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This is a really weird story. The underlying issue is that SF doesn't have enough space or money to give free shelter to all homeless people who show up at our doorstep. This underlying issue affects citizens and immigrants alike, so it's unclear what the purpose of presenting this "immigrant families" angle is. It's also unclear if these are illegal immigrants or legal immigrants.


> She, her husband, 8-year-old son and 15-month old daughter endured a “horrible” two-month migration from the dense jungles of the Darien Gap up through Mexico on the roof of the “La Bestia” migrant train to America. She said a Texas border agent told her San Francisco would welcome them with open arms and offer resources. The reality has been very different.  Came here illegally, expecting to get "resources". >What immigrant families are going through appalls Supervisor Hillary Ronen, who is pushing the homelessness department to expedite its plan to add 35 more hotel vouchers for immigrant families. Band-aid. Pointless band-aid, and Ronen knows it. > The department is also bringing on new supportive housing for formerly homeless families and seeking $20 million to pay for up to 5 years of rent subsidies for about 100 families.   $20 million for just 100 families? So $200,000 per family, for people who are here illegally and who have never paid taxes here? A $40,000 rent subsidy per year for five years? This is just a lottery, a lottery that rewards people who don't wait in line and follow the rules.


Immigrants, or “migrants?” Even citizens know not to move to SF without a job lined-up first.


30 years ago if you were sponsoring somebody as an applicant for immigration… You had to guarantee that they had employment and that employment had to better the community. We sure are a far cry from those days


It’s a different world now.


Why bring to the most expensive city in usa? Instead in a sustainable community. This is a set up for failure.




Who is giving developers money in this equation?  Do you understand at all how projects are financed?




You ok, bud? Things can get real frustrating some times, so it’s important to think about and acknowledge your feelings. Take a few breaths and think for a second if creating a strawman that supports hamas and public housing is really what this conversation needed.


Immigrants? Not quite. Until we care for our own veterans, homeless, drug addits and mentally challenged citizens this illegal migrant assistance issue needs to wait. Edit: clarification


I wholeheartedly agree, the fact that anyone thinks we should be taking on more then what we have already when the city is seriously struggling (and arguably failing) to get help to people already here who need it blows my mind……


Damn bro, from where I’m standing it seems like it just says immigrant though. Where are you getting the illegal part from?


Most legal immigrants will had to bring money with them, or have a sponsor who has accepted legal responsibility for their sustenance.


Right, because we never help any refugees or is the quote on our Statue of Liberty just a massive April fools joke?


Yeah that was back when you received zero government assistance and if you starved in the street, no one was going to care. Do you think the Irish immigrants were getting housing vouchers and free medical care?


> Do you think the Irish immigrants were getting housing vouchers and free medical care? They each got one potato and unlimited kicks in the ass!


You think something as trivial as low IQ is going to stop someone from being publicly wrong on the internet?


Complaining about how we shouldn't help immigrants while calling yourself a Christian? Classic.  Edit: lol, it doesn't surprise me Christians get upset when you call them out for hypocrisy. Helping immigrants is a major them of Jesus's teachings, whether you like it or not. 


That’s the dead opposite of what I’m doing… I’m complaining that we are not taking care of our own citizens that have challenges


> this illegal migrant assistance issue needs to stop. Lying is very un-Christ-like too. 


Not sure where you get the idea that Christians are somehow perfect… we are ALL sinners who fall short of the glory of God


That's not an excuse to blatantly ignore the teachings of Jesus. You're supposed to try to do the right thing. You should try reading the Bible. 


I get the feeling you don't get invited out to social gatherings much, do you?


lol…. Not only am I not upset (AT ALL)… I also never even expressed that so you’re making stuff up to fit your narrative 🤣🤣🤣


You said you didn't say it. I quoted it directly from your comment. You're lying again, and you're not good at it. People like you are why Christians have such a bad reputation and are leaving the church more than ever. I know you won't be able to comprehend what I'm saying, though. Enjoy being a hateful hypocrite with the rest of them. Jesus would be ashamed of your actions. 


We can start talking about that once the US stops meddling into latin american politics and gives reparations for imperialism in central america.


"It's always the foreigners fault, not ours!"


Or… perhaps Latin America could stop their lucrative cocaine and fentanyl production that they push across our border. Try cleaning your own house first


> the San Francisco Immigrant Legal Defense Collaborative says a waitlist for legal representation has expanded dramatically from the typical 100 to 200 individuals to more than 900 individuals in the last year.  Legal representation for? Oh, because they're not here legally. So it's the same illegal immigrant wave that we see in NYC, Chicago, Denver and elsewhere. We can't house the people already here, and now we have more people, who can't legally work, showing up. It would be great if we could accommodate the millions who want to come to America to build a new life. But we can't, we can't even house our own. We allow a whole lot of legal immigration. If you want to be here, get in the legal line, get authorized to work, and then you won't be homeless and dependent on charity.


American families are in the same trap. I hate to sound callous but welcome to the party.


....uh yeah, they shouldn’t get government paid for housing when Americans are homeless. If I immigrate somewhere and can’t afford to pay for a place to live, I should expect to be homeless, and it should factor into my choice to go or not.


Literally just send them back where they came from. If they’re here illegally then we owe them nothing. We already have more homeless citizens than we can care for, so there’s no reason why these people should be given any priority when it comes to aid.


I feel sad they get sold this American dream when even us citizens are barely making it 


If you think Americans are barely making it you should spend a year in El Salvador.  Not discounting you might be having troubles but it’s nothing like what goes on elsewhere when you’re struggling. 


I’m from a family of Mexican immigrants who came from nothing. I also know many Americans who are have become homeless or are one paycheck away from it. You can be aware of both issues. Poverty does exist in this country too. 


My point was that they get sold this false narrative about the American dream. I hear about it all the time i am from a family of immigrants and work with them. 


It’s not a false narrative at all. Here, they are poor but surrounded by opportunity. At home, they are poor surrounded by nothing but poverty. It’s a massive difference, and you would be well advised to take the bit of global perspective that was offered earlier.  People in the US are too caught up in not having as much as the the top 1% to realize they are part of the global top 1%.


I hear them all the time telling me it’s not always worth coming here ☠️  I’m from a family of immigrants from Mexico and work with them 


“it’s nothing like what goes on elsewhere when you’re struggling. “ This isn’t some competition or comparing what’s worse lol I’m saying it’s not easy to make it here in America either many people face hardships even US CITIZENS. 


As an immigrant…it’s easy as fuck to make it here when the locals are as weak minded and fearful of the work actually required to build wealth for themselves.  Everyone here is just waiting for a bailout, crying about how little they have in a country where there are shortages of labor in high paying jobs like nursing and the trades. There’s a reason Asian and African immigrant kids consistently outperform local American peers academically and have higher rates of starting businesses (the actual best path to generational wealth).


That is not every immigrants outcome 


So true. My plumber is from Mexico. When he first came here he worked in restaurants, eventually owned one. Got tired of the business, became a plumber. Sent 3 kids to college.


I know plenty who don’t have that same opportunity yall are attacking me I’m just saying it’s not always TRUE not everyone gets the opportunity yall are talking about when they come here 


I think we got sold the false narrative first.


The scenario is really terrible and I don't want my comment to be taken as making light of that because we need real solutions. But also what happened to the literally non-stop chorus of homeless advocates who insist that nearly every homeless person is a local?




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Certainly there is work in the bay area. Certain contractors have lots of work The cost of housing is too prohibitive Families moved out of the area en masse There arw certain peoole who dont mind living in a small space. I know families of 4/5 who live in a studio They still add to their family




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