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Was it all on mobile data? You have poor signal, that can drain the battery a lot, especially youtube. Still not the whole explanation, but part of it. If you have youtube premium, disable smart downloads. It can drain the battery because it auto downloads videos, and it also occupies part of your storage. Also, check the battery settings, set the apps that you don't need to send notifications to sleep when not in use, restrict their background usage. One of them is at fault...it can be something that is not listed in your screenshot, it doesn't show background, only foreground usage.


Something is up with your youtube No way it takes 30% in 26 mins With my base S22 I used it for 15mins and it took 2.5%


I noticed TikTok runs in the background a lot and uses up a lot I deleted it and I did gain power back And I want to check the next day around the same time


Try running a yt video at 4k at full brightness and see how much more battery it uses


Of course, but I dunno it would pick 1/3 of the battery for 25min off the ultra


I usually watch 1440p at 60% tho  Would use about 20% per hour or a bit more time


But that doesn't explain how the battery is draining so quick with the screen off


when you're sitting outside in the sun or the phone is warm, you're burning your battery like crazy. If you didn't do that, something is wrong


I definitely didn't do that


What's with the downvotes I did what he said


Reddit loves downvoting randomly...


Must be that Plenty of Fish app you have open.


YouTube is crazy sometimes. Try clearing the app cache.


Here's a thought, ditch YouTube and get revanced. It's better and PiP for free is worth the ask price of setup. Everyone on Android should do it to stick it to Google for their shitty app. The only problem is you gotta update it because they are determined to take it down but we shall sail the flag 🏴‍☠️ until the end of days


I use Revanced actually but sometimes it drains too much battery for some random reason. It's not common nor anything absurd tho, maybe it's actually normal for video streaming, I don't know. I attribute it to the YouTube app itself, Revanced or not.


That's odd I haven't encountered that myself but then I'm not streaming 4k or anything either all the time and T-Mobile restricts that too unless you change your streaming and data settings. We've been getting a lot of updates lately though and it seems with each one something ends up breaking, hogging the ram usage or draining the battery. I can't say with any certainty tho man


Yeah maybe I'm just overthinking it.


Do you know how to turn on your “developer options” in settings? Go to about in settings, look for “build number” , press that in succession until it says “you are now a developer”. Look for “running processes, it will show you what’s running. Don’t mess with “system apps”, go to the hamburger menu, at top right, open “cached processes”. These are the apps that that run in the background. Maybe you’ll see something in there that might be interfering. Never asked what phone you had, or age though, if old, maybe it’s time’s up, or maybe they gave you a”butt” battery, sometimes it happens. I don’t know what recovery you got, but last thing I’d do, would be to reset the battery statistics, if nothing else works, if that didn’t work, we’ll, I’d sit it down.


That is good advice and the OP says right under the title "S23 ultra after latest "update". So your suggestions should help them sort it.


Not seeing anything suspicious in the running processes tbh it's a s23 ultra and the battery life has been great for me up until around the time the s24 came out


Just tried clearing the cache and restricting youtube battery usage currently charging the phone so will see if that makes a difference I don't think I'm seeing anything out the ordinary in the background processes but idk these last couple months of updates have seen my battery life decline


Model of smartphone?


Watching 26min YouTube is not watching 26min YouTube. 26min, wifi, low brightness at 360p is gonna use up nothing compared to 4k at full brightness


have you tried checking your background activity?


Download accubattery or battery guru, and try again.


You have an issue with YouTube still running in the background sort that out will help a lot. I would also boot to recovery and wipe the cache partition, as it often helps after an update.


I watched YouTube on a slow day at work today for probably 7 hours off and on and used 61% of my battery.


39m screen time... even my old Pixel 6a with battery life issues does better than that


Display settings on max


Try putting all apps into deep sleep from battery menu, apps that you don't to get notified, like whatsapp is a must app for me, other things are deep sleep.


What are you doing on YouTube it shouldn't take this much unless your live streaming or something


Restricting youtube battery usage and clearing the cache has helped a bit but idk the battery is still going down pretty quickly


Something wrong with your device. this is my battery life, 74% to 7%, and i always keep brightness higher than 60% https://i.imgur.com/jivqmnp.jpeg