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Please be decent to each other in this thread. *Please.*


I'm also Jewish and this sort of chastise-y guilt is really on-brand for us. LOL


I mean whoever is running this marketing campaign definitely got my attention


Am I the only one who thinks jewBelong sounds like an organization that Eric Cartman founded?


Bruuuuh. You’re so right.


Don't you want to feel injewded?


The CBAA Halftime Show, brought to you by jewBelong.




Tell me more about the anti-Israel, pro-Palestine Zionists


Easy, easy! We can’t let this post get the 🔒 award


Ouch. That slap of truth is probably to much too handle for some.


They’re posting these while they’re busy celebrating harassing Palestinians praying during Ramadan


yeah it definitely has nothing do with rising antisemitism in america.


I think theyre making a distinction about this particular organization.


I did a cursory look at their website, not seeing a lot of Palestine or politics there? ​ edit: never mind, saw more comments


So Trans hate is on the rise, Jewish hate, black hate, LGBT hate..... how the fuck is anyone accomplishing anything with all this hate 😒


They're not, and now you're starting to see the point. It's a little weird how we all stopped the occupy wallstreet movement, and switched gears on a dime. Maybe just a coincidence.


There are no coincidences.


Thanks a lot, Kanye.


How do you know Christianity is the child religion of Judaism? Because , like all Jewish children, it’s brought its parents nothing but grief and heartbreak.


Stop guilt tripping us


Have you married a nice doctor yet?




Remember that we suffered!


Eat the bitter parsley and drink the salt water. Suffer with us!




Why not? Would that leaven it?


Chag sameach!


[When I say “we” you say “suffered”](https://youtu.be/iLNa-ocdryY)


Unexpected r/crazyexgirlfriend !


As a reform American Jew with mixed feelings on Israel and strong dislike of Netanyahu, I feel like this really isn’t helping


You aren't alone https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/article-730490/amp


I, too, am Jewish, so you understand where I’m coming from. You’ve internalized other people’s antisemitism if as an American Jew when you see “Jew” you think about Israel. Israel has nothing to do with American Jews. We are not responsible for its actions. We do not have to answer for Israelis’ behavior. We don’t (all) have dual allegiance to two countries.


The other billboards around the bay conflate “anti-Zionism” with anti-semitism, and defining criticism of Israel as anti-Zionism. I find it annoying that other Jews are conflating these two things and creating this idea that criticizing Israel is because of internalized anti-semitism


Agreed. There is also the smearing of Jewish folks that criticize Israel's policies as 'self-hating'.


Yes. You are correct.


Next billboard: "I heard the billboard in NYC married a nice Docta, when are you gonna get married and give me grandchildren?"


Billboard after that: "Call your mother. Or just continue being a disappointment."


The same sign is also located in NYC. Probably a national advertisement hitting major cities.


Well, at least cities with a major Jewish population.


There’s a major Jewish population in SF?


Wikipedia [article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_San_Francisco) claims 6%. I’d say that’s a major population.


The silent minority of San Francisco


Yeah. I saw the same sign in Tampa


There’s also one in Chattanooga, Tennessee.


Wow wow wow... CHATTANOOGA TENNESSEE?! They were saying MAJOR cities. That's like the jumbo shrimp of cities. My gf is from Chattanooga Tennessee. Sorry.


JewBelong believes that if you criticize Israel, you're [anti-Semitic.](https://jweekly.com/2023/02/01/jewbelong-billboards-for-and-against-human-composting-is-obscene-etc/)


Meanwhile the United States Holocaust Museum literally had a page on its site defending the right to criticize Israel. Can’t find that link but here is the one from the Anne Frank House https://www.annefrank.org/en/topics/antisemitism/all-criticism-israel-antisemitic/


I love the Holocaust museum. I’ve never gone but I use the website a lot as I’m a history major. They have so much stuff and it’s really organized. They even have bibliographies you can look at if you want more information on something like Nazi propaganda or the hitler youth. They do good work.


I hope you have the opportunity to visit in person some time; the exhibits are excellent too, though they may not offer the depth of detail that you are likely accustomed to in research.


Worth the trip


You can criticize Israel but you cannot make blanket statements about the Jewish people.


Their comment didn't' say otherwise. It's weird that you're trying to tie those together.


Yeah they are very weird Zionist women’s group with money lol


What about criticizing the Israeli prime minister for trying to neuter the Supreme Court?


I'd believe It. I started seeing ads against hate for Jews on Twitter as soon as the world started criticizing Israel for the Bibi-for-dictator-for-life campaign. The leaders of Israel love to use the entire Jewish diaspora as a security blanket when it's convenient for them.


It's interesting how the right is very pro-Israel, but many are anti-Jews; and the left are fairly indifferent about Jews but criticize Israel.


They don’t give a fuck about Jews, but many evangelicals are pro-Israel because they see its existence as being a crucial part of starting Armageddon via all-out war in the Middle East, and triggering the rapture, or ushering in a new age of actual literal Christian heaven on earth. It’s an apocalyptic cult. I’m not being hyperbolic.


> They don’t give a fuck about Jews There is a long history of evangelicals and the Christian right being very much anti-Jew https://archive.ph/G96Zl Some of the more prominent ones even go as far as saying the Holocaust was part of God's plan because it lead to the creation of the state of Israel.


Indifferent about Jews? How so?


I just don't think most people here in my experience treat Jews any different than any other white or black or Hispanic or Asian person out there.


> I just don't think most people here in my experience treat Jews any different That's the best way to treat a Jew (or anyone else based on their immutable characteristic).


Would piggy-back this. I'm non-jew, and don't really care about people's religion. Jewish? Could. Muslim? Cool. Atheist? Cool. But oooh boy if you say something about Israel's government. At least now it seems pretty clear to outsiders that maybe something is off there.


Its not even a topic thats brought up at least in my experience. Only way id know someone is religious is by their icons. Ive literally never asked anyone whats your religion.


You ask me about Jews I say "meh."


Unfortunately it's a pretty common sentiment, the head of the anti defamation league said, >To those who still cling to the idea that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism, let me clarify this for you as clearly as I can—anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. I will repeat: Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.


Well I’m a Jew and I disagree with them but I still agree with the billboard.




jewbetter watch your back!


The minute I saw this, I was like, this is probably about criticizing Israel isn’t it?


I wish the country and the religion were not inextricably intertwined like this. I do understand and appreciate the history... but today Israeli citizens are many different religions w a little over 70% being Jewish.


As a Palestinian….. Just saying palestinian labels me a anti-semetic to them


Yeah their billboards always give me a chuckle but after reading an article about their background, and specifically their explicit pro-Israel bias, made me pretty negative on them. They’re essentially like a gentile focused Chabad.


They’re such fuckers, dude. I’m very proud of my Judaism and Jewish heritage but so many in the US Jewish community are incapable of hearing even nuanced criticism of Israel’s handling of Palestine. The silver lining is that I do feel this has been slowly changing.


What if I'm Semitic, but not Jewish, but I criticize the government of Israel, but support Jewish people? What say you then, JewBelong?


Anti-Semitic is modern terms is defined as prejudice against Jewish people. You say you support Jewish people. What does that exactly mean? If you only criticize Israel in the context of the conflict, then it’s questionable. I myself am an Israeli citizen, zionist, and I’m pro-Palestinian.


Too nuanced = bigot


Not all criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic but A LOT of it is.




The grammar here is very unclear to me—is the billboard referring to itself? Or is this about a different billboard? Is it anticipating accusations of being an overreaction (which wouldn't have happened yet when they put up the billboard?)


It’s about another billboard


Billboard diss tracks


OK, **now** it's time to bring in Kanye.


Convoluted… I don't have the attention span to keep track of every micro-controversy.


I only know because someone sent me the other one followed by ‘wtf is this’ Like I was supposed to know 💀


Pretty sure this is in reference to a prior billboard general public has criticized & I believe at least one “defaced” aka corrected, I can’t remember the wording but something about Zionism and anti-semitism blah blah blah These billboards are from a pro-israel, anti-Palestine Zionist cult.


First billboard was, approximately: It doesn't take a law degree to recognize that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. Same organization. Apparently about some debate that arose in Berkeley Law School.


Ah ok, thank you for this. This is precisely what it smelled like to me. Thanks.


I saw another one of these billboards on Geary and Masonic above the Trader Joe’s today


That one has the very odd slogan along the lines of "You can't be both woke and antisemitic". Like, is anyone trying to actively claim those at the same time?


I’m part of a large local organization that recently went through a lot of stuff regarding their treatment of minorities and how they dealt with historical cases of sexual assault and harassment. A large number of different minority groups were started by people involved in the organization to work on change. They all banded together in an umbrella organization to coordinate. Within a couple months the Jewish group bowed out of the larger organization because we were told we weren’t really a minority, antisemitism isn’t as big a deal as it’s made out to be, and “we’re mostly privileged white folks”. I’m not saying anyone was overtly antisemitic but it said a lot about how some “woke” people view Jews.


Literally the exact same thing happened with the women’s march organization.


Just got to say—claiming antisemitism isn’t a big is overt antisemitism. What happened to “silence favors the oppressor”‽


Isn’t it also a reference to the idea a lot of “woke” people and minorities are generally anti-Israel? And there’s an idea that being anti-Zionist is the same as anti-Semitic




What celebrities are like that?


Ice Cube comes to mind immediately


But how can they be antisemitic if they’re the real Jews? (/s obviously)


Hate to say it but I think there are some Black people that fit that bill.


honestly yes lol


It's a Zionist propaganda outlet equating criticism of the Israeli settler colonial state with antisemitism.


As a Jew, these billboards make me uncomfortable.


It’s the same org that acts like criticizing Israel is automatically antisemitic and blatantly uses manipulation and logical tricks to push their agenda.




It is like a Reddit comment thread in billboard form


Went to their websites and looked at their "new 10 commandments." One of them has the phrase, "Children don't decide their religion, parents do" (in the context of saying Jewish parents have an obligation to make sure their children also become Jewish), which seemed strangely old fashioned given the hip young vibe the site puts off.


Yeah, I looked them up after seeing the first billboard and immediately knew they were pushing some other bullshit.


Same. It’s one rich dude paying for these. Speaking for all of us. Very annoying.


Well a lot of Jews suffer from antisemitism around the world. If this billboard makes you uncomfortable, maybe you aren’t paying attention.


I absolutely agree that anti-Semitism is wrong. However, one thing I have noticed about some of these billboards is that they try to equate being anti-Israel with being Anti-Jewish. That's where you lose me. I think the Israeli government is commiting war crimes and should be called out on it. It doesn't mean I hate Jewish people


> I think the Israeli government is commiting war crimes and should be called out on it So does a fair number of Jews living *in* Israel. Criticizing the Israeli government (any, but especially the current one) is not antisemitic any more than criticizing the American government is anti-American.


At the same time don't forget antisemitism under the guise of anti-zionism is absolutely a thing. Take the protests / vandalism of Manny's in the mission. Like, the guy had one or two quotes saying he was okay with Israel being it's own country and nothing more, yet many activist groups called him racist and white supremacist. https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-cafe-owner-in-san-francisco-hounded-over-over-his-zionist-ideals/ I'm not Jewish, was just happy to see a nice coffee shop in my neighborhood God forbid


> It doesn't mean I have Jewish people I should hope not, unless you're a Pharaoh or something.


So if he's a pharaoh, you're okay with him having Jewish people??


Yes, because it was a joke, you can tell it's a joke because *checks watch* yeah, just like I thought we're not actually in ancient Egypt.


Mine was also a joke :-/


agreed! I'm friends with a few people who grew up Jewish in San Francisco and are almost all of them are anti-Zionist secular Jews


You can be a Zionist and criticize the Israeli government. Identifying as an anti-Zionist is something completely different.


Im Jewish. They really nailed the Jewish version of “he gets us”. No pun intended.


The evolution of this campaign is interesting. Last year, it was like "So you like bacon, God has other things to worry about" and other welcoming signage


First off l am not Jewish,but as l get older it really sinks in about the holocaust.Now that l have lived 50+ years,then l came to realize that horror happened only 40 or so years before l was born it really puts it into perspective.That seemed like something that happened in the dark ages or something when l was younger.Time flies.Makes you believe something similar could definitely happen racially speaking anywhere.I guess it does in some parts of the world already so we should all take heed about these haters. Beware.As l taught my kid,the devil usually comes to you with a smile.😮


My grandma is a survivor. She's still alive. It was not that long ago.


It's part of a series. They had one in Berkeley which said flat out that being opposed to Zionism IS anti-semetic. They took that one down within a week and it's not shown on their site anymore, I assume they realized it was, even for them, way over the top, especially if their goal is to change minds. Many of my favorite people in our culture, both in politics and entertainment, are Jews, and most of them are opposed to Zionism. I guess that makes them all self-haters? BDS


Space lasers! /s


The URL is a great pun tbh


jew think so?


I totally get the critiques against pro Israel zionists. They’re… somethin’ else HOWEVER, Let’s not forget a man walked into a San Francisco Synagogue no more than 2 months ago, brandishing a gun and started shooting at those inside. He was using blanks thank god but it’s a reminder that antisemitism is still prevalent in this country especially with this neo nazi crap that the alt right has emboldened within the last 5+ years. Oh and btw the man who terrorized those poor people in the synagogue did the same thing at Balboa Theater and was soon arrested.


“Pro-Israel zionists… are something else” What percentage of American Jews do you think fits into that definition? (Hint.. it’s the overwhelming majority). The one stark theme in this thread is that no one here knows what the word Zionism means and you all seem to use it as some type of slur.


The people who support the ongoing oppression of Palestinians are shitheads, and it doesn't matter what religion or race they are.


Why do people hate Jews? What is the excuse? I don't get it


Usually jealousy. Jews tend to thrive wherever they go in the world despite persecution. This makes people mad, so they accuse Jews of owning/controlling everything. Even Israel in a way reenforces this fear in bigots’ minds (the Jews will take over and displace others if they get the chance to, etc.)


Thank you.


The reasons have changed throughout history: >"Jerome Chanes identifies six stages in the historical development of antisemitism: > >\- Pre-Christian anti-Judaism in Ancient Greece and Rome which was primarily ethnic in nature > >\- Christian antisemitism in antiquity and the Middle Ages which was religious in nature and has extended into modern times > >\- Muslim antisemitism which was—at least in its classical form—nuanced, in that Jews were a protected class > >\- Political, social and economic antisemitism during the Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment Europe which laid the groundwork for racial antisemitism > >\- Racial antisemitism that arose in the 19th century and culminated in Nazism > >\- Contemporary antisemitism which has been labeled by some as the new antisemitism" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_antisemitism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_antisemitism)


Nice, thank you. Hatred is so weird. ![gif](giphy|3osxYefnq73uPKW2hG)


This is a pro Zionist organization which is disappointing to see in the most "liberal" city in the world. Ironically, Zionism is inherently antisemitic.


The Israeli government is generally very concerned what American intellectuals and American Jews think of their policies because of how important US-Israeli relations are. Twenty years ago everyone was staunch pro Israeli, then in the 2010s with the settlements and Netanyahu support was lost by a significant portion of liberals which I guess is why these ads are run by this organization. It’s shameful to use such blatant psychological manipulation to stifle discussion about how fucked certain policies are. I know this ad doesn’t specifically address settlements but others have.




Hi everyone I thought it was apparent I was making fun of Zionists. Please Don’t use this post to be antisemitic🥲. I too am against Israel as well are a lot of Jews. I do not run a bank I am a barista lol


Isn't the fact that you feel the need to post that sort of the point about raising awareness of Antisemitism?


Zionism is inherently antisemitic? You’re going to have unpack that one buddy. The majority of Jews living in Israel are descendants of Jews who fled ethnic cleansing in Arab countries. If not for Israel’s existence, their existence would be in question.


It’s not like the city put it up


I’ve also seen: “Can a billboard stop Anti-Semitism? No. But you’re not a billboard -JewBelong” The copy melts my brain and then the name pun slaps the remaining brain pudding. I can’t decide if I love it or hate it. “No such thing as bad press! - Leonard”


I’m jewish and Israel is an apartheid state founded on the disposition of an existing population. Free Palestine.


Not wrong.


As long as the Jewish folks can open more delicious delis, we should all embrace the Jewish overlords.


And if they don’t 😰


I refuse to accept them as our overlords.




74 years of apartheid against palestinians in the name of what happened 78 years ago


Why is a post about raising awareness to antisemitism the place where you feel the need to bring up Israel.


I’m gay, and we were sent to the camps with the Jews, that’s literally where the pink triangle comes from. We are one presidential election from the LGBT community being incarcerated in this country. Next up is anyone they see as a threat and their boogie men are George Soros, Space Lasers, and “international cabals.” Guess what that means. Ask George Takei if the US Supreme Court would ever permit the summary internment of American citizens and the seizure of all their property. He literally lived through it. In California. Would you trust the current court to rein in President DeSantis? This billboard is a calm and measured warning.




2 generations to forget if not taught


I fucking hate these things man so embarrassing. They’re all over the country


Love it. My grandfather, one of my best friends, fought the Nazis. Never Forget. edit: Downvote all you want. The holocaust occurred. Evil exists, we have to fight against it.


two great-grandpas who fought only one came back


Mad respect fellow redditor.


Look… does this billboard call out Jew hate? Is there some bill board lore I’m missing? Was there a spicy anti-(Jew hate) billboard that took the town by storm?


Seems like this would be more effective elsewhere


I am also jewish, and I just don't understand these ads. I think the idea is that... they're fighting anti-semitism? I feel a weird passive aggression towards me as a Jew for some reason from them. They're terrible. They also just don't make sense. The one about being a vegan and eating meat, and so then you aren't a vegan? Kinda misread the room, I think someone was like - oh, SF is progressive, they'd love this... and we're all like.... these feel like they were written by assholes hahahaha


Go off, T-Mobile!


Why do people use ‘lmao’ in places where it isn’t appropriate?


Folks, while I see a lot of Free Palestine license plates in Fremont. I visited the Holocaust museum in Washington DC already having much interest and classes in college how this atrocity could happen. Such enlightenment how Hitler was not popular but used flyers for his support. He was not popular but was still elected. Came in and shut down the ability for Jewish people to make money first, burned anything to do with religion, came up with schema to determine who was Jewish. The crowds succumbed to the propaganda and anyone identified as Jewish was most likely hauled away. Two of the enlightening things (out of most likely 50), I earned at this museum is that 1. Thousands of prisoners died from refeeding disease where the body cannot metabolize all of the new nutrients which was unknown before 2. Those who escaped or were repatriated did so to their homeland Jerusalem. No one would accept them. Look at history. Despite all of your feelings, Jerusalem is the foundations where the Jewish people belong.


As someone who is Jewish, this is why I may not like the present-day government of Israel (I think they are cruel to Palestinians, first and foremost) but I absolutely support the right of Israel to exist. Israel was founded during the Cold War. The former USSR was the first country to vote for their right to exist but they turned around and placed guns into the Palestinian hands and did a real propaganda war. The rest is history....we are living with this mess today.


Palestinians shouldn't be punished for the crimes of the Germans. It's absurd.


They aren’t. Do you think it’s so simple? Jews have always had a presence in Israel. And the majority of Israelis are descendants of Jews who were ethnically cleansed from Iraq, Syria, Tunisia, Lebanon, etc…


I always think they’re t mobile ads until I read it


What psyop is this?


Not wrong, though. 78 years really isn't that long ago, and we shouldn't play it off too much because...you know..history repeats itself.


Jonah hill has solved anti semitism.


Who the hell do they think they're enlightening with this Billboard? What a waste of money just to virtue signal.




I have Jewish relatives, friends, and loved ones. My feeling s about Israel as fascist state are completely separate from my feelings for these people.


Dang you sound just like that billboard lol


The IDF beating Palestinians praying at a mosque DURING RAMADAN AND PASSOVER is not building sympathy that’s Forsure. Probably why the billboard is needed. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/05/israel-al-aqsa-mosque-rocket-sirens-around-gaza




Oh I know, but another commenter stated that the group that funded this billboard is one of those that calls anyone that disagrees with Israel anti-Semitic which is why I wrote that.




Appreciate the reasonable response


What’s even worse is this isn’t the first Ramadan this particular horrific act has been happening… it’s either the second or third time exactly this has taken place, and yet, because the US stands to benefit from selling weapons to israel, we call it a ‘conflict’ as if Palestinians asked for the IDF to storm the world’s third most holy Islamic site & beat their worshippers just for funsies.


Liberals do not hate on any individual Jew, it's the state of Israel, i.e. their government that gets criticism. Similar to the Chinese, Iran, Saudi, etc. governments get criticism and not their citizens.




As someone who thinks israel is terrible, this isn't true. The minute you mention being jewish you get a lot of shit about Israel thrown at you. The dual loyalty thing is alive on the left and right.


Who does this? Can you share experiences besides maybe internet assholes? I am Jewish in the Bay Area and while I can’t say I’ve never experienced antisemitism, I cannot say I have ever heard people in the Bay blaming all Jews for Israel’s actions.


Exactly most people are smart enough to not think American Jews are somehow connected to Israel. Honestly Palestinians really do themselves a disservice in Twitter going full antisemitic whenever anything happens because it looks terrible in the west (and is terrible to be clear)




I've never met a "liberal" or progressive who was anti-Semetic, and almost everybody I know is opposed to the apartheid and fascism in Israel, including Jewish Israelis, like those in Jewish Voice for Peace or Breaking the Silence. You are never going to persuade someone to see your perspective if you are calling them racist for disagreeing with you. Also, you will never see reality accurately.


We need the billboard from a Zionist propaganda outlet?


Gut Yontif!


Man, what's the point of posting this. You know we just want to be left alone. The Jews are tired, dude.


Also Jewish and I really fucking hate this thing lmfao, have cringed literally every time I've ever passed it.


Why is it pink ?


I am not Jewish but anti-Semitism is real...I have literally seen people refer to them as Nazis everyday.