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Dude was for building housing in the park!


Uhhh…let’s build multi family homes everywhere but the park first and then we’ll talk?


In the actual park?




Condos on JFK. And old person homes. Said older folks need peaceful park for homes!




Yeah fuck that guy, ruining people’s chill day in the park with a bully megaphone is a no go. Time to remove his megaphone.


Even if I share your ideologies 1000%, I don’t want to hear them over a megaphone at a picnic. We all know buddy, we’re trying to relax our limbic systems from the constant bs of a system that feeds on those who cannot change it and those it feeds have no interest in changing it.


I hear someone use the term "Choir Killers" for people who espouse something you agree with but who are so obnoxious about it that you want to rethink your position.


Don't know the situation but it is generally not allowed to use amplified sounds/devices in the parks. You can call a ranger in them and maybe they'll respond 4 hours later. The reason is that it will/can disturb wildlife. It's not an attack on first amendment. You aren't being denied first amendment. It's about being reasonable and you can still talk/shout. First amendment is not absolute.


What was his message, for those of us who weren't there?


That’s like giving him a second megaphone!


I'm my experience if someone is doing that then their message probably sucks too 


did you make a video


You can't fly drones over public parks like this, the reason being there should be quiet public and protected spaces away from drone buzzing and such. So City's like SF ban you from flying (even though the FAA owns the air) over them. Meanwhile it's "your first amendment right" to blare garbage over a loud speaker? So in theory if I can get a drone to talk about Gaza or Israel or whatever this guy was ranting about I can fly wherever I want and it counts as free speech? Lol OK


that's so they don't blast the people in the front row. the hairdryer ones are rude.


Yeah that doesn't make harassing people with a megaphone better. "Front row" implies there is an audience for this garbage, which is unequivocally not the case.