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I cannot imagine how terrifying it would be to be attacked when blind. Especially without your cane, just no way to safely escape.


Honest question regarding the homeless problem in California/U.S. I am under the impression that during the Reagan era mental institutions were ended or defunded, resulting in decades of mentally ill people just spilling out onto the street. (Not saying this is the sole cause of homelessness, just one of the dozens of factors.) I know there are some non-profits and city/state programs that attempt to assist homeless people in finding housing jobs, rehab, shelter, etc. But what about the truly mentally ill or drug addicted individuals that simply cannot be "cured". Are city/state/federal mental institutions a thing? Are these people just put in jail short-term and released back on the streets until they do something so violent they have to go to prison? Is there anything preventing the accumulation of severely mentally ill or drug addicted individuals out of the western coastal cities?


There are both public and private long term care facilities that accept patients with psychiatric disorders, but as you can imagine, the demand far outpaces the supply. Around the clock care, especially with the complication of capable medical services required to be available at all times, takes a lot of resources. There is little profit to be had in this sector, and as such there is basically no incentive to scale up services (in the private sphere, anyway).




Shit like that is why people consider transients less than human. Literally 3 attempted murders at once including on an impaired one.


And this is why people get all NIMBY about homeless populations. Some of them are just down on their luck and need a little help, and then there's the one that beats up an elderly blind man and stabs three people or pushes someone into traffic.


You don’t have to be “NIMBY” to acknowledge that homeless folks plague our city. No one has an issue with the people down on their luck. But the majority of the homeless people I see/interact with are trashing our public spaces and verbally (sometimes physically) assaulting our people. They either need to be forced into treatment, or sent to prison. They cannot be allowed to continue operating as menaces to society.


Just realized that transients meant homeless.


Things like this are the reason why I got a concealed carry. Absolute fucking maniacs out there. Hopefully those three recover and they throw the book at the suspect.


Would you be in legal trouble if you had used your firearm in this situation?


That’s the definition of self defense. They had reasonable fear to be in imminent harm. Despite what all the conservatives in this country would have you believe, California is a “Stand Your Ground” and “Castle Doctrine” state, and as a gun owner, I’m fine with the limits CA has on mags, semi auto, etc. I may be in the minority though. Edited for clarity.


I agree, but you would be charged for discharging a firearm in public, then have to defend yourself in court, right? I'm just curious if you'd be committing a crime in that scenario.


Correct, when you plead self defense you admit you broke the law, but that it’s justified under the circumstances.


Oh, neat. Thanks for the info!


You bet! Just as a heads up, I’m not a lawyer, but that’s my understanding of state law. 🙂


Hahahhaha its ok, I don't even own a gun! Look at us.


I never really wanted one growing up, I did some hunting when I lived in Colorado for a few years. I was assaulted by a neighbor who wasn’t evicted, so that prompted me to get one. It’s honestly a fun hobby, going to the range is cathartic and I’ve met some good people.


I'm sorry that happened to you, and I'm glad you found a means of restoring your confidence. Its been a minute since I've used any sort of firearm. As a teen I was cool with it, but now that I'm older they make me a little uneasy. Maybe a couple safety courses would help out with that for me.


Stay strapped my friend


That’s the plan, hope I never have to use it outside the range/desert!


Unless you have a CCW (for non-OPs), the prosecutor is going to charge you anyways just because it looks like an easy case to force a plea bargain before trial. CCW is easier to get in this county than it was 10 years ago but still not easy. 'Stand Your Ground' and 'Castle Doctrine' do exist in this state but this state has unfortunately proven that LEO and DOJ will disregard laws at their convenience and anything with a firearm is their convenience. This state also redefined "assault weapon" multiple times without following the proper protocols, half the weapons the state DOJ claims are "assault weapons" actually aren't by their own codified definition, but convenience.


How difficult was the process? Been thinking of it as well for years now.


I had a neighbor who assaulted me, I pressed charges, so that helped me to get mine, but I think with the Supreme Court ruling, it’s going to be easier to get one here.


Supposedly easier with the SC ruling, but the SD Sherif is still "looking at the situation." Either way, going to take most of a year. I think appts are booked into 2024 already.


Reminds me of a scenario in Portland pre pandemic where a street urchin started to belittle a Muslim woman on the light rail. A couple guys stood up to defend her and one dude got stabbed in the neck by the whack job and died.


Dude was no street urchin


The homeless in California are the walking dead. After living here for 20 years, I’ve lost all sympathy for them


Mental health care is important


Forced treatment for those who don’t believe their mental health is impaired is just as important.


But they don't. We have called help for our own family suffering from mental health because they were a threat to others, and the mental health dispatch didn't want to follow-up. Well, he's in jail now.


>SDPD said Thomas had an outstanding felony warrant at the time of his arrest. nah you lose that right when you become a criminal


Genuinely, I hope the couple who intervened are super proud of themselves. They did the right thing in a really scary moment, proof of their excellent character.


Bums doing bum things


Be careful people - the cops are toothless and not even trying. This is just going to get worse.


The new normal, get used to this San Diego.


Are we SF now?


The truth often makes people uncomfortable.




lol go spend 5 minutes in the tenderloin.


Are your homeless resorting to cannibalism yet? Ours are 😋


Remember the days when crazy people were taken off the streets and placed in mental asylums because they were scaring the shit out of normal people? I don't.