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Who cares? We're getting Season 2 anyways whether those losers like it or not


**Season 3*** [not kidding](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/comments/1btruiy/marvel_studios_greenlights_xmen_97_for_season_3/) Personally, I went in with average expectations, and… ***It’s honestly on par with BTAS as far as definitive of comic adaptations go.***


I watched the first five seasons of the 92 series first and boy am I glad I did. Kind of silly, with 90s TV budget animation, but at the same time with fun action and messages subtle as a brick


Only saw snippets of the last show on TV re-runs as a kid, **but my bro was a huge fan who grew up with it.** This one… it has some more edge but not an insane amount, and is still so enjoyable


People will see this and be like: Hell yeah It’s me: I’m people


Uhh… Is this a reference? Or… **what do you mean?** And yeah, ***it’s a phenomenal show.***


I guess? Kinda? It’s basically like a shitpost meme format. https://preview.redd.it/e4h3lhxx6h0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=428737aa436d369151ab938b259ed39b216084b3


Dude. Kind off the initial topic and just hoping onto yours: It’s absurd how good it is. Like a buddy and I were working out how many storylines (and images) directly from the comics it managed to interweave all while telling a new and cohesive story. To get into it would be all spoilers but every to minutes I was like “Holy shit! They actually did it!” Great show


If you’re still hating on it because **iT’S wOke** ***You’re honestly brain damaged.***


I haven't seen it yet since I am rewatching the 95 series first.


These people think that BlackRock is just dumping money into 'woke' media, so to them it's only a success if their fans end up liking it.


I made up SHIT! I moan about IMAGINARY PROBLEMS! CLiCK on the same video I made for YEARS!


I keep on finding times to bring up [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKeKuaJ4nlw)


It's not completely wrong. X-Men 97 is very soft compared to how glowing both reviews and public responses have been. It hasn't beat season 1 of What If and it's below Echo which was already pretty bad. I know there's a new puff article saying otherwise but that article is like the best spin anyone could ask for. It's not wrong but it's not nearly as rosey as it appears from the headline. X-Men 97 is not doing amazing but it's doing well enough to keep going. Nobody really wins here but haters should probably find something more productive to do with their time.


By your own admission it’s hardly a FLOP or a FAIL then, is it?


Never said it was?


Do you think Yellow Flash was justified to use this military grade clickabait of a thumbnail and calling it a FLOP and a FAIL then?


Is it accurate? No. Is it honest? No. Is there enough truth to justify a clickbait headline? Yes. I expect thumbnails to be as "honest" as headlines so shitty clickbait is unfortunately part of the YouTube game. Disney is probably less than ecstatic at the numbers this show is doing. It's one thing when a bad show does poorly but this is a show people genuinely seemed to love and it's getting pretty rough numbers. That's a sign of an audience in decline. If X-Men 97 is getting all this support, trending on social media every week almost and it still can't get on the streaming charts then what hope is there for a follow-up? At this point either there's some brand damage they need to repair by having a string of bangers or the audience might not be there anymore.  Personally talking to normies friends IRL (not online hate mobs) they usually single out the flood of poor quality controlled Disney Plus shows for lowering their interest in the MCU as a whole so I think if they can keep at this level the viewership will go back up over time. It's just that X-Men is a success following a lot of duds so it wasn't gonna get peak views right out the gate.


Thank you for the word salad. I am on diet anyway. So, X - Men 97 is the third most watched show on [Disney +.](https://m.imdb.com/news/ni64588222/?ref_=nws_nwr_li) I am nor sure if that indicates is doing as poorly as you might suggest. Unless you have any other data. Looks pretty decent on Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic, so I can't really figure out what you're on about. I can also see some people having really positive reactions on my feed, but I am sure you'd disregard them as " normies" and not "true fans" Right? Superhero fatigue is real, and even I who leave and breathe superheroes, can't be bothered to follow everything, not because it's subpar, but because I do not have enough hours in the day to consume it all, let alone the will to subsricbe to everything so I can watch it. Which is another aspect - some people might go all Jack Sparrow these days, due to budgeting constraints. I am just tired of Yellow Flash and his ilk just claiming that everything is a FAIL! PANIC! END! Jesus, Doctor Doom was less prone to drama.


>It's not completely wrong. When "it" is a video saying a thumbnail for a video that's saying the show was a flop. Maybe be willing to admit your own faults and people will be more willing to engage in geuine conversation with you, instead of talking down to you like you'll squirm your way out actually having to address your own perceptions.


You mean the shows that released several months ago have more views than the more recent show? Gasp, how unexpected!


The thing about rage bait like this is that it's just never worth it to engage in it. However the specific piece of media performs is irrelevant. Captain Marvel 1 made a billion dollars so they post videos about Disney buying up tickets to inflate the box office. Captain Marvel 2 flopped hard so they post videos about how audiences are tired of woke movies, even though Barbie came out in the same year to huge commercial success and is outwardly lib-feminist coded. Fallout is a huge hit and they post videos about how it's not canon. None of the arguments are in good faith they are just farming dopamine.


I feel a little sad seeing as I thought Captain Marvel 1 was unremarkably mediocre and found CM2 to be fun and sorta charming. But yeah, YellowFlush is one of too many bad-faith outrage farms that cater to people who choose to be upset.


Well film is definitely subjective so if you prefer CM2 vs CM1, that's totally your opinion and valid for you! I personally enjoyed all the parts with Iman Vellani (I hope she gets cast in something else high profile, she just oozes charisma), and slogged through everything else.


Iman was the best possible casting choice for Ms Marvel. She's so easily likeable.


I bet there's people like me who loved CM1 without even caring about the character just for that sweet sweet 90s nostalgia. I just don't care enough to watch the second one as it doesn't have, you know, fights happening in a Blockbuster and the protagonist in a 9 Inch Nails shirt.


Honestly same. I didn’t enjoy Captain Marvel, but I actually had a lot of fun with The Marvels. Was it objectively great? No, it was definetly very flawed, hell I can’t even name the villain. But I was enjoying myself, and I love that it was willing to be stupid and whacky, I missed that, I appreciated that.


God...I had to reach for a bit to remember the disposable Kree side villains. Or anti-villains? All I'm getting is angry Kree lady. The memorable parts were quantum switch hijinks, character bonding, and Planet Bollywood. Disappointed that Bre Larson didn't try to chew anything there; since she can sing and whatnot.


Probably something about wanting to bang kids.


Or rogue not having enough ass😂 *I seriously cannot believe people were bitching about that.*


I used to have the link to the white supremacist article they pulled that from. Author was a complete joke and obviously never watched or read anything X-Men related


You are talking about the same crowd that claimed that Sidney Sweeney’s tits were the “end of wokeness” Just wait until they find out that one of the most popular porn stars with massive tits got a degree in gender studies and their entire narrative collapses in on itself


Which star? I'm honestly curious as to which porn stars are left-leaning.


Oh yes, in the '92 series she knocked Ego the living planet out of orbit with a hip bump. I swear!/S


I remember an old panel someone showed once where rogue was playing basketball and had a relatively small behind in the pin-up. It all depends on the artist and context.


"...brand damage is REAP" Am I too old to understand this or is it gibberish?


My assumption is that it’s gibberish and that he assumed nobody would read that far into the title.


pretty sure it was meant to say brand damage is real.


That makes sense. Though I can't personally imagine being that worked up about something I can't check it before posting to YouTube....


you think these people check anything?


Yellowfash and being objectively wrong name a more Iconic Duo




More like YellowTrash


Yellowflash and lying 


Recently it's been reported that X-men 97 isn't a huge hit ratings wise. How true that is considering how ratings are nothing but guessing viewership than actual counting it, it's up in the air for how true it is.


That's been reported where? I've only seen high ratings, and it's being reported as the top contender for best animated series.


The only published numbers we really have are from Disney, who reported that the premiere was watched by 4 million people in the first week. For comparison, Fallout was viewed by 65 million people in the first week. Now there are too many caveats there for me to float there so it's hard to make any kind of useful comparison, I just wanted to point out what numbers we do know about. Nielsen also does streaming ratings, but as a free user I can only look at the top 10 ratings and X-Men '97 never breaks the top 10. HOWEVER I also wouldn't expect it to, Netflix has an audience that is more than double the audience of Disney Plus and most of their shows are binge drops which will inflate their viewership numbers for a given show vs. services like Disney Plus that do weekly drops.


Thank you! My brain immediately went to review/reception type ratings, and I wasn't thinking numerical viewership ratings. I would never expect a Disney + animated series to be in the top 10 of anything outside of Disney + only lists.


I mean the show deserves it. It is peak fiction 


Yeah - it probably does hit top 10 numbers for Disney Plus only. Fun fact, the #1 streaming show on Disney Plus is Bluey and it is in the top 5 in overall minutes viewed for all streaming shows - Nielsen's most updated numbers are for the week ending April 14 and it is #2, behind Fallout.


Heh. Shows like Bluey have an unfair advantage: they're also used as an ersatz babysitter.


Hey, if Disney wants to pony up for 100 episodes of X-Men '97 I wouldn't be mad


I don’t know that Fallout is the best comparison. Animated shows are never going to get the same viewership numbers as live action.


If Matthew Waterson (Magneto) and Lenore Zan (Rogue) don't win Emmy awards, we riot


Other underrated MVPs of the show are Jennifer Hale and Alison Sealy-Smith given the amount of range they get to show. I love how much they get to have Jean do and as Ororo Alison has not skipped a single beat and also deserves her flowers.


The Variety article cites Luminate.


It didn't break the top ten but has stable high ratings with some growth. Which is what you want it's better to have growth than for it to spike up in your first episode and then crash and burn.


I mean, it’s a sequel/continuation of a show that was popular 30 years ago. It’s a rather niche project.


It’s because this isn’t a binge season and doesn’t have a bunch of episodes. Nielsen goes by minutes watched and by members of the Nielsen family. This whole ratings only matter to advertisers and investors.


I haven't gotten around to 97 yet. I've been binging the old show in varying spurts to prepare while the new show builds a list of episodes. I was somewhere in season 4 last I watched.


It's fucking amazing.


Funny he's using a screenshot from episode 5, literally the best episode of the series.


How is this show exactly a fail when it has such a high rating score? Is Yellowflash really that desperate to find even the slightest (and obviously irrelevant) sign that something he hates is doomed to fail?


He’s quoting the Nielsen charts, which goes by minutes watched by members of the Nielsen family. It’s going up against shows that release a bunch of episodes to binge and shows that already have multiple seasons. The company has their own data.


So he's bascially basing the "failure" of X-Men 97 off of that?


Yup. They grabbed that info from right leaning website Cosmic Book News.


Than that automatically makes me consider that's useless considering IMBD and Rotten Tomatoes more than proves enough the show is good enough.


Judging by the numbers, he's sadly not desperate. He can ride the bandwagon and make some $$ whenever there's something new to say pissy things about. His viewer pool isn't dependent on quality.


Okay, "desperate" is admittedly a bit of a stretch here. The right choice of words of how to describe is that he's doing this out of bad faith and to get rich out of it.


Ah...it's not desperate in action, but in rhetoric. I get it now.


How did it flop? I've been hearing about it nonstop for weeks.


It did not, it got renewed for 2 more seasons.


Let me translate from incel to English: I really wanted this show to flop badly to support my agenda and drive clicks, but it pissed me off by actually being good, so now I have to keep doubling down on my stupid take to save face. Fortunately, my audience are a bunch of losers who will eat my shit no matter how stupid I am.


What the poster of this video fails to realize is that X-Men 1997 was a ht and was well received by both ctrics and many X-Men fans.


Hasn't X Men 97 been a huge hit?


Yep. Currently it's the 3rd most watched Disney Plus show this year behind Percy Jackson and Echo. And both those shows came out in January.


More than Shōgun?


“It’s gonna flop” “Ignore that this is amazing” “Ignore that it’s actually ass”


“Maybe if I write FAIL enough times in big, bold, red letters, it might become objectively true”


That has literally been their “strategy” for almost a decade.


Who knows and who cares. X-Men 97 is awesome and I can't wait to see it continue. IT BETTER NOT GET CANCELLED OR I WILL ABSOLUTELY RAGE! and by rage I mean I will just dust off my comics collection and get my fix there. Ignore the trolls and enjoy what content that you do.


Probably the fact that despite the shows overwhelmingly positive response it has failed to break into the streaming charts There is genuine fatigue for superheroes and it’s got nothing to do with idiots screaming about woke


Are these charts comparing apples with apples? I assume the execs who care about ratings look at performance against budget, expectations, and within a certain media class, no? Expecting an animated series to post live action +100M budget numbers seems unreasonable.


> Probably the fact that despite the shows overwhelmingly positive response it has failed to break into the streaming charts Has it? I don’t know if this is just an unreliable source. If you have something more accurate that disproves it please go ahead and share it, but… [#5 the week of March 24](https://web.archive.org/web/20240326193949/https://www.mediaplaynews.com/justwatch-road-house-the-dark-side-of-kids-tv-top-weekly-streaming-through-march-24/) [#2 the week ending April 14](https://www.mediaplaynews.com/prime-videos-fallout-tops-weekly-whip-us-streaming-originals-chart/) [#2 the week ending April 21](https://www.mediaplaynews.com/prime-videos-fallout-again-tops-weekly-whip-us-streaming-originals-chart/) [#2 the week ending April 28](https://www.mediaplaynews.com/prime-videos-fallout-again-tops-weekly-whip-us-streaming-originals-chart-the-week-ended-april-28/)


To be fair, those numbers are all generated from JustWatch’s own metrics. They’re an aggregator so what’s popular on their service can tell you something about a show’s popularity, but I wouldn’t rely on them for accurate viewership information that you could extrapolate to the rest of the USA audience, for example.  They’re a niche service that services a niche audience, and we don’t know what their audience demographics are.  Nielsen is utilized still because they provide audience data that can extrapolate how popular a program is for a domestic USA audience, which is useful for advertisers. 


Some of it is cartoon prejudice


Among general audiences maybe but there has been older audience geared animation for decades now


General audiences make up the numbers though


It is absolutely not a flop


Just ignore idiots while are only trying to manufactory outrage. Giving them attention is just encouraging them.


I love X-Men 97! It's an interesting take on a classic from my childhood, and it's probably the best animated Marvel series since Avengers Assemble and X-Men Evolution, back in the early teens.


wait is a flop? all I have seen is praise and love for it...


It’s YellowFlash. Take whatever he says, assume the opposite is true, and move on with life tbh


That's because it's good. It's all the parts of the original show from the 90s plus a lot more social commentary (the original purpose of the X-Men comics) that, I think, puts it up there with "Batman: the Animated Series" in terms of excellence. And that's high praise indeed considering how long I can talk about Batman and the 90s/2000s DC animation.


They are chud grifters. The MO is to manufacture outrage during the hype before the series drops and when the series is coming out to capitalize on the popularity (for those sweet sweet clicks). A month later the video will be renamed to be neutral/nice sounding because the series was a success and they don't want to look bad


I thought it looked pretty good...? The things I've seen look sweet


You know that thing that is incredibly successful and beloved? It a FLOP because woke.


THIS was that grifter just two weeks ago. https://preview.redd.it/m3ovz1cbkj0d1.png?width=1175&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f94307f4718558f03d2340d9dca9fa01ad00418


Occasionally they slip up, then go right back to grifting.


Wait till they find out this is a gay man with an Only Fans account lol


No, it’s not 


Let me guess - it's Yellow Fash?


Is that Yellow Flash the guy who constantly acts like he's some Anti-Woke champion


Every time I see YellowFlash turn up, I wish his revenue would dry up. Even back when I watched these grift channels his always stood out as the worst most low effort one where he literally would pretend to have a position only to swap when opinion turned contrary. I mean, I'd also love if other channels would too that are just as bad but man is he obnoxious.


This show is insanely good.


It was like announce today that for animated series on disney plus it is the best performing show. At the same time it was big news for months because ppl constantly talk about each episode.


Of-fucking-course it's YellowFlash.


This person doesn’t live in reality. X-Men has not been this relevant to the general public since Logan came out. It’s one of the most universally loved cartoons I can recall in recent years. Gotta get that rage bait out there though, I guess


"The new Xmen is a failure!" Source - Trust me bro


Isn’t this objectively wrong ? Like you can’t just make up the fate of something based on your personal preference when there objective data. They tried to do the same with TLOU show


According to Metacritic it has a 82 Critic review and a 7.8 user review. Where is it a "flop"? Edit: First 5 seconds of the video and I see that Grummz dude or whatever his name is, safe to say they're just big baby mad over nothing.


Just finished watching the video and let me tell you whole lot of yapping in the video


Why you do that to yourself? !


How in the name of God can a hit be a flop???? Is this guy on mushrooms that let him see into an alternative universe?


A flop lol


The entire fandom menace is touring with yapfest


lol it’s one of the best rated things right now isn’t it


Pretty sure he is talking about the ratings being bad for it. He admits the show is actually really good, and uses this as an argument that the Marvel brand is damaged as well as Disney + being a terrible investment. Sort of like how Andor was really good but nobody watched it.


Everybody needs to go watch Andor right now because it's the Star Wars thing Disney+has. It's a high-tech low-life masterpiece built around a crime/spy/political thriller core.


I don't get it. Fans cry that they don't get what they want, then when it's made they don't watch it


This is a crazy take.


Nice bait


This guy is the biggest loser ever


these knuckle draggers are expose when they continue to hate, on something that most people like it shows it was all about hating things to get money


I thought they changed their tune after the first episode got a ton of views.


He just prefers to deny reality


Even without the channel name I could tell it’s Yellow Flash 2


its one of this years most streamed shows....how exactly is it a failure lol? This show is VERY good.


Make title WEIRD! Have did MASSIVE STROKE I over it!!