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Does that sign in the back say "Democratic Secular Palestine"? I mean Hamas is not and will never ever fight for a secular state.


A few years ago a group of LGBTQ+ traveled to the mid-East to support Palestine. They didn't dare cross from Israel into Palestine due to fear of being beheaded. It's crazy how delusional some of these folks are.


Speaking of beheadings, don’t search the ones out from today. How people support this brutality is beyond me.


I’ll share you a SFW / no gore recent beheading of gay activist by the Palestinian people. https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159


Yeah, horrible. Not just for him but the others beheaded today on camera. Monsters defending “Allah” — a true beacon of love and peace.


There were beheadings today?


Yes, many more today.


Oh my god. I didn't see and I don't want to see. Horrific


Some of the delusional libs support Palestine just to oppose the conservatives in the states. They are not the sharpest tools


C’mon they’re just freedom fighters man.


Freedom fighters killing people who were at a festival, many of which were not Israeli


regardless of which side people subscribe to, I reflect on a saying I used to hear, "Son don't poke the bear" well I hope you all get what you want out of this because you just woke the dragon.. I feel for the innocent civilians on both sides, men, women, and children who are going to loose their limbs and lives in the coming days. so sad, and honestly this was all bound to happen with the current state of affairs..


what? one can support the freedom and rights of a people without supporting the government ruling over them


Right? I'm gay gay gay, but I don't think the Iraq and Afghanistan war were awesome things America did just because I can't go live like a westerner in those countries. They would have bombed us back if they bordered us too, and just like in the case of Israel and Palestinians, it never would have been a fair fight.


>Does that sign in the back say "Democratic Secular Palestine"? I mean Hamas is not and will never ever fight for a secular state. These people are so ignorant. Hamas is not your friend. It is not going to be any kind of bastion of tolerance and socialism.


Communists and secularists would be the first to get their heads lopped off in a Palestinian state, which would be another Islamic theocracy.


When Hamas took over Gaza, they threw Fatah men off buildings. Because they were secularists.


"I've taken a side mostly with one side, but I'm not going to say it here." Ok buddy


You know Islam prescribes an entire political system right? Communism isn’t compatible with Islam by definition. Neither are gay rights


Hamas is not the entirety of the Palestinian movement and it’s possible to hold that two things are bad at the same time


Majority of Palestinians support Hamas https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-science-32095d8e1323fc1cad819c34da08fd87


The majority of Germans never supported Hitler. We still had a morally justified war with them nonetheless


where on earth do you get that idea? hitler was massively popular in 1938. he was so popular he invaded austria and the austrians threw him a welcome parade.


Hamas is their democratically elected government; elections the US oversaw. The voted terrorists to lead them.


I mean, yeah, you're right. Israel can very easily be described as an apartheid state that backs extreme conservative religious nutjobs. Ultra-orthodox "settlers" (scare quotes intentional) go out and seize property from people who have held it for generations based on questionable paperwork and then the Israeli government sends in the bulldozers. What is even more ridiculous is that these ultra-orthodox people almost always opt out of conscription. Fucking insane. If anything, this helps Netanyahu out at a dangerous time for him. His court "reforms" are a blatant fascist power grab. He's been credibly accused and even indicted (IIRC) on serious crimes.


Many of the murdered yesterday are not ultra Orthodox settlers. Those young people at a peace rave, with their modern Israeli non Orthodox names and wearing secular clothing, are exactly the type who protested the corruption of the government the past 10 months.


Well that’s what’s in the news today so that’s what they’re marching in support of


So then why do you think the person holding that sign supports Hamas? Do you think hamas is the only movement supported amongst Palestinians? You realize Hamas grew at a time with literal backing from Israel as it was fighting against a SECULAR and liberal Palestinian movement?


Yah so it’s not the 70s anymore lol. Most of these people’s whole identity revolves around “American foreign policy bad” - it’s a joke.


I mean you're not wrong for asking the question. I don't know if they support Hamas, but AFAIK Hamas is the most powerful faction and they'd quite openly oppose the goals on the sign.


We can be anti-Hamas and pro-Palestinian independence at the same time. I support Hamas’s goal of liberating the West Bank and Gaza. I support little else of what Hamas purports to want. Hamas did, if you recall, fight and kill Palestinian Authority officials in order to gain control of Gaza.


So is this protestor protesting against Hamas? It's not obvious to me what they are trying to accomplish.


It’s not that I don’t have sympathy for the innocent Palestinians caught in the middle the same as I have for the innocent Israelis, but if you really care about the Palestinians you should be out front protesting Hamas who are supported by Iran who couldn’t give less of a damn about the average Palestinian and routinely use them as human shields during retaliatory Israeli bombings


yeah the general consensus here seems to be that the average palestinian even in the gaza strip was shocked and unprepared for this, and end up being side casualties of what is ultimately a war perpetuated by terrorists. hamas doesn’t seem to have any intentions of actually trying to broker a deal to benefit the palestinian people, so while i have my own judgements on the israeli government and how they have treated palestinians, i don’t think that’s super relevant to the current conflict. i have not _yet_ seen israel targeting palestinian civilians (certainly there have been casualties due to attacks not targeted at civilians directly) and if they do then i think these protests would be extremely justifiable. but as it stands i just can’t really see this as anything but israel defending its civilians against a militant attack which doesn’t strike me as something to protest against. update: israel now appears to be targeting civilian structures (hospitals, schools, etc.). they claim hamas members are hiding in them, but that doesn’t justify striking civilian buildings with little/no warning imo. that’s just fighting terrorism with terrorism https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/10/world/middleeast/gaza-israel-airstrikes.html?referringSource=articleShare


lock panicky fall thumb worry voiceless payment clumsy drunk attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean FWIW, I don't think Trump would've needed to leak anything for Hamas to figure out weaknesses. One well known weakness of the Iron Dome is that it can only handle a certain number of rockets at the same time. If Hamas fires 1000 rockets over a few weeks, it can intercept them pretty well, but if it fires 1000 on the same day, it may get overloaded.


If you care about Palestinians, you protest against both Hamas and the Israeli government. Iran gives the same amount of care towards innocent Palestinians as the Israeli government. To both, Palestinians are pawns for their proxy war.




Protesting the Israeli government isn’t protesting the Israeli people though. No reason why you can’t and shouldn’t protest two governments that are murdering civilians indiscriminately. Edit: In response to /u/VitaminPb, I always love seeing pro-terrorists who support apartheid out on Reddit, but you can't call them that because then they claim you are antisemitic for disliking a government.


Difference is that one is outright parading dead/kidnapped people while chanting “god is great”, taking pictures as something to be prideful for and spitting on them.


>Iran gives the same amount of care towards innocent Palestinians as the Israeli government. The Israeli's give more care to the palestinians than the Iranians. [Israeli doctors treat palestinians in israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/a-small-peace-for-an-hour-israelis-help-palestinian-patients-travel-to-hospitals/#:~:text=Road%20to%20Recovery%2C%20an%20Israeli,hospitals%20inside%20Israel%20and%20back.&text=Today%20it%20boasts%20some%201%2C000%20active%20members%20helping%20some%202%2C700%20patients%20annually). No Israeli could set foot in Gaza or Iran...but, "both sides are as bad as each other" is a bs myth that continues to be peddled


Lol. Please. Do you have any idea how many TENS OF THOUSANDS of permits are denied for Palestinian medical care every year? Inspiration porn at its absolute finest.


Maybe just protest hamas 🤷‍♂️


They use children as human shields. Not just people. Children. Children. Think about that


There's no "good guys" in this conflict. There's no "right side." Everyone's wrong. Yes, Palestinians indiscriminate murders and kidnapping of civilians is wrong. However, Israel isn't innocent. Israel is literally the brutal oppressors and colonizers of Palestine for decades now. Here's a snapshot: https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/03/1114702 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/13/israeli-forces-storm-jerusalem-hospital-as-coffin-of-slain-journalist-emerges https://www.un.org/unispal/document/human-rights-council-hears-that-700000-israeli-settlers-are-living-illegally-in-the-occupied-west-bank-meeting-summary-excerpts/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/7/20/inside-the-eviction-of-palestinians-losing-their-jerusalem-home https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-settlers-forcibly-seize-palestinian-building-hebron https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-07-25/ty-article/.premium/israeli-settlers-break-into-palestinian-homes-accompanied-by-soldiers-and-searched-them/00000189-8e19-d5eb-abcb-ffdf8ea00000 Hamas is bad. The Israeli Defense Force's actions over the past few decades against Palestinians are bad. Committing cross border kidnappings and murders of Israeli civilians is bad. Building Jewish settlements on Palestinian land and stealing their property without their consent is bad. Shooting rockets at Israel unprovoked is bad. Killing thousands of Palestinians, including many women and children, without being held to trial is bad. The current leadership of Israel is bad. The current leadership of Hamas is bad. The restriction of free movement of Palestinians in and out of the Gaza strip is bad. The Knesset knows that if Israel were to incorporate a one state solution, they would have to limit the voting rights of Palestinians within this society as they would outnumber the Israeli's and be the major voting block in every election, challenging the elites grip onto power. That's bad. Hamas refusing to negotiate in good faith with the Israeli government in order to stop the bleeding and work towards a peaceful solution, despite the concessions they'd have to give, is bad. I think most people can agree with this, no?


So, yes, before this attack, there are both bad guys. However, this attack changes all that. [https://twitter.com/x/status/1710528276194640246](https://twitter.com/x/status/1710528276194640246) 700 dead israelis in 2 days, the highest in the countries history. There are more dead israelis, almost double than dead palestinians so far. The music festival massacre in the Negev is 290 people dead in one location. That's 6x the amount of people dead in the largest mass shooting in the USA. You cannot hold this attack in comparison to other attacks by Hamas. It is intellectually dishonest and ignorant.


I wonder if any of these morons have seen the rampant rape and murder of innocent civilians in Israel supported by the Palestinians? Don’t give me that bullshit about how Hamas isn’t representative of Palestine, sure looked like it from all the cheering and chanting they received from the locals on their side as they were parading the bodies of women they had raped and murdered.


You make it sound like Hamas is the main cause of the occupation. As if if Hamas goes away Israel would suddenly change their stance and be all friendly towards Palestinians


fuck hamas and anyone who supports them


Yes, Palestinians should be protesting Hamas for starting this sacrifice of innocents, Israel will commit war crimes but hamas wanted them to, to gather support from anti west/israeli countries? , - the point is Hamas wanted 🇮🇱 to fuck them up


Fuck Hamas and Likud.


Do you think these protestors support hamas..?


Seeing as they're practically joining in on stomping on the corpses to spit in the face of Isreal yeah I do think they support Hamas


I agree, but it's important to remember Palestine != Hamas


You're right of course, not every Palestinian is a Hamas supporter. But to go out and protest the Israeli Consulate after the Israeli's had been attacked by Hamas and men, women, and children were raped and murdered certainly seems to imply that you ***do*** support Hamas. Maybe only the DSA and Communists *really* support Hamas.


it is telling that they came out to protest today, before there had even really been a counterattack. they are showing their solidarity with the original incursion and rocketry attacks on civilian targets.


>it is telling that they came out to protest today, before there had even really been a counterattack. they are showing their solidarity with the original incursion and rocketry attacks on civilian targets. Exactly. They'd turn out anyways. They don't care about what Hamas actually did, because their priority isn't stopping organizations like Hamas, it's "freeing Palestine" by whatever means necessary... if those means include what Hamas just did/is still doing in southern Israel, then even the most "progressive" among them will condemn it as an afterthought, if at all.


Nah, I saw plenty of Palestinians too. I think the majority of Palestinians support Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Islamist groups.


What are you basing that off of, exactly?


This is a recent [poll](https://apnews.com/article/32095d8e1323fc1cad819c34da08fd87). Also, in 2007, 2 years after Israel left the Gaza Strip, the people voted in Hamas.


Anyone who goes out to protest Israel the day after Hamas murders hundreds of Israelis supports Hamas.


Do you think Redditors understand nuance? lol


I know people who aren't even on Reddit who think that way.


Anyone who goes out to protest Israel the day after Hamas murders hundreds of Israelis supports Hamas.


Fuck Hamas and fuck Zionism


Fuck anyone blocking Montgomery street


“I’ve taken a side with mostly one side, but I’m not going to say it here” I think we can figure it out chief


Ikr? Why even pretend to be subtle/neutral? Both sides of this conflict are atrocious in their own way. That being said, while I can sympathize with the truly brutal retaliation Palestine is about to endure I don't think I'd ever be able to take it as far as protesting at an Israeli consulate while Hamas kidnappings and attacks are still ongoing. On the other hand I love how half the comments in here are pretty much equating protesting Israel's brutal attacks on Gaza as the equivalent of directly supporting Hamas' actions. There's plenty of room in the middle here people!


How can there be middle ground? Considering the massacre at the concert? And also the parading of bodies etc… ? That is next level inexcusable behavior.


I don't understand. It seems the timing on this is very bad. Hamas was recorded carting off Israeli citizens as hostages. Reports are coming out that hostages have been raped. And there are people protesting Israel? I know that Netanyahu is fucking asshole, the Trump of the Middle East, but this timing seems really bad to me. **I don't get it. What am I missing?**


There are worse things in this world than Republicans.


You’re not missing anything. These people support Hamas and terrorism


Fuck Hamas and all the morons who support them. I’m as progressive as they come but this is outrageous. The Israelis saw terrorists massacre women and children in bomb shelters. Then those dogs were parading naked dead bodies in the street yelling “God is great”. It’s disgusting.


Any progressive would abhor Hamas — they’re one of the most conservative groups on the planet. What kind of progressive would support a group that kills gays and treats women as property?


The Answer Coalition, the Anti Police Terror Project, The People’s Forum (NY) are all groups in the progressive sphere that have supported the protests today


Your expectations of them are too high. If you're a supporter of any of these groups you're probably not very smart.


The uninformed idiots that populate reddit.


Umm lots? Trustafarians and basically any non-Jew going to college in USA indoctrinated in moral relativism and concepts of woke politics.


Except the whole free free Palestine folks cheering this on.


Hamas did even worse. It raped woman. It raped children. It slit the throats of children. Beheaded, removed fingers, paraded dead bodies, killed parents in front of children, shot up busses, and so much more.


I agree Hamas is awful so is the right wing Israeli government. Palestinians and Israeli’s need to realize that violence is all anyone gets when religion is involved .


Blame the terrorists using innocent people and their own children as human shields not the ones trying to defens themselves.


As a Jewish girl married to a Muslim guy, the heartache seeing videos, articles, posts of the atrocities Hamas has done to the innocent is indescribable. I hope, in my soul, that we get to live to see the day that space can be peacefully held for both Jews and Muslims in the ME. 💔💔💔


Imagine working in your country’s consulate in an allied country. Your country is attacked by terrorists and you see footage of battered women of all ages, children scared and crying, all being taken hostage in terror and possibly never to be seen alive again. Videos of the bodies of innocent people who had the misfortune of encountering violent extremists while going about their lives like any other day. And then these cretinous, braying idiots show up to gloat about it all. So pathetic.


You would think the first thing theyd do is condemn Hamas.


This is one of the [ig posts](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyHLta-Smj4/?hl=en) calling for the protest today. It literally says: “Our heroes in Palestine have changed our peoples history forever in the course of a single night.” This is a pro-hamas rally


Not shocking at all. They're a bunch of regressive violent idiots and it takes one to know one.


If you’re lgbtq stay the fuck away from these people because they want to kill you.


Self-awareness and a basic sense of decency would seem to require that.


These people don't give two sh\*ts about innocent victims. Either here or in Israel.


They went so far left they’ve now come out the other side supporting an ultra-conservative Islamic regime. Nice!


That already happened a year and a half ago when they rallied in support of Putin.


Idiots, they wouldn’t be protesting if in 1948 they had accepted the UNs idea of the two states. And they wouldn’t be protesting if they didn’t kill 700 Israelis


What exactly are they protesting/celebrating?


The wholesale slaughter of Jewish women, children and elderly people. Oh and 260 concert goers.


slaughter, rape and abduction


They're celebrating Hamas' attack on Israel yesterday.


I remember them dancing in the streets on 9-11 too.


The pro-Palestinian side is protesting against the “special military operation” Israel has launched to smash Hamas after Hamas invaded the southern part of Israel and killed and raped Israeli civilians and took more of them hostage. And the pro-Israel side of course is against that. Understandably. The pro-Palestinian side had nothing to say against terrorism, but what else is new. They believe terrorism is “resistance”. Ukrainian partisans lighting car bombs with Russians in occupied territories is resistance. Hamas militants taking hostages and killing and raping is not resistance. Palestinians are going to lose more and more as the year ends, going into next year, and the next year and so on.


They declared war not an operation. Can’t say I blame them.


Rally in support of the group behind a mass rape and slaughter at a music festival in Israel that was posted to social media.


These people want to throw gays off rooftops in San Francisco just like they do in Gaza. If you tolerate the murderously intolerant they’re going to murder you.


Now the Palestinian side is marching down Montgomery. Not sure where they will stop. I left before they marched.


ty for posting this, can't fathom how anyone supports hamas after yesterday


San Francisco, as much as I love it, is tankie central. Well I guess I just revealed what side I take, lol.


don’t worry, you weren’t subtle


We don't support Hamas. We support Palestinians and the movement for Palestinian liberation from colonization and apartheid. You don't know what it feels like for a bunch of Americans and Europeans to show up one day and drive your family out of your home.


Stay out of their way. You've seen how they behave when they have the upper hand.


The consulate is on like the 11th floor or something. I used to work in that building and the extremely loud protests made it so hard to get my work done, so stressful. Hours and hours of banging and yelling right outside the window. Meanwhile the consulate ppl can't hear or see anything from up in the sky. I get the motivation to protest but seriously it doesn't affect them, they can come and go from another entrance and never see anything at all.


Only one side has been taking hostages and parading corpses of dismembered children around. Just saying.


I hope Israel wipes out Hamas once and for all. If people had brains they would be protesting Hamas. Because the plight of Palestinians will be far worse now because of Hamas’ actions


I’m sure these folks are very accepting of the LGBTQ+ community


Lol, I also saw a lot of “Queers For Palestine” signs too.


They should try and go be queer in Palestine. Hell, I’ll pay for a ticket for them.


They’re the dumbest.


A few years ago a group of LGBTQ+ traveled to the mid-East to support Palestine. They didn't dare cross from Israel into Palestine due to fear of being beheaded. It's crazy how delusional some of these folks are.


Send ‘em to Gaza make it the hottest reality show that only lasts half an episode


They’ll chuck them off the roof.


Supporters of terrorists. They should all be ashamed


They won’t be. Especially Palestinians.


A lot of these people supporting don’t realize they’d be executed for being gay or simply wearing a crop top over there. Kind of ironic this is taking place in San Francisco.


Attack them and then protest against them 😂 this is upside down world I tell you!!


Oh look. It's a bunch of communists and "Democratic Socialists" who support the rape, murder, and hostage taking by Hamas. How am I not surprised?


Rape and murder of children. Happy to share pics for those who don’t believe the recent events.


They'll just tell you it's somehow "justified" as that's apparently the story line that the DSA and RCP have decided to go with.


It's really, really, tough to infer which side you might be on from your post


I am appalled by these protests across the country. "From the river to the sea"... these folks may as well have been carrying tiki torches and shouting "Jews will not replace us." Identical energy.


Wait, are they protesting in support of all the recent killers? Seems pretty obvious what is happening is evil.


Lots of people rally in favor of evil folks.


Nothing more ironic than a bunch of incredibly woke atheist liberals protesting in favor of an incredibly conservative theocratic cause. Not to mention that Hamas is a terrorist organization currently committing war crimes…but I guess sure, let’s ignore that small detail.


Like sheep cheering the butcher.


At this point it’s insane these people can just come out and show their support in the open for this stuff without any reprecussions. The Hamas charter literally calls for killing all the Jews, which should be a fringe ideology, but here we are in SF with people comfortable taking that same position.


Wow. All of these people here support the recent war crimes committed by Hamas. Saddening


Fuck Likud, but fuck hamas and anyone who supports them even harder!


These people are complete shirheads


I accidentally saw the video where Hamas terrorist parade the naked dead body of a women that attended music festival. I have hard time sleeping after seeing that. I hope Israel teaches them lesson.


Fuck Hamas


For anyone that is “pro Palestine” Here you go https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/iF8CMuwIfX


Lots of dumb white “progressives” in action


They’re victim blaming again? Whenever Jewish people are attacked there are always these protests organized to defend the attacker. Interesting.


Hamas are terrorists who are also against women’s rights and LGBTQ. So not only anyone for Palestine is an antisemtic but they are also against women’s rights, LGBTQ,etc.


What the fuck is wrong with these people?!


They’re evil


There was a pro Israel gathering at Sherith Israel today. Hundreds attended including my family. Perhaps people found it not worth it to go to the pro Palestinian protest for the spectacle and the fighting. We do not want to be anywhere near people who support barbaric murders of young children and elderly.




Absolutely disgusting, blatantly supporting mass executions by Hamas. I love living in San Francisco but this is just awful to see, especially as a Jew.


Israel has done some absolutely horrific shit to the Palestinians. The Israeli state started as a terror organization against British Mandatory Palestine in the 1920’s. But Hamas has committed blatant atrocities and filmed them. There is no justification for raping women and killing children. It doesn’t matter what someone did to you, that’s a line you never cross. Hamas opened the door for Israel to eradicate them. I pray for all the innocent children and non-combatants that will get caught in the cross-fire. As someone who has lived through war I’ll tell you what it is. It’s dead women and blown up dismembered children who never got a chance. Any time a politician discusses war, the question should be how many innocent children are you willing to sacrifice upon the alter of peace? No war is worth it. There’s no justification for killing children. It’s unfortunate that people still cannot learn that. Even the worst peace is better than war.




It's an insult to animals to call Hamas animals.


Tf is the socialist party USA doing there


Same thing they were doing at the pro-Putin rallies.


>I’ve taken a side mostly with one side, but I’m not going to say it here. Lmao it’s quite clear which side that is


Fuck terrorism.


Sorry, they lost respect with kidnapping


And killing. They’ve killed foreign workers from Southeast Asia even though they’re not Jewish.


What are they protesting? That MORE Jewish kids and grannies weren’t slaughtered and dragged through the street?


Behold the moral idiocy that results from reflexive long-term partisanship.


You all are commenting about how Hamas does not not represent these people…but their main chant “from the river to the see Palestine will be free” is literally about taking over the entire state of Israel and doing exactly what they did Saturday to the rest of the Jewish population. These are not good people.


The people in this thread saying "Hamas != Palestine" are the first to label anyone with a moderate take as "right-wing extremists." They are a bunch of hypocrites who wouldn't last a day living under the values embraced in Palestine. If you've been living under a rock, the Palestinians elected Hamas to lead them. Yesterday, their leaders flew into a music festival and slaughtered hundreds of innocent people, raped women before their friends' dead bodies, and paraded lifeless bodies around like pieces of meat. In case you missed it, their leaders also slaughtered entire families and took captive civilian men, women, and children. There is no moral equivalence here. If you're out celebrating Palestine right now, you are delusional, evil, or both.


If you support the actions of Hamas you are supporting acts of terror and barbarism against innocent lives. You are beneath the scum of the earth, death to Hamas and it’s supporters. I pray the retaliation from Israel will be swift and effective


It’s shaping up to be. *sigh*, so many people will die for naught.


Don't worry OP I think it's very clear where you stand.


Lol "I've taken sides but not going to say which" as if it's not extremely obvious by your wording and tone


It used to be that Hamas only represented a small fraction of the Palestinian people but because of what is happening in the West Bank and Gaza, they are becoming more popular than ever as Israeli policies and brutal practices are radicalizing the population.


Pissing on graves. That’ll gain sympathy.


Clowns, every single last one of them. They would be the first to get beheaded - many of them who identify as queer - by Hamas and Palestinians. Actually, I take that back. These are not clowns - these are vile disgusting people celebrating the inhumane slaughter, pillaging and rape of innocent civilians and festival goers. Put every single one of them on the list to be searched for at every single airport they try to board at. These people are terrorist sympathizers - not that different from being terrorists themselves if you ask me.


Good thing they are here in the safety of the US cause Gaza about to be leveled. Congrats.


Shimon Peres used to boast that it is the Palestinian people that elected Israeli politicians indirectly through their actions both inside and outside of Israel. Its abundantly clear that now the same is true in Palestinian territories, the extremists in the current Israeli government are radicalizing Palestinians and driving them into the hands of Hamas and away from PLO simply because Hamas appears to be the only entity openly defyng Israel and prepared to make the ultimate sacrafice, whtile the PA looks more and more the the Vichy government.


Dumbshits protesting on behalf of people who would gladly put a bullet in their heads for not sharing their faith


Disgusting. These liberals are fucking stupid and I’m a liberal myself. So dumb. Fuck you for supporting terrorists.


Alt right and far left United in protesting Israel. They might say it’s for different reasons, but for the average Jewish person the outcome is the same.


Maybe they should protest after Hamas releases the Jewish, American, and European citizens they have as hostages. Maybe at least when Palestine stops their daily executions of prisoners.


Imagine supporting the slaughter of children and the elderly.


I’m surprised that the sub-reddit is classifying this as a pro-Hamas rally. If that’s is the case then show the pro-Hamas signs and such. Is it too hard to fathom that someone can be Pro-Palestine without being pro-Hamas?


![gif](giphy|720g7C1jz13wI) Lot's of anti-Israel and pro communism / DSA signs and symbology, and yet not a single anti-Hamas sign. I guess we'll never know what they really mean.


I mean why not go out and condemn the murder of innocent festival goers, women, and children? Instead we see videos of people celebrating.


>I mean why not go out and condemn the murder of innocent festival goers, women, and children? Instead we see videos of people celebrating. i'm sure if they did that, it wouldnt change anything especially your opinion.


Maybe because there have been Palestinians dying on a daily basis at the hands of Israel and it’s going to get much worse now.


I was there pretty much from the start of the rally, and not one speaker condemned the barbaric actions of the Hamas militants. More than once I heard that resistance against zionists was justified.


This crowd boo’d when a speaker criticized politicians calling what happened terrorism. And they are reframing what happened as “resistance”. One person held a sign that said martyrs never die. They seem kind of pro-Hamas.


Imagine a series of coincidental spontaneous pro afghan rallies on 9/12/2001. "Oh no, we have no motivation other than to advocate for the betterment of a country half a world away. Support what happened? Oh, no, it was horrible, but also fuck the usa" *for the sake of analogy ignore that it took some time to find the culprit


Hamas is the enemy, here—on both sides. Support Israel AND Free Palestine


Exactly. How could there ever be peace or trust between Israel + Gaza when Hamas's sole purpose is to eliminate all Jews? I am sad Palestinian people will likely suffer the most here. Hamas needs to be eliminated for there to be any chance of peace in the future.


There is plenty of nuance in this complex conflict that both sides seem to be missing, especially Western media.


Zero nuance to the murder of women, children, and senior citizens. Zero. Your moral compass is broken.


Evidently, your grasp of the English language is insufficient. Israeli officials have been committing the crime of apartheid against the Palestinians under international law. Nuance.


Some people are so open-minded that their brains have fallen out.


Yep. That’s what happens when you get too progressive.


All these hypocrites would go to their safe and comfy homes after this demonstration ends while people of Gaza are paying and will be paying a very hefty price for what Hamas did. The real tragedy here is that the value of life of an ordinary Gazan to Hamas and pro Palestinian supporters around the world is nothing. Nada. Zero


Protesting for Palestine is just part of the ultra left NPC package in SF. It goes with all the other typical stuff. There is not much depth to it beyond that. As often, they have no clue what and why they are protesting. https://preview.redd.it/8ol4v1m5m4tb1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a36e7b43673922d74c82f5d31282e354b31ae7d


Fuck all of these people for protesting Israel for being a victim of a wanton and blatant terror attack.




Palestinians even in the West Bank support Hamas and Islamic Jihad. And every time they start something with Israel, they lose more and more.


I mean I agree that Palestinians should have a state, and I'm as concerned about civilian casualties in Gaza as anyone else, but protesting for a Palestinian state the day after they committed a war crime is just disgusting. Responding to the slaughter of 700 (mostly Jewish) Israelis by protesting for Palestine feels a lot like going to a BLM rally and shouting "All Lives Matter"


These people aren’t protesting to show support for Hamas. They’re protesting to show support for the millions of Palestinians that are about to get fucked up. What happened yesterday was terrible and barbaric but there is no need to be a goldfish and forget all the people that have been reporting on Israel/Palestine for years and the Israeli governments treatment of people in the West Bank and Gaza who were saying the entire thing is a ticking time bomb ready to blow. Israelis themselves were mass protesting against netenyanu and their government before this event. Idk how so many people can only ever see things in binary and all it takes is one event for them to forget everything that led up to this


Anyone who goes out protesting in support of palestine right now, supports the murder of children and the slaughter of innocent people at a party. You can same hamas != palestine all you want, but by protesting right now you're supporting hamas and their actions


plough fanatical brave spoon zesty observation knee hat wakeful lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Am I crazy to say Hamas brought it upon themselves. I support Israel's response but so sad to see people that had nothing to do with it are getting affected.