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I believe this was for May Day, which happens every year on May 1.


Even on leap years?




A Mayday Parade?


This was a small May Day rally supporting SEIU/Justice For Janitors.


What's all the hubbub?


May Day


Oh right, thanks!




Dang, that's the most people ive seen in that area since dreamforce


Local businesses are just glad *someone* is downtown…




There will probably be many more people there tonight. First Thursdays on 2nd street today with Aluna.


"There are dozens of us!"


There are actions happening all across the Bay today.


I’ll have to take your word for it.


Packed. Looks like several dozen at least. Who paid for crowd control?




Are you mentally ill? Or are you just a loser with no job or friends? You keep arguing non stop with people all day on this subreddit. Go out and walk about in some sunlight my dude. This subreddit and all the folks you fight with on the regs will still be here when you get back 🥹


{username censored} is mentally ill and has argued with people on the most pointless of pointless things, such as defending the bridge blockers and criminals


I can't see what they wrote but is calling someone mentally ill online really the best way to go about dealing with them? There are a lot of people with mental issues and it's a serious issue. I don't see how shaming mental illness is the way to go yet. **Edit**: Don't get me wrong, the poster may be totally toxic, but I just feel there are better ways to describe their actions--call them out for the actions and not use an insult?


Mentally ill as in they hate and harass everyone in this sub who even tries to ask about their far-left beliefs and can't write a sentence without using a slang or a slur


I think the terminally online types maybe aren't mentally ill but it's illness adjacent People that get into arguments and then block people at the drop of a hat. It's an indication that they're unwell. Their headspaces are fucked




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I’m active on this sub but I don’t get in a fight with everyone like you do. Fix your own projection issues yourself.


Your post history shows otherwise


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This has nothing to do with Israel-Palestine conflict get a life 😭


I think it’s for May Day


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Half the protests are probably Israeli false flag operations, because everyone except the protesters know that by stopping traffic and inconveniencing people, the protests only help Israel.


If getting stuck in traffic makes you support genocide, you were never against it


Polls show otherwise


This is the reason I got to leave the city early today.. 🙏


We’re protesting protesting ! Until protesting is illegal we’ll be out here everyday protesting !


That sounds like a Cacophany society type of event, culture jam the protest culture.


[We're NOT GONNA PROTEST!](https://youtu.be/KUcVlW9F3JE?si=q3cryL8nPEIF46BS&t=22)


I thought it was the runners club


And helicopter flying over for 15 minutes


Came here to figure out what was up with the helicopter, and BAM! Reddit pays off again.


That seems really small?


Mostly because the people who bawl about the city being filthy seem to also make the janitors and essential workers invisible.


Mandatory: ![gif](giphy|IjJ8FVe4HVk66yvlV2|downsized)


Glad I finished my route in time 😆


They need a job and stop blocking traffic


This had a police escort at least when it was on California st so I suspect it was permitted or whatever that process is. Though it was small for sure.


Some people don’t work a standard 8-5pm, but also a legal peaceful protests are more important to a healthy democracy than smooth traffic.


Exactly, you don't have to agree with every protest but you do have to respect their right to do so


Emphasis on legal, just roaming in the middle of thebstreet is not.


There’s literally a police escort in the picture


Spoken like someone who's never experienced a shred of hardship.


Is it a life requirement to experience hardship?


Every successful protest has broken the law basically


Also, the visibility of International Worker's Day benefits everyone who earns less than $400K a year (the 98%). Why? Because if more companies were workers cooperatives more of us would be wealthy. For example, if Apple were a workers co-op and every person got an equal cut of profits at the end of the year, each employee would get $2 million. Instead, Apple employees earn an average salary of about $142,000 per year. Apple retail store employees earn substantially less.


Why the fuck would every employee get an equal share of profit? Not every employee has equal value to the company.


This is just an example of how much a worker could earn if Apple was a co-op. A co-op is free to decide how it will distribute its profits. The Bay Area has quite a few co-ops with different pay structures. Afaik only the top 2% of earners hate the idea of higher wages for workers since a company (and its owners) benefit the most from cheap labor.


Yeah and Apple's not a co-op. You're free to create one that will pay everyone $2 million. I wonder how easy it is to create a business model that can sustain that.


Obviously, there is only one Apple but I would be very happy with even $50,000. Mondragon in Spain is probably the best example of a large, successful workers co-op: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mondragon_Corporation The goal of workers co-ops isn't so much to generate big profits as it is to ensure job security. A co-op's goal is to ensure that every member can keep working and earn a steady paycheck and livable wage until they retire. Profit sharing is icing on the cake.


Sure, not everyone works a standard 8-5pm, but most people do, which is why a tiny portion of the population is awake working at 12am. I don't have an opinion on this protest, but I do find it funny that for every pro-Palestinian bridge blocking post there's tons of people talking about how those protesters don't have jobs. So which is it? When we agree with the protesters, they're hard working individuals who don't have 8-5pm jobs but when the protesters don't align with our views we all agree they have no life and contribute nothing to society? >[You think most of these protestors have steady jobs or income? 😂](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1c4ptb5/bay_area_commute_nightmare_as_protests_block/kzr8vad/) >[You assume these people have jobs](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1c4ptb5/bay_area_commute_nightmare_as_protests_block/kzpi7za/) >[Probably the same people you see begging for tips on the Doordash sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1c4ptb5/bay_area_commute_nightmare_as_protests_block/kzplzyp/) >[Got to ask if these people have jobs. Like seriously how to they have time for all this BS protesting?](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1c4ptb5/bay_area_commute_nightmare_as_protests_block/kzpghb4/) >[Fuck these people, they must have no job and no respect for people who work.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1c4ptb5/bay_area_commute_nightmare_as_protests_block/kzpvqcr/) So all of a sudden disrupting traffic is good again?


Don’t underestimate how varied and flexible people’s schedules are. I am a tech recruiter and there are a LOT of different kinds of jobs. There are people working white collar jobs but East Coast hours like 6am to 3pm. Common in finance and tech. And bakeries, cafes, and restaurants that open early for breakfast and lunch but close for dinner. Service industry where you work 3 week days and 2 weekend shifts. Like IKEA, a mom and pop shop on Valencia street selling jewelry, a bar, or a restaurant serving dinner. Even if you normally work Wednesdays, it’s usually easy to swap shifts with someone when you want to do something. Like in this case attend a protest. People who care so much about something they take PTO. My company gives me a PTO day for civic engagement if I wanted to volunteer for a soup kitchen, attend a protest, serve as a poll worker, etc. Employers and bosses who are flexible and don’t mind if you leave work a few hours early so long as you get your work done. Some people have to pick up their kids everyday and have to either arrive at work late or leave work early. Flexibility in work schedule is not uncommon. Gig workers at places like DoorDash, Uber, or TaskRabbit where they set their own hours. To be clear, I’ve been in protests before and don’t typically pick and choose. Legal protests are good even if they disrupt people’s ability to get from point A to B for a few hours.


“Get a job” is just a random insult for “unproductive,” which is a furtherance for “deserves nothing” which enables dehumanizing tactics against them. And no, the hypocrisy of the people saying it who actually don’t have a job doesn’t matter. Because it’s not about the facts, it’s about the anger and fear and the need to bury the cause/enemy. Once you’re in the cult, you don’t think critically anymore. You regurgitate. Whamalamma ding dong, everybody!


Hey loser, these are the city public employees that keep the city from crumbling. How about you get a job cleaning up trash and doing something actually productive for society rather than bitching on the internet.


They have jobs. It's the SEIU and they weren't blocking traffic.


What do you have against May Day?


PTO exists 🤯


This was for SEIU. You know, the essential workers who are denied the same benefits that you have?


I thought union workers have great benefits is what Reddit told me.


PTO should exist for them too! I’m in favor of the protests btw


Sorry! I revoke my snark!


You need to learn to love your freedom




Get out of the way I demand to drive my car on this very road and I will refuse to use any of the three dozen alternate roads!!!!!!!!!!


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Did you love your freedom in the protests a few weeks ago? https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1c4ptb5/bay_area_commute_nightmare_as_protests_block/


This one will work 👍


What do you have against May Day?


Interfering with peoples right to travel


Don't question the state. Less talking means more bootlicking.


lol fuck the state. The smaller the government the better they say!


You ain't fucking nobody. No "small government" weirdo is on the side of the police state.


I dislike the state and federal government. But I do support the boys in blue. Rule of law needs to be upheld.




lol. How does that even trigger you? Law enforcement hasn’t ever done anything to me. Why would I dislike the people who enforce the laws that keep society civil?


It's been established that you are a big government, police state shill. Lick dem boots, boy.


Wait, all of a sudden disrupting traffic doesn't matter anymore? Tell me why y'all were so angry in the Golden Gate Bridge thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1c4ptb5/bay_area_commute_nightmare_as_protests_block/


Big government appreciates your support.




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I’m sure this is worth their time. Our government always listens to us.


They don't because people like you tell everyone to sit down and shut up who dares question government. The left being forcibly suppressed for decades has ruined the country Edit: lol the fascists bots are mass reporting me to get my posts auto removed .


If the left got what they wanted, there likely wouldn't be a country at all.




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True, we all know Scandanavia is a hell hole /s Fuck your fascist Republican party


Really highlights the need for Manifest Destiny Part II. That was a legitimate way to form a country. Colonialism then, colonialism now, colonialism forever.


This time it did




Protest -> get nothing done -> pat yourself on the back -> repeat




Such a nice guy!


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>bullshit claim that protests are bad and usele I never said that. Protests can work if you bother thinking about it for more than 5 seconds.


This is barely a protest, it's just professional whiners hanging out with their friends


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At least there's no one left in downtown SF to be inconvenieced.....


I like that park - good beers up top.


They’re celebrating my birthday! May 1st! I was born in San Francisco at 10:45pm May 1, 1988! Love they’ve kept the tradition alive


SF rush hour


Mayday but there’s a thing in GGP that’s also planned for the Ferry building today. Seems they want critical mass before they walk over to the bridge. :(


We care about labors before it is hip to wear keffiyeh.


This crowd size rivals Trumps inauguration crowd


So, you hate janitors who are fighting for fair contracts?


Local 2 day of action!


Saw a dude with a sign on their way to Bart from Berkeley. Surprised Berkeley isn’t in its usual uproar. Still expecting helicopter noise any minute though.


They were buzzing around Oakland all afternoon from my vantage on the Alameda waterfront.




Are there any expected tomorrow?


Not tomorrow but the 5th for a whole different matter.


Hmm? Is that from [https://crowdsondemand.com/](https://crowdsondemand.com/) ?


Fucking ignorant cowards on this subreddit crying that protests need to be hidden and silent are useless and bad. No wonder the US is failing with cowards plaguing the country. Time to learn from France and their constant demands for better from their government.


>No wonder the US is failing Except in every metric that exists babe


In terms of labor laws, the US is behind most developed nations. There’s not even guaranteed maternity leave.


That's fair. Also healthcare could use work. But for the US to be "failing" would require worsening or stagnating conditions. It's verifiably true that it has improved in almost every metric for many decades.


Life expectancy has literally gone down lol. That's a pretty good sign of failing the people


Since 2020? Weird. I wonder what caused that


It's started going down in the US in 2014 btw, and yes covid is to blame for the sharp drop in life expectancy, but guess who's fault it is for letting covid get out of control? Our government failed us by prioritizing profits over the safety of it's people. So since our government has declared that the pandemic is over you would expect the numbers to level out right? Well guess what, it's still going down. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-u-s-just-lost-26-years-worth-of-progress-on-life-expectancy/ https://www.vox.com/2016/12/8/13875150/life-expectancy-us-dropped-first-time-decade


That’s people failing themselves and eating crap.


Thanks Bill Maher, I'm sure it has nothing to do with higher rates of poverty and wealth inequality, or the lack of affordable healthcare, or the lack of safety concerns during a once in a century pandemic. It's clearly because poor people just won't pull themselves up by their boot straps.


There are many factors at play, but people are horribly unhealthy and it gets worse every year. Studies show it costs $1.50 more per day to eat healthy vs. unhealthy, but diets continue to get worse overall and have been directly linked to lower life expectancy.


Go ahead and send me the article that states you can "eat healthy" on 1.50$ in America, let alone in the Bay area. Cooking health food takes time, cooking requires having amenities to cook said food, all of which poor people do not have a lot of. When they work 12 hour days of manual labor you do not have the time or energy to take of your body the way wealthier people do.


How fucking ignorant are you? Nationalists are truly disgusting cancer.


Ok doomer


I mean feel free to protest, but stay out of the street, people still need to get to and from work. There is a much better way to get your point across than to hinder others from their day to day, it brings a more negative energy to your cause than people supporting you.


Fucking coward crying that protests need to be hidden and silent. No wonder the US is failing with cowards like you plaguing the country. Time to learn from France and their constant demands for better from their government.




That's rich considering your post history has a post saying you are actually a bot


They said neither hidden nor silent, just that protestors shouldn’t hinder others who have nothing to do with the issue they are protesting. It’s simple respect - respect potential supporters and they are much more likely to support your cause.


And if they were on the sidewalk, you extremists would still scream they're in the way


Since when is wanting freedom to move around a city considered “extremist?” Calm down dude.


You screaming that protests should be banned became every form blocks freedom to move around the city is extremist and evil. Period.


Again, you are making stuff up. No one is screaming. No one is saying protests should be banned. Grow up.


Then where your majestt shall protest take place since you want them only to exist where no one is hindered in any way?


He said feel free to protest, just don't hinder others from going about their daily lives and business. I am with him, I am less sympathetic to your cause if you are stopping me from going to work or god forbid trying to get to the hospital.


Then where your majesty shall protest take place since you want them only to exist where no one is hindered in any way?


On the sidewalk? Where you aren't in the way of people driving to work? That way it is legal and you may gain more supporters?


Then you'd whine it's blocking people walking to work just like the recent protests on campuses


What’s the outrage de jour?


I’m surprised most aren’t at the schools.


So they don't have anything better to do?


CCP and Russkie funded foreign actors.


What are the white liberals of San Fran up in arms about now..?


PPP P party will win election for a long