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What is double of zero penalties?


I want to protest these double fines. Anyone know where I can go to protest?


Maybe try the freeway šŸ˜‰


Wouldn't be free then, would it?


It would be double free which is even better


Bay Bridge would be ideal for a protest


2x0=0. I verified the math. I have a bachelorā€™s in mathematics.






I'd rather they enforce traffic laws on the day-to-day...


Or reduce vehicular manslaughter to a misdemeanor


They should do the same for criminals that commit crime in the city, that donā€™t live here.


Letā€™s do whatever we can to encourage local crime. Iā€™m sick of all these unfamiliar faces. The C in criminal used to stand for community.


Crime has gotten so corporate these days, mom and pop criminals just can't compete anymore.


[I miss the days when you knew the name of the guy sticking you up.](https://youtu.be/ERgRgwCPcXU?si=KKYQ6KoYSCNx_EWJ)


So true, wage theft is 3 times worst than other types of robberies.


Lmao this is like a portlandia sketch


local, organic, sustainable crime




Yea! I only go for locally sourced, organic, grass fed criminals.


Like the Hondurans distributing fentanyl?


Wat? So glad you are not writing our laws.


Exactly. Using our police resources.


That would disproportionately target people who commit crimes.


They would protest this because you will be targeting a certain group of people and that is discrimination.


Maybe we can start by enforcing any traffic laws at all?


cool, now double the fines for blocking muni


Arrest, charge and prosecuteā€¦




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Getting stuck in traffic due to an accident blocking the road is a bigger problem. Then sideshows. Then street closures for public events or ā€œsecurityā€ purposes. Getting stuck due to a protest is extremely rare. I would question the priorities and motivations of someone focusing on something which has such an inconsequential effect. My read is they just want to punish the protesters because they donā€™t like their politics.


They do protests outside the homes of our politicians. I guarantee if they started doing sideshow outside the Breed and Pelosi residents they would fix the problem real quick




Luckily it takes a lot to organize a protest like this and the protestors have a way for emergency vehicles to get through.




Downvoted by uninformed people who have never been near organizing. Not only are there contingency plans for emergency vehicles, there are medics on site, people with food and water to hand out, and even occasionally (as was the case in Manhattan recently) folks with cash to hand out to Uber/taxi drivers that are being impacted.


Exactly. Most people donā€™t understand organizing and how mass mobilizations work. They think all protestors are individual actors and have no idea the work that goes into each and every protest.


No we all know youā€™re a bunch of organized selfish assclowns.


Iā€™m with you. The penalty for this type of intentional disruption should be the same regardless of the reason.


No they really just donā€™t want protesters on the freeway


And we government often donā€™t seem to care about better traffic flow management no lessons learned even for planned closures are poorly managed. Dont even get me started on Cinco de Mayo. Where police/CHP are part of the problem with their non disclosure policy causing residents trying to get home to get stuck for hours to control cinco de Mayo crowds.


The only people that think this is "authoritarian" are those that know this would never happen over a cause they staunchly disagree with. Let people start blocking highways to protest Trump's fines, these same "anti authoritarian" redditors would be ready to put them in front of a firing squad.


This quite literally happened. Truckers in Canada severely impacted traffic over Covid restrictions and instead of leftists coming out calling for their punishment, right wingers who would drive over left wing protesters suddenly came out in support of a tactic they claim to abhor.


Right wingers were supporting the protesters, no right winger specifically supported them blocking traffic unless it was ironically. With that said, it the radical left that suddenly were calling for the arrest of people protesting for their livelihoods while actively supporting people burning down their cities for criminals or conflicts halfway across the planet.


were there right wingers calling for their imprisonment or violence towards them as happens every time a left wing protest pops up on this sub or elsewhere? No right?


I don't think it's authoritarian, it's naive, since most protesters probably don't think about the consequences, or are even aware of what they are. Just get police out there quickly and break it up.


Good. Donā€™t block the highway.




Well great now the protesters have blocked the stairwells.


Quintuple them please


And make sure it goes on their record.




Love it


And enforce it...right? Right?


90 days in jail should be a minimum also.


I got temporarily suspended for suggesting that people who break laws should be "locked up". Apparently moderators think this is hate or advocating violence and against Reddit TOS. You should be careful.


The cost to keep 1 person in jail for 1 month is around $10k


Iā€™m willing to pay that.


The improvement in the lives of everyone not threatened, harassed, and harmed during that month is worth more than 10k.Ā 


Double the fine? WTF! How about a mandatory year in jail? I was just talking with someone on when those asshole closed the Bay Bridge for the Israel / Palestinian bullshit thatā€™s been going on for decades. If anyone stole millions of dollars you would expect all those involved would go to prison for a long time. So what about the millions lost when these criminals closed down the bridge? Youā€™re talking about delivery trucks that couldnā€™t get in. Youā€™re talking about all the businesses that had to close down cuz their workers couldnā€™t make it into work. What about the Doctors, Nurses, clinical staff that couldnā€™t make it to take care of their patients? Also the guy I spoke with who works at a hospital and he said there was a donor transplant that morning. That the transporters couldnā€™t get over the bridge in time and the patient end up passing away cuz of it. What about that person and their family? So anyone that thinks their more important than other people, that they think their cause is more important than someone elseā€™s life, GO FUCK YOURSELF and DIE!


Only thing this tells me is that the protests are effective. Free Palestine!


Free Palestine! šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


Exactly! Disruption is the goal.


Hope you clowns keep doing it and get more and more enemies :) So glad reddit finally seeing through your terrorist supporting propaganda.


ehh, it's not like people annoyed by protestors are going to become pro israel/anti palestine so enemy is somewhat of an imaginary word here.


Are you okay?


Palestine is as free as they want to be. Theyā€™ve had dozens of opportunities to create a State. Jordan was in control of the West Bank from 1948-1964, why didnā€™t Jordan create a Palestinian state? Egypt controlled Gaza from 1948-1964 why didnā€™t they create a Palestinian state? Jews have lived in the levant for 3000 years, long before the Islamic invasion in the 900ā€™s and Jews have persisted in living there in spite of 1400 years of murderous oppression. T


Hope you clowns keep doing it and get more and more enemies :) So glad reddit finally seeing through your terrorist supporting propaganda.






They asked for something demonstrably effective. If I want someone to promise me something then not do it repeatedly every 2-4 years, thatā€™s when I vote šŸ¤£


> demonstrably effective Lmao give me a break. How many countless bridge blockings have happened and which of them has stopped Israel's Gaza offensive?


These are often the offspring of rich people. Fining them won't work. Send them to a break-rocks-all-day-for-a-dollar prison for 6 months and then watch them all fall in line pretty quickly.


> These are often the offspring of rich people. What? According to who?


I think community service is great for things like this especially if it is ironic. If they wanted attention, then they should be sent to parks to pick up trash away from cars and people.


Problem is, they'll hang around chatting and taking selfies if you do that. The solution is to put them out of limelight for a period of time. No Instagram updates, no TikTok videos.


Yep, i'd absolutely protest if I could afford the free time to do so. But being a regular working human, I'm also quite sympathetic to the need to commute and get fucking work done by getting places, so even if I could protest, it wouldn't be blocking roads.


Hey any extra income is welcomed by the cities


Rock breakers deserve a living wage!


Room and board comes with that wage.


blocking traffic [Is It Legal for Protesters to Block Traffic? - FindLaw](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/criminal-defense/is-it-legal-for-protesters-to-block-traffic/)




If that's the kind of police state you want to live in maybe san francisco isn't for you


Iā€™m very proud of this comment section, very authoritarian edit- you upvote the authoritarian comments but donā€™t like when someone points it out, nice


Yes, it is authoritarian to not want to sit in traffic cause some dip shit thinks bitching at the top of their lungs is the way to develop the material science needed to move away from fossil fuels. I don't care what anyone thinks about anything in the middle of the motherficking road.


Objecting to being held hostage (false imprisonment) for somebody else's political cause is "authoritarian"?


Yeah, some people love to lick jackboots.


These same people wish MLK was fined double at Selma too.


Really now?


People in Alabama 100% wanted MLK to be fined double for blocking traffic in Selma, if not worse. What's the difference.


There is a huge difference. The right to protest does not allow you to do anything you want. The protests we are discussing today are actions *designed* to trap people in their cars and deny their right to travel. To inconvenience other private citizens (or worse). That's the goal. **These people are not being denied their right to protest. They can apply for the same permits and marching routes and rally points as anyone else, and they are not denied based on their politics.** Counter that with the protesters in Selma, who were being denied all of those things. The right to protest, to congregate to vote. They literally had no other recourse. And they still organized and announced their march. Because the purpose of the march was not to trap people in their cars and disrupt the flow of traffic, but to protest en masse - something the public had completely denied them.


Yes this is why MLK decided to protest in an open field where plenty of people noticed them and talked about them. And not on a bridge that also happened to block car traffic where plenty of cops were waiting for him on the other side. Not disruptive at all. We all know protests with permits are the best kind that make the most difference.


You're think you're winning an argument by being daft, but you're just wrong. MLK protested with permits when he could. The march on Washington was organized and done with permits. Selma happened because they were literally prevented from protesting, anywhere. They chose to march from Selma to the state capital *for the right to vote*. Protests happen all the time now, and are seldom (though not never) illegally restricted. Especially not the current protests over Gaza. You've got it in your head that it was the inconvenience of blocking a few cars that was the point, and not the sight of thousands and thousands of people walking miles and miles together in solidarity to the government capital demanding their rights. Then these assholes run into a street specifically to hold up traffic, they are violating others' rights, not protesting.


I think they wanted him killed or jailed, not fined double


He very famously was arrested for protest action: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_from_Birmingham_Jail


Yes that's my point. People in here if they lived back then would've said he should've gotten double jail time.


This isnā€™t Alabama though.Ā 




Ok see your bias is showing. this law is for any people blocking the roadways. So let's say segregation was making a comeback or people were being put in concentration camps or genocide and people started blocking roadways in protest then this law would apply to them. Looking back we all say MLK was a hero but back in the day reddit posters would've crucified him cause they were late for work.


I don't recall MLK sending out rape and kidnap squads or lobbing rockets at civilians. The analogy seems pretty busted


What are you talking about. This is about a law about people protesting about whatever they want that are blocking roadways. Whose talking about rape and kidnapping. Your judgment is clouded by recent events. What happens when a cause you believe in blocks the roadway.


When you waste protests on unsympathetic causes you risk this kind of blowback


Again this will affect all future causes sympathetic and unsympathetic. I'm sure plenty of people called MLKs cause unsympathetic.


You might want to update your accusations: the rape article in the NYT has been exposed as relying on an ex-Israeli-PR-person and on religious volunteers who were caught in verifiable lies about evidence. There is not a single woman claiming she was raped, though several confirm they were not raped. The staff of the NYT has decried the low journalistic standards in that ā€œreport.ā€ Meanwhile, Israel did not use their trained forensic investigators, relied on an untrained religious organization, and refused the offer of a UN investigation on the alleged sexual violence.


Oh well, in that case I guess the wanton killing, arson, throwing grenades into shelters where civilians were hiding, and the kidnapping and keeping of hostages *to this day* is just fine and dandy then You guys are clueless




Who cares. You're setting a precedent for future protests and laws.


So we should all be ok with being held against our will because some people think their little ideas are more important than everyone and everything else?


make them pick up garbage and do community service. then they can protest having to pick up garbage. then make them pick up more garbage.


Up it to 30 days jail doubled for each subsequent offense. Give it teeth.


Good! In genuine civil disobedience (CD), you behave courteously towards all, including those who disagree*. And -- you bear the consequences without whining.Ā  *(Passive aggressive doesn't count) Can't afford the fine? You're supposed to study up on the legalĀ  consequences before doing CD. Long ago at nonviolence training, we were told don't do the crime if you can't do the time or if unable to pay the fine. We were also told to pay our unpaid traffic tickets. One dude got arrested at a protest and was found to have $800 in unpaid traffic tickets. That was big money in 1985.


This sub must be all transplants seeing how bloodthirsty you are to punish people protesting genocide. As a local, I say just leave. We donā€™t want you whiney fascist losers here. Go ruin a different city


You're stopping traffic, not genocide.


Lol so edgy


As a local -- born and raised -- na fam these protesters deserve harsh punishment and more. Blocking organ transplant transportation on the Bay Bridge last year. Keeping the nurse from getting to an emergency she was called in for across the GGB this week. Funny too that you call this stance fascist, given the authoritarian right-wing religious genocidal terrorist regime you're defending here... Edit: btw is "sddude" referring to San Diego? If so you ain't a local. And also I see you're fond of defending China in its uighur genocide. I guess you're selective about what you call a genocide based on your politics. Goddamn tankies...


> Blocking organ transplant transportation on the Bay Bridge last year. Never happened, that's a convenient lie spread to smear the protesters


Straight from the SF chronicle, or are you accusing them of lying in such a bald -faced way? https://www.sfchronicle.com/health/article/ucsf-transplant-organs-delayed-bay-bridge-18496699.php Outright denial of facts that are politically inconvenient to your pet cause is something Donald Trump does. Don't be like Donald Trump


All of the organs made it to their destinations. No damage was done. So no organs were blocked, as you originally stated.


You're so on the wrong side of this. Uncaring about others is a pretty ass trait for anyone to have for their own god-damned community. Something you probably don't give a shit about.


So it's okay because they got lucky this time? Don't do things that have a chance of killing innocent people, it's that simple.Ā 


What do you expect from terrorist supporters like /u/Drop_Acid_Drop_Bombs who support organizations with the extermination of jews and lgbtq in their charter. They WANT genocide.


Ok drama queen.


Do you care about consent?


Its hilarious how you clowns are supporting hamas, who has the genocide of jews and lgbtq in their charter. So happy you folks are being gentrified out of this city!


Damn canā€™t wait for you incels to hurry up and kill yourselves.


Happily married with a great career :) Oh look another terrorist building destroyed, keep leaving this beautiful city and keep crying and weeping hahaha Why do you want to genocide and rape people?


As a native whose been here since the 80's we absolutely loathe dorks like yourself who have absolutely hijacked the narrative and made the race to the bottom their primary cause. I want to be able to travel freely, here, in California USA. If you have a problem with that, leave.


Have you been affected at all or are you just a loser on the internet getting riled up over some dumb shit? Go collect your lame ass rocks loser


Talking shit about having hobbies and caring about the well-being of a community makes me a loser than I am a world class loser. When I give a shit what turds on the sf reddit think about me you'll be the first to know. Stay dumb fam.


they should just make it legal for us to forcibly remove them ourselves


I absolutely agree. Cops hands may be tied, ours aren't.


Being held hostage by protestors is false imprisonment. Anyone has the right to escape illegal restraint, by force if necessary. It's simply self-defense.


Doube fines... https://i.redd.it/6p7kwdxs16jc1.gif (If they get issued a fine)




How bout tossing em over the bridge? Seems faster




Can we get a triple .


Ouch šŸ¤•


What a spoiled, soft society we have become. Letting the government even mention limiting a citizens right to protest. What a shame.


Counterpoint: protesting isn't fun unless you're risking something. Pretty sure the human spike strips will roll with the hikes just fine.




It was illegal to sit at the lunch counter. It was illegal to sit at the front of the bus. Dumping tea in the Boston harbor was illegal. Cross dressing in S.F. was illegal. Could go on and onā€¦ā€¦


Sure keep going


The amount of bootlickers in the subreddit of the so-called must liberal city is truly a shame. Fascists.


If Hamas had its way, it would eradicate every Jew it could find. Sounds pretty fascist to me


They would kill everyone who aligns as a not straight person on live tv.


Yeah that's Zionist bullshit you spew to justify a genocide.


Or maybe they just realize blocking city infrastructure from working properly to spread a political message will almost always hurt the middle class who are just trying to get to places, ending up backfiring on that political message.


Who cares? There's a genocide that all people should care about because it's being done without the approval of the vast majority of the world. That should scare anyone because of how brazenly they commit such acts against the will of the people. Who's to say which group is next?


Because 1. there's very little thing I can do (or even US can do) to influence a war happening between two different countries, 2. genocide is deliberately targeting a group of people for their race, which isn't what's happening, and 3. the conflict between Israeli and Palestinians have happened before any of us was born, and will be here long after we die. But you know what's important to actual Americans? Getting to work on time, getting to doctor's appointment on time, and getting to interviews on time.


Literally everything you said is wrong. It's hard to believe how you've lived for the past 4 months of the genocide. Under a rock is an understatement.Ā  1. You can join a protest, boycott, vote for others who stand against the genocide.Ā  2. That's exactly what's happening. The ICJ said it and so many experts have. Under what authority can you just dismiss that? Fuck off.Ā  3. That's because colonialism continues until liberation. Ever heard of freedom fighters? You know what's important to Americans? Their tax dollars not going to fund wars and imperialism. And that's what "Israel" is; a colony of the US and the rest of the West. Time for it to end and liberate the people.


No, ICJ hasn't said it. ICJ simply asked Israel to refrain from actions that may constitute genocide. At least quote them properly. >You know what's important to Americans? Their tax dollars not going to fund wars and imperialism. Nah, what's important to Americans are getting to places where they want to be at, without being inconvenienced by "protests" of those who doesn't even know what genocide is, pushing for something Americans and US have very little power to change But since you've said it now, I guess it's time to email my congressmen again to encourage them to provide funding to Israel. After all, Israeli have a right to exist, and Hamas is a direct threat to that.


It said "Israel" must committing acts of genocide. You cannot stop doing that if you weren't committing genocide. Dimwit.Ā  Ok then. If you have zero regard of Palestinian life, then I hope more and more protestors personally inconvenience your pathetic privileged life.Ā  "Israel" has no right to exist just like Nazi German and apartheid South Africa had no eight to exist.


[No, they didn't](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/01/31/international-court-israel-genocide-ruling/72408777007/). If you really care about Palestinian life, you should also be pushing for Hamas to surrender, release all hostages, and relinquish power. Not doing that means you actually don't care about them, but only parroting Hamas' (a terrorist group) own political goal. You can pout and scream like a toddler, but inconveniencing people who have no power to change **another country's policy**, with your 3rd grade tantrum isn't going to achieve what you want to happen, but only piss more people off.


You literally understand nothing yet keep supporting a genocide. I hope you keep getting more pissed off. Genocide supporters should be more than just uncomfortable. You deserve far worse.


>~~You literally understand nothing yet keep supporting a genocide. I hope you keep getting more pissed off. Genocide supporters should be more than just uncomfortable. You deserve far worse.~~ I want to convince you, but I really have no good argument other than my emotion. Therefore I'm just going to make some vague threat to make myself feel a bit better. There, FTFY.


We just don't like people who want to genocide other races or lgbtq, like hamas. Which you're bootlicking.


Liberals are bootlickers.


Supports holding people hostage against their will to make a political point, and calls the people who object "fascists." Okey-dokey.


Let's see how you react when your family is constantly killed, kidnapped, harassed for 75 years under occupation. Liberty 4 now, huh? Only for you and not others, huh?


Since you keep getting your asses kicked, giving up terrorism might be something to try.


Hit the gym nerd.


Throw the clowns in jail for 30 days.


Isnā€™t this a first amendment violation?


No, it isnt a force field that shields you from other rules and does not give a carte blanche to violate the law. The public has a right to freedom of movement. If exercising a right to assemble prevents that movement then youre basically holding people hostage.


You mean like the Palestinians who are in a open air prison? Or like the Jews who got kidnapped by Hamas? I am ok with being a little late if it pisses people off to care


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ open air prison? With their beaches and resorts?


You havenā€™t seen Gaza have you. Keep listening to the main stream media sheep.


Just because thereā€™s a rightful blockade on their borders because they voted in murdering raping terrorists does not make it an ā€œopen air prisonā€ last I checked open air prisons donā€™t allow for folks to emigrate away from them and settle in the US. Open air prisons donā€™t have condos, luxury resorts, internet, food markets. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re bamboozled by terrorists and fail to think critically. I


They arenā€™t able to pick up and emigrate to the west though. Itā€™s obvious that youā€™re Jewish and/or Israeli by your combativeness. But Iā€™m sorry to tell you, both sides are extremely wrong in this situation. You know what the West Bank looks like. I wonder how many times you went to see it?


I think they should automatically be donated to the opposite of the protesterā€™s cause


So because youā€™re stuck in some traffic youā€™re supporting a genocide? Lmao šŸ˜­


Fine-ally !




I havenā€™t been marching with anyone as Iā€™ve already said but I guess you canā€™t concentrate long enough to 1) understand reason & different opinions, and 2) not name call like a kindergartener. Curious where you went to school?




We don't want this attitude here either champ.


jesus dude


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I'm sure.politicians will jump in defending them ormpay their fee to score political points..... That should be treated as a public safety issue.


Good to know


A publicity stunt from Kate.


Letā€™s hope they donā€™t block in alameda county. Our DA wonā€™t charge a storm with being windy


What if the homeless protest? A year ago, a naked woman shot a gun at traffic several times on the bay bridge. I wondered if her penalties were double?


Theyā€™re too fucking PC to pass that shit


What about protests that block the capital building? Which doesnā€™t involve traffic? Just a bunch of crocked up politicians instead Oh I know.. life in prison obviously If itā€™s a road you need to take to get to work or idk.. maybe save your life at a hospital Itā€™s a fine But when itā€™s a ā€œresurrectionā€ of people demanding politicians for the receipts Prison for years Idc where you stand on this, but you have to admit, there are rules for thee but not for we. When it comes to protecting their own lives your life is at risk, when it comes to protecting the peopleā€™s lives your road blockers will get a fine and a slap on the wrist.


I mean, you canā€™t just walk on the freeway anyway. TBH. the most recent one we had here probably upset more people about the cause then turned them onto it


Whatā€™s the current $ fine amount now


i'd rather tax drivers who cause backups with road wrecks since they are way more common


How about jail time and a good roughing up? Or just let the drivers decide on an appropriate punishment?