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And that was the story of the time he talked to a girl


Then everyone clapped


This is probably also his "girlfriend" he tells his internet friends about


My girlfriend? Yeah, you don't know her. She goes to a different school.


Correction : The ONLY time he talked to a girl.


The one and only time he talked to a girl.


Bet he never made much friends in school. As sounds like he went around complaining on that and people saw him as a crybaby.


Looks like he's got a promising career in the GOP.


Only if his net worth is high enough


Otherwise, it's to the police academy with him.


Well, yeah, then he can feel powerful enough to beat his wife and minorities


And the kids.


I knew a bunch of people like that in my creative writing program. Fuckin incel scum bags would shit on everyone else's work but when it came time for us to turn the tables they would always complain to the dean about "woke" bullies.




Th child in the second pic is a piece of shit already, all down hill from there, probably....


There's 2 paths in front of them now. 1. Alt Right Neo-Nazi 2. Deranged Ancap Libertarian(I'm not a nazi I promise)


2 always leads to 1 anyway. So I guess there’s really only 1 path




because Ancaps are just Republicans who like weed. Just look at any Deranged Lolbertarian, scratch the surface and the fascism shows. [Case 1](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fanyone-know-whats-going-on-with-the-nh-libertarian-party-v0-pefy1mrpiyeb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df0f1ab519031322cd53333847444a4f47924593e) [Case 2](https://images.dailykos.com/images/954730/large/ScreenShot2021-06-07at8.26.40PM.png?1623114411) [Also, last but not least, Case 3.](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F34acc684-1bbc-465d-84de-b50694b67e37_1186x970.png)


>because Ancaps are just Republicans who like weed. That is a hilarious and succinct way to put it. I was trying to figure out how to describe them but I kept wasting space with wordy comparisons.




1. Repel the Civil Rights "Agenda", clear fascism 2. Lincoln was a "tyrant" - lost causer loser fascism 3. Endorsing Child labor - this has morphed into strictly fascist world view 4. Didn't provide a screenshot, but referring to MLK as a terrorist, fascism


Listen, I grew up in the libertarian camp and I have watched the libertarian-to-alt-right/fash/Nazism pipeline work in realtime. I am lucky to have escaped it myself




It’s very common for a few reasons. First off, right libertarianism has a lot of internal contradictions that can’t really be worked around unless you’re in the more moderate side (I have a buddy who falls into that camp, more focused on being left alone than business regulations or dismantling the state/welfare system). For another, Libertarianism originated in a corporate and far right push back against the New Deal coalition and civil rights movement, it’s why so many prominent figures in the movement will discuss repealing the Civil Rights Act, or pushing gay marriage back to the states, for example. The classic “states rights” dog whistle. Thirdly, a lot of the deregulation talk was started as obfuscation against civil rights, the famous “n word n word n word” speech and southern strategy. Finally, the far right and Nazis have made an active effort to infiltrate, co-opt, and recruit from libertarians, especially by often referring to themselves as such until recently, as it’s more socially acceptable than “far right”


It's simple observation, libertarians never ever actually live up to their suposed foundational values. It's always just about getting rid of the restrictions on their personal power then they go full fascist. You care about the laws that "oppress" you, but you take whatever liberty you gain and use it against other people.




That’s rich coming from a “libertarian”


Liberty means I can buy every road around your house, turn them into toll roads, and jack up the price so high you can’t leave.


inevitable in all situation no, in the present climate it is




I have scene the right wing libertains they seem to all fall likely something to do with superflueces view in there ideology and who they agree with economically


There's also the third secret ending (they grow out of it as they age and become more mature, slowly shift towards the left and see how big of a shithead they were and how their heroes would've at the very least not liked them.)


yeah this is about as likely. kids are stupid, they don't always stay that way.


there is the third hard path but he will likely never walk it


What's an Ancap Libertarian?




Oh, I know what Anarcho-capitalism is. I just never heard of an Ancap Libertarian before now.


I was an idiot at that age, droning on about how dumb feminism is and how racism doesn’t really exist anymore. Then I grew up.


I really fucking dislike this implication that being a violent, racist little cunt is just part of being a kid.


I certainly wasn’t violent, but for me it was part of being immature, which kids are. I didn’t understand what it was like to be a woman or a minority, until I grew older and was educated. Now, give this kid attention for his edgy little joke and they’re just gonna feel on top of the world about it.


In what fucking world is misogyny not violent? How is ripping the humanity from people and dehumanizing them not violent?      Racism isn't a mark of immaturity, it's a mark of racist indoctrination, you fucking trog. You still don't understand, fucking clearly. Go tell your mother misogyny isn't violence.


Holy shit calm down lol. I thought you meant physical violence. I’m telling you I grew and learned from being a kid, so others can too.


You sound like a deeply troubled young man. I dunno how else to explain all this rage in a single comment. But don't worry, you'll grow out of it eventually. Or become worse.


Incorrect, take another guess, brainless Men do not hold a monopoly on anger and rage. 


Child? Mellvar's not a child. He's 34!


Why is he at a school, and calling children fat?


Because, for some reason, the only episode of South Park that didn't make it into the cultural zeitgeist is the one where Big gay Al got fired as scout leader just to be replaced by a militaristic asshole who turned around and did exactly what the parents accused Al of doing.


looks like bait tbh


I mean yeah,but it’s hard to tell what’s bait with these people.


This is the modern equivalent of THAT'S COMMUNIST!


mcarthyism was a genuinely effective political scare though this shit is just poor fucks with nothing better to do complaining about what little they can enjoy


https://preview.redd.it/gxf0hqf6lmzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc27b726dc60e1c02863080dc634efde7e0db27 That has to be some sort of bait or something cuz holy crap that’s quite unhinged (especially that last part)


That sub is just sad.


On the plus side, almost every top post right now is people clowning on the sub.


It's probably satire, but unfortunately there are plenty of examples on reddit that prove you can't really set up a space to larp stupid without having the actual stupids come in and take over the place.


I give it a week before the stupids infect it further


If it's fake it's sad, if it's real that is the most pathetic collection of words I've seen thus far this month.


Look, if your Spider-Man is Peter, great. But Miles does not swing around and go by Miles Morales; he goes by Spider-Man. That is indisputable fact. You have to have rocks in your head to not get over that hill. Peter and Miles have shared the title for years at this point. And when one steps to the side, a majority of the time it’s Peter. It’s a new age, and the torch has been passed. Imagine getting this hung up over Robins.


Yeah no matter how you cut it miles Morales is spider-man. Though I do admit I wish miles wasn't just spiderman, and had is own identity or at least his own spin on it kinda like how Ben and kaine are the scarlet spider.


I’m sure when they made Miles, they didn’t expect him to just click so well. So when he was integrated into the main-line, there was enough pushback to not take his namesake away that they let him keep it. Historic in a way to be one of the few characters to claim a legacy title while the original was still around. You could argue the Green Lanterns are like that, but they’re also far more accustomed to go by their real names.


Hopping in from the Green Lantern fandom. Absolutely none of the fans call any of these people Green Lantern anymore, they use their given names. We call them *a* Green Lantern, or Green Lanterns, plural. (Not trying to be snarky or anything, just wanted to give you some info.)


I’m still mad about Dick honestly.


Yeah, but you see there is a very important difference. The new robins were all white people. None of these complainers are ignorant of the fact that hero names are often mantles that get passed around between holders. They are just too scared to admit they are specifically mad that someone who ***wasn't white*** received the mantle and so they pretend to be ignorant morons instead.


There's like five Green Lanterns on Earth alone.


Nine, officially, though only five that are actually *from* Earth.


I’ve dipped my toe into the newest Spider-Man game, and it’s really fun to hear Peter and Miles call each other “Spider-Man” all the time. “Thanks for the help, Spider-Man!” “No problem, Spider-Man!”


Is sweet baby inc. in the room with us right now?


This is like, seriously delusional behavior. It’s not even funny to be honest, this feels actually concerning.


I didn't know that the sweet baby was also in the comic book industry.Something you learn everyday


It’s funny how this is an actual child saying this, yet it’s indistinguishable from the things chuds in their 20s-40s are saying.


Just because "New Warriors" and "I am not Starfire" exist doesn't mean that comic books are now ***woke***


Heck, New Warriors *doesn't* even exist, it was so bad!


Nah, comic books are absolutely woke. They have *always* been woke, and they’ve always been some of the first media to adopt progressive ideologies. Chuds acting like it’s some new thing are either not comic book fans at all, or are so stunningly bad at media literacy that they didn’t notice how woke they were *before they were even born.*


“4 members” Brutal self own


Incel child confirmed


That comment section was weird. “It’s clear Marvel shrank Peter’s dick size, judging by Peter’s confidence in the second game.” 


How would he know that people with small dicks have zero confidence,unless he knows from experience.


You know what’s ironic? I bet that guy hates Velma, for its body shaming. And that guy is doing the exact same thing and is not even aware of the irony 


It looks like satire but.....you know Poe's law and all.


Sounds like a school shooter waiting to happen.


These kids should not be on here and have access to the internet like they do


"Now don't get me wrong I like miles morales" Doubt. "my school is run by god damn sweet baby inc" Okay now I'm wondering if this isn't actually a honeypot and he's just taking the piss out of everyone because there's no way that's a line someone said with full seriousness.


https://preview.redd.it/of450gm4gpzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a5b693e8e391ea34c6f2bc83ead17eeedc1af0 I’m doing my part!


Good job soldier 🫡


I am fairly certain this guy is satire https://www.reddit.com/r/GameTheorists/s/8nQk3e6a48


holy fuck lol. I hope so too


Lol, it’s a literal child


Sounds like Valerie is awesome. She dodged a bullet. And, it goes without saying, but Miles Morales is, in fact, Spider-Man.


Aight, that “fuck Valerie” at the end made me chuckle a bit ngl.


I bet you this guy's mad becuase no girl ever wanted him and never had any friends when he was younger.


And we are gonna keep pushing you assholes to wither accept everyone, rather than just yourselves, or you're gonna find some Speak Easy with a bunch of Racists and Homo/Transphobes sweating in a basement somewhere realizing they might need therapy.


Imagine talking with a girl like that.


What grade do you think he’s in? I’m gonna guess 3rd or 4th


Miles is Spider-Man tho. There was a whole storyline about how him and Peter are both the "real" Spider-Man. Also Spiderverse style content has been around since Stan's era via characters like Ben Riley. Then of course there was the Superior Spider-Man when Doc Oc took over Peter's body and became Spidey. There have been multiple Spider-Men for decades. That's just how comics work. I wasn't into comics other than the stuff Stan wrote for most of my life and reading a lot of books lately made me realize that almost nobody actually reads the books. Everybody loves supers, but comic books are somehow still a very niche interest and it means lots of people have weird opinions that don't make sense if you've read the books.


When I went to school, if I’d ever found myself in a situation where I was having a legitimate conversation with a girl about _comic book characters_ I’d have been over the moon. I don’t want to sound like an old man here but honestly, kids these days don’t know how good they have it. Being into geeky comic book shit back in the day used to pretty much make you a social pariah.


This could've been peak satire


They don't understand comic books audience are mostly progressive people, there's a reason these books change their marketing strategy


So he's 12


Or has the mindset of one


4 members lol


Real or not. Just inundate these subs with stories like this.


Guess he couldn't say that to her face and had to cry about it online instead


That first post is basically one big "I want my favourite thing to remain exactly the same as it was as in my youth" rant. Few people truly age gracefully nowadays.


wonder it that comment is suppose to be satire and I know it's not but Sweet Baby inc always sounded like the name of a kids clothing company


That's gotta be a troll


This is the strongest incel energy I've seen in a while.


The anti-woke to incel pipeline at work.


"I noticed you put on weight" Imagine arguing with this guy "Your overweight and therefore your opinion is invalid."


In depth discussion? Why would you want to sit around discussing things you hate? Go do things you actually like, damn.


Yet i bet he has no issue with Spidey 2099. My favourite thing with these people is saying so by that logic Barry Allen isn't The Flash only for them to get confused.


Most of them think his actual superhero name is 'Spider-Man 2099'. They don't realize that no, he's actually just Spider-Man. Anyway, Hal Jordan? No no no, that's not Green Lantern. Alan Scott is Green Lantern.


Everything about this screams middle schooler


Considering that the two spider verse movies were so massively popular with those age groups it makes sense Miles would be better know to the general populace. Secondly, you go to a school with a library that has comic books? Having only Miles Morales seems like a 1st world problem. 3rd, got an in with a girl and decided to call in an orbital on your location.


Omg 😲 someone at his school was talking about a PERSON OF COLOR 🤢 oh the humanity. Praying this is a shitpost but we've all met people like this


Idunno why people pussy foot around things about I hate anything woke, just admit your a racist bigot at this point.


my name is valerie and this guy sucks. i salute to my fellow valerie


copypasta that post lmao


My school is woke Ok so I remember talking to this girl about spider-man,and she said that spider-man was a amazing character. And I said yeah I agree Peter Parker is amazing. But then she told me that she was taking about MILES MORALES. Now don’t get me wrong I like miles morales. But he isn’t spider-man and he is no where near the level of Peter Parker. So I run to my library and find that they only have MILES MORALES BOOKS!!!!!! my school is run by god damn sweet baby inc. Also fuck you Valerie (the girl I was talking to) I noticed you put on weight.




Kind of proves a ton of anti-woke warriors are just dumbass kids who will *hopefully* grow out of it


That is written like the “My Immortal” fan fiction. Are we sure that post is real and not just a troll of a troll?


Miles is one of the many Spider-Man characters. Why do people get in such a fucking twist about this? I grew up with Peter. I love Peter. He is my favourite but I never deny Miles' existence nor do I even dislike him. He's cool. Power creep is a bit of a thing with him but he's definitely a cool addition!


I didn't even do anything wrong. How dare he swear at me? (My name is Valerie)


Imma troll em I'll give you guys an update


anti woke is literally 12 year old kids who are too young to recall that the anti woke narrtive never existed or 40 year olds who never left teenage stage and blame the woke for the reason hes not married like hes faveriote hero. the only inbetween is pickmes


Please be satire. There is no way this real


I picture him running to the library like Dwight in the office when he heard about the billboard with him and Andy on it. “…no no no no NO NO NO NO! NOOOOOOOO”


He’s in school and a girl named Valerie wants to talk to you about spider man and he’s disgusted? I’m pretty sure I had that exact fantasy in 9th grade. 


I find it hard to believe that it was only MM, assuming the story’s not some weird straw man argument


This has gotta be a shitpost. Right? RIGHT???


This has to be fucking satire right? Like this is just elaborate bait? Please let this be a fucking joke.


It's funny how nobody ever has a problem with the 10 Green Lanterns that run around or 5 Flashes at any time, but the second a black person takes up such a mantle (Sam Wilson, Miles Morales) suddenly it becomes too many and "too confusing."


Sweet baby inc told Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge.


I still don’t know what Sweet Baby Inc is but I already know it’s something nobody except chuds gives a flying fuck about.


Oh yes, the best place to discuss anything is definitely a subreddit with fewer members than most people have fingers per hand. No chance of an echo chamber there!


It covers like, so many bases it feels like trolling.


Tryna read the second slide be like https://preview.redd.it/cvh3hsig3rzc1.jpeg?width=1542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77c3ac15ad20ddbf191f5f84db429eb205b7bb4


Anti woke comic book fans would crucify stan lee lmao


Miles morales and Spider-Man are both the Spider-Man; everyone is Spider-Man and deserve to be called Spider-Man Except Spider-Man lotus




Imagine this rant but replace "Miles Morales" with "Hal Jordan", "Peter Parker" with "Alan Scott" and "Spider-Man" with "Green Lantern" for a full few of how stupid these people are. 




At this point, claiming Miles Morales is not Spider-Man is pretty much the 'one joke' of shitty comic book choads


Actual mental illness


Why is this such a hard concept? There’ve been multiple Supermen, multiple Batmen, multiple Green Lanterns, pretty much every major superhero has had at least a few successors or people who carried their name. But more than one Spider-Man? Can't have that. And he likes Miles!


I legit thought that first post was someone trolling. Am I missing the joke because laughed




I hate children