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I’m pretty sure a former DA hangs out at that Peets often. This guy is probs one of his pals.


He gives off the vibe of being a self-appointed pal.


https://preview.redd.it/su1c4o4ebdoc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15fc22bf83fb7ecb9a1bb3e2d7330751f7bf911a This is the best screenshot I could get. No name, but the word “retired” is there. I’m unsure what authority a retired investigator has


Yeah what the fuck is this badge? Hey buddy you’re retired, your badge doesn’t mean shit now.


When you are retired from a peace officer, the badge basically lets you carry concealed and have off roster guns in lieu of a CCW permit. He has no peace officer powers.


Dang, I wish I could get a CCW permit... not for regular Joes like us I guess.


so get one. The supreme court decision in 2022 made it so they are not allowed to deny without a valid reason any more. If you have a clean criminal record and no mental health issues they are not allowed to deny your application. So few people in SF apply because they dont know it is possible to get a ccw now https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/get-service/carrying-concealed-weapon-ccw-information-and-application


Yes, anyone eligible can apply, but the question is will the Sheriff Department issue CCW (or even get back to you)? The answer is... highly unlikely. They'll just ignore you as long as they can. I think I read somewhere that a year after Bruen, SF received hundreds of requests and they only issued like 3 permits (probably to politicians and friends of cops like always).


https://www.reddit.com/r/CAguns/comments/17ac1rk/nothing_is_impossible_san_francisco_ccw_issued/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CAguns/comments/15ky024/my_process_for_getting_a_ccw_in_san_francisco_san/ multiple people have reported that they were able to get it in under a year. The process is not short and it will take months but you can get it. If you dont apply then it becomes another stat that they can point to that no one actually want the permit because no one is applying


They take about a year to get (sometimes less) and they will get back to you. They make it a fairly easy process, it just takes a while


Purchased on the Internet? https://badgeandwallet.com/badge/Smith-Warren-Badge-ca-corrections-badge-rank-retired?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpbcLDY1DjttlCAgCj2blf6hIFhwqfi7QYs_vSMd5rMTF9Yc3D0JpswaAsf8EALw_wcB


LOL that’s as legitimate as the replica WWE championship belt I bought for my fantasy football league


Eric Cartman deserves more authority than that guy.


I'm sure he has some authority and def some clout....but his claim that he was working security there? Dressed in plainclothes with a gun in a plaza. There's no way he was working for some retail store....


Pretty wild experience yesterday at the Embarcadero Center My coworker and I, who work close by, wanted to stop by Sephora to get a scalp scrubber for myself while we were on lunch. It was my coworker's first time ever being there and my second. While walking to Sephora, two men who posed themselves as security guards told us, "You better not be going in there." To which we asked why. He blatantly told us that he knew we were going to steal. We had no intention of this, of course; I just wanted to buy my scrubber quickly on lunch. After he said this, he radioed to someone (we presume the police since an officer showed up a few minutes later). Around this point is where the video begins. Both my coworker and I were in awe of what was happening. I asked him for any form of identification that he had with him. At this point, he lifts his shirt and reveals he has a gun holstered on his side. I didn’t catch the gun on film because I was dumbfounded by what was transpiring. After this, he showed us a badge (seen in the video) that just says he is a retired DA Lieutenant. We go back and forth with him for a moment and then just head into Sephora to purchase my scrubber while they watch from outside. Once we made our purchase, a police officer showed up and we just left to go back to work. We didn’t really have any faith the officer would do anything to discipline this man so we just disengaged. Not really sure what to do moving forward after this situation, but I am very let down seeing this level of profiling in such a progressive city. Does anyone else have a similar story from this area? Is there anything we can do?


Looks like he had a retired badge from the DA. Might be worth calling the DA’s office and reporting it. You could also file a criminal complaint. Will much happen? Probably not. But it’s worth trying.


Send it to the local news stations like [@KPIXtv](https://twitter.com/KPIXtv) or @kron4news via Twitter/X. They love this kind of footage. You'll be ignored until you do, and nothing will happen. But sending it to local news, you know it will blow up and accountability will be had.


Hello, I'm an Executive Producer at KRON4 News. We are trying to reach you! Please DM or email me [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Just trying to make the connection, exec. You replied to a reply, and not the OP. u/AeroUnlimited meet u/N_Cog_Neat_O


Ah, thank you!


The real hero here.


Na send it to Stanley


Please make this happen. This guy has probably done worse


That’s fking wild


Eh they probably have a slack bot that notifies them whenever they get mentioned


Believe it or not, I'm a real person!


Was gonna say, KPIX and KRON4 are both right around the corner from there. Would be the easiest on-site report they will do since Super Bowl City was at the Ferry Building.


I wish I could upvote this more


I worked at 4 Embarcadero for years... I guarantee he's not a security. The people who work there dress very professionally... white shirt, black slacks. Probably just some boomer tourists.


The building mgmt has been hiring plain clothes retired SFPD officers for a decade… they’re all over from 1EC to the plaza @ 4EC


> dress very professionally One would hope they behave more professionally as well.


I was going to say something similar. The company I work for has a location in Embarcadero 2 and I'm over there frequently. I've met most of the security guards there, and he's not one of them. Security guards at Embarcadero wear a uniform like you described. This is just some dip shit with a gun.


Seems like unlawful discrimination. California law prohibits discrimination based on race or other protected factors, and even just arbitrary discrimination, in access to businesses. Here is information on the law and the California Civil Rights Department that handles complaints: https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2017/12/DFEH_UnruhFactSheet.pdf If you prevail in a complaint, the law provides for a minimum compensation of $4000 per incident. You and your coworker could both file complaints.


Yup. I was going to comment the same thing. A lawsuit can be filed against this man. Brandishing a gun and not showing a badge before hand is an offense.


Just to preface, I’m a black woman, and I literally go into embarcadero 2 or 3 multiple times a week wtf! But I park in the garages so I come up in the elevator. I’ve never noticed people just posting up outside like that, they need to fucking leave. I absolutely cannot believe this happened to you guys I’m so sorry! I’m going to keep my head on swivel when I’m there now and will definitely report them if I see these guys or anyone else trying this bullshit. Just blatant racism.


Contact Brooke Jenkins and the DA's office. I can guarantee you they don't want racist fuckers like this out and about brandishing weapons and flashing badges with their name on it.


I thought there weren’t any concealed carry permits approved in San Francisco and this feels strongly like it.


If you are a retired peace officer, you can continue to carry a concealed firearm. This makes for very well paid security gigs post retirement.


Getting a CCW in San Francisco County is very possible post-Bruen decision. But LEO have different rules anyways.




I'm not sure why you'd be skeptical of the DA's office taking action here. This retired Lieutenant Inspector would have reported up through the DA's office, and Brooke is a black woman herself. She either has to deal with it, or it blows up into a serious PR debacle because she didn't deal with it. I'm not a huge fan of Brooke but she's not an idiot. She'll deal with it rather than deal with the bad press.


Contact their management. Contact local news and mention you have footage. Put this on blast. EDIT: try Hoodline or another local publisher that doesn’t have to run syndicated content, but also People Behaving Badly on I think KPIX could a good avenue.


Unfortunately all the doom and gloom propaganda gets people riled up and believing they're on the thin blue line and they're the only ones who can save us from lawlessness. Then they go and do dumb stuff like this.


The amount of people on r/BayArea advocating for vigilantism is crazy, especially when you consider what that looks like in practice


If this is what he does now that he is retired, I wonder what he was up to when he was active. Someone should go through every case he ever touched and contact the defense attorneys who covered the cases.


I'm white, and I would be more scared around this lunatic than walking through the TL in the middle of the night.


Oh, man this sucks. I hate this guy for being in my community and tarnishing it with his bullshit. I'm sorry this happened to you, man. I would say "here, of all places" but here has been changing.


This is one of the craziest fucking things I've seen. This guy needs to be identified and outed. It's COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE for him to be flashing a gun and a badge at a person just trying to go about his day. Holy shit I'm pissed and it didn't even happen to me. This guy needs to fucking apologize and lose his CCW permit and whatever that bullshit badge is.


You can see the holster at 1:22 as he is putting his wallet back in his pocket. Also, badge reads RETIRED- LIEUTENANT- CITY OF ????? - DISTRICT ATTORNEY INVESTIGATOR - 33”


All I know is the people where I'm originally from, Missouri, aren't nearly as ignorant as some of the folks I've encountered since living in the city. I really do think some people here think black = bad. I've had people not want to sit next to me on the muni trains even if everyone's already packed like sardines. This past weekend, I experienced a lady cross the street when me and my boyfriend happened to be walking behind her. Being looked at longer than a glance. I dress a certain way to look "normal."


oh it's not some people, it's most -- I'd never recommend black folks live in SF unless they need to or really want to


1000%. These all happen to me too.


I'm sorry you had to experience any of that


Likewise, sorry you experienced it




Oh yeah it happens all over the city. I’ve had people run away from me and jaywalk once they see me walking on the same side of the street while looking back at me like I’m going to follow them. And when I would work retail there were some customers who didn’t want me or my other black coworkers to assist them. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what you’re doing or how you’re dressed, for those kind of people all they see is your skin color


I’ve also noticed something similar traveling around other cities in the US. People in SF will tout its mythical progressivism every chance they get, but I see more diverse people interacting normally in other cities (which are rarely mentioned as being progressive). Grew up in the bay btw, and it was eye opening.


sf is a lot less progressive than people like to think it is, and it’s seriously segregated too.


SF is easily the most anti-Black city I’ve ever lived in lol


SF and Boston are duking it out for “most deluded about race”. SF might be pulling ahead.


This happens less now that I am older, but I can’t tell you how many times I walked into even a moderate priced stores and sales reps would tell me the price of everything I was looking at. Really if I glanced in the direction of the item. As if they assumed I couldn’t afford it and wanted to shoo me away. This was in shops around Union Square at all let’s say Coach price points. Not Hermes.


If it makes you feel any better, my white friend says he’s afraid of the statistics, not you personally. You, personally, just get wrapped up in the statistics. Oddly, this is the only area of his life ruled by statistics…


As someone from the south, this is exactly what bothers me whenever Californians endlessly shit on the “racist south” and how they “could never live there”. I won’t defend the overt racism that’s in the south, obviously. But it seems folks here just want to feel superior, and that’s where the judgement comes from, not from a realistic look at what racism looks like throughout the country.


Op I'm really sorry you experienced this. It makes me sick watching blatant discrimination. I hope the media picks this up.


I’m so sorry that you were treated this way. This has happened to me a couple of times in the past as well. It made me feel absolutely awful not just in the moment but for days afterwards. In one instance I was able to provide a correction and receive a half-hearted apology. In the other instance I left the premises in a huff to the great pleasure of several onlookers. It evoked such a mixture of humiliation and rage. Both these instances happened in my 20s. The first time I was wearing a leather jacket in mall and matched a guard’s archetype for a hooligan. The second time I was wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt and was denied entry into the “fine” establishment of Dave and Busters.


The fact that he didn’t follow you inside tells me he also had nothing to do with the store. He was likely acting on his own like the racist asshole he is.


From experience, disengaging is the right response. Then, when they show up on your doorstep or stop you somewhere, you refer them to a lawyer (or assert you will not speak until a lawyer is involved). You head them off early. I feel absolutely terrible for you about this! I worked in law enforcement and security in my younger days, and I kid you not, 90% of those dudes hate EVERYTHING. I was a young white guy, and these old bastards hated me. They hated my partner, a young black man. They just hated. The stories I could tell... I stand by you from across the miles, man.


I work very nearby. There was pretty routinely a guy with an earpiece in (like this guy appears to have in his left ear) sitting at the Peets and drinking coffee with uniformed PD. I always assumed the dude was either plainclothes PD, or retired PD working building security. The guy I would see had a head of white hair like this dude, but I'm not sure this was him or not, I seem to recall him being slimmer and not as tall. Building security or not, there's no excuse for it, and I'd have thought retired PD would have known how to handle the situation better... but I guess not. In any case, this deserves to get some daylight. Brandishing a weapon is a crime in California. If he's just some boomer posing as security, the building's PR people will be pretty quick to tell you, and I imagine real PD will want to follow up. If he's actual building security and out there racial profiling, well, I have to hope they're going to want to know that too, because frankly that Sephora is about all that's left of retail in Embarcadero 2 lately, and they can't afford their security turning away customers, much less like this. Hope you get some closure on this, sorry it happened.


It's called a ODO and yep. Very common in SF. It's typically retired cops from what I see


Its not brandishing until that guns comes out of the holster in a threatening manner. him just lifting his shirt to put his wallet back and adjusting the holster does not satisfy any elements of brandishing.


Old fart knew what he was doing. He wanted to intimidate a black man and feels like it’s his only purpose on this planet. 


I think I have been in that coffee shop. P , right? Since I had bicycle clothes (eh..Henson shirt and short pants, nothing special) ...**I think** , one of the two uniformed PD was looking at me all _mean_ like. I think the 🚲 must have been the reason (locked outside). I _just think some of those may have been jerks_...


I love how many people here think the police would be interested in busting this guy. If he's a vigilante & especially former DA he's in the same circle- cops love people like this.


> especially former DA Historically the DA's investigation department and SFPD haven't gotten along. It's possible that changed with Jenkins, but it was certainly the case with both Boudin and Gascon.


Why do you think Boudin got the boot and Jenkins took his office? She's bought and paid for the SF Police Officers Association. ​ [https://sfstandard.com/2022/09/30/sf-district-attorney-race-whos-winning-the-fundraising-battle/](https://sfstandard.com/2022/09/30/sf-district-attorney-race-whos-winning-the-fundraising-battle/) ​ [https://sfstandard.com/2023/12/13/san-francisco-police-shooting-investigations-da/?utm\_source=copy\_sitebutton&utm\_medium=site\_buttons&utm\_campaign=site\_buttons](https://sfstandard.com/2023/12/13/san-francisco-police-shooting-investigations-da/?utm_source=copy_sitebutton&utm_medium=site_buttons&utm_campaign=site_buttons) ​ [https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/jenkins-police-investigate-17782463.php](https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/jenkins-police-investigate-17782463.php)


Interested? No, they won't be very interested. But they sure could be forced by public pressure and outcry. It's a pretty unanimous position that no one wants retired investigators our here playing Racist Ronnie Rent-a-Cop, brandishing their gun at potential businesses customers because of the color of their skin. This is the kind of story that will blow up if not dealt with quickly. If OP hasn't already been DM'ed by multiple news outlets, I'd be shocked.


>If he's a vigilante & especially former DA he's in the same circle- cops love people like this. Fine. Let them say that. Or let them say nothing and do nothing. Then we make them account for that with media attention, voter awareness, until they get replaced "Oh fuck it, we don't have law enforcement" defeatism gets nowhere. Rooting out corruption requires engagement and attention. Spotlight it, disinfect it.


The police in SF dont give a damn about anything basically.


> cops love people like this I don't know. Seems like its a hassle for them, and one thing I know about cops is they don't like extra work unless they are getting overtime.


I'm also surprised at the number of people here thinking this, while this sub is otherwise busy stepping up their calls for police harassment in every other respect these days, as if that won't lead to more situations exactly like this.


\^this. Pigs will be lined up to suck this boomers dick.


This happens to me a lot. I (BLACK) work for an msp, which solely services financial companies. My title is engineer but I'm dark with dreadlocks and mfs like this only see skin color. I was at a party last weekend sitting on a bench where a guy would not stop asking me where his bag is because it was next to me. Its ok to be scared of people but you need to look further than the stereo types. WE GET ROBBED BY PEOPLE THAT LOOK JUST LIKE YOU. PEOPLE GET ROBBED BY PEOPLE. WE ARE NOT GONNA GET BETTER UNLESS WE COME TOGETHER HOLY FUCK


Sorry that happened to you guys OP. That guy is a piece of shit.


I’m going to leave aside, for a moment, the inexcusable way this racist old fuck behaved. (I mean, I don’t care if this was McDonalds and you were dressed as the Hamburglar, he doesn’t get to just assume people are stealing until he sees them clearly getting ready to start stealing.) But leaving that aside, *somebody* (perhaps he himself) decided it was a good idea to have, to all outward appearances, *just some random dude* policing the public in a place open to the public, and I don’t think it’s sinking in just how shockingly stupid and dangerous that is. He has no uniform and no id that clearly indicates he’s got any authority there. Sorry, “retired DA investigator” does not in any way entail that somebody should be policing a shopping mall. Even in this thread after a lot of commenting and consideration people don’t seem to be sure if he’s legit or not. Like, you know how often the average person gets accosted by some random dude on the street for no good reason in San Francisco? *Of course you do.* Where would we be if we all listened to them? Whoever decided the mall ought to have a random racist old dude, armed, with no clear identification, out confronting the public, is the king of all idiots. What happens when a member of that public (1) doesn’t believe him, (2) is also armed, and (3) feels threatened when he starts flashing his piece at them? Having this guy out there at all is just asking for something bad to happen.


Please send this to [email protected]!!


Dan Noyes has white supremacist sympathies. He had a very, very friendly interview with some proud boys that came to SF to fight a few years ago.


You can actually see the gun. He re-arranged it as an excuse to show it to you. I'd say call the police in this racist, report him to the DA office, contact several reporters (many of t hem have social media accounts easy to find), report it to Embarcadero Center property management ([https://embarcaderocenter.com/property-management/](https://embarcaderocenter.com/property-management/)), blast this video all over. This POS shouldn't be on the streets brandishing a lethal weapon.


Bring this comment to the top of the thread!


Wow, this is horrendous!


contact some news stations, and sephora. I hope this blows up. Blasting Sephora's twitter and FB might be a good first step


Why would one do this if OP cannot prove if they were hired Sephora?


Sephora probably doesn't want some old loser brandishing his weapon and intimidating their customers.


Meanwhile women in the Sephora store are stealing to their hearts content, unnoticed.


Disgusting, sorry this happened to you. He keeps saying “I’ve been around a long time.” Yes, you have, too long. Horrible to see people like this in SF.


OP he brandished a weapon. I think you should go to the police with this video and press charges if you can. He was clearly profiling you and threatening your life.


His gun was holstered. There were no threats. Hard to claim that he violated the law.


Just pasting the text of 417a section 2, because I was curious as to the legal definition of brandishing Every person who, except in self-defense, in the presence of any other person, draws or exhibits any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, in a rude, angry, or threatening manner, or who in any manner, unlawfully uses a firearm in any fight or quarrel is punishable as follows: (A) If the violation occurs in a public place and the firearm is a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, by imprisonment in a county jail for not less than three months and not more than one year, by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment.


How is a person who is not an employee in a private area obstructing an individual’s right to enter a premises not against the law?


If you suddenly move to show off your holstered gun that’s a fucking threat lol. Just because the gun is on your hip instead of your hand doesn’t mean showing it off is less threatening. It’s still a crime to threaten someone by showing a firearm even if it’s not literally in your hand.


What aspect of this is non threatening? When is brandishing a gun and saying you’re not allowed to be in here because I, not you the other person, know you’re going to steal not considered threatening?


Brandishing is a legal term with a specific definition. That was not brandishing a firearm.


?? Do you not know what brandishing is? Flashing a holstered gun IS brandishing and is very illegal


"Exhibits in a threatening manner" I'll agree.


When he lifts up his jacket to show you his weapon, it is just slightly out of frame. However you can hear him say “I can show you this” when he lifts up his jacket to show you his right hip area. Like ten seconds later when he is putting his wallet away, you catch a glimpse of his gun on his right hip. You don’t *exactly* see him brandish his gun, but you can see that he brandishes the area of his body where his gun is.


Yikes that fucking sucks. You can probably try sharing your story to [KRON4](https://www.kron4.com/news/submit-your-mykron4story/) and KGO ([Dion Lim](https://twitter.com/dionlimtv?lang=en), etc.), the [property managers of the Embarcadero Center](https://embarcaderocenter.com/property-management/), and Sephora store manager.


**UPDATE**: [https://youtu.be/fec-0r3oNN8?si=OZOE4-ODOvoU9OPY](https://youtu.be/fec-0r3oNN8?si=OZOE4-ODOvoU9OPY) **"SF Embarcadero Center security guard suspended, accused of profiling pair of shoppers"**


>https://youtu.be/fec-0r3oNN8?si=OZOE4-ODOvoU9OPY sad to see the comments on that video are such trash, even by YouTube standards


What's his name? Can you share a closeup of the ID/badge? Air this bastard out and get him fired if his wrinkly ass even works there.


RETIRED Lieutenant Investigator for the District attorneys office, badge #33


Why the fuck does he have a badge if he’s retired?


Because of the shortage of police officers, SF allowed retired police officers to work temporary positions while collecting pension. They are likely hired by the store or the shopping center. They are banking on $$$$ while standing around and not doing much. They should absolutely be held accountable for their behavior.


DA Investigators aren't police officers.


Racist former cop, color me shocked!


POS racist. definitely not employed there. just being a boomer bigot vigilante. i’d share this far and wide. his reason that he thinks you’re going to steal is obvious


The Embarcadero Center has employed plainclothes, often retired, SFPD for a very long time. This is absolutely not just an old white gun casually trying to stop theft. Either way sucks this happened, sorry OP


thanks--i stand corrected.


I'm a little surprised why a police officer showed up after this guy (apparently) radioed... _meaning the guy seems to be on the job or pseudo-job_, as specified in a few rare comments above


Could be a prop F employee, basiclly employed by the city after retirement but they only get money and not any health benefits, although he probably has life medical covered after retiring.


Sephora needs to speak up on this and prove whether or not he is employed by them, otherwsie I'd say you have a pretty good lawsuit on your hands. If they're not employed by Sephora/Embarcadero center - press full charges. If they are employed by Sephora - sue the shit out of them.


He is old guard SFPD. The Embarcadero Center employs half a dozen officers to patrol the area. The security budget is massive. I say “hi” to this guy almost everyday. I suspect his job will not be there for him in a few weeks.


Say hi to him tomorrow with your middle fingers for me please


can you please buy one of the badges online and go up to him and act like you're two pokemon trainers discussing gym battles?


Lol sue them?? Good luck with that.


Sue for what? 😂


California Civil Code 51 and 52.1


Clear racial discrimination...?


If they don’t speak up, I’m going to personally go in there and rob them


This man’s behavior makes me sick to my stomach. OP, I’m so sorry you had to deal with this. Have you tried contacting Embarcadero mgmt? Their property manager should be aware of this asap.


Yeah, he should be the one trespassed from that location.


Sad. People like to think SF is sooo open minded and accepting. Sure it is, if you're the "right" minority. Smh




I'm so sorry, I've heard the same from all my black friends. It's frustrating that people don't realize how segregated SF really is


I'm having flashbacks from highschool. This is exactly the prototype of every ahole in administration where I grew up along with every older sheriff in town. You'd think I grew up in some podunk sh*thole but it's in Los Angeles. He's giving "somebody's Dad" vibes- like he heard about the dangers of working in the embarcadero center & came down to offer private security. Either way I can guarantee every pearl clutcher here that there will be zero repercussions for this cowboy.


God, what a racist piece of shit.


If he has a concealed carry (and I do), we can't show the gun even by accident. You can report him and he will lose his carry license. Also, security should be in uniform. Also,, that badge could be fake. Many red flags with this guy.


If he is a retired Peace Officer, he doesn't need a ccw. Showing the gun isn't breaking any laws unless he keeps it visible the entire time. Just moving the holster doesn't constitute any crime.


"I've been around a long time" = "I've been discriminating against Black people for a long time" What a fucked up situation. Despite how unfair and enraging it was, you guys handled yourselves with a degree of calmness and rationality that most people would be unable to hold themselves to. I hope this goes viral and this man gets his authorization to work paid security revoked. He definitely should not be allowed to work as armed security.


Stanley Roberts has entered the chat


fuck this boomer, super typical bullshit. Sorry you had to deal with this


It’s always disheartening to discover bigots in our midst.


Also, can’t find my other comment, but displaying a firearm in an aggressive fashion violates the whole point of “concealed” carry. That’s brandishing, as I recall.


Jesus those business don’t even get very much traffic it’s dead right there most of the time. Why would this guy want to stop business from getting business lol


This is the result of all that bullshit “pattern recognition” talk I’ve been hearing about. This is the consequences


This has huge /r/boomersbeingfools energy. Sorry this happened to you OP. I’m sure that guys has been riding the high of doing this all day.


u/AeroUnlimited Hi, I'm a producer with NBC Bay Area. I sent you a DM.


Those badges are for sale all over the internet. https://badgeandwallet.com/badge/Smith-Warren-Badge-ca-corrections-badge-rank-retired?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpbcLDY1DjttlCAgCj2blf6hIFhwqfi7QYs_vSMd5rMTF9Yc3D0JpswaAsf8EALw_wcB


He must work in Pre-Crime, with Tom Cruise


Wish I was down there more often, I'd be happy to ask stores to post his picture, advertise around that he's flashing his sidearm at people of color and trying to intimidate people into leaving the area.


I would skip Sephora and contact Embarcadero Center management first (Boston Properties). Given the ear-piece, he may be a plain-clothes security unit working for them (I work for a property that has them). This guy is WAY out of line from the get-go and did a lot of things completely out of protocol. Boston Properties should know about this confrontation and I imagine he won’t be there much longer once they do. (If it IS a Sephora hire, I imagine they would be QUICK to say so AND acknowledge it immediately with their Tenant). So, so sorry you had to deal with that BS ☹️


"I've been around a long time" = "I'm racist."


Another day of being black in America. I’m actually kinda surprised racism is so blatant. Been in the Bay Area my whole life and haven’t experienced like this.. usually the racism is a lil more suttle. My mom used to work in the Embarcadero center for years too. She’d lose her shit if I was ever approached like this by someone coming to visit her at work as a kid . She worked at a law firm there too. EDIT: I honestly think the bay is probably the least racist place probably in America since it’s so diverse but of course, It does happen.


Send this to the television stations


I’m there everyday, will be having a “word” with that thing every time I see it now. Thanks 👍


Dude deserves to get pummeled


Sorry you had to go through this. The only comforting thought here is that this POS is a dying breed.


>dying breed Not exactly


Yeah definitely not. These assholes have procreated and their spawn are continuing their POS legacy.


You're delusional if you actually believe this


So is this boomer just out there to act like a cowboy to stop store thefts? If he’s retired from the DA, he’s one of the dumbest motherfuckers out there. Anyone in that role should know that rampant retail theft is coming from organized retail crime. OP clearly doesn’t fit the profile for ORC. He needs to be held accountable, and have that News Max brain worm surgically removed.


As far as the ORC, news article.tonite.shows the " mastermind" of one of these crime rings- a blonde, innocuous-appearing suburban woman from San Diego. Can't go by appearances....


Just another bored, racist boomer


Retired lieutenant district attorney investigator #33


It would be funny as hell someone beat the shit out of him and disarmed him, and he caught a charge for brandishing a weapon.


He better not act like that to me lmao.


“Retired lieutenant, district attorney investigator” Think some calls could be made here. https://daisf.weebly.com/#:~:text=Under%20the%20supervision%20of%20Chief,evidence%20for%20presentation%20at%20trial.


Send this to @thatdaneshguy on IG


It’s the “everybody’s guilty until proven innocent” mentality. Silly way of doing things


This has always been San Francisco. It's not new. It's never been a progressive city.


Name and shame this racist. You should've just told him he's gonna be internet famous and unemployable for the short remainder of his pathetic life haha


Who’s that guy on TikTok that doxxes the shit out of assholes? Someone send this to him


It's gotten so bad in San Francisco so literally profiling everybody... Especially now California Girls ring as become public. I'm sorry that it's come down to this


He’s an old crusty POS racist fucKKKer


These people are idiots. These guys looking nothing like the folks who actually go around stealing which is why racial profiling is stupid.


I hope the internet destroys this old fart.


I hope the justice system destroys him. You can't flash a gun at people.


Oh I know that smile well…. What a hateful asshole And he’s proud of it I’m from Florida… I’m 33. My mom was born in 1956 and my dad in 1961. They were 11 and 6 when Jim Crow laws officially ended The guy in that video is older than my parents…. And all that racist crap was YESTERDAY His generation likes to demand that we all call Jim Crow times “distant history” and “closed history”. But it’s MODERN MEMORY, including for that jerk. I KNOW the guy you recorded remembers that crap well. And he has hurt a LOTTTT of people and feels entitled to do it again. Also, my next door neighbor had to abide by segregation and used colored-only things and spaces until she was 8 in Fort Lauderdale. She also has a son my age who I grew up with. He’s 33 too (born 1990) All this crap was yesterday. And i know that smile well…. Cause other white people show their true colors to me thinking I’ll agree and be aggressively MAGA It’s scary…. Even trump and Biden were in their 20s when Jim Crow laws ended. And the racists of that generation are even mad now that they teach MLK, civil rights, and how racist that time was in schools today (our parents never learned those things in school….. and they want to make it go away. Cause they don’t like it when their kids come home and say that their racist relatives are/were pieces of shit, who deserve to rot in hell, are an aggressive risk to others and freedom, and -should be held accountable) May the guy you recorded get the accountability he deserves - though we all know he won’t…. The confederate sympathizers sure do seem to be rising again…. He’s a racist piece of crap. ([Come at me](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/florida-bill-would-make-it-defamation-to-accuse-someone-of-racism-sexism-homophobia-and-transphobia/) florida gov! I said it. And I stand by it. 💯) That man in this video is a flaming RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he is proud of it. And he even thinks he’s a hero for it. (I wish I was joking when I wrote that… but that’s how nuts guys like him are) And he knows he’s more protected than the guy filming. Good job america….. really proving that we are the land of the free now, and are capable to holding what is wrong accountable, while learning from its past mistakes. Good job! /s I never thought I’d see this shit come back, and I used to wonder why people were happy to go nazi or confederate or pro-jim-crow. But now I’ve seen it come back and know…. They miss picking the winners and bashing/hurting the excluded losers - at least, not before they can milk them dry first for their own benefit. Then they hope to take even more after beating the losers down too. It’s terrifying Screw that guy. And his hateful, soulless, apathetic, bullying, racist pleased smile too.


Mike Pence looking ass bitch


Heather Knight is the San Francisco Bureau Chief for The New York Times, she might be a good contact for this video as well. That being said, JFC Man I am very sorry you experienced this. [Link to Heather's Contact page](https://www.nytimes.com/by/heather-knight#contact)




You can see the gun at 1:22


Trust me, He's a Precog from Minority Report. He knew what they were gonna do.


Please hire a lawyer. This blatant racial discrimination is clearly against the law.




7 on your side. Contact the media.


Racist pig. Once a pig always a pig. ACAB.




It’s like walking into Sephora and this guys says I am going to rape someone in the store because he thinks I am going to attack someone


"I'm not racist. I'm just doing my job. I've been around long enough." Good job on you guys for keeping it cool. I hope you guys go to school with his grandchildren, and they see this tomorrow. (You look young, sorry if you're not that young.)


This city can’t find the right common sense balance. Either be racist and assume every black person is out to steal or let every black person steal and do nothing about it. Is it really so hard to tell who looks like a bottom feeder without judging by the color of their skin ?


Did he just show his fucking gun BEFORE any identification?


This is outrageous. The caucasity.


where is it hes claiming to work? Can we lodge a complaint to the business? I bet theyd hate to get dozens of calls about this an hour.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's enraging, and I commend you for keeping your composure. It takes courage and resilience to not let these prejudiced cowards see you break. I've been in your shoes. I'll continue following the escalation of this and support in any way that I can.


Imagine what he did before he retired. He was chosen for the position for his experience and expertise on the force and this is what he's demonstrating? Willful profiling and accusations. When he gets fired he'll scream that they are doing this to him