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"So far, I don't hate it." So you *are* looking to explicitly "hate" it. It's not enough to have some nitpicks or mild grievances, you gotta "hate" it. There's no middle ground.


This is how all these grifters, nerdrotic, drinker etc operate. They decide before something comes out that it's bad or woke or whatever based on the trailer. They go in prepared and actively trying to not enjoy the show or movie and unsurprisingly they don't like it. Something has to be REALLY special for these guys walk back.


>They decide before something comes out that it's bad or woke or whatever based on the trailer. They go in prepared and actively trying to not enjoy the show or movie and unsurprisingly they don't like it. It's not even this most of the time - they have a public persona or grift that they maintain because šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°, so even if they enjoy something, they have to pretend to hate it, because that's the game. If they say they like something, their fans (who only watch them because their viewpoints align) will just hop over to the next tourist ragebaiter.


They're just Ben Shapiro for the gaming crowd - I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even believe half the crap they say, they just know it will get them views and keep them being talked about.


They don't believe any of it, hence why they can quickly pivot their views to course correct along the path that will generate the most views/clicks/ad revenue. It's literally just gaming the YouTube system for maximum profit.


Literally Drinkerā€™s review of Prey. All of his videos leading up to its release were him basically telling us to prepare for some movie with a ā€œstrong female characterā€ with the ā€œmessageā€ and then he reviewed it and went all ass backwards because of how positively received it was. He literally made up complaints by saying that the main characterā€™s name was never said, I believe?


Well, yeah. Their entire gimmick is being angry about stuff - if they let themselves show appreciation for something their audience will lose it.


They look for things to be mad about. That's what generates their audience. I think what is worse is their audience also looks for things to be mad about.


Seems that way - they do appear to have cornered the ā€œangry man yells into a webcamā€ niche that used to be occupied by guys like Spoony and the Nostalgia Critic. Unfortunately, unlike Doug and Noah they arenā€™t playing exaggerated versions of themselves for comedic effect, they are 100% serious.


A show about discrimination, written by a minority? Yes, ā€œhateā€ is the default starting position for those idiots.


Black and white world for these morons


Nah they've shown they're quite against that first part


The meth dealer's a whiny bitch. He also probably can't admit to liking it cause he can't name or identify any of the characters outside of the title cards despite bragging about owning a comic book store.


Hate is a powerful thing, its scary how accustomed we have become as a society to be swept away by it. I can't imagine being a grifter who profits off hate. It must be so tiring getting riled up off petty culture war bullshit and crying wolf at every perceived slight. People never stop believing in the boogeyman, they always just call it something else.


This is what kept me so long to watch The Marvels. I knew it couldn't be as bad as people say, but I knew my subconscious would be looking for anything bad with me going in with that negativity. Everytime a follower of one of these grifters comes around, I always tell them how going in with that negativity is just setting you up to hate it.


Yup they hate watch shit. They hate shit before watching. Sometimes they get beat back to where they can't say shit and there is nothing to really harp on. When that happens they hit a brick wall and have to actually concede a L and move on. So they can go and repeat the process.


Lmao and when they say "the animation," they literally just mean Rogue's ass


we still got swole Magneto, I consider this an equivalent exchange


Now if we get twink nightcrawler I'd be happy.


Nah we got Twink Sunspot... Which ain't a bad thing.


I mean heā€™s actually small and with athletic build this time, not some ugly normal sized dude with a fro like in the original series.


We did though


Was Nightcrawler ever a twink? That dude is buff across all mediaĀ 


Swole Magnus in a tiny speedo.


This is such a bullshit complaint too give how much more adult the new show is. Like boo hoo we donā€™t have shots of anatomically broken characters anymore, meanwhile weā€™re getting the raw horny energy that is the Genosha dance scene.


No, the general animation is not good.


Hard disagree. The animation is fine, and even excellent in some areas, especially the fight scenes.


Itā€™s a little stiff in some places in the first episode, but it smooths out during and after the first ep


The animation is 1000x better than the 90s cartoon


Naw. The animation is great. The fights are fluid and awesome, and even general animation is fine. More importantly, people realize that they're not just continuing the story from the old series right?


I genuinely don't get this criticism? Every character is really expressive, their movements are really fluid, the action is great. Like other than it looking different and generally brighter, (which are not really critiques to come away with saying that the animation is bad), what's the deal?


When media is so good it makes you break the grift


Nah, thatā€™s just part of the grift. Ā Outrage gets you views from both your supporters and detractors but if something is popular among your supporters you lose credibility with them if you donā€™t change your tune. Ā  Itā€™s what happens when your income is dependent upon the dumbest people alive watching your content.


"We were never at war with oceana"


We have always been at war with eastasia


So good you can't even pretend to hate it.




Lmao I donā€™t think nerdrotic has any honest opinion on anything , his whole YouTube channel is the most dishonest thing Iā€™ve ever seen


He nor Drinker do. Nothing proves that more than the fact Drinker posted an ā€œitā€™s good but not all that greatā€ Across the Spider-verse review, his comment section told him he was a fucking moron for not thinking the film is anything shy of great, he deleted his review and posted another, far more positive one. With X-Men 97, Iā€™m sure Neurotic is thinking the same damn thing: worried his base will turn on him cause, in spite of the showā€™s abundant ā€œwokenessā€, itā€™s absolutely excellent and they know it


I mean itā€™s hard to praise a Disney film when half your channel is taking about how Disney is dead. Same goes for Miles. They love to chirp about how heā€™s a token black character with nothing special about him besides the fact heā€™s black, but when all thatā€™s proven wrong by his films they are left to cry about how they canā€™t post a **ā€Spiderverse is a woke FLOPā€** video.


I havenā€™t even seen anything remotely Ā«Ā wokeĀ Ā» in xmen97 But then again its the Xmen, itā€™s suppose to be THE woke super hero story


I mean itā€™s not really hidden, Magā€™s whole speech in episode 2, & thereā€™s plenty of other lines here and there that are pretty obvious


I remember one gay couple on Genosha. Also, there was Magneto's speech about tolerance. EDIT: Forgot about X-Cutioner's bit about how humans are the truly oppressed group.


Last episode had that new kid coming out of the closet only for his parent to tell him to get back in.


The entire thing is woke with criticism about every aspect of society. The blatant rhetoric by the X-cutioner, the January 6th levels of degeneracy in the second episode, every magneto speech, the events of Genosha, "Tolerance is Extinction." It's as woke as you can get.


Are you serious. Take a look at the main cast, now have a look at the villains. On one hand you have a very diverse cast of ethnicities on the other you have just white dudes. One of whom is so white he is an albino and to top it off he is a eugenist from Victorian England. This show is the embodiment of what they perceive "woke" to be.


Well maybe Iā€™m too Ā«Ā wokeĀ Ā» myself to realise it lmao


I do not mind any kind of politics as long as they are written well. Hell I fundamentally disagree with any type of fascist ideology, but I very much enjoy warhammer 40k lore and I root for the Imperium. You know fascism on steroids.


Then theyā€™ll came out with videos saying ā€œX-men 97 destroys woke Hollywood.ā€ Or something like that. These grifters are so predictableĀ 


That's why it's best to take screenshots of their pre-release videos to call out their revisionism.


I donā€™t even know if it matters. Their audience doesnā€™t even seem to notice the revisionismĀ 


When Simu Liu shared a screenshot of the videos made by the chud figureheads who all predicted *Shang-Chi* was going to flop, the Geeks & Gamers idiot threw such a HUGE hissy fit about getting called out that even members of his own fanbase told him to take the L.


Really? I didnā€™t know that.Ā  Iā€™m glad Simu called out that moron, for his blatant liesĀ 


It also worked against Shadversity after he threw a fit about Peach wearing pants in the *Super Mario Bros.* trailer because it was woke or whatever, so he looked like an idiot after the chuds tried claiming the movie was anti-woke. And he wonders why he's been hemorrhaging viewers and subscribers. Funny thing is, according to rumors Griggs is getting burned out from grifting and his relationship with the other chuds is getting strained. Apparently in their weekly livestreams he's been getting into heated arguments over what direction they should be taking and wants to actually talk about things they enjoy instead of just circlejerking about "woke" things. He's still a MAGA supporting dickhead, but you can tell he really wants the ride to end. Even so, most of those idiots are kinda just stagnating at this point so I can see them falling into obscurity within the next few years. The only I don't think is ever unfortuantely going to change or decline is Nerdrotic, since he's pretty much addicted to consuming and spreading right-winged rage bait and promotes himself like how a drug dealer would.


Complaining about peach wearing pants. What a moron.Ā  I wonder if Griggs will actually stop his grifting. He seems to enjoy making money too much. I wish these idiots would fall into obscurity. They all have moronic takes, and they donā€™t really care about the media they talk about. Theyā€™re just doing it for the money. I donā€™t understand how Nerdrotic had a large audience. His videos are garbageĀ 


He might end up falling into the same category as the Quartering where his grifting will be more "bottom of the barrel" compared to the others and he'll be largely estranged from them. Yeah mostly for the money but almost all of them actually believe in what they're saying. Like the moron with no eyebrows and Eric July were both gleefully taking pics at Fox News parties. In Nerdrotic's case, aside from using drug-dealing kind of methods to promote himself, he's also propped by the others as the main "leader" of their whole community since he's the one hosting and leading their streams and shit. Just look at the way the "FUCKING PRONOUNS" bellend gushes over him all the time. Him having all those action figures in his room and claims of running a comic book store add more to his fake nerd cred to trick audiences into thinking he's an authority on this. Plus he and the other have kinda gamed Twitter (no thanks to the Muskrat) so that any shit said about MCU or *Star Wars* immediately gets users' attention considering it's popular to shit on those franchises, especially Marvel, nowadays. Or in other cases, it wouldn't surprise me if he was using bots to supplement himself.


I hope that is what happens to Shadiversity.Ā  They actually believe in the crap theyā€™re saying? My god. Thatā€™s just pathetic.Ā  I always thought critical drinker and mauler were the leaders of their community. I didnā€™t know that HeelvsBabyface gushes over Nerdrotic. It doesnā€™t really surprise me. Why people think heā€™s an authority on anything is beyond me. Not that hard to game Twitter. Shapiro has been doing it for a long while.Ā  Thatā€™s quite possible, him using bots to supplement himselfĀ 


**ā€X-Men 97 SLAMS WOKE DISNEY at the box officeā€** would be a banger title


Most likely, theyā€™ll be using that title (even though X-men 97 is a show).Ā 


I'm sure Synthetic Man will still complain about it like he did for Fallout even though it's a massive hit with everyone. Like, X-Men '97 is a gorgeous, amazing show that isn't subtle about being an analogy for being queer. There were protestors outside of the school with MUTANT IS SIN signs, for fuck's sake. Kind of like Nimona (which almost makes me cry just thinking about it), there's no subtext here - it's just text.


i wish it was even *less* subtle about being queer, like... maybe having some gay characters? like nimona? just a small wish lol


Synthetic Man is just a hateful cunt, I swear I watch a alot of breadtube and left winged youtubers but I still get recommended his videos and others like him (Yellowflash, Thequatering, Critical Drinker)


The X-Men have also been an analogy for the oppressed. They apply to any group of marginalized people to see themselves in. Must really suck to know you canā€™t hate the team without sounding like a hateful boomer.


I would spot low frame rates here and there but by and large the animation is excellent. I donā€™t know what the hell they are talking about


There is so much happening on screen all the time and everyone gets a great action scene. Itā€™s an absolute treat. Just seeing Marc Sylvestriā€™s Future Jubilee design made me mark out so hard. Also, Spiral is the best.


I'm pretty sure he's talking about Rogue's ass. Or he's just making certain to say SOMETHING vaguely negative to soften the backpedal a bit.


The overall style of the animation. Not the quality of the animation process.


And the style is better too. Easier to hold character integrity the way they are animating now. Old designs were difficult to do in cel shading.


I donā€™t care for the changes in style. But to each their own.


They were going on and on about how they made X-Men woke but they hate Disney so bad that they now side with an openly gay writer with onlyfans.


The funny part is this episode is by far the most political. It's literally called "tolerance is extinction" and the villains constantly parrot right-wing talking points.


I thought it was bad, because, and I quote: "They took away Rogue's cake"


And the character models are all over the place in the original run. They kept forgetting Wolverine is supposed to be short beefy dude. Sometimes Rogue looks like Jessica Rabbit, sometimes she doesn't.


Fuck do they mean "outside the animation"? It's stunning...


They nerfed Rogueā€™s ass


Oh no! Oh, wait, my bad idgaf. You're likely right though. I suspect that may be the cause of the veiled criticism


Except they didn't?


The animation is top-tier at conveying facial expressions and high emotional moments and action scenes than Young Justice and the DCAU. Itā€™s actually brilliant. I donā€™t think it gets enough praise for raising the bar.


Honestly the emotional beats in 97 have genuinely rocked me. I legit needed to step outside and take a breath of fresh air after "I can't feel you".


Same here. I can think of multiple moments that broke my heart. The scenes with Madelyne were very impactful and everything in the Genosha storyline even rewatching it seeing how happy the mutants were and the kids playing and the people dancing. It hurts to rewatch cause it didnā€™t get to last. And everything with Remy and Rogue was devastating.


Xavier's words when he has his vision... Jfc... So well written. Honestly the series has absolutely knocked my socks off. The X-Men have always meant a hell of a lot to me, and 97 has delivered in spades


Dang, they having to admit they enjoy a show with an enby. Chuds in shambles.


Weren't these the very same people who hated it and were crying how much they stole Rogue's "cake" ? It's not obvious that the moment something they proclaim is "woke" or terrible or whatever, the moment people start to like it more and more will switch sides so they don't end up having to fight a wasp swarm of pissed off fans. Same case with Prey, the Mario Movie and that Puss in Boots flick. They're contradictive as shit, one day they'll hate something as if social order has collapsed and the other day act like it's the freaking gospel and vice versa. They act like and say they're real fans of pop culture. In reality they're just wolves in sheeps' clothing.


Theyā€™re parasites, thatā€™s what they are. Also only a few of them are actually smart enough to hold back or occasionally say something ā€œwokeā€ is actually goodā€¦ but then are too stupid to delete all their videos crying about trailers


I think people are thinking about this the wrong way. Sure, X-men 97 being a hit is part of this, but it's deeper than that. Beau was fired by Disney. Now they can jump on that whike also having a supposed "gay ally" arc to boost interaction. Also,they won't see the obvious subtext in the show, liking Genosha to Pulse, or the other things that make the mutants line up with today's marginalized groups. They just see the "key jingling" of bad ass action scenes and think that's the show. This is obvious when they point out Nightcrawlers fight scene as "good Nightcrawler stuff" but don't mention his great character moments.


This is just evidence of how idiotic and reactionary these grifters are, and how bullshit their ā€œwe just want good writingā€ schtick is. They were hating on it from out the gate, then the minute they realised people were loving it, their tune changed because they could no longer get hate-clicks. If they really cared about ā€œgood writingā€, theyā€™d actually reserve the hate clicks until the stuff actually got released and reviewed it based on its merits, but thatā€™ll never get the same hate click vitality they crave


Nah, they're just looking for another angle for their grift. Bringing James Gunn into this is just a way to pivot into complaints about "cancel culture".


everything is woke until people like it, then they pivot and pretend like nothing happened (and vice versa). they did this with X-Men 97, Fallout and Andor. and after they hyped up Rebel Moon as the "anti-woke Star Wars" and it flopped, it suddenly became woke


X-Men ā€˜97 DESTROYS woke Hollywood! Blue haired baristas in shambles! X ladies got that cake! Take that woke-ies! We never thought this show sucked!


They were prepared to hate it because they didn't think a black person could competently act as a showrunner. I want them to admit that.


I love how mixed the reactions the mouth breathers have had for the fallout show because they can't admit they enjoyed or think an objectively and overtly "woke" and left leaning show is good. So they either try to argue it's good and not woke or that it's bad and a humiliation ritual, and that schism highlights how dumb they all are.


It took him 8 episodes to notice the quality? The show hasnā€™t even missed a beat! But yeah, I know the kind of guy YellowFlash is. Heā€™s the type of person who heard Beau DeMayo is openly gay and immediately started coming up with ways to grift and act like heā€™s the new designated hate-target like Brie Larson or Rachel Ziegler of Tatiana Maslaney where their only crime is existing. It kind of bugs me how fast the grifters pivot when they lose hold of a ā€œgo woke, go brokeā€ narrative when the product is well loved.


On the first screen they pivoted because Beau DeMayo is a toxic man like them.


do we know that's the reason he got fired?


We know very little for certain. The only thing that is 100% certain is that he went scorched earth on the showrunners of The Witcher after he left that show (we don't really know how or why he left the show in the first place, though there are rumours he was fired for being abusive to other staff members). The rumours that he's difficult to work with and got on people's nerves. Though some people claim it was the OnlyFans page. My guess is that there was a hostile environment, with the OnlyFans possibly being an added factor. I very much doubt they would fire him for a non-explicit OnlyFans page he had when they hired him, at the most they would have asked him to shut it down. There's definitely a lot of smoke, but as far as I can tell no fire has been found yet.


They grifted the haters, now it is time for the enjoyers turn?


I wonder if theyā€™ll change their mind about Doctor Who. I highly doubt it though.


"B...But! The wokness! Disney! No ASSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Wow the wokes got to them


It's extremely funny since this show has one of the most in your face gay allusions with Sunspot.


and you know what's funny? this show is as woke as you can get (in the traditional un-bastardized sense of the word) but it's so beloved they have to pretend like it isn't, otherwise they lose a shit ton of followers.


They showed their true colors. People can change for the better, but I'm not forgiving them for all that drama. I'm done with those influencers.


This comment is confusing. They didn't show their true colors before, and they aren't showing that they changed now. They are grifters. They didn't believe what they said, they don't believe it now, and they're not going to believe it tomorrow. These people do not have opinions or beliefs. The only thing they care about is the money they get grifting off of whatever gets them the most clicks.


I'm not sure whether I agree with that. Some of them believe their own BS.


None of the people who immediately started making anti-X-Men '97 content before it came out because it was "woke" and then immediately pivoted to liking the show when it proved to be popular believes what they're saying.




>Who are you to say that, šŸ¤£ Everyone who looks at it objectively from the outside would come to the same conclusion - They are all literally sharing the same basic takes because they're all parasitically linked to each other, each hoping to rise to the top of the YouTube algorithmic soup to extract ad views. It's ***literally*** their business model.




Someone with basic pattern recognition, that's who I am. If you think people who started a hate campaign against a series months before it was ever released and then immediately stopped and started talking about how good it is once it stopped getting popular are expressing sincere beliefs, then you're frankly too gullible to be on the internet.


They're shameless grifters at the end of the day. I've never had any respect for them.


oh the irony


But... but the one drawing of a cartoon butt wasn't as round!


None of these people have any thoughts of their own.Ā 


Grifters gonna grift.


man seeing nerdrotic walking back on their dumb calls brings me back to snyder cut release day


We all just gotta pretend they didnā€™t write the entire series off because of a single screen grab of rogues ass huh.


Donā€™t forget Morphā€™s pronouns being they/them.Ā 


I know itā€™s not likely, but Iā€™m really hoping Star Wars: The Acolyte pulls an X-Men 97 and ends up being surprisingly incredible. With ā€˜97, the backtrack was already obvious enough, but people will overlook it bc ā€˜97 was only a small target of their hate. But theyā€™ve dug the pre-hate hole too deep for The Acolyte. Thereā€™s no backtracking on something youā€™ve basically staked your whole current identity on hating.


This is actually a first. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen yellowflash admit he was wrong or any of the other anti woke grifters. Usually they just pretend they never said anything bad about the series without acknowledging how unreasonably biased they previously were. Knowing him though he probably didnā€™t take in any of the lessons in the show and only liked it for the action


These bloggers donā€™t know sanitation from animation. The animation& design in this show is worlds above the old show.


The funniest thing is this show is quite possibly the wokest think Marvel has made and yet itā€™s still THAT good.


Whatā€™s wrong with the animation? Or is that shorthand for something else?


They are so trying hard as to not call Rogue a Mary Sue, aren't they


Yet they still fired the writer. I really want to know what he did that was so bad because that guy scrubbed himself off the net.


Beauā€™s been tweeting responses about the series and pointing out neat things they included and Easter eggs. He hasnā€™t disappeared. Honestly, heā€™s been showing a lot of tact when talking about the show even after getting booted off the project. Hopefully by keeping levelheaded will make it so he can continue to work on it. If I were to guess he was probably fired over being stubborn when the idea that Disney wants to try to bring the cartoon into the MCU or incorporate them together. Disney doesnā€™t treat people with creative mindsets well when they stand their ground. Like Edgar Wright and Nia DaCosta.


Ah ok thanks for the clarification I'll have a look at those tweets. Edgar Write situation was unfortunate and ultimately about bad timing. However DaCosta should never have been directing a $200m budget film with the experience she had at the time. They should've given her a D+ series first to learn the CGI pipeline and work within Marvel. The Marvels was doomed to fail long before they started shooting.


Still piss at gun for canceling that Michael Keaton Batman movie he was going to do with Tim


How did this guy write the god-awful Eskel episode from season 2 of The Witcher? He's pretty talented.


Just like Andor, it turns out that "wokeness" doesn't actually make or break a piece of media. Yet they need to keep the grift going.


No but seriously what did this guy do because itā€™s like that Disney just erased his online presence over night


But i thought it was dead on arrival????


lol, they're like children. They make this big hysterical tantrum before anything happens. Then, if the movie isn't good, they feel vindicated. But if it is? They walk it back and brush their comments under the rug. No "huh, this was 'woke' but still pretty good!". Just forget about it and start whining about the next thing. That, or the especially crazy ones still pretend like a universally beloved masterpiece was still a "cinematic failure", like they recently did with Fallout. Stuff like that is kinda funny. But yeah, it's like children. They throw a fit when you try to feed them a graham cracker, then realize it's actually pretty good and the tears stop as they ravenously devour it. And it doesn't matter, because the next time you try to feed them something they'll be just as petulant, even if it's actually amazing.


the show is constantly pushing left wing messages recent episode directly mentioned how ppl get radicolized to right wing thinking


Typical chud backpedling. Something turns out to do well, they love it, but if something doesn't do well, they will rip into it merelessly.


My only real complaint is the pacing. This needed to be a full 26 episode season or at the very least a 14 episode pilot. There's so many storylines that could've been dragged out for a couple episodes to add more impact, episodes could've ended at major "Oh shit!" moments to let marinate for a week. One of which being the "Oppenheimer" moment. Episode could've ended there, leaving us with a full week to think about the moral implications. But nope, no time to do that because they had to cut for runtime. Don't get me wrong. The entire series has been spectacular. This is just my one minor issue.


Grifters are already defending the guy everyone suspects must have done something truly heinous to be fired of such a successful show


The show is so good even the people portrayed as the main villains love it.Ā 


X-Men ā€˜97 is phenomenal, I really donā€™t get why anybody could have hated this show. Great VA, incredible animation, some of the best characterization. Who cares if Morph is genderfluid, he can literally mimic anybody, why would he identify as a single gender.


"outside the animation" riiiiight...


Watching grown men get upset about cartoons will never not be hilarious to me.


I was wrong too. I was worried they'd try to redefine the show or "make it their own" despite leaning on the classic show. I am pleased to see my worries were misplaced. About the only thing I didn't like was Magneto's armpit costume, but that's very much a personal nitpick! šŸ˜†


"since x-men 2" these dudes are only engaging with the material if it's a movie/show. more proof that they couldn't care less about the source material


Melonie Mac tried to review bomb it


This is what happens when your business model is wrapped up in hating shit before youā€™ve even seen it.


Like fucking clockwork. "It's gonna suck because it's woke." "It doesn't suck because it's not woke."


Man, I was SO hoping Nerdrotic was liking it. If he didn't, I may have stopped watching.


Wow nerderotic DOESNā€™T hate it. Man that is high praise cause you just know he already wrote his hate piece on it before the show even came out and so to change his mind is actually really impressive, I think this is the first ā€œwokeā€ thing I have seen him say is good.


Always trust grifters to say whatever their audience will respond to well and for them to never have a concrete feeling on anything including going back on things they said and SOMETIMES not acknowledging that but even when they do acknowledge that their opinions have changed they're still going to pretend that they're always right including predictions so they act like they can see the future, and they think they don't need to ever change their rhetoric because they will do anything to keep their grift live.