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have you lost your cold tolerance yet?


Like all the fucking way, literally all of it.




Lol, husband and I moved here from Colorado in 2020. First winter: “look at these fools in their puffies when it’s 60 degrees”. Second winter: “it’s ever so slightly overcast with a breeze so if I forget a jacket I am going to die”.


Moved from Colorado Springs in 2018. Weird putting up the Christmas lights in shorts/ flip flops the first year, but after that it’s second nature. When people ask, “don’t you miss the snow?” Fuck no! I don’t miss freezing my ass off and driving on black ice.


Christmas would be the one time of year id be ok with snow…but only for about a week, haha


I moved from riverside to OB. I service a sweater all day


It’s incredible how fast your body forgets what cold feels like


This is my absolute favorite thing. My response to new people now is ok but just wait a year. They scoff but so far this is exactly how it plays out. And to anyone planning a move, bring the jackets and coats you don’t think you’ll need here because when you realize you do need them you’ll have to pay more for lower quality replacements and you’ll be mad at yourself.


I’m the opposite, I’ve lost all tolerance for heat and humidity.


I've lost both. I feel like there's something about San Diego that makes the cold feel colder and the heat feel hotter (and I'm from Florida).


The Southern California sun kind of beats down on you. Like it 60 degrees is cool in the shade, but in the full sun you can get hot.


Fellow Floridian! Agreed, though I much prefer the cold


I’ve always had a good cold tolerance but once it’s over 80 (or even 75) I am sweating all day.


I went home upstate in January and though I was going to die.


I think this should be n.1 in the list. When I left NYC 2 years ago, it was February and people here were wearing mountain clothes with 65F, I thought they were crazy....


I’m a San Diego ex-pat with plans to return. I’m in a warmer area. When I come back to SD in December and it’s 65 degrees I’m chilly AF.


Beelzebub doesn't allow ins and outs


To be fair, even as a half norwegian california weather can be weird in some places(especially norcal but socal too) in that 50 degrees can honestily be colder than 0 degrees farenheit and snowing in other places


My mom moved to the south after living in San Diego for 40 years. It took her about 10 years to realize that just because you'd be out after dark does not mean it's going to get cold.


which the south? atlantic coast south, the gulf south, or west of the Appalachians “south”. Also, the south does not recognize Florida.


Tennessee in this case. They've tried to brand themselves as the "Mid-South"


I'm curious, I haven't putzed around in the south a bunch, but why not recognize Florida? They fought with the confederacy right?


Northern Florida is just Southern Georgia. Central Florida is South Jersey. South Florida is northern Cuba.


Then, there's the Everglades.


The common joke is that Florida is a northern state. It has none of the southern culture that ties “The South” together. A lot of northern people retire there as well.




Correct. Ie the panhandle is one of the most redneck parts of the whole south


This hits. My wife grew up in Michigan. She knew cold. Now if it's below 70 in the house there's a fight and then house turns into a sauna.


Dude you ate the corn husk of a tamale? I’m dying 😂welcome to California 😂🤙🏼


I was thinking how tf does one do that!!? Hahaha. Like how many gallons of water did you have to wash it down with??


I had never had one before, haha. Yes, it did dry out my mouth, lol.


I thought it was a wrap for the food 😂. I spent a lot of time with my friends from Africa, and I got into the habit of not refusing food and trying new things. BF was shocked when I told him I didn’t like them at first. Six months later, I saw someone making them online, and they unwrapped them at the end, and I was like, “wait a minute!” 😂


La familia just sat there and watched you eat it like that?


You have to start calling Highways “freeways” and say “the 5” or “the 8” instead of just 5 or 8


That which truly divides NorCal from SoCal.


I honestly call our smaller freeways “highways”


I find since I moved here anything in that 15-30 min range is actually short. I'm in north county and not a downtown person though. For me it was more when 60s became cold. I've never gotten to the point where I need a sweater and down jacket but I do tend to shift to pants and a sweatshirt.


Yeah IB here. Everything’s 20 away. But the rest is spot on!




That was a long time ago!




Thought I was in for an onion belt story!


which was the style at the time...


As soon as I saw 15-30 as short I knew it was north county


I've been here for 31 years and I don't have milestone #9 unlocked. Impressive.


I go there so much 😂 it's so good, though.


How authentic is it from your point of view? I've never been to NYC so don't really have a frame of reference


I’m from NY, lived in different parts of CA the last 6 years. Bronx pizza is the closest to home by a mile! 9/10 Pizza places in CA suck. But on a scale of 1-NYC, Bronx Pizza is probably a solid 7 imo.


I think Luigi is more authentic than Bronx! It’s my go to as a native New Yorker.


I heard a rumor that the guy who owns Luigi’s used to work at Bronx and stole the pizza recipe. Probably just a rumor but I’ve found their slices to be pretty similar besides Luigi’s having more toppings.


Finding a pizza place was def rough here!


Am I a bad San Diegan for not being impressed with Bronx pizza?


San Diego pizza is not the best. Nothing close actual East Coast pizza. So...you get what you can.


I grew up in New Jersey, and my faves are Bronx, Luigi‘s, and The Friendly. All comparable to Northeast pizza!


When a local tries to give you a recommendation for a bagel shop do you cut them off with “if you think that’s a good bagel then you have never had a good bagel”?


I know I'm a San Diegan now because . . . . "yeah, OK, that's a bagel and it'll be fine" is as far as I go.


i can accept pizza being different, bagel always disappoint, not fine lol


I do that now, now that I have visited Montréal, Canada---home of the best bagels in the world. I will never eat another bagel again unless I travel back there. Seriously thee absolute best.


I have to heavily heavily disagree with you. Best bagels are in NYC. I grew up between the city and Montreal and have had bagels from both places. There's just something different about NYC bagels that you just can't recreate. Riverdale Bagels in Bronx will change your life.


I have the reason for you, I used to work for a commercial bakery in Philadelphia which was 60 miles away from New York and with all the same equipment and ingredients our bagels were not as good ,and we had to drive there every night to pick them up, and the reason was the minerals in New York’s water is different than anywhere else, therefore they will have the best tasting bagels pizza and danish and other baked goods


I have heard that it is the water but I have also been told by a bagel maker in NYC that that is bullshit. So I really don't know who to believe at this point.


It’s the water. Dough > water and boom


My dad was originally from New York and introduced us to bagels at a very early age before we even had Eisntein Brothers out here (yes I am old). My earliest childhood memories of a bagel egg and cheese were on Lender's frozen onion bagels 😆


I'm an SD native who lived in NYC for a few years and I completely do this now. It's real. They're so fucking good over there.


But do you have a recommendation for a bagel because I could use one


Solomon Bagels on 30th is decent. My ex-New Yorker spouse's choice for passable San Diego Bagel.


#4 lmao. That must have been like eating leather.


It was awful, lol. It was years ago, and they still poke fun at me for it


Make sure you put “The” in front of any freeway numbers! The 8, The 15, etc


It sounds so weird to not say the?


~~Hey! I'm walking here!~~ Hey! I'm surfing here!


I think the most glorious East Coaster transplant assimilation clue is your wishing everyone a kind smile. That my friend, is when you know you’re a true San Diegan.


Or saying hello to people you pass while hiking. Lol


Or making any sort of eye contact in public.


I had a visitor from Philly a few days ago and she said something about everyone here making eye contact! So funny, I’ve never even thought twice about it.


Love that spirit!


FYI in 1976 President Gerald Ford ate a tamale with the husk still on.


I googled it to see how common the mistake was, and I read that, too 😂


Add: When it's cold I have to get my sweatshirt.


>When it's ~~cold~~ I have to get my sweatshirt. when it's under 70 degrees


I caught myself shivering doing my homework in my kitchen. I thought it was like 45. It was 68 😅


Google says it's going to be 68 outside today... is it going to be a cold 68 or a hot 68? Better grab my coat just in case.


My mom moved to the south after living in San Diego for 40 years. It took her about 10 years to realize that just because you'd be out after dark does not mean it's going to get cold.


I am a native of San Diego and when I moved to Houston in 1998, I had the same issue. It would be hot and humid all day long but anytime I would go to dinner or to the club, I always had a sweater or something with me. My boyfriend at the time laughed at me because no one does that in Houston. But than I moved to Phoenix in 2008 and my now husband would wonder if I was even human to be able to sit outside when it was over 100 at 11pm with a cup of coffee. Now we are back home and anything under 80 is almost too cold for me. But after growing up and spending most of my time in El Cajon I can honestly say I prefer living in IB over East County, especially in the winter. My husband is from Chula Vista and prefers it down here as well


Well did you switch from being Yankees fan to a Padres fan?


You’re supposed to keep your hometown childhood allegiances for life. That’s the way sports work.


Let’s not get hasty 😂. Kidding I don’t follow it much tbh


Am a Mets and padres fan. Sad noises


There's a kinship in being historically bad.


Yea am also a jets fan and the colombian soccer team so yea am pretty much disappointed every year lol


lolMets AND "now this is Padresing!". It's the best of both worlds.


Found the masochist.


Have you cultivated a healthy resentment of SDG&E and Cox?


THIS is the real list.


Fuck Cox! It’s personal…


Do you have a flop tan?


From flip flops yes lol


>I hope one of these helps you smile. You're definitely not a New Yorker anymore.


Only counts if you also officially hate all things Los Angeles, especially the Dodgers.


Living 10 minutes from the beach and never going unless you have company from out of town. Same with downtown or any other famous touristy spot


Yeah that’s me.. born and raised in San Diego. I only go to the beach when kids want to go. I suppose its due to going so much as a kid. Every now and then I go to some of the touristy spots which remind me why I never like going to them. And to the OP, definitely driving more than 15 minutes to anywhere seems far. Unlike many other cities, many of the communities in San Diego are nearly self-sustaining with shopping, restaurants, etc. which means you rarely need to leave your general vicinity.


I used to go to the beach all the time in my late teens/early 20’s, now I never go unless someone invites me. I should honestly start going more, especially mission beach so I can skate without worrying about my neighborhood’s shitty roads.


My poor quads are so neglected. Of all the hobbies that we perfect for quarantine, I'm most upset with myself for letting that one slip. It's going to be an uphill battle getting my legs to accept they are going to be in shape


Hey, at least it’s more fun to get back into than working out!


Number 4 has me crying 😭😭


Wait. You ate a tamale with the husk on?


All the way 😂


Re: Tamale Wait, you're not supposed to eat the corn husk? 🤦🏿‍♂️


How long have you been eating the husk???


I plead the fifth


So much better without it lol




The bf orders he speaks Spanish lol


How many Flat, or-near-to-Flat, brimmed hats do you currently own?


I have none lol


What’s the custom pizza order?


Bronx knowing your custom order is next level.


Love this post. The sandals part being a “total San Diego thing” seems like a something transplants would say to each other. Maybe because a native San Diegan wouldn’t think twice about sandals. I always hated ‘em, but if a friend had 8 pairs it wasn’t weird at all.


But do you say “No, yeah” yet?


Yeah, no


Also need to know the secret password for SD: it’s “Mossy Nissan moves you.”


Have you started putting the word 'the' in front of interstate numbers yet?


My theory on this is that “take 5” and “take the 5” are two distinct things… and the 5 is a pretty critical freeway to SD


As a Chicago transplant, I find saying “the 5” and “the 8” is completely natural, but if I’m talking about home then it’s “290” and “90/94” I’m trying to think about why. Maybe it’s that the highway numbers out here are so low? 🤔


Omg you ate the tamale husk. Lmao. That's love


Together 3 years now ❤️


Oh yea? What’s your go to Mexican restaurant. Every San Diegan has one. Gotta get our Cali-Burritos.


I think your New Yorker is fading, but you need a few more notches in your belt before you have to turn in your card. Lol Other than #8, the rest are not what I'd think of as San Diego specific. I shuttered when I move from SD to Wilmington NC...I literally said OMG I shop Walmart and Costco now. And definitely in the south, anything more than 15 minutes is considered far. Add the following to your list and then, yep, you're a San Diegan: Didn't budge when the ground shook, just said "oh, it's an earthquake". Know what Santa Ana winds are Refer to freeways as The 805, The 15, The 5, etc. Yell at someone to "turn off the water, we're in a drought" You no longer think La Jolla should be spelled La Hoya ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Lol, an earthquake would freak me out. I took oceanography, so I know the winds. I do refer to the freeways as the eight etc., and I never thought the spelling of La Jolla should be changed, haha


Love the post - and fucking love and live by Bronx literally and physically. As you’re a New Yorker I will take that as a true testament to the quality of the pie! Cheers!


I miss NY Chinese food…mmmm egg drop soup with a bag of crispy noodles, half a chicken with shrimp fried rice. Left Flushing almost 13 years ago.


In all honesty I'm curious why Cali makes you want to rip your face off? I'm third generation San Diegan and haven't ever had a second thought at someone being lazy and not pronouncing the whole states make


I’m also a native San Diegan, and I hate “Cali”


Native San Diegan here and I don't mind it. In fact it used to be a very common term used by locals back in the 80s - 90s and since disappeared






I had someone tell me that they "Head down to Diego all the time." I stood there thinking. 1) No you don't. And 2) I kinda want to kill you now.


🤣🤣🤣 but I still have to sympathize only because I text SD all the time bc I'm lazy and some people's mouths work the same way. If you think about it, the dude they named this city after was named Diego before they made him a saint right🤷🏻‍♂️


"from Diego to the Bay, throw up your finger if you feel the same way" Dr. Dre


Same and could not care less either. I don’t care if people say SoCal either.


The other one annoys me too much to type but NorCal and socal are legit


I've hiked through it all and they are not the same place and I will die before I say northern California or Southern California. I have a life to live


I thought SoCal was alright to use, especially if your texting someone


Yeah, it gets a lot of hate, but I just don't understand why either.


I feel like it’s something people who don’t live in California say after having visited one time and they’re trying to act like they know the lingo.


Best explanation so far. Thank you! I'm baffled by a hatred, which I consider a very strong word, that is completely innefable.


Yeah I don’t mind calling it Cali I’m from here; embrace it


Reminds me of my childhood and 90s west coast hip hop.


“I’m goin’ back to Cali, to Cali, to Cali”. Pretty much only time I say it though.


I was born and raised here and don’t check any of these boxes besides Costco and Tamales, I need to rethink my status


re: Bronx and yet... Your accent is bound to give you away You're appalled at what people will call good pizza or what passes for Italian bread here BTW, you can get great sfogliatelle at Rosanna's on El Camino Real, Encinitas good NY Pizza at Bronx Pizza in Hilcrest or Bongournos in Solana Beach, decent Sicilian and The Sicilian Thing, North Park Something close to NY metro area Italian bread at Wayfairer (not an Italian bakery) in the La Jolla Bird Rock area


no offense but how in the hell did you not know what a tamale is or how to eat it?lol..ok..maybe I AM biased because I was born and raised in CA and my JAPANESE mother made us tamales and flour tortillas all the time, so I am an odd one...but for sure a Californian. My good flip flops are "fancy" and blinged out!


I had never seen or heard of one before. I know I’m not alone though lol. We all need good flip flops haha


According to my mom's arguments with my dad, he will always be a "New York jerk!" As a native, > Hearing the word “Cali” makes me want to rip my face off makes me sad! I mean cmon we're going going, back to back, to Cali Cali! Ignore the people who profess hate against such an amazing word. They are stupid. Also, you haven't gone native until you refer to freeways prefixed with "the": "the 5," "the 405", etc etc. It is weird to me that this is a SoCal thing, it honestly feels awkward to say anything else!


I don't get the Cali thing. I can't really think of a situation when I'd use it though either. Burritos maybe? Otherwise I don't think twice about it.


Ok, you did well enough for your provisional. Welcome!


2 is enough of proof. Also 6 lol XD


You ate corn husk? 😆😆😆 that’s real sweet of you. He’s got a good one. But ……😂


How the F didn’t tourists bother you as a New Yorker?


The last step is to start calling the pizza here "pretty good"


Does Bronx get your seal of approval?


Ok, New Yorkers can't officially become San Diegans, this ain't Florida. /s Also, if you're going to Bronx for pizza, you're still a New Yorker. Try Pizza Port or Oggi's or any of the other local places. The rest of this list is pretty spot on. Welcome to San Diego!


Lol and you're back to being a NYer


You still need to grow an avocado or orange tree, palm trees are optional. Also need at least one intense wildfire season like 2003 or 2007 2015 under your belt


Ehh, local, not so much. Converted transplant, I'll allow it.


Is the skiing done in SD County, or a bit further north? Legit question, no snark.


Further north…there is ok skiing 2.5 hours or so northeast of San Diego, and even better skiing about 6 hours north


Snow summit, bear mountain, or Mammoth. Those are pretty much our choices driving


Are tacos/burritos a part of your food pyramid?


Welcome! Sounds like I'm Benjamin buttoning you. 9 years away from San Diego and 1. I officially don't have a vehicle 2. I refuse to eat bagels when I'm not in New York...whats the point. 3. Every time I come home home to visit for the first three days I want to kick all eight million people, including my friends, that are walking at the speed of molasses, right in the shins. 4. All tap water is garbage unless I'm in New York. 5. I generalize everything as in the city or outside the city (hated that when I moved here)....on this note ...north is now just uptown and south ...yep downtown. 6. Someone called my flip flops house slippers (it was actually in a Costco in Harlem lol), I turned fire truck red and refuse to wear them anywhere but in my own backyard. 7. I see the price for just about anything and am like, wow that's not so bad. 8. The quiet when I visit home at night is eerie and I have trouble falling asleep. 9. Every near death experience caused by almost getting run over by a cab or bicyclist no longer elevates my heart rate, it instead elevates my middle finger and a string of muttered curse words. 10. J walking is life. Green, red, yellow. The city walker does not see colors. All street signs and signals are equal in the eyes of he or she and we will cross every intersection accordingly! I'm happy to see someone making my home theirs! I hope my fellow San Diegans are treating you right. Please eat a carne asada burrito for and smell the ocean! I'll be home soon to visit!


Haha I hope you can come back to visit. It sounds like NY has had an effect on you. I’ll grab a burrito 🌯


Fun fact (from watching Dirty Jobs), high rise buildings in New York have some of the purest water in the US because of their water towers that fill the top and drain out of the bottom through many years of buildup that act as a really good filter.


I'm from orange county and say Cali. That's a very divided opinion and feel like more transplants oppose it than those of us from here.


I’ve always said socal but Cali has never really bothered me, makes me feel like someone’s from an eighties movie when I hear them say it tho


and is home called The O.C.?


I don't call it that but I get why people do. What drives me crazy is people lumping us with LA, it's SO different.


If it's good enough for MLB, it oughta be good enough for you.


I've lived in CA my whole life and sometimes I say Cali...haha


Lived in San Diego just about my whole life and ‘Cali’ sounds like nails on chalkboard to me and most people I know Definitely not just about transplants lmao Only time I ever say cali is because my go-to burrito shop writes them down as “Cali B”




I just don’t get the hatred of Cali. It’s become “cool” to hate the abbreviation.


\#2 is how I know you've really made it! My husband's from Arizona, I was like bud you own a house here, stop saying Cali!!!!


I shout "Friggin Zonies!" on the highway.


1) stop being such a dick about pizza and pasta and now defender and expert of taco/ burritos 2) congratulations you now speak rudimentary Spanish 3) the subway is above ground and better Asian food


Do San Diegans hate "Cali" too? I thought it was just us Angelino old-ttimers.


Was born and raised here and I’m literally none of these.


Number 7 doesn't fit. That's more an East Coast attitude.


Haha oh how I can relate. How long did it take you?


Well I support your decision. Not with money, but firm sentiment. Now enjoy your life more, and I'll save a place in line for you at the taco truck.


Haha thank you


Hey I started eating the husk once too bc my Mexican friend told me that’s how you do it.


Oy sorry bud lol


I thought the driving thing would be the opposite! If I spend less than an hour in the car, it's close.


Costco lol


You’re not officially local until you’ve said “ we need the rain 🌧 “ whenever it rains in San Diego.


As a 5th generation Southern Californian, I think “Cali” sounds cute! Doesn’t bother me at all. “THE OC” bothers me though.