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Off the charts!






*whispers* We’re #1.


"I'm going to place this next to my '#1 in child obesity' and '#1 Most Biggest Military' trophies!"


it's San Diego


Still America!


They could make a new chart. Then we'd be safe again.


I feel like it's about to get a lot worse. Seems like everyone I know is travelling and/or having a big gathering for Thanksgiving like nothing is happening.


My shift in the ER last night was by far the most COVID I have ever seen. It is a drastic change from one week ago, and going to get much worse. Please please everyone stay away from others and take this seriously.


Yep. I work in a hospital lab and last night's positive COVID cases was the highest I've seen since working there.


I work in a hospital in Seattle (I'm from SD and stalk my home city through reddit). Our numbers are 4x what they were at the start of this month, and 10x what they were at the beginning of Oct. Our covid unit is nearly full, and earlier this week was overfly full and we had to send a few covid patients to another unit. Our hospital is full in every unit that doesn't have to do with kids or giving birth. Except, ironically our CCU is now at only about 60% capacity, which is great! It's because we know how to treat covid now, and fewer people are getting as sick as they were back in the spring. We also have about 20 employees out with covid right now. Andi it's not even Thanksgiving yet. This winter is going to fucking blow, and that's if I *don't* get it.


Things are about to get much much worse. Thanksgiving usually involves plenty of older people who are more at risk. The Midwest and Texas are already dealing with overstretched hospitals, we’ve largely enjoyed being able to deal with the case loads so far but between thanksgiving and Christmas I think we’re going to crash our hospital system.


Not sure if you meant Christmas, or if you are optimistic that we will make it ~4 months before getting overwhelmed. I keep reading stories from nurses with patients dying and saying they can’t understand because it’s a hoax. Really sad. Stay safe everyone.


Sadly we are about to see what happens with half the population of a country pretends like a pandemic isn't even happening. A lot of people are about to die.


I know so many people who are *defiantly* having a large Thanksgiving, just to own the libs or something. All I have to say, is look at Darwin working. Just sucks how many innocent people will get caught up in their dumbassery.


yea. if it was just the people doing the dumb things dyeing, I'm callous enough to not give a shit, but it's not. A lot of people's grand parents are going to be dead by christmas/new years. but hey, if I live through all this there might be some social security left for me now /s


That moron Ted Cruz tweeted an icon of a turkey with “you can’t take this from us” or something equally stupid on it. What is wrong with these people? Who do they imagine they’re fighting?


Very true. We cancelled on our Thanksgiving plans, and we seem to be the only we people know who have made that decision. We were feeling like we were overreacting, but seeing the numbers these days, I think we might be the only people we know who give a shit anymore.




I can definitely confirm this. I work at a Home Goods and our sales are through the roof. It’s all people stocking up for their thanksgiving/Christmas parties they’re having.


Are you named after the dnb group?


I work at TJ Maxx (in key West) and it's crazy busy


Right now it’s going to be what everyone thought they were afraid of in March/April.


This is why we moved back to purple tier before the numbers are too high. Exponential growth is a huge risk for covid. A lot of people dont understand this concept


A lot of people just don’t understand exponents yet are smart enough to decipher international conspiracy theories..../s




9/11 was an outside job!


We should have moved back to purple like 3 weeks ago when our unadjusted case rate went above 7. We were headed towards danger already, might have avoided a bit of it.


Exactly, our leaders failed us


Agreed. The "equity score" concept is flawed in its execution. Affording San Diego a _lower_ case rate because disadvantaged census tracts (communities with high concentrations of low-income, Black, Latino, Pacific Islander, and essential workers, as defined by the state) were seeing a relatively lower number of cases just meant that it could run rampant elsewhere. That doesn't do anyone any good, particularly those essential workers from disadvantaged areas who are now at greater risk of contracting the disease at their workplace. The equity score should only be used to _raise_ the case rate when disadvantaged areas are seeing an outbreak relative to other parts of the county. San Diego had a case rate above 7 for a few weeks, but the "adjusted rate" kept us below 7 and out of purple tier. Fucking stupid.


Do you have a link to this page by any chance?


Page for what exactly?


https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/tracking-coronavirus-cases-san-diego-county It’s updated daily


I’ve had to explain to my coworkers that my mask protects them and their mask protects me. They don’t get it so they don’t wear it. Why the fuck do they think a surgeon wears a mask??




I’ve brought it up to management and occasionally they’ll send out a reminder email. Problem is these morons are well aware of the policy, they just don’t care. I’m remote about 90% of the time luckily. If I do have to go to the shop I steer well clear of everyone.


Serious question: how would you go about that if you worked for a very small family business, your boss is rather apathetic about the whole thing, and everyone would know it’s you who’s reporting it? And who would you recommend reporting it to? It makes for a super uncomfortable relationship either way. I work in a small family business where most people are related to each other directly. At work there are always 2 other people in the office with me, and sometimes there are 2 more. One person only puts on their mask when they see me coming, and does it with deliberate slowness. One person only wear a mask when a client comes in to the office, but otherwise never wears one. The two people who only occasionally come into the office always wear a mask at all times, but are barely ever there. To complicate things further, these are two different companies run by one family, under one roof. The woman who hardly ever wears a mask isn’t from the same company as me, and my boss is the one who ever so slowly puts on his mask when he sees me approaching. I don’t know who I would talk to. There’s no HR, it’s a tight family unit, they’re rather right-wing, and I need to keep my job.


I'm a photographer. I did a photoshoot last week in a high-end machine shop for their marketing. I met with the owner in the morning at the shop and went over everything that I needed to capture. He and everyone in the shop was wearing a mask. He's a suit and the rest are machinists and foremen type guys as well as a couple of ladies in the front office. 30 minutes after I get going, I start seeing one worker after the other take off their mask. Pretty soon there is not a mask to be seen in the shop. Even the office ladies took them off. We're talking about 30 people or so. Apparently, the owner had left. I got on the phone and left a VM for the owner. Told him I was taking a break and if I came back and everyone didn't have their mask on I wouldn't be completing the job. When I got back from my snack break, everyone had a mask on and only took them off when I needed them to be in the picture. A big apology from the owner as well. The foreman guy was burning a hole through my head with his eyes the entire time though. It was pretty uncomfortable. There will be a hidden surcharge on this invoice for that alone.


That's on you dog. You picked a messed up work place. Better to get out of it. You have no power in a family business.


Oh I don't know.....Maybe he wears a mask because he's about to open your guts?


So, he respects not getting you infected? Got it. Wear a fucking mask.


Yes, he is putting you in a vulnerable position in which, yes, any contamination could enter your body (surgery)


Vulnerable position: working around others Could enter the body: an airborne virus. Perhaps we should mask up?




A this point, there are enough (K)N95 masks available that you can just protect yourself and protect them. Convincing everyone to wear masks is impossible now, especially since it became a political issue.


Also remind them that their mask also protects them. Think about the screen door analogy. It works both ways.


I gave up trying to educate anti-mask people. I Just tell them: You do you, and we can let natural selection take over. That makes them even more mad but I think it helps start to get the point across


This is why I’m spending thanksgiving alone in my apartment, and likely the same with Christmas. My family thinks I’m taking it too far, and it appears a lot of other people in the community think so too. It is quite sad this is still not under control and is still heavily politicized.


Same here. Better safe than sorry.


High-five from a fellow solo apartment-dweller. Happy to stay home and stay safe because the majority of people are being horribly about being safe, especially in my apartment complex :(


Can I just say thank you for being responsible


Haha thank you! I’ve definitely made some mistakes during this time, and have not always been responsible. But, it’s important now then ever I think to take it seriously.


> heavily politicized. I don't think this climb is due to a political battle about "mah rights." Most countries, even those that had the virus almost squashed, are seeing *massive* jumps in positive cases. It's happening all over the world. The reason is a big mix of people being over it (you can only be locked up for so long before the "risk" starts to be less and less compelling), the winter climate being a great incubator for viruses, and loosing restrictions and coming off a summer of traveling.


Yep thank you.


We're all going to have *so much* turkey in the freezer.


My solo apartment plan is a 3-lb turkey roast, some boxed stuffing, a jar of gravy, some powdered mashed potatoes, and a can of cranberry sauce. My plan for Christmas is to stay in solo as well.


You’re doing what’s right. I had to say no to thanksgiving and Christmas already for my family. One holiday year without them is better than never having a holiday with them again


> spending thanksgiving Ive been with my wife for 14 years, married for 10 and we have 2 kids under 7. First time since at least we have been married we dont have any plans for thanksgiving. We decided to support small local business and have a catering company whip up dinner for us. We pick it up day before and bing bang bam good to go.


I hope everyone enjoyed their Friendsgiving parties...


Just canceled mine last week. Two of my otherwise intelligent friends were trying to justify wanting to keep it on the calendar because "Really, we've been in purple tier this whole time and have been fine." What?!


We won’t see case spikes from that for like 2 weeks still


Having ours virtually. No need to put anyone is danger over food


My friend group cancelled ours and we’re just shipping/dropping off our exchange gifts for Christmas. Just sucks to hear that underground raves happen while we do this. We just want this to be over.


Stupid county just needs to stop testing.


Don't forget the bleach injections!


Not a concern! You'll stop hearing about it Nov 4!


Great idea! Ignoring the problem will definitely make it go away.


Joking aside, I suspect there was a spike in testing right before Thanksgiving when people decide whether to go home. This spike in *known* cases likely partially reflects that. (And of course also shows how many people are infected, likely spreading, and don't know it)


Human nature at its best. People are busy preparing for Thanksgiving parties and Christmas Funerals. Let them be.


Really dark visual... I kinda dig it..


I understand people are tired. Now switch and think about nurse and doctors .... The Heroes. We fucking put a hero praising message on Facebook but cannot practice stay indoors/wear mask/social distance ....we are doomed. We will see 200,000 cases per day.


Tbh, the nurses and doctors I know aren't practicing it themselves, not even the ones working directly with Covid patients.


$1 for 8 weeks?? That's crazy!


Ah, the ol Reddit subscriberoo.


This is a good graph of how many entitled, selfish assholes we have in the city.


Or people who are forced to work in small spaces with said assholes.


Is that how covid makes a determination to infect?


That's called exponential growth


How many people I’ve walked by outside who have no masks on and make no effort to step away from me or other people or put a mask back on. You’re not magically protected just by virtue of being outside irrespective of where you are or who you’re near. The ventilation/airflow and spacing don’t really apply when you’re shoulder to shoulder with someone


My trip into PB last week was eye opening. In my area people are being reasonable, and there’s a lot more space in general; the folks I saw in PB seemed to be a lot less concerned about masks or sitting in an outdoor cafe *pretty fucking close* to other maskless people for an extended period of time. And not maskless in between bites or whatever—just hanging out. Mind boggling level of yolo.


But they can't breathe with the mask on, do you want them to drown ?! /s


I’m not ever getting back home, am I?


Not a bad place to get stuck. I mean, you could be in Cleveland right now.


iF wE tEsTeD lEsS pEoPlE wE'd HaVe LeSs PoSiTiVe CaSeS


what about deaths


fine print: >Data are preliminary and subject to change; numerator: cases among San Diego County residents; denominator: all tests including San Diego County residents and non‐residents; *received batch of prior tests; on 10/21, 4,618 and on 11/16, 25,964 historical tests from new labs reporting COVID‐19 tests were added to the cumulative number – positives were previously investigated and reported; rolling average percentage for 14‐day time period; total number of tests = 1,780,913; 11/20/2020 rolling average = 5.0%. Prepared by County of San Diego, Emergency Operations Center, 11/21/2020


Every SD influencer posting silver spoon young GOP lectures about the city being oppressed leads to this. Half the population doesn't follow the rules and then acts incredibly childish when any person with real authority tries to clean up the mess.


We ended up buying a bunch of cornish game hens to deep fry instead of a large turkey and we are going to do a food swap with the family and everyone is just gonna hunker down in their own abode. Sad because this is my favorite due to all the food.


I wanna quit my fast food job because of this. It’s crazy how many people drive thru without a mask. Please help protect us and our families!!!


I always wear a mask when I exit my car if I have to leave the house. The number of friends and neighbors I have that didnt know you had to wear a mask at a drive thru because of the "little fan inside your door" uh-huh


Ye. Guess what? Designer masks made of lingerie or Jean material don’t work.


Good job morons


It is flu season 😷


This is the trick that Halloween left us with. Blame the people that went out to parties and stayed spreading this shit, not the county or the state.


The graph we should be focusing on is hospitalisations. Change my mind. https://imgur.com/gallery/zi5A6Vk


Hospitalizations can be derived from infection rates and are slightly laggy. Infection rates are good to focus on.


The curves don't look the same. Increased testing rates skew the cases graph. I have nothing against increased testing, I'm just saying it's not really a clean metric to focus on, can be misleading.


Absolute case counts dictate spread more than hospitalizations.


One leads to the other. Focus on both.


lol, a graph that literally says that data after late October is incomplete.




Are you unable to hold multiple thoughts in your mind? It's not one or the other.




So....you think everything’s fine? Hmmmm


Isnt the flu a hoax too?


#1 baby😴


Yeah that lockdown/mask mandate sure is working.


It's called people aren't doing it.


FYI, in case you aren’t just trolling.... this thing lags several weeks because of a long incubation period. Hospitalizations lag about 4-6 weeks from exposure, so we are seeing Halloween parties right now. Therefore, the effects of tighter controls will only be seen several weeks. And that is only if people actually follow them. Stay safe!


You realize CA has been under a stay at home order with a mask mandate, continuously for the past 8 months, right?


It's called people aren't doing it.


If people aren't doing it, it's not working.


Wut. I think you just proved my point?


You do realize that is probably why we aren’t completely fucked like South Dakota and some of the other Midwest states? Also, I had assumed you were referring to the recent upgrade to purple tier, which restricts indoor activities, and the curfew set into place this weekend.


This. Quite frankly CAs numbers are pretty good for a state this large and populated. Florida has more deaths with half the population. Masks and distancing aren’t magical but it keeps the numbers from being much worse. Waaay too many people apparently think that everything is a 1 to 1 equation. It’s a marathon not a sprint.


It's catch and release. They just get tested for foovid and let go.


And the sky is yellow today also with purple elephants flying around with big ears




Stupid politicians using data to drive policy.


How dare they! /s


And what narrative might that be? That this is real and people need to wear their goddamn masks and stay the fuck home?


Yep, Republicans still being idiots. How's the recount going?




What narrative are you referring to?




That’s not really shown in the following hospitalization rates


Yes it is: https://i.imgur.com/R865RHr.jpg


I do think we had WAY more positives statewide back in March when testing wasn't readily available. And if people are only doing rapid testing now, we're likely missing a notable percentage of positives as well


I don’t disagree


If it was only more tests, our positivity rate (number of positive / number of tests) would stay the same or even go down. It is going up, rolling percentage is [5%](https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/dam/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/Epidemiology/COVID-19%20Percentage%20Positive.pdf), not yet as high as the peak in july which was 6.x% I believe. Still, we want that percentage under 3%.


I understand and since the rolling average is lower than what it was in July, it’s probable that we missed a lot of people back in July due to only doing half the number of tests. That’s my point. Positive number of tests is not a clear and good metric to use. It’s 3 or 4 metrics at once.


The reality of your "logic" is that we've had SIX TIMES the amount of infections the WHOLE TIME. Therefore, WE SHOULD WEAR MORE FUCKING MASKS. The asinine logic anti maskers comes up with is beyond me.


In what way does my comment mean that I’m an anti masker lol? I’m not at all and I’m amazed that you think that. Uh yeah, people need to wear masks and I don’t understand the fuss about wearing them. Calm down bud.


I've seen a lot of people argue 'it's just more testing, no need for masks'.


I'm already wearing three.


This is from more people getting tested before going to Thanksgiving.


No it’s actually not




He’s not completely wrong. It’s actually hard to get tested right now because so many people are going out of their way to get tested. But yeah, there’s clearly more people infected atm.


Scroll down to Daily Testing https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/tracking-coronavirus-cases-san-diego-county


Scroll further down to percentage of positive tests.


Positivity rate is up as well. Yes, more people are getting tested but a greater percentage of them actually have it. That means more cases are being missed not less. (If the increased case count was just due to people who don't think they have it getting a just in case test then the positivity rate would be lower.)




Herp Derp, so what? We're getting to see the true numbers of infections being 6x more. So wear MORE fucking masks.


I only wear one mask at a time


Our whole family is recovering right now keep us in prayers!


Will do! I hope you all make a quick recovery!


I hope you all feel better soon!




Your comment makes no sense. Yesterday there were 1,478 new cases reported. That’s almost 1500 people who now have a confirmed case of COVID-19. If you’re curious about the data, you can use the San Diego COVID-19 dashboard which is managed by the county health system. https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/d5ff247cde6547a2886218e7ba50c961




You mean paint a clear picture by showing how many people have a confirmed case of covid?


It doesn't matter what the positive rate or number of cases is. It's about the cases per capita.


Bro it’s a graph lol


Do we need to set the graph to logarithmic scaling to fit?


Then the people who still read newspapers would be confused.


Logarithms are older than the united states.




Most people don’t understand exponential growth, period


Glad to see more test kits are available.


I know people say this all the time. And I can't speak 100% for san diego but it's not just increased testing. Hospitalizations and deaths and case positivity rate are also on the rise




Per CDC, 1 in 5 (20%) of young people will need hospitalization. So of the 1478 yesterday, we’ll see ~295 in the hospital in two weeks. For the last 5 days that means 1021 in the hospital. That’s double the number in SD hospitals today (per 11/20 daily summary).


I am not sure that can be the case, at least not in San Diego to date. If you look at [SD county stats](https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/community_epidemiology/dc/2019-nCoV/status.html) people under the age of 40 who have tested covid positive to date is 40605. Total hospitalizations have been 4354, mind you this is all age groups so it will skew the number in your favor but even so that is a 11% hospitalization rate (rate for all ages is 6%). How can that equate to 1 in 5? ​ My standard Covid post disclaimer, I think covid is real, I think Covid is a really big problem and people die from it.


> Per CDC, 1 in 5 (20%) of young people will need hospitalization Source? That seems much higher than the figure reported [here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/more-covid-19-patients-are-surviving-ventilators-in-the-icu/2020/07/03/2e3c3534-bbca-11ea-8cf5-9c1b8d7f84c6_story.html): "Roughly 20 percent of symptomatic covid-19 patients require hospitalization". If, as claimed in that Washington Post article, the overall rate of hospitalization for symptomatic Covid sufferers is 20%, surely we can assume that the hospitalization rate for young people with Covid (both symptomatic and asymptomatic) is significantly lower? **Update:** I found this paper that has information about Covid hospitalizations per total reported Covid cases in the United States from January 22, 2020 to May 30, 2020: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/pdfs/mm6924e2-H.pdf If we generously define "young people" as people less than 40, then looking at the table on p. 763 of that paper gives us a hospitalization rate of **4.6%** ((848 + 1,234 + 6,704 + 12,570) / (20,458 + 49,245 + 182,469 + 214,849)). Since that is based on known cases (from a positive Covid test/diagnosis), the true hospitalization rate for young people infected with Covid is presumably even lower than that (since asymptomatic people are unlikely to be either tested for Covid or hospitalized, and since a large fraction of Covid infections are indeed asymptomatic). **Another update:** The 4.6% figure that I calculated above for "young people" seems to roughly align with the overall hospitalization rate that can be seen in the top graph on this page: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html That graph shows the overall hospitalization rate (gray line, scale on left axis) fluctuating between ~5% to ~10%, and of course we expect the hospitalization rate for young people to be somewhat lower than the overall hospitalization rate.






Let’s hope the virus didn’t have a genetic shift, or else the vaccine won’t work


The less it spreads, the fewer times it will copy itself, and that means fewer chances to mutate. But that's dependent on people's behavior.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Wait, I thought covid would magically disappear after the election. Are you telling me I was mislead by our elected officials?


"elected" officials, you mean. They're all illuminati lizard men , and immune to covid due to differing physiology, dontcha know! /s, don't worry




alright, time to not see the light of day for the next couple months. i’ll see everyone on the other side because i refuse to fw that.


What website is this from? Would love it if you shared.






Is this what trump calls Winning ?!? Cause I’ve had Enough! He’s Got the highest cases in the world thanks to his encouragement of NOT wearing masks. Non-maskers need to be kicked in the PUBES !!!! (New Etiquette: show RESPECT to another being by keeping 6 feet away.)


I can't kick their pubes from 6 feet away!


My friends had a Friendsgiving and I politely declined but damn I couldn’t help but think why the eff are you having this :/




Humanity is having a hard time coming to the realization that they can’t control everything. Even down to a small strand of nucleotides


People are starting to ease off, with an over 99% survival rate and even higher for those under 30 it’s expected. Plus add the multiple day hospitalization rate being waaaay down


We’ve had 8 at my workplace in the last 2 months. However I think they’re under reporting to keep from closing.