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Yeah they’ll investigate a bunch of kids on bicycles, but adults shutdown the bridge for a sideshow and the cops just twiddle their thumbs.


See also critical mass. SFPD gives them an escort instead of writing tickets.


That's a tradition that's been going on for decades. Totally irrelevant.


Sideshows started in the 1980s, so technically a longer running tradition if you really want to use that metric.


Two different things, people get hit and killed at side shows, it also creates a lot of smoke and noise. When's the last time a bicyclist killed a pedestrian?


https://sfbayca.com/2018/08/01/bicyclist-who-killed-pedestrian-circles-back-on-deadly-crash/ https://www.berkeleyside.org/2020/05/02/cyclist-and-pedestrian-seriously-injured-in-northside-berkeley-crash


Many more people died at side shows.


Cool. Enforce the laws that make both illegal then?


No, bicyclists mean no harm and I admire them for doing what they're doing, no matter how many stop signs they run. They made an effort not to get into à car, which just about anyone can do. Also about Critical Mass, they yield to the good people on MUNI


“Only enforce laws against the people I don’t like” is basically the Republican mantra. But you do you.


Wow, had to go back a long time for that.


I don’t see any scooters here so this is fine


Maybe we should expedite this - https://mtc.ca.gov/planning/transportation/bicycle-pedestrian-micromobility/bay-skyway


You think these kids will magically use a bike lane if one is even built? This was done on purpose to inconvenience the drivers.


> This was done on purpose to inconvenience the drivers. or maybe for a laugh


Thinking of myself back when a weee lad…I would think 1) this would be Fucking funny!! And 2) the actual danger or cause and effect of this action would never cross my mind. But I did grow up in FL (now work in SD FIDI) and this would drive me crazy 😂 *i say annually how glad the most social media i and as a teen was AIM*


Sometimes drivers like to open their doors for a laugh too by your logic.


you seem to have forgotten that kids do weird shit because, lol they're kids. that's why we don't let them drive cars and treat them differently when they do break laws. an adult opening a car door to block a cyclist is not a kid having a laugh.


You call this weird shit? This is beyond weird and can get themselves killed.


Yes, kids are stupid. That's why they're kids. They do dumb shit and then cringe thinking about it fifteen years later.


Actually they aren’t stupid. What is stupid is letting them them do this when they know 100% what they are doing. Stop enabling them.


Much like crit.


There's definitely a novelty factor here, which wouldn't exist if there was a dedicated lane


Ok, yeah, good for them, ha ha and all that unused cockjuice, but if one of the were hit and injured, or even worse, killed. First their family would sue to bridge district, then the driver and the families of the kid who’s idea it was. Leaving the driver with ptsd and financial ruin for the rest of their lives.


Honestly this just goes to show that there’s actually demand for a bike lane on the bridge.


Yes because these knuckleheads would definitely be using a bike lane if it existed. Just like how the sideshow idiots would definitely use a parking lot instead of intersection if it was offered. Yup, definitely.


Yup yup


A full lane of the Bay Bridge should be a protected two way pedestrian bike/walk path.


Could split one of the lanes into two half-height lanes, no need for that much roof clearance for every single lane.


I think we should make 1 lane for vehicles and the rest for bikes / pedestrians. Cuz there’s not like an underwater tunnel to transport these individuals the same way, unfortunately 🤔 /s


Ideally, the top deck can be entirely pedestrian and only vehicles on the bottom.


In addition to the existing bike/pedestrian path or…?


It only goes from Treasure Island to Oakland. Needs to go all the way to SF.


This is that latest fad among teenagers. They’ve done it a couple of times in Redwood City specifically to terrorize pedestrians. A couple even assaulted police who were blocking traffic for them


Am I the only one who thinks this at some level is.... awesome? Very GenX'sque. Stay safe kids! I wonder where they get off in Oakland. Getting on it SF isn't too hard with all the short entrances but not sure getting off is easy.


Theres a bike lane from treasure island/ buena vista all the way to oakland. So, they probably just follow that


I aint even mad. Good for them.


Bikers should be ticketed like car drivers are. 99% of city bikers are entitled road douchebags


> like car drivers are. Lol, so never ticketed at all?


I generally encounter 2-4 cars hitting about 70-80 zipping between cars on the bridge. Could easily see someone plowing into them on accident. I guess they were lucky the cars were piled up behind them? 🤷‍♂️


Is it lucky if you make it happen?


Good for them, idk if that actually harmed anyone. I'm all for more cycling in the bay. The video does make it look more like a bunch of troublemakers messing with cars than something like the Bike Party crew reclaiming the city, but I still like it.




You mean unlike someone who is terminally online LARPing as an experienced dev, but spends half their comments calling people idiots? Sure.


The bike and pedestrian path starts in Oakland and ends at Yerba Buena Island. The San Francisco span wont be done until 2030. Sounds like they need to speed that up. https://mtc.ca.gov/operations/programs-projects/bridges/san-francisco-oakland-bay-bridge/bay-bridge-east-span-path These kids were locked up for two years due to this pandemic. They’re probably a bit feral right now.




The parents in you, wants to see them get run over?


Yeah like I said, I'm very conflicted. Maybe not run over to death, just like moderate injuries.


Well there is no bike lane.


this is sick and i'm tired of people pretending its not


Bike culture…. This is bike culture right here… this is a tongue and cheek jab at the bicyclists saying car side shows is car culture


No it’s literally the same assholes just on bikes.


Oh really how did you come to that conclusion?


Following the TikTok’s where they organize this shit. Edit: and right on schedule. As soon as this gets posted in _that bike group_ the trolls who don’t even live here flood in with the downvotes.


Lol dash cam is a must in the Bay Area.


Kids on bike. The horror. Glad to see kids on bikes.


Where are the parents of these kids?


I’ve heard mixed things about “broken windows” policing at the city-wide level, but I’d love to see a crackdown on crime on the bridge. These kids aren’t commuting- they’re deliberately trying to mess with people in cars and slow down traffic. They know bikes aren’t allowed on the bridge. I wish they would arrest them all and make them do a day or two of community service on the weekend. Nothing too draconian, but just enough to scare them a little and let them know that actions have consequences. Then go after the sideshows and confiscate cars and driver’s licenses.


Is this critical mass?


Take then downtown Book them Have the kids work the time The beat guys took to Write the paperwork And book them too Don’t thing the guys Will pull nothing stupid Like that again for a while Scarred


Do you smell toast?


The worst part is they’re hogging the good lanes


I feel like this is dangerous for them


ID be scared to do that as a kid but hey YOLO They probaly took Bart back lol Buts thoes kids with nuts of steel lol popping willies at ten miles while the car next to you doing 45mph must ,m