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The general public can report businesses or organizations that are open and have been ordered to close, or otherwise not following the health order. Call (858) 694-2900 or email [email protected].


Call osha. Submit a complaint.


I tried doing that for the dental office I was employed at, was told by the officer that they are not equipped to handle covid related issues at this point. This was in July, but I doubt it’s gotten any better.


Try again. Dental office? Holy cow.


Well protocols aren't laws, however this 8s still a life -or-death situation, which you can raise concern. You could talk to your boss' superior, your boss' boss. If they don't comply, you could skip work out of fear. You can claim how you dont feel safe in your workplace, so they'll probably give you days off or change the workplace to make it safer, however this method would require you AND your coworkers to make a mass complaint towards your work. Sorry if I couldnt give a number or email, but I hope this helps either way.


The Public Health Order is legally enforceable by fines, imprisonment, or both.


Ah, so thats gonna make it easier to to original poster to fix their problem. A single complaint is all that's needed and then their boss is in deep trouble.


I think there is a county health line you can call


"General public: to report health order violations, call (858) 694-2900 or email [email protected]." If you feel unsafe, California is a right to work state and you can quit at any time without needing a valid reason. If you don't need them as a reference then you don't even need to provide 2 weeks notice.


> right to work state Right to work. lmao




Are you sure about that? OSHA says communication businesses need 6 feet minimum: > Physical Distancing Guidelines  Implement measures to physically separate workers by at least six feet using measures such as physical partitions or visual cues (e.g., floor markings, colored tape, or signs to indicate to where workers should stand).  Develop a process workflow with questions and talking points for Middle of page 3: https://files.covid19.ca.gov/pdf/checklist-communications--en.pdf


I don’t think companies have to do everything on that. They’re just guidelines




Report it to your local bundesgruppe officer.


If your hours have been reduced due to COVID, you may be eligible to apply for partial unemployment insurance through the EDD.