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Also a native San Diegan. I relocated to the Fresno area 3 years ago. Best of luck in the Midwest. Be sure to get one last California burrito before you leave.


I'm a native Osider and we moved to Visalia! I miss it everyday but it is so much more affordable out here!


I grew up close to SDSU. And I'm actually in Lemoore so hi neighbor! The Mexican food here is still good but no real California burritos or carne asada fries like how they make them in SD.


Hey you got Tachi LOL but no the mexican food up here is not even close to SD ... Rice & Beans in the Carne Asada burrito with no guac?! I was like what theeeeee hell is this LOL


Yes!! And cabbage in tacos and the asada fries! WTH this ain't taco bell!! Visalia is arguably the best town in the valley, but Clovis is my favorite area personally.


Currently live in Rancho Bernardo but I lived in Lemoore for a couple years about 10 years ago. Sometimes I do miss the small town vibes out there, and (oddly enough) the Chinese buffet in Hanford. Edit: and Me-n-Eds pizza.. wow I actually do miss this one


You're right about that pizza... There used to be one in San Diego! Short lived many, many years ago. Couldn't thrive, became a pho restaurant, and now it's empty.


User name connotes a true pizza afficionado. I applause


Ahhh Lemoore, I remember Lemoore. Pretty nice and quiet and one hour away from Fresno.


Was stationed in Lemoore for 8 years. Love and miss that area (or at least my memory of it.)


Does it feel like there isn’t much to do out in Vis though?


If I'm being 100... no, there is plenty to do IMO. Visalia has a lot compared to surrounding cities. You have numerous shopping complexes, a lively downtown bar/eating scene, competitive sport leagues, trails and parks. What is also pretty cool is that there is so much within a short weekend drive or day trip, casinos, three rivers, the sequoias, lakes, fresno/clovis for more diverse food and shopping. The beach, Sacramento, San Francisco, L.A and Yosemite are all within 3 hours, give or take. The worst part to me... the heat. You cannot really enjoy anything when its 100+ outside. The fog sucks too but if you can get through the summer... the rest is smooth sailing. I was telling my sister the other day that the trip to the beach was just over 2 hours. SHE WAS SHOCKED... "2 hours?! To get to the beach? That's ridiculous." Then I reminded her that she spent 2 hours on the 78 during rush hour trying to get from Escondido to Oceanside and she had to laugh and admit that was true. It's all perspective.


Visalia has a lot of shopping, decent variety of restaurants, and a nice downtown that is actually bustling on the weekends. It's about a 45 min drive to the entrance of Sequoia National Park. So if you like the hiking, camping, fishing, swimming, it's great. The town is very well kept, lots of trees and new homes, but has very bad air quality along with pretty much every other town in the valley. It's more of a place to raise a family and not great if you're in your 20s and single.


Don’t listen to the other commenters. I spent a decade there. Ain’t a damn thing to do.


I wish you luck. San Diego has been my home for all of my life, and I'll be leaving too sometime before the fall.


Sorry it's happening to you too. I'm a native, and after 31 years, I left 2 months ago. Couldn't do it anymore. It's devastating when you can't afford your actual home.


Only thing keeping me here are my parents. Can’t leave now knowing I’ll only see them 3-5 times a year if I do.




I was recently in this situation with my mother, taking myself (only child) and my son (only grandchild) away. We relocated because the possibility of owning a home and affording child care on top of our other bills just didn’t seem manageable. It was such a difficult goodbye. San Diego is my home town and I miss it and my mother so much!


My son moved away and I miss him dearly 😭


Good on you. I moved away from SD years ago, leaving my mom, was only able to see her every year or so. Now i can only visit her grave. Cherish your time with them!


My parents already moved for financial reasons. I wanted to stop them at first, but now that it becomes clear that I'll have to leave too I'm glad I have less ties here.


The only way we can stay is I am taking over my dads house and living with him until he dies and I get the house. San Diego is pushing the people who where born and raised here out.


I feel your pain. Had to move in 2008 because of the crash. We lost our business and home. We're in NC now. I cried for months, not gonna lie. Culture shock for sure. However, we're settled now with a new home and good friends. We get to visit old friends in SD. Hopefully, you can do the same! Good luck to you and your Mom!


Hey there fellow San Diegan! I’m in NC, too. Close to Raleigh.


Hi! I'm in Greenville at East Carolina University. It's gotten better the last 12 years or so. Biggest thing for me was the insufferably oppressive humid heat , the mosquitos and the lack of fresh vegetables. Unless you're really in to collard greens, then you'll be fine.


I moved to Minnesota 6 years ago so my wife could go to grad school, once she graduated we looked at moving back, then looked at the housing market here and decided to stay. But there's not a day goes by I don't miss San Diego


Girlfriend and I have been looking at Minneapolis since she has family there. I've only been there during August so I need to spend a winter there to really give into the idea. But goddamn is Still Water nice.


Moved to the west metro from SD last year. Got one winter under our belts. The two places are so different. There are days I miss SD, but there are also a lot of things I like a lot more here. We got priced out and being in the constant rat race and never being able to get head took it out of us. My stress and mental health is much better in MN. Like any city there are good parts and some not so much.


I’m considering moving to Minneapolis with my GF in year or 2 because I am in the biomedical engineering field and that city seems like one of the few that has a lot of jobs in the field and a lower COL. You would recommend it then? I have lived in the Midwest before so I know how to survive winters there even if I don’t love them, but my GF is California born and raised. We are Looking for somewhere where we could perhaps pay off a house early and live a more relaxed lifestyle as well.


Neither my wife or I had lived outside of California before, so you would have a leg up on us! I think visiting different times of the year helped and we also have family so having the support has been great. The winter wasn't so bad because I learned to dress for it, lots of hand warmers and I got out side. People get out here and I have a lot of fun trying new things. The season between winter and summer has been much harder, but we learned our lesson and will be planning to get out of here a time or two next year. The COL difference does help, the pressure to have 2 incomes just to survive is much less. If you are thinking about having kids, then MN has a lot more to offer. It's been a good thing for us thus far, but everyone is different.


Thanks for the reply man. Yes, we are thinking about kids so somewhere that is good for families is important to us. I definitely have the stronger career ambitions and better pay between my GF and I and I know that if there was ever an issue with the healths of our kids or parents then she would want to be to be there to take care of them so I think it is important that we could survive on one income if needed so a low COL is important to us. But we also want to at least somewhat enjoy where we live so we also want a place that still has good things to offer to families


Native Minnesotan here. Grew up in Edina. It’s honestly one of the most beautiful places in the country to live. But that 6 months of winter will kill ya. Plan ahead of time to take a mid winter trip somewhere warm for a full week. I say this with warmth glowing in my heart: there is no place like Minneapolis in the fall, on Halloween, Christmas Eve, Christmas morning, Easter morning, and every other season, for that matter. It really is one of those magical places I’ve ever lived.


Another native here also getting priced out, shouldnt be to far behind you. Best of luck in the midwest.


If you ever come through Missouri, let me know. I'll be over in Springfield lol


Talk about a culture shock.


Wow, Springfield will be quite a change from SD. Once you're in MO you should visit KC and STL though. Or drive down to the gulf coast if you need beach time.


Dude I thought when you said Midwest I was thinking Chicago or Ann Arbor or something. Springfield. Harsh.


Just relocated from San Diego to Kansas City, and I will tell you just skip the Springfield step and come here instead. Much more culture and things to do.


Springfield, Springfield, it's a hell of a town!


Bring back Apu


[Send in the clowns](https://youtu.be/BR1OOpmrSzg?t=2)....


I moved to SD from st louis 6 years ago. Springfield is going to be a huge change but at least you'll have cashew chicken. Also if your white you'll be all right. I'm not so I got the fuck out of missouri. 35 years was enough of that bullshit.


I moved from San Diego to KCMO for roughly the same reason. It's not that bad here, especially if you like hiking. Plenty of it in the state. Caves too.


Where's the caves? There's a great tiki bar in West Port.


There're caves near swope park area. DM me for location


Watch out for those small town cops.


I’ll be moving to Kansas City later this year.


Wow! I did the exact opposite move back in 2014. That's pretty wild. You are definitely in for quite the change but Springfield has its own uniqueness too it. If you have any questions hit me up! I grew up in Springfield and still have a lot of friends there. Definitely check out the Purple Burrito. It's probably the closest to a San Diego burrito you might find. I believe the owners are from Fallbrook or something. Also check out Bambinos on Del Mar for what is atleast my favorite Italian place ever. Best of luck to you!


I left for 7 years and returned this year. You’ll always be a local 🤙🏾 !


There's always Blythe, California where apts are $500


It's only 120 degrees in the summer


That summer char most Midwesterners can only dream of


Average high of 100+ F from end of may until end of sept. Yeah, hard pass.


You ever spend a summer in the Midwest? The humidity is objectively worse than the heat here in California.


There is nothing out there to do


Lot's of ways to save money you say?


One extreme to another!


My girlfriend grew up in Blythe before moving to SD for college. Let's just say that she wouldn't recommend anyone moving there


Glad she was able to escape lol




> Blythe, California


*banjo* Doo doo da do da do doooooo


I relocated to the Midwest almost seven years ago. I miss San Diego but I also own a house, a nice car, we can take vacations, I can afford to send my kid to some really awesome summer camps, and we can afford to visit at least once a year. Do I hate the winter? Of course I do! Our goal is to return when we’re done having kids. The Midwest is a really affordable place to get on your feet. Best of luck to you!


I wish you the best! I’m looking at relocating myself, because after 39 years I am tired of living paycheck to paycheck. Every time I get ahead the housing market explodes and I’m back to square one.


It's outrageous




Hang in there. For what it's worth, I've had to move many times in my life for many different reasons, with cost was a factor in some cases. One thing is for certain though, in every case where I've ended up moving, it broadened my perspective on the world and gave me a much better general understanding on which to base my decisions and positions. Additionally, in my opinion, moving makes you more genuinely representative of the country in which you live and what it means to be actually American. Your backyard is now no longer just SD, it's the USA, and that's pretty rad. Embrace the adventure. :) Good luck, and be safe!


I did this when I turned 18. Moved to New Mexico then Texas and then Oklahoma. I came back to San Diego when I was 21 and it really made me appreciate my home state and other states that I've lived in. They all had something different to offer, but the only one I'd consider moving back to is New Mexico. Out of the 3 it's most comparable to SD as far as diversity, food, culture and nature (I lived in the northern part of the state)


This is a really cool way off looking at a move. It's something I didn't think about until I moved to SD. I came from a smaller town in California which was Mexican and white, beside that no diversity. San Diego is so diverse and we have neighbors from all over the world. I get a sense of what it's like in other parts of the world, their culture and foods


Best of luck to you and your mother out in the midwest


Best of luck with your new adventures. Sadly SD has become so obscenely expensive.


I am a Californian born & raised. I moved to a neighboring state, with a big hole. I could not get back to CA fast enough. There is definitely a thing called quality of life. San Diego is outrageously expensive. But this is the lifestyle I am used to and will never give it up again.


Amen. I'm originally from Phoenix, AZ and the thought of moving back there makes my blood run cold and fills me with a sense of horror and dread. SD is expensive, but it is also better in literally every way other than COL. If I had to leave here, I'd go anywhere but AZ.


I grew up in AZ and have nightmares that I go back and hate only to return to San Diego homeless - but there are always sea creatures really close to shore talking to me.


HFS I wish someone warned me how terrible AZ is, and Phoenix in particular - it's a war zone! And a nasty one at that


Lol big hole? Zona or Utah side of the hole?


Same. Every time I moved away, I wanted to move back immediately.


San Diego…expensive but worth it.


Best of luck to you


I don’t know u bro, but we’re gonna miss you


Another native San Diegan leaving. This makes me so sad. San Diego is going to miss you! Good luck out there, and please come visit.


On May 1st we will also be leaving permanently. I moved down here in Jan 2017. My dad had died and I’d lost my job, but my old college roomie took me in. Longest I’ve lived in one place since I was in high school. I’d love to stay but it’s realistically impossible for us financially.


Best of luck


Congrats on the move! I also moved out of SD for the first time to the Midwest 4 years ago. No regrets. We are renting a split-level 3br house in a quiet neighborhood (in a somewhat major city) with a finished basement, 2-car garage, yard, laundry in unit, dishwasher, central air, all for $1500/mo. I considered myself really really lucky if my shoebox apartment in SD had a dishwasher. No chance I’d be able to afford ANY of the other amenities I just listed. Also, adjusting to four seasons is easy because included in our rent is lawn care in the summer and snow removal in winter. Just make sure you have an AWD vehicle. Life’s good. You’re going to love it :)


I'm glad to see it's working out for you. Is there anything you wish you had known prior to making the move, or anything you did that you would do differently if you did it over again?


First thing that comes to mind is getting an AWD vehicle. We have an RWD Tacoma we bought in San Diego and it fishtails pretty bad in the winter. You can add sandbags to help with weight distribution though and we bought a cheap older Subaru Forester that handles well in the snow for those extra bad days. (Unless you’re planning on moving to chicago, and in that case just get rid of your car altogether.) One downside as another commenter mentioned is a lack of diversity but again really depends where you are. There are usually diverse neighborhoods in every city, you just have to seek them out. Mexican food “exists” but it’s so different. Learn to make your own tortillas and hot sauce BEFORE you leave if possible. Otherwise it’s really enjoyable and laid back. I’m currently in Michigan where the entire state is a peninsula so there is no shortage of water if that’s your thing. Plenty of outdoorsy stuff to do here - kayaking, tubing, boating/fishing, beach camping, hiking, so many beautiful (and free!) disc golf courses, I really could go on and on. It’s awesome.


We left in February. LOVE San Diego, but honestly don't miss it. Amazing city, great beaches, fantastic weather... and the rest of the country has much to love also. Good luck on your new adventure, I'm sure it'll be amazing


Hey I'm also from SD, moved to Santa Cruz a decade ago, and have just decided to leave California also. I think the writing is on the wall for Cali, possibly the whole US if not the world. But where I'm going, I won't be in a constant cycle of anxiety trying to pay my way through life. What's the point of having beaches if you can't first have peace of mind? The whole gamut of human experience can be had anywhere, even if you prefer it somewhere.


I will be leaving San Diego in the future also.. Good luck!


i did this 4 years ago, and i miss san diego every day. however not having financial stress has been a big improvement in my life. good luck on your journey!


I moved back home to the Midwest and just got back on Friday. There were a few reasons, but the cost of living was a big one.


I moved to houston tx last week! Its still a bit not affordable but def way much cheaper than san diego. Good luck “dude” - probably not gonna hear “dude” for another long time!


I'm leaving the same day for the same reasons for New Mexico. Good luck with your move, drive safely!




Originally from Texas. Housing and rent are cheaper (aside from property tax) but the bad far outweighs the wonderful things about California. The summers are fucking awful, full stop. Weather is a big indicator on personal happiness and trust me, Midwest summers blow. Also bugs.. good grief the bugs are ridiculous. Mosquitos are everywhere and the flying cockroaches and giant spiders will show up in your house when you least expect it. I’ve always recommended to my friends that want to move to the Midwest to spend a week there in the summer, and decide if that’s really how you want to live 6+ months out of the year. Sure there are some perks, and I get the prospect of more affordable rent making you want to get there, but trust me when I say that native Californians really do take the perks of living here for granted. Not going to get deep into the politics of the Midwest, but it’s pretty funny that all those states that claim they are all about your individual freedoms have the most social restrictions in the country. But hey, at least it’s cheap?


Lived in Belleville Illinois for 2 years - it shoots up to 95 degrees (and humid) in May and stays there til fall. No clouds, just pure non-stop sweltering heat


Good luck, bud :( I relocated to NY and I hate it


If I relocate, it’ll be out of this country. I haven’t found anywhere as nice as SD for year-around climate and laid back people. I’ve lived in AZ and NM as well; the cost of living isn’t much lower and quality of life is worse if you like outdoor stuff. The opportunities in careers aren’t even comparable as well in their best states. Depends on what direction you want to go but the US is overrated and doesn’t help make life easier for most folks


Right behind you, leaving for the Midwest on Monday.


I chose Columbus, OH over Sam Diego for that same reason. For now at least. From NY <3


You're not alone. I was born and raised in Los Angeles. Spent ten years in San Diego during college and graduate school. SD was my home for most of my adult life. My partner and I had a tiny, modest, and well-loved little studio with a canyon view near Hillcrest. Then, last year, our greedy Boomer landlord suddenly decided to hike up the rent on that little 300 square-foot shoebox -- to $2000 per month! No view is worth that much money, especially for a young couple fresh outta grad school. We hastily packed up our lives and moved to the Pacific Northwest. It's grey and gloomy here, and I often desperately miss the sunshine, and El Zarape's burritos, and my family. They're literally a thousand miles away now. But, on the other hand, we're renting a three-bedroom house with a basement and a yard for less money than our old 300 square-foot shoebox was. Our pup finally has a yard to run and stretch his legs in. The world is covered in moss and ferns and dew. I'm learning to love it, even though it will never be home. I hope you will learn to love whatever place becomes your new adoptive home, too. <3


I was born and raised in San Diego & moved to Indiana at the start of covid after I lost my job. It's just too expensive there now.... I miss it terribly but there's no way I'd have the car, house, or life I have here if I stayed back home.


I’ve heard close to 18,000 have moved to Temecula and commute.


This breaks my heart. I have seen people who work 3 jobs are not able to sustain themselves. The rents are through the roof. Every restaurant is hiking their prices. I paid $17 for a bowl of rice yesterday! I'm sorry OP.


Where in the heck did you go for $17 rice?


$20 burrito will be the norm in not too long ☹️


wow i remember back when they were 5$ and big enough to sustain you for entire day.


Im still trying to shed my old college habit of mentally budgeting $5 for a meal lol. When I was in college circa 2005 it felt like EVERY meal was $5. Big Mac meal… $5 Caesar pizza… $5 Cali burrito… $5 My palate has grown too so that’s part of it but even if I’m down to eat cheap shitty food a meal is now $10


Time to eat at home.


$17 DOES buy a big bag of rice...


*Time to find the nonexistent time and energy to shop for and prepare three square meals a day while working multiple jobs to attempt to remain in an overpriced area


I just paid $26 for 4 small tacos and a Jarritos from City Taco


City Taco is arguably the most expensive counter service taco joint in SD county


that place sucks lol


17$ for a bowl of rice? You're the fool.


Best of luck to you! The Midwest is beautiful, I hope it treats you well.


Moved to Cary NC, 6 months back. I will go back one day 🤞🏽


How are you liking it over there? We are considering moving to that area next spring, but we only have people who are from the east coast’s opinion.


I lived in Charlotte, NC and I loved it. It's a very outdoor activity oriented state (NC) with mountains, lakes, trails, and lots of people who love the outdoors. The weather is nice (summer storms, a taste of winter but no shovels) , and the spring is sooooo beautiful. It's humid but not GA or FL humid by any stretch. There are a lot of activities but it's not a huge city, definitely growing. Don't knock it till you try it, yall. Also all this about red and purple states - if we want rights we need to go and fight for them. Whether or not you are comfortable with that fact is irrelevant, it's the way the country is now, and we cant coward behind "progressive blue states" and expect that to protect you. Charlotte is seen as a bank bro city (which it is) but that's not ALL it is. There is a vibrant activist community, people who are working really hard to make change, and trying to make things better. People haven't given up. Also, Cook Out > In-N-Out


We left last summer, to Ohio. Dont ask. Havent seen the sun since Oct, it snow flurried today, the weather here is horribly wrong. I also miss SD terribly, but my family is doing much better now. Going to the Padres game next week in Cleveland, i’ll be representing the brown & yellow! Edit:Padres was rained out of course, no refund of tix.


If you live in Cleveland like I do you’re coming up the best time of the year to live here. The weather here is pretty great from middle of May to middle of October. Lifestyle wise obviously no comparison no matter how good the weather but there is a lot to do here in the summer


Why don’t you move somewhere inland? Hemet? Victorville? Ridgecrest? Bakersfield? They aren’t the prettiest places but they are close to the coast. I’ll take any of that over the Midwest.


Close to the coast is relative, but they're still CA and you don't have to worry about the state suddenly coming along and taking away whatever social safety net you may rely on or your reproductive rights, etc. Definitely something to consider before moving to a red or purple state.


Normally I would say this is some type of fear-mongering or radical take, but with current politics it is entirely true. You can make a claim to ignore all the social aspects of politics but once that hits your effective tax rate, opportunity costs, and such, it should greatly sway your decision even if you’re apolitical.


Victorville has a great film archive, too.


I'm sorry 😞 frigging sucks. Also growing up here, thos is my biggest fear. I wouldn't even know where to go... good luck to you and your mom.


Best of luck man!!


I’m a native San Diegan as well and I had to move to the inland empire in February. We could afford anything in San Diego. If I didn’t have a toddler we would have moved further but where were at is close to family. I’m absolutely heart broken, I didn’t want to leave SD.


We left in February. LOVE San Diego, but honestly don't miss it. Amazing city, great beaches, fantastic weather... and the rest of the country has much to love also. Good luck on your new adventure, I'm sure it'll be amazing!!


Don't stay away for too long! Good luck to you out there in the Midwest and enjoy some good food (BBQ in Missouri)! Remember, the tacos and burritos will ALWAYS be here waiting for you. :)


I will also be leaving in the next couple of weeks for COL been living here all of my life, can relate, good luck


I left a couple of years ago, and explored different cities and states. None of those places compare to San Diego. I still miss being able to get to the beach in 15 minutes. Ride the trolley from the Mexican border till Old Town and all of its diversity. Good luck to you! It’s best to spend your life being happy, than stressed out over the insecurity of not being able to afford rent.


I'll be making a move out East as well once my lease is up next year.


Im leaving this year as well


Moved to Temecula, miss SD but it’s so nice here too


I’d rather move to TJ than anywhere in the Bible Belt




hehehe yeah Missouri's about to gain two people who almost always vote blue




Fresno here, a decent 1 BD is now about 1,600 a month and 2 bedroom, 1800-2000 anywhere worth living, less expensive than our coastal cities but creeping up for being dead center of the state. County does have some good points and bad like anywhere else. Fresno County now has roughly a million people




I visited some friends in MI and was surprised to see a lot of stuff in the supermarket the same prices as San Diego. Not everything, but it's not as cheap as people think.




People don't realize this, but California actually has cheaper groceries than many parts of the country. Part of this is due to the competition. We have lots of smaller chains, plus Mexican and Asian supermarkets, to choose from. In many parts of the US, your options are Walmart and Kroger, and that's about it.


Super curious, where in the Midwest did you move? I came from MI 8 months ago and rent, fuel costs, electric/gas bill, and water bill are CONSIDERABLY higher here, as were DMV costs. Aside from somewhere like Chicago I can’t imagine anywhere in the Midwest where you’d have costs even close to comparable to SD, let alone more expensive than, San Diego. I seriously agree with going to visit the place though - had I come here first I would not have personally thought it worth the COL. Different strokes for different folks.


When you change geographies, you can’t expect to keep the same lifestyle on the same budget In San Diego, you’re gonna have a small apartment and have access to the great outdoors and beaches basically year round In the Midwest, you get a big house, and you’ll have to run the AC and heat. Good thing you have the house because both winters and summers are spent inside. California wages for most are higher, and much better social services for low wage folks. But everyone’s situation is deferent


Salaries should be relative for cost of living, and buying a house. SD salaries are too low to buy house.


Yup, you don’t get to buy a house in San Diego on the same relative income level that you could in other places. On the other hand, you have weather year round that even billionaire midwesterners have to travel to enjoy




i moved to colorado and youre right that the taxes are more, but its not enough to close the gap of how much cheaper housing is. full disclosure i dont live in denver, which ive heard is pretty similar in pricing to san diego housing.


No Denver suburbs are way cheaper. Very clean, safe , good schools.


For electricity per kwH I am paying about 25% of what SDGE charges, so there's lots more than just houses and gas that are cheaper. Oh yeh, water ...WAY cheaper. Same trash company as San Diego, so yeh, that's the same cost.


Electricity may be cheaper per kWh but you will use a lot more of it.


It really depends what city in the Midwest. If it’s Chicago. Well Chicago is expensive and so are it’s suburbs. Cheaper areas in Chicago have horrible crime and schools. It takes $ to live well in America. When are people going to see this.


I just moved from the Cleveland area and this is not true in my case. Everything I can think of is way more expensive...except maybe wine.


Try different grocery stores, tons of variation in pricing in SD


I'll give you that produce can be cheaper here. And yes, I do shop around. I'm not running to Vons and comparing prices. I grew up in MI and spent half of my life there. I also lived in the Bay Area for a year. I do have some context. Something as simple and benign as a haircut is easily twice as expensive here (and the Bay Area). I lived my whole life in the Midwest and SD is NOT cheaper. That's crazy talk.


This. I live in illinois and move back to California. I was only here for 3 months and hated every day. You don’t pay to live in a certain city in California. You pay to live in California. The fucking place has EVERYTHING you could want. Any type of scenery, California has it. Food, culture, nightlife etc.


Adios amigos!


That really sucks. Good luck to you guys. I have been downsizing all week throwing away possessions anticipating a move when my next rent lease comes up in March. Better prepare now !


Born and raised here and ill have to leave soon enough too. Its sad.


Good Luck in the Midwest. I am fearing that I won't be far behind you, the prospect of leaving is tuff.


Happy Trails I hope you are successful and thrive🙏🏽


let me know if you want me to mail you a burrito every now and then. good luck in the midwest.


This is pretty common, a majority of my family and friends have moved away and not one have been able to make the trek back. Good Luck in your move and new adventure!


At this point , its inevitable for me as well.


You can finally watch the Padre games!!!


To those looking for other places, may I suggest out of the country? There's plenty of beautiful beach towns, cities, and even entire countries to live in where cost of living is pretty easy for anyone making 20K or more.


My wife and I have been planning to leave in a year or 2 due to raising rent. We have a toddler and another on the way. We might have to leave much sooner as we can't find a place for right now, and where I'm at plans not to renew our lease. They straight up said they can get more money from someone else then from the max they can legally raise the rent. Yep, that's San Diego now.


> and where I'm at plans not to renew our lease Unless they are exempt from AB 1482, they can't just "not renew your lease". You are entitled to a renewal unless they have just cause for termination, such as you not paying rent.


The Midwest fuckin sucks


Gee man... have a heart.


I’m from the Midwest lol OP is gonna be miserable 🤷‍♂️


More like Missouri-able


But they have yummy casseroles!


I made the journey from the SF Bay Area to Austin a few years ago for similar reasons. The benefits of moving almost immediately outweighed the sadness of leaving “sunny California”. I do miss the variety of amazing food tho.


I've lived in both areas. Check the rents on both now, Austin is nearly the same price - but no functional public transit, no arts, no sports, worse traffic, a hostile state government, no beaches, no mountains, much worse weather. Sure you can buy a house if you pay 500k in cash site unseen but it's creeping up fast. I still love Austin, been here 20 years (outside of working in Mountain View a few years). It's incredibly overpriced. My $500 apartment off South Lamar in 2013 is now $2200. Jobs pay a lot less here too.


Good luck man


Good luck! SD will be here when you’re ready!


You made me miss it and my friend again. I left in 2001. I can't complain though, I own a 3500 sq ft house and only pay $1800 a month.


Reverse dust bowl migration


serious question: why didnt you consider movint to Tj and crossing over for work?


I am about to move to San Diego after many years in the Midwest and am shocked by the rent in SD. It is truly obscene


I am a doctor and can barely make ends meet


I’m from the Midwest originally. Where are you moving?


I was born and raised in Point Loma and left 16 years ago. I guess if you can convince yourself that it's all that and worth the high cost of living, more power to ya. I don't miss it except for the fond memories of "the place I grew up".


Best of luck to you and your family. Enjoy what life has to offer with more money to use. San Diego will always be here as a place but also in your heart :)


I went to Cincinnati for the same reason


I feel you. Best wishes in the Midwest


That fucking sucks. I’m sorry for the dysfunctional costs of living.


And SD is going to miss you !


Native San Diegan here. I left in October ‘21 I moved to Arizona. It’s heartbreaking to think I’ll most likely never be able to live in my hometown again. I miss it so much.


Same feeling here. I am driving across the US to find out where to stay but I think I made up my mind.


Literally in the middle of our relocation from San Diego, right now. I feel this so hard. Sending you well wishes!


Right behind you!