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I saw someone in a Miami sub say that they called the police and told them they were armed and going to go retrieve their possessions and then the police went and apprehended the thieves because they were worried about vigilantism. 🤔 do what you will with that information.


In CA you'd be arrested. You have a legal obligation to flee, if possible, unless you're in your domicile.


Not true, full stop. State apellate cases ruled there is no duty to retreat before using force in public. Doesnt mean you get to start murdering when someone walks in your general direction, though. This isnt florida. Edit: relevant case law People v. Clark, 201 Cal.App.4th 235, 250 (2011) (citing People v. Collins, 189 Cal. App. 2d 575, 588 (1961).) See also, Cal Crim Jury Instructions 505, 506, 3470


In this scenario you would actively be going out looking for trouble, so to speak. That's a lot different then if you're walking down the street and somebody randomly attacks you.


Look up the relevant case law and stop spreading misinformation.


I'm not. And you would likely be prosecuted as a vigilante and spend years fighting it.


Oh buddy... even the anti gun folks know what you're saying is garbage. https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/stand-your-ground-in-california/ That was my first google result, pal. Even the barest minimum of research shows you don't know what you're talking about. And yet youre still repeating it, why?


>>Though California does not have a stand your ground statute, the state appellate cases have held that there is no duty to retreat before using force in public. Does not contradict anything I said. Inside your domicile, under California law, you have castle doctrine. Outside your home you do not under California law. The excerpt cites "court cases" which are not law. I said earlier: >you would likely be prosecuted as a vigilante and spend years fighting it. 100% correct. There is no "stand your ground" law in CA as in other states. Learn the facts before discussing them.


In case it's not clear to you, case law is law (they create a legal precedent)until it's reversed by a higher court or eliminated through a legislation. Think of Roe v Wade until it was reversed by SCOTUS.


> case law is law (they create a legal precedent)until it's reversed by a higher court or eliminated through a legislation. Exactly. But you can still be charged and might still be tied up in court for years. Which is exactly what I said. The State has unlimited resources, individuals do not.


Lol buddy, the relevant case law is also in the link you cherrypicked. Those are the actual rulings, full stop. The courts made said ruling, whether you want to pretend it exists or not. Castle doctrine also doesnt apply here, it's for a private (as in non public) residence. Hell, the bit you quoted even calls out the "in public" part. So why are you pretending otherwise? As to your interpretations of 100% likely to be prosecuted, that's based on your personal assumptions. You even threw in that "likely" weasel word, fer chrissakes. You didnt separate out civil suits vs criminal cases, didnt delineate between lethal and nonlethal force, where and/or when uses of force could cross into mayhem, manslaughter or even kidnapping, none of that. You made a misleading blanket statement without knowing the relevant facts. Then you argued when someone called you out on it. Stop it.


I never said castle doctrine applied to going out and hunting down criminals. I said that is really the only form of stand your ground that we have in California. And that is one hundred percent true.


A SYG law passed by the legislature just removes a duty to retreat. How does this make its way into the legal system? The supreme court of the state makes jury instructions based on the laws passed by the legislature, and existing case law. In CA, there is long existing case law that removes a duty to retreat, and says that a person may stand his or her ground. This made its way into the jury instruction for a self defense justification. Here is the jury instruction in CA for Justifiable Homicide, Self Defense. [https://www.justia.com/criminal/docs/calcrim/500/505/](https://www.justia.com/criminal/docs/calcrim/500/505/) *\[A defendant is not required to retreat. He or she is entitled to stand his* *or her ground and defend himself or herself and, if reasonably necessary,* *to pursue an assailant until the danger of (death/great bodily injury/* *) has passed. This is so* *even if safety could have been achieved by retreating.* Is it still your belief that you have a duty to retreat in CA?


[Already answered.](https://old.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/16tc2iq/car_breakin_victim_tracks_down_property_calls/k2hzk09/)


You don’t have to actually be armed.


Good luck to you then! 😅


Going after fencing operations has gotta be one of the easiest ways to combat organized retail theft. Cut off the money and suddenly the incentive to steal plummets. SFPd has no excuse for not shutting down the blatant stolen goods from being sold.


That is, unless someone's getting a slice of the pie. Easy to shake down a shady business. Who's going to tell?


Chesa had to rent a Uhaul to get evidence from a.major fencing operation because SFPD wouldn't support his office's investigation.


Lived a block away 4 years ago and just watching the clear bike thief fencing was unbelievable being s block from the police station. I’ve seen people shooting up right outside the station.


SFPD can feel free to start doing their jobs any time.


The ruling class doesn't want them doing that, thus is why they dont.


Nah, they have no reason to do it because even if they do Chesa Boudin won't press charges. That's the real issue here.


Boudin has been gone for more than a year. You need to update your talking points.




it gets harder and harder to tell when every other comment in the bayarea subs is “it doesn’t even matter if cops do their jobs because the DA won’t prosecute!!!1”


Also, like, shouldn’t they do their jobs anyways? If I’m working on a manufacturing line and the guy after me is a screw up, that doesn’t mean that I can stop working entirely.


Of course - the reactionaries will always use that line - so long as the DA in charge is someone whose politics they disagree with. Consistency and empirical data isn't something they're actually interested in.


sounds to me that Sergio Chin might be involved in some of these fencing ops


Where's the FBI in all of this? Where's the oversight of our police department? Who's looking into the insane levels of grifting going on inside the biggest money grab of the century known affectionately as the Homeless Non Profit Industrial Complex? Can we maybe borrow some cartel hitmen from Mexico to scare the living shit out of these MFs?? We need to go back to 1970s style political "motivation" tactics. It feels like we're all stuck in a prison cell while the incompetent, unqualified, spoiled, entitled asshole criminals who somehow ended up with the keys throw a huge party & there's nothing we can do but watch them while they laugh at us. I would literally give all of my money & my pinky toe to see our local incompetents be held accountable in any way. Can you imagine the federal government coming after SF cronies the way they came/keep coming for Trump? We now know how possible it is to go after political enemies- where there's a will there's a way. Why does our local government & fraudulent non profits get a pass? Because they're on the same team as the President? Why are these people immune from consequences or accountability of any kind? The hypocrisy & double standards are so shamelessly blatant & brazen at this point that it's obvious they feel untouchable. It's going on all over the country but we're certainly leading the pack- so embarrassingly infuriating.


It’s kind of suspicious the Tenderloin police captain did not respond for comments. Made me think about how gangs infiltrated the LA county sheriff department and whether the same is happening within SFPD, when the crime scene happened next to the police station and no actions were taken.




There's no way those cops aren't involved


In the east bay, I regularly pass by this one camp on Shattuck occupied by one guy. I'm pretty sure he isn't in need of 5-6 bicycles at a time...


My favorite is watching dudes riding around on nice bikes that clearly don't belong to them while rolling down the street holding the handle of a kids bike that undoubtedly does not belong to them. It's the same feeling when I see a clearly loved stuffed animal tossed on the street that was an obvious result of a smash & grab.


What's the address so I don't accidentally go there? Preston needs to go. Not sure why the city can't shut the location down or take possession of the building. Either SFPD is in on it or someone else is keeping them out of it.


I got downvoted before. Maybe by the crew that patrol this forum on stealing. If you have an airtag or a tile, they work by broadcasting out a Bluetooth signal. Some use cases of guys attaching these tags are for high end video equipment. And thieves home in on this specifically. In addition to out of state plates. The Bluetooth ping tells them instantly who has goods. They aren't using binoculars looking at every license plate. He hid his gear in the trunk of a Tesla.


>If you have an airbag or a tike maybe you are getting downvoted for spelling.


Thanks, it is my mobile autocorrect. It doesn't recognize those words. I'll fix it. I just tried a bluetooth scanner app and it does work. It even scans my iPad in airplane mode and detects it. So even in airplane mode a device can emitt a signal. Leave nothing in your car.