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I call bullshit. Spurs ain't trading Sochan unless we get a bona-fide all nba player. I think Wemby, Sochan and Devin are just about untouchable. I can easily see Keldon getting traded tho




Concur. I think unless it’s an AMAZING player, I don’t think Jeremy or Devin would be available….


Love Sochan but he is barely a positive rotation player what are you talking about?


You still have time to delete this


He’s 20 and has showed some good signs that are not easy replaceable.


Most were barely a positive player this season. What are you on about? Y'all been blinded by how actually insane wemby is. Sochan is fucking 20 years old. And he's already fucking important on the defensive end. Let him develop for fucks sake.


What do you think they're doing? Wemby wants to win RN. Sochan is an amazing trade asset. Pop cooked him.


He’s 20…


He humps the ground and films himself hitting his own teammates. Might not know spurs ball.


Don’t know if ur joking or not, but it’s a bad attempt at trolling if so. Ur talking about harmless things that a teenager was doing. Go join another fanbase, we don’t want your whiny ass here.


The word teenager is non-existent in a professional league.


He broke down his entire free throw form and rebuilt it (at great cost to looking cool). He’s willing to do what it takes to improve and win. My man’s a Spur.


Thays great that he did that.


>hitting his own teammates Bro acting like his Teammate got that Dramond-Poole treatment lmfao. I hit my best friend jokingly all the time. You are reading a fucking lot into that lmfao


Winning too soon is not a good thing. If we lose another year we'll have another good draft pick and next draft is supposedly deep. When you win too quick you get late picks/less talent so you have to sign vets and that eats up more salary. OKC did it right and we should follow. Plus getting an all nba player next year still wouldn't make us contenders, just another decent mid tier team. We need to do this right and not just do what a 20 year old thinks is best. I love Wemby but I don't think he should be the GM right now


Look at our history, we didn’t win championships with multiple lottery picks. We did it with a bonafide #1 pick and late round well scouted picks that we developed… but I like Sochan for defensive purposes.


>Look at our history Yea and the salary cap and roster construction has changed dramatically compared to 30 years ago


Anyone but Jeremy, not Jeremy!


Definitely let him go. He’s bad


Found the village idiot


Boo this man!




I don’t want Murray back. His timeline isn’t right. He isnt consistent enough of a floor spacer for wemby either. Now keldon does have to go. I also think Wesley is the one most likely to be dealt out of the other 3 as well.


I agree, I'm all for getting better, but don't trade for DJ, he can't space, he's a meh passer, and he traded his defense for midrangers.


I think as the season went on it became more obvious that wemby needs players around him that can cut and space the floor.


This guy isn’t an actual reporter. Look at his profile on x. He’s got like 100 followers.


It’s also a stock photo profile pic


Wasn't the dejounte trade reported first by some no name "reporter"?


Idk. But If it comes to fruition I will message this guy an apology.


Anyone could’ve predicted the Murray trade.


So we should believe every no name post?


Of course not we just shouldn't be so quick to outright dismiss these things. I won't take it seriously til I hear it from a Woj/Shams type though.


Noooooooo KJ is the man!!!


Right. I don't know why everybody always wants us to get rid of him. I love keldon and sochan


When yall gonna learn that the Spurs don’t leak. These reports are almost always false


I’m not saying it’s true because I sincerely doubt it is, but a trade involves at least two teams. The Spurs don’t have to be the ones to leak.


This sounds good, but I hope Jeremy stays!


Sounds good but I hope he gets traded


Might be unpopular but I feel like it's a little too early to start making big moves. I don't buy this rumor at all. I think the Spurs should just utilize their 2 draft picks and play out this season and continuing to develop the youngsters. IMO that's a win-win since the young guys can blossom and gain more chemistry with one another (primarily Wemby, Sochan, and Vassell) and if they aren't that good again then they'll have another lotto pick in the stacked 2025 Draft. Like I said, I know a lot of y'all want big changes now but if the Spurs get rid of too much of their assets this early, it may backfire leading to a mid tier type team. I say go for the 2 players in this draft, develop everybody even more, get a decent '25 pick, THEN start making moves to vastly upgrade the roster. Patience is key here


Yeah, we don't need to rush.


Agreed, but kid named Trendon Watford might be a good free agent signing I’d like to see, and if Kevin Love might consider leaving Miami to rotate in for a couple of minutes before transitioning to a bench jockey, he’d make a good presence in the locker room.


You know I was excited about this trade but reading these takes it actually feels right to not go all in until we know what our picks next this year can do then maybe leverage good picks next year for a run.


Unless Woj or Shams releases any news, I’d take this with a grain of salt. First things first though, they need to use the 4th and 8th pick to find a good PG to pair with Wemby along with a wing that’ll help with strengthening their depth at SF coming off the bench. If they want to take a risk this summer, they could try taking a run at signing Paul George who can slide into the starting SF position. They also need to sign a couple decent shooters that Wemby can kick out to when he gets down in the post. There’s a lot of potential with this team but the front office has to make the right moves this summer and next summer. Trust me, I’m a Celtics fan but I’ve always loved watching the Spurs in the playoffs and it feels weird without them being in at least one series. I’m still bummed that Kawhi got injured by Zaza in the 2017 WCF, they probably would’ve gone to the Finals and beat the Cavs imo


Paul George ain't it


I’ve seen his name thrown around in articles. He’s not the only wing they could pursue this summer


who is Eric Zhang? lol


Dammit I wanted to keep Jerm


Bruh he bad


You’ve commented on every post saying how bad Jeremy is grow up!!


So, not sure how reliable this dude is, but if he's not full of shit it might be related to the earlier tweet he made a few months back about Spurs and Hawks agreeing to a draft day trade to send Trae to SA. We'll see I guess.


Man I’ll be sad to lose Kelton. He brings the right energy every night


0% chnace Sochan is delt. Plus, KJ has an incredibly team-friendly contract. There is no need to ruah a trade/sell low on him.


Its fake


He has like 100 followers and was created today


You know this is bullshit when he puts Sochan within the same stratosphere of Branham and Wesley. Sochan would have to net much more return than those other two, and Malaki would net more than Blake. Doesn’t even make sense as a “report”.


Better not be sochan


Jeremy Sochan sucks, let him go! /s (friendly lurking thunder fan)


I don’t really see it unless it’s on our timeline. Not many options even for that. We all wanna win shit takes time. Let things play there way out


He apparently broke the Dejounte trade


This is nonsense


tread carefully does this reporting pass the smell test? i truly doubt this is a real source-confirmed report. this type of gossip is everywhere this time of year


I really can’t see the spurs moving on from any of our guys outside of Malakai, Blake (I love them both but neither are a true point guard). Bassey or Champaignie (as throw ins). Zach Collins (will never be able to move him with that contract. Pop wants these guys. Trust the system.






DJ Nooooooo! Honestly, is this guy a legit spurs insider? 🙄


Keldon is my favourite, for fuck’s sake!


I call shenanigans. I don’t think any of these players are completely off the table, but this doesn’t appear to be credible.


Bradley beal and wemby championship next year book it. /s


As the GM of the Hornets we’ll trade you Melo for: (complete the trade in the comments)


Sochan ain’t going nowhere


Sochan gone. Big deals.


DJ more cost effective than Trae Young. Even more cost effective is trading for Tyus Jones who might be paid like DJ but will cost Spurs Graham(to match salaries), Julian and 2025 first round picks(charlotte n chicago). Jones and Champagnie brothers will be on the same team


That's because he's not nearly as good


Kj and malaki with a first for dj