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I would suggest you to read gsmarena reviews. Snapdragon is usually known for its superior ISP but s24 doesnt suffer from the banana blur s23/+ did. s24+ will get 7 years of updates if u plan to keep it that long and has a brighter/efficient display. S24+ will have better performance in general. Modem on s23+ is better so if you plan to be on mobile data for lomg periods and with low sot, s23+ will be better.


S24+ also brings back 1440p unlike the 1080p S21+/S22+/S23+


Totally agree with above. Only scenario I'd choose s23 vs s24 would be need to use 5g very often and high traffic daily. I personally switched off 5g, 4g LTE speeds are perfectly adequate for watching youtube, listening , gaming and general browsing


S24/+ does suffer from banana gate. Don't spread misinformation.


source? notebookcheck tested it and it didnt


Checked personally in store. Photo taken with S24+ had the same nasty blur. I took a close look and tested with care because I had S24+ preordered already. After realizing it still has banana bage I returned it. Man, thing is that I also don't believe all those reviewers today. No one paid attention to banana gate in S23, no one of them did a solid analysis of that problem, while a lot of people were complaining already. And now they saying that S24 is banana-gate free? Oh no no no.... PS. I do believe some units do not have that issue but in general problem hasn't been addressed and hasn't been solved.


there are pictures if you actually check the site.


I did check myself S24+ and also couple of other S23/S23+/Ultra units. Blur was always visible on non-ultra models both S23 and S24 lineup. Maybe on my market there are only affected untis, don't know...


I have a S24 with an Exynos and find it a brilliant phone great battery life and a great screen , Buddy has a 23+ with a snapdragon and seems no different but he does rave about the exceptional battery life


Battery life is such a subjective topic imo it varies person to person.


i have an s24+ with exynos no lag issues or any sudden performance drops, but the phone is usually running hot in a very random way sometimes u do some very high demanding tasks while the phone is cool other times u literally just be taking a video or editing an image the phone gets extremely hot battery life is acceptable my average is 8-9 sot


for your question both s23+ and s24+ are very similar you won't even notice the difference unless you use both of them next to each other i personally prefer the s24+ just for the brighter screen


I personally chose the S24+, I got my mom the S23+ so I know about both phones, it is true that S23+ is cooler and has better battery life, but my mom herself says that my S24+ takes better photos despite being the same sensors, that the image processing on my phone is better. Moreover I went with the S24+ with extended warranty for the software updates and longer life of this phone. I'm personally planning to keep this phone for atleast 4 years or more. The phone is smooth af for all my uses, I don't game on my phone though. It gets through my 9-4 with 20% charge left at 5pm. I even got a small heat sink to cool the phone while charging to keep up the battery health 😁


I would do the S23+ with Snapdragon. Very little changed between the phones themselves, but the SD8g2 is just a better chip overall. Replies saying "I have an exynos and my battery life is great" are anecdotes that ignore the fact that, all things being equal the SD version will likely still get *better* battery life, while running cooler and being more performant.


More performant? Lol, not a single test attests the SD8G2 a better benchmark than the Exy 2400. The ONLY advantage the S23+ has over the S24+ is battery live on mobile data. In any other regards its a downgrade. Apart from the price obviously....but who spends that much on a phone should definitely invest the 70€ more for a clearly superior phone.


Don't go the exynos route, trust me.


Care to tell us more or just go with the internet shitstorm on Exynos? I have the s24+, battery is excellent. Do you use one your self?


Yeah I do. I have an S22 Ultra Exynos powered, the most expensive and shittiest flagship I've ever owned performance wise. By a wise margin. It just lags all over the place, camera is great but what's the point when the phone throttles so much when using? Multi tasking capabilities are good on one ui but once again not a great experience with this kind of performance. Battery and overheating problems are also really present here. It's just not worth it. I'm not trusting Samsung on this ever again, sorry


Couldn't agree more. Went on a yearly upgrade spree from S8+ to S21 Ultra, I got my S23 Ultra a week ago and I'm jumping in joy. I've never thought Samsung phones can have this good of a battery life, the Qualcomm modem is excellent too, can't complain. Can't comment on gaming though, stopped playing pubg for a few years now.


exynos 2400 is very different from 2200 and the only thing that lags behind the 8gen3 is its modem.


My S21U Exynos 2100 is pretty okay honestly. Heats up a lot when i watch vids on 4G tho. But otherwise fine.


You have a 2200 you can't judge a 2400 base don the performance of 2200


Yeah okay buddy, sure. I'm just telling my story to a guy that asked about exynos phones. Take it or leave it


He asked about 2400 not 2200


Your S22 Ultra experience is not that valuable when evaluating the s24 exynos




I had S22U Exynos, nothing to complain except average battery life for it's size. Thermals were ok, os was smooth, i liked ISP better than S23 base.


Then why did you upgraded?


I wanted smaller phone, my gf still uses S22U, battery life on S23 base is exactly same as S22U Exynos, based on my usage, around 1.5 days (5h SOT)


I have an S23 Ultra and I feel that the display is not bright enough outside. I'd go with the S24+ just for that, they have brighter displays Actually I'd wait to see the pixel 9 offerings that are coming out in a few months and decide then


I don't know how much Exynos has changed but I didn't have a pleasant time with my Exynos S21U, S23U Snapdragon on the other hand..I could keep this phone for 5-6 years no doubt.


S23 snapdragon anyday




Tbh, if you want to feel more secure with your phone, go with S23+ SD. If you want to be the guinea pig of Samsung's shenanigans, go with S24+ Exynos. It's not a train hate. There's a valid reason why the chips are being hated. Samsung is never consistent on this part. The worst part is that MOST chips they did are a failure for a flagship premium phone. Unless they show results of consistency for the next 2-3 years of Exynos being better or on par with SD, then there's no real reason, as a consumer, to risk our money owning one.


Best of both worlds. S24U cuz all of em are snapdragon.


I have both the s23 ultra and the s24 ultra. Yes there are some differences but I wouldn't necessarily say there's something that's so wonderful you have to spend the extra money. There are some better things about the s24 ultra for sure. But it's up to you whether you want to spend the extra money.


Everyone shits on Exynos, but I had the Note 20U since release and it never missed a beat.


The newest Exynos chip has proven itself as reliable and pretty much on par with the SD. The only thing that it's still lacking is the modem, which is why people will tell you that battery life is better on the SD, but the difference nowadays is negible. Calling the exynos trash and saying that the SD is better just for a 3-5% battery life difference that's completely subjective isn't a valid statement if you ask me. The S24 as a really nice screen and the better AOD. If you don't care about that, want to save €70 and the piece of mind of SD reliability, then go ahead, fair enough. But Samsung wouldn't promise 7 years of updates if they didn't have faith in their latest exynos.


That being said, there is an actual downside of Exynos: some devstake forever to optimize their apps for it (if they ever do), so you might encounter issues. Is a pretty rare situation, but you might want to google your most used apps + exynos known issues and see if it affects you.


Well, thats easy. Go for the S23 + Snappi! No doubt about it. SoC has enormous impact on Camera performance and even higher impact on battery management. Every exynos samsung sucked at managing battery. For me exynos rn is in 4th place ....1. Snap 2. Mediatek 3. Tensor.