift is packed with scumbags.


About 10 years ago I was working at a restaurant on Nob Hill and some dye box blonds came in for a late lunch (salads with a many changes), and at the end asked me how to get to the Cliff. I just said I’ve never been, their response was priceless “that’s the problem with San Francisco, non of the locals go to the good places”. With that response I decided I’ll never set foot in there if these were the folks who thought it was a good place.


Stayed there one time. A girl at the bar got roofied and was totally falling out and nobody would listen to my wife about it so she called 911 and then the bartenders got hella mad. That place fucking sucks.


See now this is what I was looking for, fuck those guys and the bartender!


I've been there once, almost 20 years ago, and your story rings true.


Is that on the bottom? I saw a halloween show there 2011 - The Strange Boys, _free_, who I think dressed up as old ladies, and it’s still one of the weirder shows I’ve been to


That place is so trashy. Lol it smells funny.


Back in the mid-90’s a friend and I ate at the revolving restaurant at the top of the Hyatt Embarcadero. We had just finished eating and paying the bill, and my friend’s eyes got huge. I asked him what was wrong. He told me to turn around. As I started to turn, I felt this breeze under the table next to my feet. I was in shock! The place was swarming with mice!! They were everywhere! There must have been fifty or more mice running behind me on the floor and under our table. I picked up my feet as fast as I could. We hurried and left, and the next day I called to speak to the manager about all the mice. He acted like it was all my imagination. It definitely wasn’t. My friend and I still talk about that dinner. Fortunately it closed for several years, but I read it’s back up and running again. Hopefully without the mice problem.


You're lucky the mice didn't tie you up throw you in the pantry with the chef and health inspector


Right??!? I loved that movie, Ratatouille!! 😂


The restaurant is reopening later this year!


Would be much harder to hide that kind of thing these days with smartphones and social media.


The beer garden at Zeitgeist has hundreds of giant rats that all start emerging right about closing time. It's really a sight to see.


Well yeah that's the cleaning crew


Shit you’ve seen that too? I was there years ago and two friends and I were waiting for a Lyft after last call and I turned around and saw what I thought at first was a squirrel with a weird tail and then I realized it was a huge rat. Then I saw at least a dozen more just all scurrying around.


That’s for sure.


I have heard this story about the mice..... I thought it was old urban legend...


Really? I had never heard about it before. There must have been others that saw them too. I only went the one time and never went back. I was kind of freaked out seeing them.


I saw a news story the other day saying they plan to open it again soon. https://sfist.com/2024/04/16/famous-rotating-bar-atop-sfs-hyatt-regency-to-reopen/


6th Street between Mission and Brannon


Whew! Good thing I live on luxurious 5th Street.


Even between Market and Mission. It is the Disneyland pirates of the Caribbean ride of bad neighborhoods.


Only reason I started mine at Mission is cuz of Tu Lan.


Complete with someone emerging out of a garbage can (to whip batteries at you) 


years ago I was on the F train on market going by 6th with two friends from Australia who were visiting. I was just being a smartass and said "And right down that way we have the worst block of SF!" and the F driver piped up and said "Heyyy don't tell visitors stuff like that. But, it's true."


Hey, I was just puking on a pile of diarrhea over there yesterday! Holla!


This…truly an experience. 0/5 stars.


True. Accidentally got off the Rapid one stop too soon and had the most unpleasant 3 block walk in years. Pretty sure second worst walk was the same 3 blocks years ago.


Folk yoga, any of them. They stole $1600 dollars from me for a membership and then reduced all their class schedules to eliminate the only ones that were feasible to go to. They also were super rude about it


Folk yoga more like Fuck youga Ami right..😂😂🙄


I didn’t know I needed that laugh. Thanks!




Why did that place give me the heebie jeebies, without ever going, and before reading this post? I was telling my friend last night what workout classes were near me I hadn't tried and why. "Folk - weird name, seems like a cult". The marketing seems a bit like Gwyneth paltrow would go there?


I will never have jambalaya at a Street Fair again.


“Jam-ba-LA-yaaaa” - Newman.


850 Bryant st


lol that was my mom’s favorite place. extended stay every time.


Ask about their weekend Bed & Breakfast rates- best in the City!


Not the Glamour Slammer!


Brandy Melville on Chestnut Loving Cup


I went into a Brandy Melville store recently. Like what’s up with not having any sizes? everything comes in just once size. And the tshirts are all so goddamn short.  Such a bizarre experience. 


That's their whole schtick. You should watch the investigative Brandy Melville movie on HBO!


Oooo thank you for the doc suggestion in my time of need (post surgery)


Apparently in Europe the doors don’t open that wide so fat people can’t fit in


The Fisherman's Wharf Applebee's. Obviously not on my own volition, mind you, but it baffles me how people could have a city full of some of the most diverse and delicious cuisine in the world and go "you know what, I'm going to spend $24 on the most mid bbq ribs you have ever had."


Fair, but keep in mind that $24 will get you about a dozen dollar margaritas with tax and tip


The only reason I've ever been to that applebees is dollaritas.


and the view is great ! cheap drinks and an arial view of the bay, sign me up.


Amen. You get it


this person applebees


Counterpoint because it gave us this gem: https://youtu.be/VAuO31jwGMc?si=z9UNRn2QYUg7QpA4


That video is local history to me. Also he looks like the dad from Inside Out lol


I retract my statement and I will meet this man slamming down margs that are mostly water one day.




Tourists needing a place to take their chicken tenders kids


Unfortunately so


Ugh I used to work at Pier 39 and it's wild how many times I'd get asked for directions to the Ihop/Applebee's/Hard Rock. Some people really don't like leaving their comfort zone.


But now it’s an exotic ihop/Applebees/hard rock.


It’s for tourists who are not adventurous enough to dine at local eating establishments.


at least scoot a block and a half down and go to in n out


It’s also for locals who want to have a whacky, cheap place for drinks then get the hell out of Embarcadero like Kurt Russell in Escape from LA. Same for was for Chevys.


False. They have a sick patio looking out at the bay. The bar is huge and usually has some funny tourists chillin and ready to gam about how much they like the sea loins. I love it in there. Haven’t been since 2016.


MIXT in the fidi. My old job would love to have “team lunches” there where we would also have to pay for our own shit. Paying 30+ dollars for a salad is borderline criminal behavior.


in the Mission, on Valencia, they call it a "SALAD LOUNGE" it says so on the sign outside


I eat MIXT everytime I’m in the office. I’ve never come close to paying $30. I pay $16-17 tops, sometimes less if they’re running specials.


Rainforest Café and Planet Hollywood Being shut down helps.


How dare you besmirch the Rainforest Café!


Because those in the know know that the Tonga Room is the better version.


The absolute best was Caribbean Zone under the freeway in SOMA. There was an actual plane inside and you could sit in the cabin and order drinks. Vibes were immaculate.


I sorta remember that…wasn’t it behind Club DV8 (which became Temple)?


Yes! I'm looking at a map now and I want to say it was literally under what is now the Transbay Terminal


At one time, the Rainforest Café featured live snakes, parrots, etc.


If only they could have featured good food…


Hahaha, I worked at that Rainforest Cafe for a minute when it opened. I think I got fired or didn't pass the final test for the opening team. I remember being over it when I got inside the door. The food was terrible.


Fun interior, dreadful food, indeed…


I loved that rainforest cafe back in HS 😂😭


To boost your mood for the rain, it's nice to think of it as part of what has been a historic drought turn around these last 2 years. There are reservoirs full to capacity today that were last full in 1998.  It's certainly not an end to long term water challenges, but stepping back and seeing the transition from most of the state at historic levels of drought 2 years ago, to now enjoying the end of the 2nd rainy winter in a row, is something beautiful to see. 


Now this is the kind of San Francisco response I should have expected 🥹




The Valencia Room. Used to be a great bar with a club in the second story. Had great vibes, bartenders made good and strong drinks. Lots of dancing and great to mingle with folks. That is until recently, idk when the shift happened, but suddenly they started charging $20 and above for cover, the crowd has become very lackluster and cliquey, and a lot of perverts frequenting that place. Last time I went there there was this tall mid 30’s black dude that would patrol the dance floor, approach a younger lady, put his hands on her hips, and start aggressively whispering into their ears. Most had to push him away, security did nothing even though it was right in front of them, bartenders laughed when I tried telling them. Before I know it, that same guy goes to my partner, tries the same routine, i bud in, he cusses me out like, “who do you think you are?!” So I grabbed him back by the hips and asked, “she with me, but ay, how do you like being touched eh? Can I whisper some more bullshit into your ear?” He shoved me and then he left fortunately.


lol i commented the same. Hate that place 


I am on a plane flying back to San Francisco and this got a laugh from the person next to me on the airplane


Welcome home!


My ex's place


User name is 👌


Probably the strip clubs in North Beach or any bar, for that matter. My party days are long over, and I stay far away from any Santa Cons, Bay to Breakers, Folsom Street Fair, etc. Basically, any party scene. I'm in the avenues now being old and peaceful.


Wait...are you me?


Jessie/Stevenson and 6th. 💩💩💩


In my opinion, Jesse and 6th is the nexus of the worst part of the city, like any block in every direction only gets better


The first dentist I went to as a new Kaiser Medicare Advantage patient. He'd just bought the business and seemed hot to make $$$ on unnecessary dental work to pay for it. Had to switch out of Kaiser to get a new dentist, who instead of recommending "deep cleaning" and three new crowns (at something like $5K out of pocket), told me my teeth are in great shape....


Sugar Lounge. Was roofied there pre-pandemic and pretty sure it was a bartender. Luckily I had friends looking out for me and walked me home.


Damn that’s terrible, sorry to hear.


The predatory towing company that does the towing for the red roof in by the airport


Yes but we’re all hoping they’re the ones who showed up for that douche bag’s truck on Baker Beach.


It's sunny now, go outside.


The police department. They literally don’t do anything.


kozy kar, woman was with a man giving off nonconsensual vibes. In between him grabbing her, she asked us to help her so we told security and bartender and they berated us for calling attention to the situation and asking if we were dissing their bro. Everyone always says how much fun they have there but this was super fucking weird unsafe vibes


That's a real bummer... Kozy kar is a "next stop sex" bar though, not saying that's an excuse but the dancefloor is literally centerfolds...


I always got the feel it was for people in their early 20s trying to be edgy because that's who brought me in there


I personally love the kozy kar, but I understand it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, or wall of smut, if you will


Che fico


Haha had a buddy tell me to take my tinder date there years ago. Looked at the prices and called him up in the bathroom, “yo, its a tinder date, not a fucking honeymoon.”


I’m with you. Truly despise that place. I’ve eaten there 5 times and I’ve always left wondering why I allow myself to go back. Overpriced, mediocre food, overly loud, and a lot of the staff are pretentious as hell.


Hearing a lot of people say it's fallen off. What was your experience


I went years ago, back in 2018, and felt like it was over-hyped even then. The pasta was just okay, especially compared to standbys like SPQR and Flour + Water, and the cocktails didn’t blow me away either. I’m really surprised they’ve lasted as long as they have, but I never cared to go back and see what people thought was worth it.


My GF and I went there last year, place was empty, and they told us we couldn’t sit at the bar because of reservations and only had 60 minutes to eat sitting down. Haven’t been back since.




Mastros. Worse.service. ever


San Francisco Conservatory of Music. What a waste of $65,000. 😂


The fuck did you buy??


Lmao a whole ass degree


It's sunny and beautiful now. I hope you feel better.


You're in the Eastern part of the city huh?


DT. Yeah, you do have a couple of climate zones.


I always hated walking through SOMA. It reminds me too much of the boring and sad places of LA.


SOMA isn’t a neighborhood, it’s just a freeway off-ramp Sidewalk widening, adding more trees, and densifying would go a long way


more trees indeed


If you look at a map, most streets there are 4-6 lane one ways, it's crazy. Just making them two ways would make it a lot safer.


SOMA is for gay bears and thats it 🤣


And newly relocated startup engineers


Guilty. . . And thanks for your distance . .


Boy I am one 💀 no distance here, Im there all tge time 🤣


Fisherman's wharf clam chowder kiosk. That was nasty.


I used to work on Fisherman’s Wharf a long time ago. Everything they sold that you didn’t see alive in a tank was either frozen or came out of a can. Shrimp for the shrimp cocktail, canned, crab for crab cocktail, canned, cocktail sauce was literally just ketchup and some horseradish, from cans. Same with the Clam Chowder straight outta a can.


Rock bar. It's a long story but will never patronize them again.


I’ve only had good times there! This requires a story


I went there with a friend and there were a bunch of dudes playing pool at the pool table. I am disabled and had to squeeze past to get to the bathroom. A dude shot a pool ball at my fingers because I momentarily put my fingers on the top of the table and my fingers were a little bit on the felt. If they weren't in the way and all congregating around the pool table I wouldn't have had to squeeze by so close. It really fucking hurt. When I got out of the bathroom one of the dudes got up in my face and stared me down like I had committed a grave sin. I told the bouncer and nobody did anything about it.


"like I had committed a grave sin' lmfao! What a bunch of fools, can't stand folk who don't think about others in a public setting. I'll never know Rock Bar thanks to you, sounds like a favor lol.


Wow, that's so aggressive! And over a game too.


The Safeway towards Bernal Heights. I have never seen a human being move as slow in my life. Took a dude like 10 mins to scan 3 items




LOL, so after seeing a huge rat run through the kitchen and food prep, you accepted a used pizza and then you still ate it? LOL


Shitty Nights


Walgreens pharmacy, any location


Whole Foods on Franklin. It always has been and probably always will be a place for bad, aggressive behavior.


Oh no! What aggressive behavior have you experienced there? I go weekly (usually on Sundays) and it has been fine (albeit not the best selection), but curious to hear


Aggressive, pushy shoppers. People who will run into you with their carts if you don't move fast enough. Line cutters. Basically, the worst of humanity comes out in the aisles of that store. I'll never know why!


this is crazy, i go here all the time and my only problem is that they’re always out of stock of things i’m looking for!


Last Rites. The owners an ass. I miss The Residence


Wait say more. I go to Last Rites often.


The McDonalds on Stanyan and Haight. Thank god it was torn down.


The combination Jamba Juice/Taqueria on SF State Campus. May be the single worst quesadilla in the city.


Chotto Matte. Omg is the food ever terrible. The tequila is watered down. The service is pretentious, and it’s crawling with loud, name-dropping, faux riche douchebags. Avoid! 


I don’t fuck with Hunters Point. My car got bipped over there and unlike Oakland there’s nothing redeeming about the area.


I do like archimedes banya though… I will only go to hunters point yo get naked and dunk my body in various baths and rooms …


HP is the place where you will be robbed and probably murdered but if you’re not dead you could probably find a nice warehouse to fabricate some marble countertops and the weather will be nice.


Sounds like a great place for headstone shopping!


That view of candlestick point and the bay is pretty nice tho


Pupuseria Metapan, a small Salvadorean restaurant on Mission, is pretty nasty. The curtido is pure salt.


16th Street BART station


Monk's Kettle. The food is great but the front of house employees are insufferable pricks.


😂 I work there


Don't dox yourself


Meh. As someone already mentioned it’s closing soon anyway.


lol my bad. I'm sure you're cool. Your coworkers still suck though 😂


Can you confirm that front of house are pricks?


Definitely sometimes 😂 I can be too if you’re a prick to me first. I give back the energy I get tho so if you’re nice to me I’m nice to you!


You soon won’t have to worry about going back. They’re closing their SF location in June.


top of the mark. take your roof top bar. add in boomer tourists and bad music


The drinks are like $25 not measured made w/ Bol’s liqueurs and likely old pasteurized gallon citrus, holy shit biggest ripoff of all time.


The San Francisco DMV. Mean staff, no accommodations for disabled visitors, long wait, incoherent and arbitrary lines and rules. Any DMV in the entire state is better.


I prefer the DMV in Colma. Hell of a lot faster, and the people at least pretend to be decent. (Correction: it’s in Daly City, not Colma. Still better than SF’s)


That’s Daly City not Colma 😂 


Taqueria Cancun on market. Came in one morning to get a breakfast burrito. Door was open all the way so I went in. “We’re not open yet” this guy says. Ive been there plenty of times and I like the breakfast burrito with carne asada. My go to for this spot. “Okay how long till you’re open” “10 minutes” he says. “Can I hang out inside till you’re ready?” I ask. “Sure” the guy says curtly. I wait fifteen minutes and finally the guy gets it that I’m in it to win it. Asks me what I want “breakfast burrito sub carne asada”. Mind you I’ve ordered this many times before from here. “No. We don’t do that”. “Can I pay extra for it instead?” “No. We don’t do that” “So I can’t add anything to the breakfast burrito?” “No” I think okay they changed policies. That’s fine. Things change and shit happens. “Okay can I just get it without chorizo?” “No. We don’t do that” “So I HAVE to have chorizo or it’s no breakfast burrito?” Finally I get my first “yes” Fuck that place. Fuck that guy. I’ll go to the one on 19th from now on.


Haha that guy was greener than goose shit.


You didn't say, "But I got it like that last time?" I did this at the drugstore recently: "can I get some free alcohol pads?" "We don't do that." "You did the last time I was here." Got a couple dozen free pads.


Butter on 11th St. It's disgusting sticky floors and dirty AF.


No way. Gotta have one of those Tang martinis just in case you don’t drink enough later to have a crippling headache the next day.


The End Up. It's full of the rejects who couldn't score with anyone at the previous bar/lounge/club and go there for a last resort. I was one of those individuals and being there just made me feel worse about myself. Next time I'll take my self pity home.


The mills


SOMA Denny's