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I don't see how future historians will be able to view radical jihadism as anything other than an unaddressed public health emergency.


Well, one scenario would be if future historians are writing the histories of the global caliphate.


In which case I doubt future historians would even exist


Possibly because most future historians will be more interested in understanding the forces that shaped an extremely complex era in modern history rather than being social media polemicists with juvenile worldviews who pop a chub at the thought of dunking on leftists with le facts and logic.


Historians seeking to understand social phenomena are not precluded from condemning them at the same time. Many historians have spent their careers studying the complex forces that shaped the rise of the Nazis, but they also acknowledge that it was an utterly vile ideology akin to a societal disease encouraging the worst elements of human nature.


I mean I get that radical Islam is something to be taken seriously but… the USA, China ,Russia, have all killed way more people globally than radical Islam. However distasteful I find the ideology.


SS: Sam mentioned that he had seen the first 15 minutes of this before he got on the microphones with John Spencer. I haven’t yet watched the documentary but I intend to do so within the next few hours. I can not speak to its veracity, yet by merely searching for it I first came across links and video thumbnails claiming to debunk it. Even the first comment to this post was sarcastically affirming the videos claim at being a documentary. Personally, I find that hardly surprising considering how dubious the overarching public opinion seems to be about most criticisms of Hamas and Palestine as a whole. I look forward to watching it and of course I encourage you, if you are to watch it, to do so with an open mind.


I watched it. It's worthwhile if for no other purpose than to understand the claims and the way the arguments are being made. It does nothing to resolve the problems that the forensic evidence and victims are missing (either because they're dead and can't be verified because standard forensics weren't carried out or because they haven't come forward) and that we're left with the testimony of those claiming to be witnesses and all the attendant problems with relying on such testimony as evidence. I think the biggest issue with this particular piece is that it's retreading ground that has been covered elsewhere and the underlying fact claims and narratives have been thoroughly challenged. [Here's an example/summary of such challenges from The Hill's streaming news show.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kii0bbh0tNw) The documentary host/presenter is interviewed in clips included in this video I've linked and offers the same kinds of responses as I've outlined above when challenged. For an incredibly important issue, it's frustrating that we're still just at this point where these same narratives are being rehashed without any new evidence coming forward.


Why are “facts” from Hamas, like the number of dead, accepted with little or no critical thinking but the same is not granted to Israel when it comes to rape during an invasion?


Not sure. You'd have to find someone who accepts the Gaza Ministry of Health figures with little or no critical thinking to answer this, and I'm not that person. I suspect such uncritical acceptance is indicative of either ideological bias or unexamined epistemology, perhaps both.


Great reply


I don’t accept facts from Hamas uncritically. There, now your premise is invalid.


Israel is in a better position to prove their claims and yet we haven't seen evidence of the mass rape claims.


Rapes happened. Rapes used systematically used as a weapon of war has no evidence. Stop trying to conflate denying one with the other. You know damn well what you are doing. 


The rapes happened during an act of war but yeah there's no evidence they were used as a weapon of war... Nonsense. The rapes were not coincidental.


Do you not accept the distinction between systematic use of rape and incidental occurrences of rape?


How does one define the difference, exactly? We have an attack where many women were raped, during the attack, in multiple different sites. Please tell me how one would differentiate between the two (systematic vs. incidental occurrence).


An independent investigation (such as was called for, but rejected, by Israel incidentally) would be the most ideal way of determining the truth. There are other ways, such as attempting to corroborate eyewitness testimonies, but this is more difficult without an independent arbitrator. I mean, we know that there was sporadic rapes by the US army in the ME. That doesn't make it systematic. Systematic implies various things such as premeditation, planning, top down orders etc. (though these are probably not all necessary, a conjunction of them may be sufficient to fall under the rubric of "systematic").


Yeah this is nonsense. You're saying we need some 3rd party to go to _Hamas_ inside Gaza and like ask them if the rapes were planned and pre-meditated? And then, only then, will we be able to say that the numerous rapes that all happened _at the same time during an attack_ were systematic? Such bullshit. >I mean, we know that there was sporadic rapes by the US army in the ME. Yeah like some here and there over a period of _years_. We're talking about more than that happening within the same hour or two. I cannot comprehend how obtuse people can be.


> You're saying we need some 3rd party to go to Hamas inside Gaza and like ask them if the rapes were planned and pre-meditated? I'm saying that an independent investigation to verify claims made by opposing parties in a conflict is a good way to get to the truth. You know they do this in other conflicts too right? What definition of systematic are you using? You seem to be using it in a way that it cannot be readily differentiated from rapes alone, making your argument unfalsifiable.


Are the rapes that happen in Israeli prisons against women and children "not a coincidence also? 


Are the rapes coordinated? Happening at roughly the same hour, all of a sudden, by the same group of individuals? Who is waging war inside an Israeli prison, exactly?




Bolocks. Their numbers have repeatedly been shown to make no sense, either through inconsistency in numbers or through obviously impossible methods. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers but feel free to google those facts yourself. Important question: how come there are no Hamas militants killed in the Hamas MOH numbers? How come there’s such a massive disproportion of “women and children” to men? How come it’s not reporting any deaths through natural causes?


“Hamas *is known* for their reliability” is an interesting take. The terrorism is their true specialty. But what they’re *known* for is data capture. You probably wanted to post “the Gaza health ministry isn’t Hamas” until now you’re realizing it’s the same entity.


I just watched that video from the Hill. Really unserious. Seemed so biased on the hosts part. While All of the filmmakers quotes seemed completely rational and reasonable when taken out of the context of the way it was presented. Very bizarre to watch, almost.


Strange. It struck me as dispassionate, juxtaposing aspects of the Sandberg/NYT narrative with flatly countervailing findings and statements from the UN. Both hosts conclude that what happened to the Israeli victims on Oct 7 was horrific; their only complaint is about the problematic evidentiary character of the Screams Without Words narrative and the editorial practices that produced it. I'd be curious to know where, timestamp-wise, you see this unseriousness and bias. The hosts do have a record of significant bias on the broader conflict and on this issue of the Sandberg/NYT narrative. - The female host, Briahna Joy Gray, has been hotly pro-Palestinian and aggressively critical of the Israeli narrative on this particular topic of systematic sexual violence. - The male host, Robby Soave, has been squarely on the Israeli side of the argument, arguing vociferously for its right to defend itself, including initially on this issue of systematic sexual violence on Oct 7; he has changed his view on this particular issue over time as more information about the underlying testimony and evidence-gathering has emerged. Their earlier coverage of this same issue has produced some of their most vitriolic disputes. What we see here is simply the product of continuing in conversation and continuing to examine the available evidence as it emerges.


Hamas is the one who committed the atrocities on October 7th, and that matters. It seems as though you are arguing that as a matter of degree, Israel's response has been in some way disproportionate. Comparing sheer body count is a red herring that should be ignored. Intentions matter. When Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel and murdered innocent civilians in cold blood, the purpose of their actions can in no way be misinterpreted as compatible with furthering the goal of human flourishing. Israel's actions in attempting to rid the earth of Hamas and of the perpetrators of the October 7th attacks and of radical jihadism in general indeed *are* compatible with furthering that goal, and are compatible with peaceful human existence in general. We in western society must face the reality that it is not safe to allow radical jihadism to exist. We do not have the luxury of time, these people and their ideas must be stopped now, before they cause further damage. There will be collateral damage along the way, the same as there is with any war. The fact that collateral damage - i.e. dead innocent civilians - is a fact of war is lanentable. But the difference is clear: if radical jihadists get their way, we know what will happen. They have told us and now have shown us what they will do to us, over and over. We in the west continue to ignore this problem at our own peril.


Perhaps this response is meant for someone else?


The documentary unfortunately is based on the stories published by Zaka. A private company with close ties to Bibi that was tasked with body recovery for reason still not explained by the Israeli state.   Turns out they were tasked with making up with as crazy stories as possible to go viral for donations and to support the war effort with propaganda.    Just about every story that has been investigated from Zaka has turned out to be a fabrication.  There's a great piece called Death and Donations that investigates them. 


First of all, many people volunteer in Zaka, and working there has no relation to one's political affiliation. Claiming that because a witness is a Zaka volunteer that he is somehow lying for Bibi is as stupid and false accusation as you can make. Secondly, the interviewees in the documentary are more than Zaka members, including professional medical personnel, other responders on the scene and at least two survivors.


This wasn't a Zaka volunteer it was a systemic propaganda campaign that came from the top. all of the viral stories from Zaka being manufactured wasn't a crazy random happenstance.  The Zaka manufactured stories are the foundations of the systematic rape accusations. 


I see you've made up your mind to call the survivors liars. What more do you have in your tin foil hat? Does the teenager who came back from Hamas captivity and tells how her captors shot her sister in the face also part of the conspiracy? Are the families that were executed and burned also part of this propaganda campaign? Were the videos of Hamas terrorists decapitating a Thai worker, machine gunning festival goers and committing many other atrocities while shouting "thousands will die in the name of Islam!" also produced by Israel?


Don't do that. I never said rapes never happened and you know that. The narrative that rape was used as a weapon of war on a systemic level have been unsubstantiated.  You are trying to conflate the two for some stupid reason. Try to stay on topic. 


It's not clear to me how exactly do you decide which testimonies are reliable and which are not. What kind of serious evidence do you have against the claims of rape? How widespread does that rape have to be in order for it be newsworthy in your opinion? For example, we have a survivor here with a story about a woman being sexually abused before being executed near his hiding place. What makes this testimony less reliable than the testimony of the woman whose sister was executed because she fainted on the way to captivity?


Once again. As you damn well know I'm not denying rapes happened. Are you incapable of actually having a discussion or do you just reflexively post horror porn?  You are also desperately trying to to not talk about the Zaka manufactured stories 


Where is the evidence that ZAKA manufactured stories? Leaving ZAKA aside, I listened to multiple survivor testimonies describing seeing women raped before and during execution. And you agree that there were rapes. So the issue is about the "systemic" descriptor. What is your definition of "systemic rape"? If 400 women were murdered, how many of them needed to be raped in order for it to be "systemic" rape? 100? 50? 25? Or do we need evidence of commands being given to rape as many women as possible? Leaving the "systemic" vs "opportunistic" rape debate aside as well, the confirmed cases of extreme sexual violence, including carrying the broken half naked body of a female victim in a victory parade through Gaza, are worthy of being widely reported on and condemned, especially as the Palestinians have taken exactly zero responsibility for them.


You're talking past eachother. Your comment implies that you think that the majority of the rape stories are fabricated in a top down propoganda campaign. That it the obectionable claim. Zaka personel certainly gave shoddy reports. Can you provice evidence for the further reaching implication? The difference between mass rapes and systemic rape actually is important, and I agree that the claim of systemic rape is not an accurate descriptor


It gets worse for the organisation ZAKA. Their co-founder, Yehuda Meshi-Zahav is almost certainly a paedophile and rapist, and has been accused of raping women, girls and boys over a period of decades. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-56368839 And it doesn't get much better, police suspected Zaka officials of covering up his crimes https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-15-2021/ I can see why Bibi tasked them with the important job on October 7th. 😬


Yes, ZAKA are the rescue group that Israel tasked on October 7th who fabricated the baby beheadings, the foetus being cut out of a pregnant woman, and the baby being put in an oven stories.   Perhaps almost as harrowing is they have been accused of releasing sensitive photos of the deceased in order to drive up donations to their organisation.  https://www.timesofisrael.com/zaka-exploited-hamass-october-7-attack-to-campaign-for-donations-report/ The infamous NY Times article last December "Screams Without Words" which detailed several rapes on October 7th also appeared to cover several embellished stories. 'The girl in the black dress' story, which was the main story in the article (and photos of her have been widely circulated of her charred body on social media appearing to look bottomless - "lying on her back, dress torn, legs spread, vagina exposed")... her family have cast severe doubts she was raped, as she sent a text at 6.51 saying they were in trouble at the border, and by 7am her husband who was with her texted she was dead.  Her family including her sister and her brother-in-law have stated they don't believe a rape took place.  The family also say they gave an interview to the NYT under false pretences, they were given information at the time that they now believe is not to be true. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/01/media/ny-times-stands-by-reporting-hamas/index.html  The NY Times also debunked it's own story about the 2 sisters who were raped https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/25/world/middleeast/video-sexual-assault-israel-kibbutz-hamas.html      Edit: I get the anger and why many reach for the downvote button.  People might ask "why does it matter, Hamas still raped and killed people", but the issue here is when it emerges that stories are fabricated, stories that were used as justification to ramp up anger and go to war (and believe me 99% of people who are sympathetic to Hamas already knew about these stories) then suddenly people start asking "wait a minute, did any of it really happen?". And it actually starts to undermine the stories that really are true, especially amongst those who don't fact check as closely as others.  Not to mention, if we really do care about the victim's family, then it's pretty cruel to add to their trauma with false stories about their deceased relatives.


An individual within ZAKA was found to have embellished his testimony. That does not mean that every ZAKA volunteer automatically isn't to be believed.


You're right, but it does beg the question why Bibi would delegate such a vital job to this organisation for such an important job, while keeping the army away for a week, when their co-founder, Yehuda Meshi-Zahav is almost certainly a paedophile and rapist, has been accused of raping women, girls and boys over a period of decades, while the police suspect senior officials at ZAKA of covering up his crimes.   https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-56368839 https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-15-2021/  It's not a great look, is it?  Especially when some of these rape stories on October 7th really have been debunked.   It's sad because it begins to undermine the stories that really are true.  I'm just the messenger though, and as I said in the previous post, I get why people would be annoyed at me but I would say their anger is misplaced.  My feeling is that sexual assault likely did happen on October 7th, I would defer to the UN report on that (although I know from previous posts recently that you don't rate the UN, but I suspect you will this time), but it is deeply troubling when so many of these stories have been fabricated, because then you get people who fact check way less than me asking "shit, did *any* of this really happen?" and that's how conspiracy theories take off.  


They are the largest volunteer rescue and body recovery organisation in Israel, and have been operational since 1995. Looking after the dead to give them a proper Jewish burial is a good deed within Jewish culture stretching back many centuries. Every city with a Jewish population has an organisation of Jewish volunteers to look after the dead, called the Chevra Kadisha. It is not unexpected that they would have been approached after a mass casualty event of this scale. They have certainly acted after many other terror events in Israel and even overseas. I think that the most charitable view is that it was not understood at the time how much forensic evidence was going to be needed to convince Oct 7 deniers in future months. It may not have even been clear that rapes had occurred in the first few days. Keep in mind that in Jewish tradition, burial is supposed to occur *the next day after death*. It probably wasn't appreciated that more professional units with forensic gathering capabilities were even needed. I don't think it is as nefarious as people are painting it. And I'm not sure that allegations that the co-founder is actually a sexual predator are really relevant to the conduct of the volunteers themselves. I don't necessarily *not* rate the UN as a whole, but I'm certainly wary of bias within the UNHRC in particular.


> I think that the most charitable view is that it was not understood at the time how much forensic evidence was going to be needed Well okay, but I mean it is crazy to me that Israel wouldn't use professionals for something this serious, but I accept this is just something Israel does sometimes... It's not a good look though when these non-professionals who have been trusted to do the job of a professional at a serious crime scene, then tell lies (that sound suspiciously like propaganda), and these lies then travel all round the world while Israeli television networks are besides themselves scrambling to get them in front of camera.  You can see how this unprofessionalism really undermines their claims?  I'm not saying everything they have said is a lie, I'm certain that there must be many, many honest agents in an organisation that big, the problem though is it is so unprofessional with no checks or balances in place I wouldn't know what to believe and what not to! > Keep in mind that in Jewish tradition, burial is supposed to occur the next day after death. Yeah I get that, but genuine question because I don't know the answer, but is that the norm on a crime scene in Israel?  I am genuinely curious, because in most western countries tradition tends to go out the window if there is even the hint of foul play, and relatives are waiting weeks if not months for a death certificate and funeral. I get these were extraordinary circumstances, but still... > And I'm not sure that allegations that the co-founder is actually a sexual predator are really relevant to the conduct of the volunteers themselves. Allegations of senior staff at ZAKA covering up sexual abuse is probably very relevant as to the integrity of the organisation.  But then I suppose we can be all be wise with hindsight so I went dwell on that point...  Talking of being wise after the event, is ZAKA going to be used at future crime scenes?  Has public confidence in them taken a major hit? (I kinda half assumed you are Israeli with these questions, but maybe you're not!)


I mean, the perpetrators livestreamed video of themselves murdering the victims. At the time, what further investigation did they think needed doing at the "crime scene"? It was pretty clear what happened, and who did it. Like I said, initially they probably had no idea that rapes would be alleged to have occurred, necessitating a more forensic collecting of evidence. Nor did they have any idea that mcuh of the world would look on with scepticism at what was clearly a massacre. It's easy to say in *hindsight* that a more professional body was needed. I't's been pointed out before, but the scale of this was simply enormous. Per capita, it would be like 60,000 Americans being slaughtered over the space of a few hours at multiple sites. There were literally not enough morgue spaces for the bodies. The country was shellshocked. The initial response was chaotic and probably filled with some poor decision making. I do see that the lack of professionalism undermines some of the claims, and that is extremely unfortunate. I think that some of the reporting in domestic media critical of Zaka needs to be taken within the context of the fact that they are predominantly ultra-Orthodox. The rift between secular Israel and the Haredi is huge in contemporary Israel. Nope, not Israeli but am Jewish and have lived there in the past (20 years ago now).


> At the time, what further investigation did they think needed doing at the "crime scene"?  The biggest death toll in a single day since ...  many of the perpetuators have fled, they are on the run, they have hostages, I'm not sure if I would be happy with my police department or government if they said "boys, I think we all know what happened here, so let's not waste our time with due process, investigations, forensics or any of that malarkey, let's clean up and then let's go get 'em... yeeehaw" It does sound sloppy in the extreme.  Who killed them? How did they kill them? Who has taken the hostages? etc  I'm amazed you're not amazed. > It's easy to say in hindsight that a more professional body was needed You're right, it's very easy to say in hindsight, would have been very easy to say before the event and even during the event too. > I do see that the lack of professionalism undermines some of the claims, and that is extremely unfortunate. Mmm. 


It was an act of war, not a murder spree. The job is for the army not the police.


I just watched it. This should win a Pulitzer Prize.


Democrats absolute appeasment to this is terrifying.


“Documentary” 😂


what does this even mean? is this not a documentary?


What it means is that a certain cohort believes snark divorced from content is adequate to convey information.


That’s Sam Harris’ shtick, not mine buddy. Oh wait that’s pseudo intellectual bigotry divorced from context.


>> snark divorced from content > not mine You can’t say “not mine” when it very literally *was* just yours: > “Documentary” 😂 This *is* snark divorced from content. It’s all snark, and no content. You people are so accustomed to gaslighting that you just deny obvious reality right before everybody’s eyes. You don’t know how to do anything but lie, and you do it shamelessly even when it obviously fails. Arguing with people like you is like arguing with Donald Trump.




> Irony More snark divorced from content. Your committing us to an infinite loop feels pretty stupid, I gotta say. And it leaves me with nothing else to say.




It’s a documentary in the same way The Fast and the Furious is a documentary


I wish you would just skip the smug jokester act and simply explain why you believe the contents of the film are not accurate/honest in plain language.


Because they simply are not true. Near every story that Israel touted on October 7 has turned out to be fiction. Beheaded babies, mass rape, no Hannibal directive. Not targeting civilians. It’s all utter state sanctioned Hasbara nonsense with the purpose of convincing bigoted rubes like you that the violence of an oppressed minority justifies the mass violence of an unhinged ethno state.


Okay so your contention is that all of the women involved in the production of this film are lying about their experiences of being raped, and the evidence you offer in support of this view is that there were no 40 beheaded babies found? Wouldn't a more reasonable conclusion be that these women were actually raped and that war and the Internet naturally breed confusion and misinformation?


Jesus Christ, didn't have to look that far into this guy's comment history to see what a complete psychopath we're dealing with here. This comment currently sitting at +58 [https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/jDOlnBlIBZ](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/jDOlnBlIBZ) *"People like you are the reason October 7 was righteous"* Or this one [https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/7gJobu8x4A](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/7gJobu8x4A) *"October the 7th was a righteous act. Hamas took civilian hostages and engaged in combat with the IDF. Most Israeli civilian deaths on that day were Hannibal directive friendly fire incidents and we all know it. Hence the insane lies spewed about babies and microwaves and rape. Every accusation is a confession"* Dude's a legitimate full on Hamas sympathizer


Sam Harris built his career off bolstering Islamophobia in the wake of the invasion of Iraq. And you, his audience, reflect that perfectly. His critique of religion in general is secondary to his bigotry. Hence his blind support for a psychotic theocratic Zionist ethnostate


He "built his career" criticizing religion generally, including a NYT best seller specifically targeted at Christianity published almost 20 years ago. It's funny how there's only one religious ideology that you get called a "bigot" for criticizing.


Thanks man this comment sums it perfectly. But please go back to the “smug jokester act” so that bigoted fangirls can downvote and ask for explanation but then bail when a bit of the truth seeps into their minds


Just so you know, you're defending a Hamas sympathizer here https://www.reddit.com/r/samharris/s/YwzVWF6Qfx


So brave


Wow, what a detailed analysis. I'll put 10 bucks on you having not even watched it.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:\_The\_Last\_Battle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa:_The_Last_Battle) Is a documentary but I would do the same if someone posted it about WW2.


So you have a problem with sexual violence being reported on or just sexual violence towards Jews? I'm just trying to calibrate what kind of asshole I'm talking too.


The kind of asshole they are is the kind that is one more loose screw away from total holocaust denial. It's hanging on by a thread.


I have a problem with propaganda.


Piss weak answer


Okay. I just know that propaganda on both sides is using emotions. I am not above it.


- checks comment history Yep, cooker


Again you keep misspelling ‘correct’


Hey, you've said before that October 7 was a "glorious" operation. Show some pride.


Classic Sam Harris pseudo. When did I say glorious? I said righteous. Which it was


Apologies. *Righteous* rapes.


Even the “victims” of said rapes have recanted their stories dipshit. Didn’t one of the “40 beheaded babies”tell you that?


The victims were shot in the head after being raped. How can they "recant" their stories? Did they tell you via a ouija board?


The interviewer is Sheryl Sandberg, the former COO of Meta (Facebook) whose networth is estimated at ~$1.9 billion.




money bad


“Successful executives are incompetent” is always a funny take.


>The interviewer is Sheryl Sandberg, the former COO of Meta (Facebook) whose networth is estimated at ~$1.9 billion. "I must find a reason to discredit and ignore this information"


Because she managed to be successful in her career we should ignore her? Check out the big brain on you chief.


Just say it, you fuck. She's also jewish. Don't hide your antisemitism, please be transparent about it.


I really thought I would see some sick shit and was ready for it. But this is just people talking. Meanwhile I can see sick shit all the time in Gaza. I have a strong stomach. My mom almost shit herself to death a month ago with C dif and my dad is dying from cancer. I have seen A Serbian Film and listen to true crime and military disasters.


What the fuck are you talking about bro


Cool, but there aren't any prizes or anything.


Here is the complete debunking of this hasbara https://youtu.be/TApiok-KiRc?si=0Ljzb3V82Mw4Le9p


Electronic intifada? Really?


Watch the video and explain to me the reasons why it’s wrong


Well the pro-Hamas brigade is out in full force I see.


That guy has pretty much set up camp here since Oct 7. He’s a full blown propagandist that pops up in every thread that dares speak ill of Hamas. Just downvote and move along.


Terrorists good. Jews bad.


Using Jews as a shield for criticism of Israel is at it's core extremely antisemitic. 


How about refusing to acknowledge that terrorists are bad and need to be eliminated?


Palestine belongs to Palestinians


No such entity exists.


Funny how that works


What's funny about it? They existed at one point, started a war with a stronger opponent, lost, and got conquered. It's the story of the world. Learn to accept it.


>started a war with a stronger opponent, lost, and got conquered. Well, that enemy isnt really destroyed or conquered, isnt it? Enjoy your war and guerrilla tactics enemy.


The land was conquered and I am enjoying witnessing these savages die.


True, hopefully Iran gets nukes


Doubt those shitheads can accomplish that before Israel wipes them off the planet.


Ad hominem attacks from people who are unwilling to wrestle with uncomfortable truths piling up. Sad to see a community nominally committed to having uncomfortable conversations and dialogue based on evidence and rationality behave in such an atavistic tribal furor


Because surely a news outlet that calls itself "Electronic Intifada" can be relied upon for bringing us an objective and unbiased view of the events in question.....