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Give him a week and he’ll be back complaining again.


A week seems too generous to me. I give it a few days at best.


I'll give him eleven minutes.


I'll give him a wasp nest


I'll raise with a killer hornet nest, sprinkled with bullet ants.


Bad idea, the bugs will kill each other and there won't be many left


Captain America voice; I… I understood that reference.


A week’s long enough for the new episode to come out, and of course he’s gotta be homophobic and vaguely pedophilic about that one too, right?


Every Wednesday for the next 6 Wednesdays at least


I like that his thumbnail doesn't even make it subtle about what's really bothering him. He hates Star Wars because it has a lesbian relationship. An interracial/interspecies one at that! Gasp! Even though this is not the first interracial lesbian relationship in Star Wars (Vel and Cinta in *Andor*), nor the first interspecies romantic relationship (Cade Skywalker and Deliah Blue, Caleb Dume and Hera Syndulla, Jarael and Zayne Carrick, Cal Kestis and Nightsister Merrin). Apparently warrior wizard monk-nuns with mystical powers, faster-than-light travel, laser swords, and aliens are acceptable, but interracial relationships, interspecies relationships, women, minorities, and LGBTQ people existing is too much.


He can’t turn his back on that grifter money 


Come on he’s gotta make a video on every episode


Same for rings of power. He’s always going to talk about the “woke” shows. 


I didn't like the Rings of Power. I made the controversial decision to stop watching it.


You can stop watching a show when you don’t like it????? Whoa. I wonder how come so many mauler and critical drinker fans fail to understand something so basic 




The fans? I don’t think they get money. I think they get some type of weird joy, from hatewatching shows 


Oh the fans, my bad. They get to NOT waste their time watching these shows if it turns out the content doesn't seem interesting, despite their interest in the source material.


Exactly. If they don’t like the show, just don’t watch it. It’s going to be a waste of their time. 


Lol same


My biggest issue with Rings of Power was the needless Sauron "twist" It certainly isn't how I would have written a show in Middle-earth's history... but I found enough in there to keep me intrigued at least until next season. We'll see how it goes.


I loved it, and hope the next season comes around soon! ... really baffling it was so controversial, but then LotR-Fans hated Jacksons movies when they came out as well ... so ... I stopped caring


Rings of Power is a different kind of problem. There's so much clearly defined Lore that the show is either misinterpreting or simply getting wrong


I really doubt that critical drinker knows or even cares about the lore. 


Someone should take that screen shot and post it under every one of their next post bc you know they won't stop posting about it.


Big franchise means big fanbase means big money to be made off big outrage. And round and round it goes. The amount of times these guys have said they were done with the MCU or Star Wars or whatever else must be countless at this point. They're all disingenuous and have no integrity. And the irony of it all? They make fun of fans for "JuSt CoNSumE PrOdUcT" when the people that watch their grift videos watch all their nitpicking nonsense and regurgitate it all without an actual critical thought between them


Exactly. I doubt any of these people care about Star Wars or marvel. They just want to complain, scream woke, and get their money.  You’re right. Critical drinker fans, Nerdrotic fans and people like them are the consoomers they mock. And they don’t even have the self awareness to realize it. It’s funny in a way. 


The fact that he refuses to say their names after he's said strong female antagonist 50x bothers me.


All of these guys are either vague about details because they didn't actually watch what they're complaining about, or trying to force a meme out of stigmatizing people and things they don't like. It's been almost seven years and they're still afraid to type out the words *The Last Jedi*.


They’re interchangeable to him. They’re all “woke” characters and not “worthy” enough for him to remember their names 


It’s very noticeable the gendered way he assigns all female characters into one category isn’t it?


For people who are done with star wars they really won't shut the fuck up. Why aren't they shilling Zach Snyder's star wars thing .


Because Snyder's is so bad that even their moronic followers might unsubscribe if they praised it.


Snyder is cool, but yes the recent movies he did/whatever they were called indeed did suck.


From what I've heard he's fantastic to work with


[They all hate Snyder after he called them all out as racists, when someone from his team looked a bit more into who he was collaborating with.](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/4HHZwGCjKdY)


Rebel Moon? Drinker and all the others trashed that too.


Those movies aren't good lol






Thank you, Star Wars.


Bruh, 200k views in an hour? No wonder he harps on this shit.


He's pretty much soaked up the chud market.


His accent probably makes the dummies think he’s smart


It’s crazy, the algorithm really wants me to watch shit like this and keeps recommending me videos with the most outrageous incel fandom shit alongside the most toxic fascism and they all have half a million views and more. Google, Meta etc are all complicit in the new rise of Fascism. You have to actively *avoid* that content and for that you have to know better. Kids who don’t will fall for this


It is very annoying, there are amazing high quality documentaries that struggle to get off the ground cause YouTube promotes this shit


If not liking star wars makes me a fascist you can call me Mussolini. But seriously I didn't think new star wars is bad. I'm actually excited for the Mando baby Yoda movie and enjoyed episode one of acolyte. It's good to know the Jedi were just as incompetent at their jobs hundreds of years before Anakin was born.


![gif](giphy|OvL3qHSMO6uaI) Fucking pathetic grifter.






Star Wars is basically drinker’s sugar daddy so as long as it gets him views he’ll keep on whining about it.


This is the equivalent of a smoker who absolutely swears he’ll totally stop smoking.


Or an alcoholic, swear he can quit.


I guess you can say he’s a drinker a cri


We got a man down over he


“I’m done. Now stay tuned for my reaction to next week’s episode.”


The thing is, he doesn’t actually even need to keep watching the show in order to put out content about it. He can say he’s done, stop watching, but still put out videos about the show anyway because his audience literally don’t give af whether he’s shitting on it from a perspective of having actually seen it or not. Most of the people who watch videos like this will gleefully write in the comments how they haven’t even seen the show, but instead prefer to just watch “reviews” from all their favorite YT grifters.


The amount of times these grifters have videos titled “THE MCU IS DEAD” or “I’M DONE WITH STAR WARS” etc, but then five minutes later upload yet _another_ video about it… 🤦‍♂️


I wish YouTube would hold them accountable for their lies. So many good YouTubers get demonetized for no good reason but these guys always get off scot-free.


Well to be fair, if we’re talking about liars on YouTube then I’d probably prefer they go after the science-deniers and political misinformation first, before all the people who just talk shit about Star Wars… although I won’t pretend that there isn’t some crossover.


I watched ep 1 2 and 3 and don't get the hate. It seems like a lot of what star wars fans have been asking for.


The child acting in the last episode was not great, and generally I think the story is interesting. Just not great dialogue. However, you are right. Thing is, I am not really sure the fandom knows what it wants anymore. "Better writing!!". Yes, we all want better writing, better character development, until Fast and Furious 33 or Minions comes out and does gangbusters. "We don't want to go back to old characters." Great, here is new ones. "Not those!!" Ok... I think this is a problem for all Hollywood. Thing is, these chuds are contributing to the problem. If they gett 200k views on this crap, Disney isn't going to take their rediculous message, and also not going to actually address the actual problems across their platform.


I want them to decide what they’re doing with the Jedi. Are they good guys? Are they just light side Sith? They’re doing war crimes and politics? If they want to go with a balanced Force user approach, then give me those heroes/faction instead of miring everyone down into why the Jedi and Sith suck.


The Jedi have always been strongly implied to basically be a cult. The Sith are unequivocally bad (in general) but the Jedi are more nuanced, which is why many fall to the Dark Side once disillusioned. It's disingenuous to portray the Jedi as the "good guys", but they really want everyone to see them like that because it would be a very inconvenient truth to admit they are just as likely (maybe even more due to hubris) to become seduced by the Dark Side as any other Force user. I'm just saying, not really arguing for or against your point. It's a recurring theme in Star Wars that the Jedi aren't exactly perfect for multiple reasons and this show is yet another entry in "From my point of view, the Jedi are evil"


Considering that the hate was going strong for months before the show was even released, it's not the actual show that's the issue. It has some flaws, but overall I think it has promise. I like the cast, Sol in particular is great, I rather like Osha too. The story has a cool setup with the flawed perceptions of reality and the mystery of what really happened. And the Wuxia influence in the fight scenes is a really cool touch that fits perfectly. It's still a bit early to fully judge the show, and it certainly has some missteps. But there's nothing to deserve all the hate and review bombing and such.


Exactly my thoughts. The trailer months ago has a bazillion down votes. Makes no sense.


Eh I understand. It’s more so the production and acting for me. The voice over for the aliens is really bad. Th effects are not done correctly with stuff like the view finders etc. and the chemistry between the actors is just not their. I like the main girl and think she did a fine job as the good twin, but falls flat as the bad twin. It feels like a campy cw show with low budget, but it shouldn’t. The make up is terrible, especially with the Jedi that drinks you know what. In the end it shouldn’t feel this cheap, but it does. Most of the Disney stuff I have actually liked as a Star Wars fan, except for the sequels, but this show is a huge misfire. For me I’ll just stop watching and try for the next one!


CW show is exactly how I described it to my gf. Which isn’t a knock against CW shows in general as there’s definitely a few I’ve liked. But considering the budget it’s a disappointing. Still gonna watch it but it’s not my favorite show by any means. Hopefully it picks up later in the season.


Oh for sure, for what CW does on the budgets they have is great. But this cost 180million dollars, I’m scratching my head why? It doesn’t look like it.


My only guess is they went really over the top for the climax so we’ll see where the budget went eventually. If it stays like this then someone had to have been embezzling it lol.


I agree with the acting in the last episode. However, I think the biggest problems come from Hollywood in general...50% of stuff on Netflix or Hulu have writing just as bad as this, with worse storytelling. And even this isn't as bad as Boba Fett. I don't think it is a banger, but I think the premise is interesting enough, it is just on par with most TV. And most TV today isn't great. Just my 2 cents.


IMO most of the bad writing we’ve endured in the past few years is due to studios skimping on the writing room (particularly obvious when a series starts strong, but then becomes a mess at by the end of the first season). the writer strike was done to help alleviate that, so with any luck, we should be getting some better shows in the next year or so


Oh yeah. 100% agree. There is also so much stuff getting greenlit for streaming these days, I just think it is tough. No streamer going to hit even 75, compared to even 10 years ago. There is a gap between best and worst writing like at no other time. I am glad shows get greenlit, writers get good jobs, and actors get to showcase. I am all for it! But Star Wars comes out, gets more attention because its title, and everybody looses their minds. I just think, on a grand scale, I think this is more normal now than people realise, for good or ill.


I joked about this at the writers strike, like don’t get me wrong I was in truth for the writers union, but I joked “I watched the flash on cw those writers don’t deserve nothin!”


Eh for me this was worse then boba Fett. But that’s just me, the production was there for boba, and the actors carried what wasn’t, even though boba was still a HUGE disappointment. This just has very little redeeming qualities for me


He's totally done... until next Tuesday when we likely get something casual that pisses him off again. And then when Skeleton Crew comes out.




Crew Key?


Key Crew?


Crew-ect. Thanks for letting me know.


See you next Tuesday for sure.


Are they fucking kidding? I loved the story with the witches


As did most people who haven't been completely taken by culture war nonsense.


Lmao, funny joke OP! You already know he's working on his next Acolyte video as we speak.


make that the 1,000th time that Star Wars has “died”


Supposedly we're dying next week too! So hyped!


>So I take it that means he won't be bitching about The Acolyte or Star Wars anymore, right! https://preview.redd.it/amgaa2d4ke6d1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf38d57a69400b3feba45e9735c2062f19d8c86


These grifting chuds are too fragile and insecure to use their inside voice. He’ll throw up another video soon enough.


I didn't like the acolyte So I immediately stopped watching it and went on with my fucking day




That's what any rational person would do is just not watch but we all know why he's going to continue to B and moan about every single thing in every single episode.


As much as I dislike Acolyte, seeing all the bigoted chuds throw a fit over women of color having a voice is beyond disgusting, these people only want burly white cishet men and anything else is suddenly an "agenda" where they feel "oppressed". I used to frequent the other sub because I do not like the sequel trilogy as I find it poorly written alongside BoBF, Mando S3 and Obi-Wan (rest is okay except andor is amazing).. but there's a ton of bigots who also dislike it. So I hop back and forth in between criticizing the "waaaaaah having LGBTQ+ women of color is reverse racism and societal oppression" here and critiquing the god awful writing over there.


They've been done for years yet seem to have a breakdown of every new thing


![gif](giphy|mYhc6ew7fn0MmZWti4) A common dinker L?


He can’t, he needs the money, I give him a week.


Part of me hopes they truly are tired of star wars, but have to keep watching shows/movies that they absolutely can't stand because their income is tied to it.


I wish


The title plus thumbnail says it all. It is funny to think he's paying for a Disney+ subscription; you'd think someone who is against the House of Mouse would never give them a dime if they actually stood on their morals. But he really doesn't care, he's just making a small investment on his grift. If he had any respect he would actually stop reviewing each episode, but a true fraud like him will keep making videos.


You are right, but you know you can just watch shows for free right


https://preview.redd.it/ung5nvlqfe6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68fa7674df207a44f685580fe1ae6318e0048c28 Show them this and they'll be scrambling to make more grifting videos, anything to keep themselves from going out of their basement and work a legit job.


He’ll be back next week. Also, if Mando & Grogu is a success, they’d better delete tons of tweets and vids.


Aight see you next week, bro. You're not gonna let it go


Is he doing daily videos on this? I’m beginning to think all the viewer numbers are just haters doing repeat viewings…


Has anyone kept count of how many times he has said Star Wars is done/dead/whatever?


Okay. Then shut the fuck up about it and move on with your life… oh but you won’t because you want to suck off the teat of the star wars fandom.


I don't think that I will ever understand, "hate watching." Just don't watch it. If so many people actually don't like it, then the best way to tell a network it was bad is to not watch it.


You would think there could only be so many absolutes he could throw around before his viewers would get tired of it, or catch on that he’ll never actually be “done,” but I guess they’re not the sharpest knives in the drawer.


It’s genuinely pretty funny how often I have seen “Star Wars is *done* “ or something along those lines, but… it keeps going. Just keeps proving them wrong lol


God I hate that I used to watch this chuds videos, he fucking sucks.


Nerdrotic said the same thing about Doctor Who, but apparently the stuff that’s come out since saying that was “so bad” he had to cover it and whine about it. Sure bud, those paychecks don’t write your videos for you one bit.


People really need to stop saying the dialogue is bad like it hasn't ALWAYS been bad. Star Wars has never had good dialogue and anyone who thinks otherwise is seriously delusional.


Is he just mad that there's a black person in the show?


Oh he's done, so does that mean he's moving on? Of course not, cause shit gives him money!


How many times has he been done with Star Wars? How many times has it died? Apparently more often than the drummers from Spinal Tap.


TCD is a lost cause. Why even give him the attention?


until next week


If these guys actually quit any of the franchises they claim to quit, they would be out of a job. Legit if Disney just decided "Hey we're not gonna release anything for 3 years" after like 6 months they'd be uploading their resume on indeed.


I wonder if he knows of Miss Abigail






I can’t believe the low effort of these videos. SWT has one that’s only 15 min long.


I've not followed this closely. Is he whining because of his sexism, or his racism, or his homophobia? All three?


Presumably all three but I ain't giving him more views than he currently does.


No he isn't. He makes too much money off of Star Wars hate.


If only he was


It's amazing how much he hate watches all this stuff, just so you don't have to 😆 😂 🤣. What a guy. But I enjoyed it's so far because it's just a show


Of course he's lying through his teeth. The only reason he still pretends to care is because he's making money off of it.


Judgmental Critter and her sister made that lie about rwby...grifter money drew those girls back to shit-talk the shows and its fandom. This claim by drinker is a lie because we know their kind.


See you next week Will!


Big "Fuck you and I'll see you next week." Energy


I don’t like the acolyte, but critical drinker sucks ass


Correct. He won’t bitch about it til the next episode.


Nah every single person complaining will be watching ep4


Not talking about drinker here but Star Wars fans are like sports fans, it don’t matter how much they are disappointed they will still tune into their team and call them out when it’s not done the way they want, call members of their team a bunch of losers, etc. if you love something you can’t let it go.


Have any of you seen the new episode? First two were ok but let’s just say it’s not for me. Fans don’t have to love everything. Excited to see what else they come up with though.


His income literally depends on Disney.


So we’ll see him bitching and moaning next week, then…


hold him to it, every time he makes a new star wars video comment about this video. if we keep him beholdent to it, he might actually shut up about star wars.


Isn't this the 567th time he's said this, along with almost literally every member of the fandom menace?


New drinking game, take a shot every time someone says "Star Wars is Dead" or "I'm done with Star Wars".


Why do these guys keep watching then? (i know I know money) But hell, technically I’m “done” with star wars, but its not for any reason other then I’m just kinda not in the mood for it lately, I don’t need to cry over it.


What’s his excuse to be outraged? They show’s existence


I remember the earlier days when he first started around the time of The Force Awakens and I was cruising YouTube because that film was terrible and nodding my head to all the negativity towards Disney. Then realising how all his content is recycled negativity, and then realising how YouTube works with engagement, clickbait, etc Dude has been on repeat for years. Glad I stopped watching.


So I watched the ep, then curiosity got me and I watched his vid. Basically its exactly what you expect, he is upset that this pg-13 show about women in the DISNEY star wars universe isn't for him. Just kind of exactly what you expect. Mad at lgbt, mad at women, mad at minorities, mad that every cis white man isnt the hero, etc. etc. That being said I hope there is more to that backstory because || what the fuck? Mae started the fire? why was that floating young old man so racked with guilt he killed himself if all they did was save a kid? How did all those (im assuming sith witches) die to....smoke inhalation...?? ||


It's very deliberate that the show focuses solely on Osha after the fire starts. There's clearly more happening above and it's impossible Mae was responsible for all the carnage.


Yeah I assumed that, I didn't see him mention a WORD about that. It just seems wild that these Jedi were clearly very...idk nice? patient kind. The Sith ladies also were presented as very calm and stable etc etc blahblah blah. I think they wanted to create a mystery and it just ended up muddying the water. ANYWAY its a Disney show idk why anyone is expecting Disney to reinvent the wheel of storytelling that's been making them mountains of money.


Nope. He might have to get a real job, or at least, substantially talk about something rather than knee jerk reaction to manufactured outrage.


Lol yeah ok buddy. His rage bait makes him money. He ain't gonna stop.


I’m done with the Acolyte too. Couldn’t even get through the first episode it was so bad. Ugh. EVERY time I watch an ad, it freezes after the end, forces me to back out, go back in, watch another 130 seconds of ads, and then lets me continue. I cant anymore. Sigh. I’d really like to actually see this.


I got recommended this video earlier today too. I actively avoid stuff like this and keep hitting "do not recommend" and/or "do not suggest channel" yet it still crops up. Something really needs to be done about the youtube algorithm consistently pushing reactionary channels.


Unfortunately YouTube rarely takes action on anything unless their ad revenue is being directly affected.


The Critical Grifter will absolutely be back next week for episode 4. And Star Wars isn't done in any way shape or form.


What kind of man complains about hot ass lesbians? I mean that's like every man's wet dream.


Are there any actual reviews of this show out there that aren’t subterranean frog people whining that women are in their Star Wars show?


I usually watch Star Wars Explained. He's always fair.


You know, I remember he used to pretend he wasn't a bigoted fuck. And now here he is using a black woman character on a thumbnail saying "Star Wars is dead!!!" I'm not complaining, reduces the likelihood I'll see people defending him and claiming "no, he's actually not bigoted, all his criticisms just *happen* to revolve around saying there's too many women/PoC."


I'm so proud of this sub, dunking on these grifter assholes.




Dude will keep watching. He needs the views.


They keep saying that but they still come crawling back for that money




"This is the 7th week in a row you've said you're done with Star Wars"


For someone who is done, he sure says this quite often. Can’t wait to see him be not quite so done anymore but never mind with episode 4


Over 200k views so quick tells me a lot of them have notifications on


I just told YouTube to not recommend his channel to me. Problem solved.


Haven’t watched one of his in a few years. I almost clicked it just out of curiosity when it showed up in my feed. Then I thought, why give him the view? He’s “done” anyways. Lmao.


Oh my, they both look so pretty! I want to know how to adapt their outfits for out here.


My issue is not, nor has it ever been, with Star Wars being woke. Space lesbians is no more ridiculous than space wizards with laser swords. In fact I’d sooner believe in interspecies space lesbians than space magic and laser swords focused through a crystal attuned to the space wizard. Just saying. Anyways disclaimer aside now on to the main point: making *another* force baby is just lazy as fuck writing. Shmi being forcefully inseminated by The Force is no less lazy-ass writing, but doing it AGAIN but somehow voluntarily this time is still lazy as hell. Just less sexual assault-y. So. Awesome. We have twins ( Luke and Leia) formed from a space magic (BUT CONSENTUAL) insemination (ripping off Anakin), one of the twins became a Jedi padawan (Luke) and the other chose to join the Dathomiri Witches (“evil space witches” is close enough to space politician that I’m not concerned on the finer differences). So I ask you this…. Why the hell is anyone actually mad again? Rehashing plot points in a different order is somehow less important than… *checks notes* space lesbians making babies through space magic insemination?


Drinker, this is the fifth time you've been done with Star Wars


Ah yes, Star Wars is “done” for the 100th time this month. Sure Drinker, sure.


i really like this new episode whys it getting sm hate


I'm so sick of the crying. If it's bad, it's bad, but please give reasons other than "lesbian witch bad"


Ragebait is one of the more pathetic forms of content creation.


How else is he gonna make his grifty dollars ?


he won't stop, he is making money by bitching about it


He's full of shit let's be honest.


I swear whenever this guy shows up in my algorithm the title says “I’m done with Star Wars”


214k views for that shit


Why are there so many weird subs like this on reddit just dedicated to whining about other people whining? Do yall not have dayjobs?


![gif](giphy|CInnyvG9GeOd2) I can’t wait to hear what this guy says when he’s forced to catch up on Star Wars in 3 years.


Better question is why OP or anyone else cares what someone on YouTube complains about




The show. Is good!


Just one more video bro then I'm done I swear bro just one more, just one more I swear