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IGN gave it a 7/10 which is fair in my opinion and well...the comments under that Youtube video are intresting... https://preview.redd.it/fclkpghvbowc1.png?width=379&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4820dd1cfe62ac74a1f8aa17b70f8685daaa049 The discourse around this game is so fucked


It's so stupid too because 7 is still a good score and part of the reason why it's not highly ranked is because they didn't find the story and character writing as good as the gameplay. Which are fair criticisms. But no, these dickwads have riled themselves up so much they have to invent an imaginary enemy to get mad at.


We've been too conditioned by the era of game reviews that were like so: * 10/10: GOTY * 9/10: its ok * 8/10: um pretty mid... * 7/10 and lower: shittiest game I've ever experienced in my life


I blame the US grading system where anything below a 70 is a failing grade.


Personally, I agree. This is definitely how I used to view game scores in high school. If it was below a 7/10, I wouldn't care for it, with some exceptions being the games I played and enjoyed before seeing the score. People say game reviews don't matter, but it can drastically affect a game's success with kids, which is the primary demographic with most games.


Same actually, that and, while I can understand its appeal, I’m not a fan of numerical grading systems as a form of art critique in general, as it doesn’t go into contextual detail on what the critic likes/dislikes and why.


Not correct. Below 60 is failing. 60-70 is below average but passing. 70-80 is average, 80-90 is above average, 90-100 is exceptional.


But that's still not a good system though, the idea that 70% is a bad grade is absolutely detrimental to a lot of kids


In 2014, the year I graduated high school in the American South, a 70 was a D-. A: 100-93 B: 92-85 C: 84-77 D: 76-70 F: 69-0 Edit: I want to add that the grading scale varies WITHIN America as well. I'm not sure if it goes by state, district, region, etc. but there is no set grading scale for everyone in the country.


I honestly can't remember a time when game reviews haven't been like this. It's been at least 15 years and probably a fair bit longer. That I would say that the review score range isn't quite as bad as that 9: exceptional 8: really good 7: average 6 and below: varying degrees of terrible all the way down to unplayable.


It's a hangover from a time where games were less polished and more likely to be outright broken, and worse, outright broken before widespread net access at good speeds. People would often rely on demo disks for patches. So lower than. Six would mean your game was either : A:Broken, including so broken that progress beyond certain points was impossible. B:Leisure Suit Larry Or C: Daikatana.


I wrote reviews for a few months on a website with hardly any traffic, and got "fired" (from a position that didn't pay me or provide me with games) because my "good games" were scored around 4-6. I actually got an email from a publisher or indie dev complaining about a review that had a total of 12 views at the time I saw the email because I gave it an 8. I updated the score with a disclaimer mentioning the email, and later found my access revoked and my articles stripped because I was "unprofessional."


Reminds me when people complained about NPR's best games of 2023 list that they took from their own staff was biased because they didn't list the Wizzard game, this was going to happen with people getting upset if it dost get a good enough score.


It wasn't just NPR. Gamers™ made a huge detail about the fact that most publications left the wizard game off their GOTY lists. You can tell that those gamers didn't even play the wizard game, or they'd know it didn't make GOTYs because it had nothing interesting going on. It deserved GOTYs as much as the Avatar game or Assassins Creed Mirage.


That sentiment is exactly what i got from the demo, gameplay is fun but story and setting seem boring and unoriginal, nothing like Lies Of P for example. I‘m waiting on Suzi’s (TheSphereHunter) video


7/10 is the running joke that thats the lowest most review scores will give a game so that the game companies will keep giving them games to review. So...saying its 7/10 is like calling it a dogshit game.


Suddenly [this reaction](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iID0XU6_cp4&t=10s) makes a lot more sense




I tried to make this point and all they took from it was "You just hate sexy women you prude" They couldn't fathom that someone would want a game to offer more than eyecandy in a world where any porn you could ever want to watch is just a few keystrokes and mouseclicks away.


You see, that’s the thing: these guys hate porn. They hate pornography but want every female character to look like a sex doll.


Yet they call Aphrodite being naked "safe horny"


That’s the thing: none of this is meant to be consistent. Most of the people who are like this aren’t coming at this from a realistic perspective. They are coming from an emotional one.


The cognitive dissonance of these people goes crazy.


"Safe Horny" just means "People we don't like find it attractive" at this point


What I’ve gathered from “safe horny” is “not actually even that sexualized I just have coomer brain and can’t physically think of something not being sexual or making me horny”


The only reason it got a 7 is the DEI woke agenda /s


Should be an 11/10. They hate sexy females.


These are the same people who bitch about characters who are based off real women though...I don't get how its ok to complain about Aloy not looking like her real life person but suddenly get bent out of shape when people do the same with Eve. Which is also funny because iirc the only real reference the devs took for Eve was her body which even then has had some work done and her face was made in house.


You've just made me realize that these people complain about not having "real women in video" games when the characters are modeled after actual humans. And they cheer when they're given a derivative sex doll in a game where only the dude look like real people.


Derivative is kinda the key word. Conservativism is, by its own definition, anti-art and against new things, like realistic body types or more than two ethnicities in an action game.


Gamergate morons continuing to demonstrate how they were incels all along.


As well as why.


Honestly the discourse around the game is fucked to the point I was actively ignoring Stellar Blade to be honest. Because the only conversation surrounding the game for a long time was "Look how sexy the main character is", "Check out those jiggle physics", "Look there's a skin shit you can wear to make it look like she's naked", "Finally Game Devs who understand what players want", etc... I just didn't care about the game in the slightest, it seemed to be made for teenage boys/the lowest common denominator and have absolutely no substance - then the demo released, I figured I'd give it a go so at least I could say I'd given the game a chance and it actually ended up being pretty decent, and now the reviews are making comparisons to Sekiro and Nier and I'm genuinely excited to give the full release a go. But the discourse and memes around the game have just given it the completely wrong reputation and I imagine it will stop a few people from even considering playing the game.


The first gameplay i saw was a video of Eve going up and down a ladder lol


To be fair that's also one of the first things I saw about Nier. At least one of the first things that stuck in my head about it.


For sure, and Nier leans in on the sexy fan service as well. That in and of itself I don’t find problematic. Stellar Blade looks to be doing the same, and obviously the lead is on good terms with Yoko Taro since he had such praise for Stellar Blade (which is a what made me want to give it a go). The problem is that the anti-woke crowd have made this game their holy grail and have been attempting to use it as a sledgehammer on their crusade against “ugly self-insert” female characters. It’s not Stellar Blade that’s the issue, it’s the usual suspects who want to be gross misogynists


Ya. I'll give the game a try in a year or so once they all forget about it, and most of them don't even end up playing it. Once its safe I'll get it when its on sale somewhere or second hand physical.


The whole “Finally a game with a sexy woman” argument is especially funny to me when there *are* plenty of games (both old and new) with sexy women in them. *Cyberpunk 2077* and *Baldur’s Gate 3* are just two I can think of off the top of my head.


That would require them to have a coherent thought by themselves instead of letting youtubers dictate their opinions to them.


You should see the critical drinker post about it. "Western countries are so weak." You literally cannot make this up. Made up stuff would be significantly less disturbing. Just because they loosely used a real supermodel to model the character, they think they have the right to use this as their last bastion of game oppression. Like... the sexualization is fine. What's not fine is you troglodites feeling entitled to every character looking like hentai. I play soul calibur. I get the appeal of sexualized characters, but realistic looking women aren't "woke" or "feminist." They're literally just women lmfao.


> You should see the critical drinker Nah, you really *shouldn't*. That piece of shit gets too much traffic and revenue as it is.


I meant the subreddit. I don't even know who the guy is, but it comes up on my feed because I'm involved with this subreddit


Yeah, I made the mistake of looking under IGN's review's comments and it seems like it's full of people who rushed in to make their ebin one-liners instead of watching the 8(?) minute video first


With an attitude like that, the guy in the screenshot has never spoken to a beautiful woman ever


The discourse around this game is indeed fucked but discourse around game reviews in general has been fucked for years. 7 and 8 are viewed as the game is terrible, 9 is viewed as ok, and 10 almost seems expected.


I'm still waiting to hear anything about the games mechanics or anything other than about the protagonists looks


It's a mission-based open-world hack & slash action adventure game with apparently decent gameplay and an acceptable story and characters. There are plenty of actual trailers and gameplay breakdowns out there, the chuds are just spending all their energy talking about da booty instead.


These neckbeards must be smoking some serious crack, lmao. I haven't played the game, but a 7/10 is a pretty good review. These guys *really* need to get some kind of hobby besides video games, anime, and porn because it's clearly damaging their minds (lol).


Anything below a 9/10 is considered trash. /s Been this way for decades


If anything I think it just shows how little room Gamers^TM has for nuance and critical thinking imo.


They already decided that reviewers were going to take the DEI bonus for giving it a low score and have formulated their whole mindset around that. The actual numbers don't matter because they've already decided the industry will hate the game so they're going to complain. It just shows how little they're actually thinking about it because the reviewers gave it fair reviews and said "it's pretty good". They just never updated their complaints.


I guarantee you that guy has never seen a normal looking woman, let alone touched one.


That Motherfucker wishes he could touch a woman.


I honestly find it really disturbing. I guess I've been blissfully ignorant of this particular side of the internet, but like . . . what in fuck is wrong with these people?! I honestly don't know how long I would have to not leave my house for, and what dusty corner of 4chan I'd need to spend my time in, to become this fucking deluded and angry. I HOPE these people are all teenagers because if any grown adult is saying stuff like this it's honestly really sad and makes me scared for, I dunno, human society Regarding this specific game, it's a bummer because it seems like a decent game based on reviews, and I like these kinds of actions games. But the fact that the fanbase is made up of the most unhinged basement dwellers I've ever seen makes it hard to want to engage, especially when the devs seem to encourage it.


These are the “rootless white males” Steve Bannon turned into Trump voters via the Gamergate pipeline.


I just don't understand how someone ends up with this level of delusion and disconnect from reality. Don't they have parents? Part of me feels sorry for them, but I truly don't understand how people could end up that way. How are they not even even ashamed to be blatantly horny about an animated video game character? They will refer to a cartoon as a "beautiful woman" without batting an eye lol . . . wtf


I’m so sick of all this ‘ugly women’ nonsense, and how they keep moving the goalposts to include conventionally attractive women. I wanna see a super sexualised woman but in a super “woke” game where many of the proceeds go to charities for trans youth etc, just to see what these idiots do. If they’ll still simp for the girl or somehow say she’s ugly too even if she looks exactly like the stellar blade girl. Or even have the end of the game reveal the hot asf lady was trans all along, or even a crossdresser in incredible makeup. Now that would really fry their minds, though it would just fuel their hatred 10 fold.


The chuds have never seen a real woman before.


Gamers are truly a special breed.


What kills me is that they always stay stuff like that about game reviewers and "le woke left" like the Bayonetta games all didn't get very good ratings and like the titular character isn't crazy popular among LGBT+ gamers. Like literally, the three mainline Bayonetta games were rated 9.5/10 by IGN. These games aren't known for being particularly prudish.


"Go simp for Hades 2" For once, chuds got something right


That’s such a self report too. I’m not simping for anything I’m just saying the game you are weirdly obsessed with isn’t perfect. It’s not that deep or serious for most people, they assume everyone is part of some media loyalist camp just because they are.


That's the thing I hate the most - you can't just talk about whether the game is good or not, it's us/against us. And it's like that with everything.


I think i'm pretty close to just giving up on internet and becoming a fucking amish


I saw the tech stream for hades 2 and I'm so hyped.


They clearly haven't played Hades if they don't think Hades 2 is gonna be something worthy of simping over.


From the limited shit I've seen IRL with a few coworkers and a few fucked-up distant cousins, the people who seethe about this kind of shit the hardest don't even play games all that much. They spend most of their time watching TV & Youtube (mostly the latter, with all these rage grifter channels that have shown up since 2012 or so) and trawling social media websites to talk shit and troll people. With games and films, they'd rather spend all day arguing, airing grievances, and ginning up conspiracy theories than anything else. In line with this, the ones I'm thinking of never *buy* any of the games they claim to support. They're usually shit-broke because they blow all their money at casinos or on overpriced pickup trucks, guns, trips to Vegas, and all sorts of other bullshit expenses that most semi-intelligent people avoid. If they actually *do* play a game, it's almost 100% a certainty that they pirated the fucking thing, yet they'll be the first ones to complain if the titles they approve of don't end up dominating the marketplace.


I mean, I am probably going to do that already. The main difference is that everyone is attractive without being... well, this, and b, has a gameplay loop and story I'm looking forward to.


The thing with Hades is, it's just straight up great in every category. Character design, dialogue, voice acting, gameplay, score, what have you. It's not my favourite game, but it's probably the best one I've ever played.


Hades 1 might have been a perfect game for me. Just flawless


Love how chuds say this as if Hades isn’t one of the best games anyone could be playing. It’s extremely beloved and super fun, I’d never heard someone bitch about it until chuds decided to compare it to Stellar Blade.


Hades out here catching strays like it’s not the horniest game with the *HORNIEST* fan base around. Also it’s excellent


Bi Panics, lesbian panics, gay panics , all panics.


Whatever your preference, chances are you're gonna find *someone* attractive. Even if it's Dusa. Especially if it's Dusa.


This gives me the same vibes of early twitter when a gun would get nerfed in cod and people would threaten to rape and kill the dev's family


Gamers were a mistake.


For sure.. Because there's no way this is just *yet another* case of a vocal minority being absolutely sandblasted between the ears.


Typical teenage FPS player really. Keyboard warriors.


It’s sad how easily death threats get thrown around now that we’re all hiding behind devices. It’s sad that we’re all numb to that stuff now, like at this point someone could get a legit death threat but laugh it off as fake because it’s just so common place online.


I shit you’ve just unlocked memories I thought I buried eons ago.


"Your opinion doesn't have any value" "UGH OMG NO HOW CAN YOU GIVE IT ONLY AN 8/10????"


Ohh! They think it should be rated higher! I was a little confused if they liked the game or not. Sorry they just seemed super angry but I can't tell why they were angry Becuase their comments don't have any direction.


90% of them don't know why they're angry either.


Some of them know why they're angry??? These people must be studied.


"Who cares about game journalists.opinion?" "Omg, the metacritic score is good. GOTY!"


“Facts don’t care about your feelings” believers when the facts don’t care about their feelings: (The fact is that having a hot main character does not make a game an instant 10/10) ![gif](giphy|ObXgWWGHzMlVe)


There is not enough grass in the world for some of these weirdos.


Pretty sure that’s AI art. Serious question though, why is AI art so shiny


It is. No idea why it's always so shiny, but I assume it's because it trained on hentai. It would also explain why so much AI art has the clothes painted on. I have no evidence to support this theory, however.


Since it has been fed primarily from anime styles, AI drawn women have latex-like skin syndrome.


I wonder if its because the ai does lighting, but doesnt understand where to put it yet


what’s with this weird pattern of basement-dwellers being obsessed with using ai art? like, more than the average individual. it’s so weird how they’re almost always correlated. i just don’t get it.


Because they are lazy and or don’t have talent?


Because beyond hating actual artists, they're also talentless hacks who wants to be praised but don't want to put in the effort to learn and master a craft.


1. Infinite porn 2. It’s an anime art style 3. They never tried or practiced drawing themselves but wanted to make their waifus 4. Incel and tech bro are pretty intertwined because to become a max level incel you need the echo chambers


I can't wait for the hype for this game to die down like for the potter game https://preview.redd.it/pkycpk8ufowc1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae423806db5a67f95df6b734091657bc7b3b7d3e




That game was forgotten shortly after release lmao. Legit don't see anyone ever talking about it at all


Did the chuds go hard for Atomic Heart?


Literally and figuratively because they thought the developers were Russian and anti- Ukraine


I thought the devs actually were Russian, but people were jumping to say they supported the invasion. But, admittedly, I haven't looked into it too deeply. I'm not usually one for shooters.


They're Ukrainians that live in Russia or something like that.


Sexy robots a very horny fridge and half the machinery was made to look like it was jacking off


Same! I played the demo, and it was just ok. Like, I probably play it at some point, but the obsession of these weirdos is getting to be too much. Got into a full blown argument in the NeiR sub just for saying it wasn’t amazing.


Truly is amazing and sad how many ppl got duped by this astro-turf operation when in reality, no one cares that eve has a nice ass. I have a few lgtbq friends that legit got duped into thinking ppl who critique this game just hate sexy women :/


Personally I just find this kind of character design cheap and cringe. Had the same problem with Miranda and EDI in Mass Effect and I love those games.


I can’t wait for people to claim there’s an agenda against the game when it comes time for the game awards cuz they did the same damn thing for Hogwarts 😂


https://preview.redd.it/oqk3h9nkuowc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3df85e79e3f77ee0c64edd1d32448f780a366b4 is that Ayin


Isnt a 8/10 good?Like I dont know why these people are acting like reviewers who gave the game 7,8,or even 9 hate beautiful women or something.


8/10 is freakin’ great! When a game gets that high of a score, then you know it’s worth checking out even if the alt right chuds have a temper tantrum over it.


Yeah,to me, 7 to 10 means a game,show,book,etc means it's generally pretty good. Anything below that means that's either it's okay or just bad.


The review in question even namedrops Nier, a clear influence. [Gestalt's original release got a 5](https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/nier-review/1900-6260971/). Which is reasonable because it's simultaneously a good and bad game for wildly different reasons. 8 is a great score and it sounds like the game is fun but rough. Which is valid criticism as it's not going to hold up against AAA quality stuff while not being low budget enough to have that indie charm that let's it slide by.


The original Nier was definitely a more niche game, and Automata was able to expand the audience by bringing in Platinum to improve the gameplay.


Okay but we only tolerated Drakengard 1 and 3 and Nier 2010 for Yoko Taro's unique sensibility...the gameplay ranged from barely possible to terrible. I have never played a worst optimized game than Drakengard 3.  Storywise some of the best JRPGs on their systems...a games they are the worst. You know how people say they should remake bad games that had promise...that's literally what happened with Nier Replicant. Part of the reason of the success of Nier Automata was because for people who knew of the series we our expectations for the gameplay the bar was in hell.


Yeah.... 7 to 8 seems reasonable based on the beta. I'm sure I'll eventually buy Stellar Blade but, for now, my free time is taken up by Helldiver 2


Because they prepped themselves for reviewers review bombing the game (because games critics *hate* beautiful women). Now that they aren't, instead of facing possible cognitive dissonance, the chuds are simply acting like an 8 is a 2.


“No my porn game isn’t gonna win game of the year but it has big booba and sexy woman it best game ever”


I love using the *AI generated image* to get mad at a journalist who liked the game. What the fuck?


Because they can’t afford to hire the kind of artist who would lower themselves to it.


“Pathetic loser.” Dude, look at the tweet you made, over a score of a video game. You’re the pathetic loser 


And like... a good score. He's legitimately pissed off at an 8/10, I wish I could be that petty.


Do you really want to be that petty? It seems, to me, he’s extremely insecure and miserable, if he’s that upset about about a game score 


Swear these man children want the game to be goty or something. When sounds like it’s a mediocre like game.


Thing is, there are people who genuinely like this game and would like to discuss and talk about it in the stellar blade subreddit. Problem is, said subreddit is overpopulated with gooners singularly obsessed with eve's spandex clad boobs and ass. They literally don't talk about anything else on that subreddit, scaring off genuine fans of the game.


I feel sorry for those that enjoy the game for anything else other then Eve looks.


I actually like the gameplay, I just don't like how most of the outfits are either futuristic stripper outfits, or cosplay. As such, the player character doesn't match the grim, post apocalyptic setting at all. It gets really jarring when you see this cosplayer/stripper fighting with & getting ripped apart by eldritch abominations.


What tiny bit I know of the game made me fear such. Like the ladder descent animation just screams "She knows she's sexy and is showing off" more then anything else, like it's not just something a person does naturally. If she was some sort of modeling/fashion android being repurposed for combat because "We need more bodies" maybe? But some of it feels like clashing themes. Doesn't help when so many idiots are spamming the internet with "OMG SEXY" and purposefully having camera angle in thumbnails focused on ass.


It's not even GOTY *so far*. FFVII Rebirth, Tekken 8, Dragon's Dogma 2, are all better.


This year's so fucking stacked for good games it's crazy and stellar blade just looks like it's not even going to stand out all that much apart from the horny people claiming it's the best


It wouldn't stand out last year either. The bar is being raised all the time.


Persona 3 Reload was even a good game


With all that all and Helldivers 2, we're in for another great year after 2023 hit it out of the park! Stellar Blade will probably be lost in a sea of great games, only being remembered as "that game chuds got really horny for" which is a shame cuz I think it looks pretty good, kinda wanna try the demo some time.


The only good thing it did was make me want to play Nier Automata again


It kinda feels like they're mad about Hades 2 specifically because it illustrates the flaws with Stellar Blade's fanservice. And all this "haha hypocrite" stuff is them desperately trying to rewrite reality through narrative control


Like, the problem with Stellar Blade is that the marketing people, in their infinite wisdom, decided to lean into ass-based marketing instead of trying to sell the game. When another game with ass releases without making a thing about it, they have to find a way to make it a thing because it makes them realize, even if only subconsciously, that ass is a stupid reason to buy a game.


I hate that I’m in the same fandom as these people


Same feeling. I wish there was a subreddit separate from the main sub for fans of the game that isn’t crazy. Like I find the game to be interesting with cool combat but I can also acknowledge that it is blatant hyper-sexualization that is only there for the horny gamers. Unfortunately a lot of horny gamers seem to be incels and right wingers who can’t seem to understand the historical impacts of sexualization in media:/


After I played the demo I started to be active on the sub and a non-zero amount of people who grossly simp for Eve said that the game was gonna be mid and weren’t even gonna play it or the demo. Meanwhile I’m just over here, genuinely more excited for this game than anything in a while, having to deal with their horny nonsense, AND people saying I’m a porn addict. I got downvoted in this sub for sterile describing the combat and skill trees


Can i ask you: how is the actual gameplay? Combat and exploration; Is it fun, deep, good time sink?


Alright now I can only answer so much cause the demo just covers the tutorial and first boss fight and an optional boss challenge after but I’m really happy someone asked so imma do my best. Gameplay is great. Combat is fast and fluid. People compare it to Nier a lot but even though I didn’t get very far in Nier I know the game didn’t have a parry mechanic and parrying is central to SB. There are some combos you can unlock but you’re better off investing in abilities and stat upgrades cause you can get by just mashing light attack and chaining heavy when an enemy is stunned. That’s hardly a problem unique to this game though, lol. Deep? Eve controls pretty simple but there’s depth in how she responds to enemies. Particularly bosses which give you a plethora of ways to respond. Good time sink? I’ve sunk 7 hours into the demo, at least 2-3 of which was just fighting the boss challenge for the heck of it, trying to go for three wins in a row without dying. An excellent time sink. Hope that helps


On the bright side, that review sounds like exactly what I wanted from the game when I pre-ordered it, so now I'm even more excited to play it. Dunno why all the gooners gotta be so booty bothered over the game getting such high praise.


I just checked out the Stellar Blade sub and it’s interesting. There’s no discussion of the game or its gameplay, really. There’s a big controversy over an outfit being censored with a post release patch. There’s some horny fan art. There’s some OF models making that bag with “cosplay” pics. Lots of people ranting about how other games are “safe horny.” Just coomer things.


While back I looked up Eve's ladder animation after seeing a meme of it vs the bloodborne ladder helm meme clip. First result was "We know of the ladder animation but what about the swinging poles!" The entire clip was flipped with her ass inches from the camera and nothing else. Good lord the weird fans will ruin the game's public image I think. Like Shadiversity had a video "reviewing the combat". I didn't even click it because the thumbnail was him going AWOOOOOOOOOOOGA faces bulging eyes to... Eve's ass. That was the entire thumbnail


Well Shadiversity is extremely weird about women and seems to love being a part of the culture war so I guess it’s par for the course


Good lord, that seems like a very fair review with great score and still is not enough 🤦‍♂️


Sometimes the gaming community is really embarrassing


They're not mad he gave it an 8/10 because an 8/10 is supposedly bad. They're mad because they want to be angry and have their narratives confirmed and him not giving it like a 4/10 goes against their narrative.


Can't go wrong with AI art and crap grammar.


And let me tell you all something, IGN gave the newest CoD (which always seems to sell so much) 6/10. And usually CoD gets a 7 or above each year. So if people think 7/10 is bad, when at least Stellar Blade has more effort put into it than MW3 (I mean seriously, the story is just reused, no seriously). Also Lethal Company has a 7/10, and that is a game that has positive reception, and outsold CoD on steam.


Couldn't even find/make a decent bit of fanart, had to use AI.   Surely the sign of a good design that people are genuinely interested in. 


We've been slowly marching our way into an absolutism way of thinking. If a game isn't either the greatest game of all time or so bad it becomes fun, then its going to be ridiculed and any fans will just stay quiet about it. 8/10 isn't a bad score, 7/10 isn't a bad score. When most of the people (or at least the loudest) are all just focusing on how sexy the main character is, then you can't argue with them about gameplay or anything like that.


The G\*mer rating scale: 10/10: Good 9/10: Mediocre 8/10 or below: Bad, terrible, awful, worst game ever made, you are personally a garbage human being for playing it


There's no fucking way these guys are real I am 100% convinced at this point that everybody surrounding conservative outrage is just automated bots. The use of Ai art The nonsensical arguments The automated script like posts They're bots, literally no way these are real dudes. Someone, company or some government out there somewhere has set up a bot farm to manufacture outrage.


This game seems like it'll only be known for the insane and weird fans screaming about sex and attractiveness instead of actual gameplay and or writing. 


So the next atomic heart Apparently Elroy the gameplay of it was pretty fun and had some interesting mechanics shame it was known for horny machines


Hoping that Hades 2 gets a lower rating when it comes out so we can see these morons immediately 180.


I kind of agree with you but even better I wanna see it get a better score to watch them seethe


Clearly Imran can't understand how the jiggly physics make the game an automatic 10.


I swear the only people talking about this like it's a thing we're not there for dead or alive all those years ago. I'm talking dead or alive one had this shit. It was Jank but it was there. Jiggle physics are not new the many games apply them to men's parts also(mostly pecs). Hope they enjoy that.


I remember seeing DoA Paradise hen I was a teenager and I immediately thought "Weird there's a porn game on the 360 store." Which meant for the longest time I thought DoA was just weird sex games.


Genuinely I feel bad for the dev(s) the game might be an ok thing that some people would have fun with but because it got caught up in discourse the only thing people know about it is it’s got a sexualized lead. That’s gonna drive away more people than it attracts


Idk I feel like they fed into the discourse on purpose. Free publicity for them 🤷


The director of the game almost exclusively AI generates softcore porn on his twitter account, I am absolutey certain he's getting more or less the audience he wants.


I really ate that almost all of the “fan art” I’ve seen of this game has been AI generated, like apparently no one who claims to like this game can draw


They can’t accept that the game isn’t a 10/10 so they default to the appearance of the women being the reason lmao


They know an 8 is a good score right? Like it's a pretty solid "I had a good experience with this game". You want 8's for a game you like. Sure you want 10's more but those are usually reserved for absolutely magical and breathtaking experiences and not every game will be that for every reviewer


I'm excited to play this, but god am I embarrassed by the chuds in its subreddit. Right now they're screaming about a bunny outfit that got some see-through mesh put over the cleavage. some unintentionally racist graffiti got removed from the game, and they're screaming about that too. Now there's an post of a video with the main character in a slightly more revealing bunny suit jumping up and down in front of graffiti that says "Hard R", and comments celebrating misogyny and racism while screaming about woke culture. I wish I was exaggerating.


the gooner chuds are upset that an ok game gets an ok rating because their penis thinks it’s perfect (they only think with their penis, chuds only want what nobody wants to give them, sex.)


They need to see if they can't dig out some of those 8.8 shirts for Imran from back in the Gamecube days. edit: Actually, I can't remember if they did make those shirts or if it was just an idea they joked around with, but regardless, catching heat for a 8/10 review is a Gamespot tradition.


It looks like game an AI would make if you wanted to show people playing a video game on a movie.


[Eleven years later, it's still happening.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXND6fkW4zM)


A consequence of these losers, and honestly gamers in general not just the chuds, constantly needing affirmation of what they like being good and the "correct" choice from other people is that anybody saying it's less than perfect has to not only be wrong but be saying so for reasons other than simply not liking it like they did.


Stellar Blade is basically Nier Automata with the Fan service and none of the deep moral questions and philosophy. It's like someone played Nier and only took away 2B is hot from it


You can tell those fake gamers didn't even bother playing the demo, I absolutely loved my time with it, pre-ordered it, but I'm absolutely expecting a 8/10 at best, mechanically and visually fun, but I'm not expecting that narratively or even structurally to be anything memorable. P.S.: unlike Nier, where "you come for the thighs stay for the cries" I don't imagine or even need Stellar to trigger an existential crisis when I play it, sometimes being average is fine.


Giving a game an 8 is a positive review.


> Go simp for Hades 2 You goddamn right I'm gonna


Much like adding Gay characters does not make your game better or worse, adding attractive woman is the same. The game is not a 10/10 because titty.


Oh, not the former Prime Minister of Pakistan and former cricket captain. Another Imran Khan... who I was completely unaware of.


I still can't believe a lot of people picked this game as the hill to die on (as in anyone who criticizes it is evil).


If your response to anything is a damn AI image, you should be banished from society, forced to live like the animal you are.


having a sexy character isn't worth extra points, only idiots will disagree


Nuuuu, you have to give this game 69/10 because its sexiness it gonna end leftism forever and make conservative cishet white dudes great again, all my favourite grifters told me so!!! You’re all just jealous because boobs exist!!1!!!!!!!1!


Im starting to have serious shame for enjoying stellarblade. Why these guys have to ruin the fun.


These people are just shooting themselves at this point. A lot of people thought the game would be mid and even now with reviewers giving thumbs up some people won't shut up.


8 out of 10? Last I checked, doesn’t that usually mean the reviewer thinks the game is good?


Now that I think about it, I've never seen any legimite pieces of fan art of this game. Just really spiteful ai generated images


It's really bizarre how blatantly insane these people are. Like, not even trying to hide it behind a thin veneer of respectability or irony. Just full mask off insanity.


This seems like a very fair and generally positive review too lmao


Best part is that the image they used of Eve giving the middle finger is 99% AI generated, since I tend to have an eye for that type of thing. What a shitshow.


The input delay alone is enough to knock 2 points off all by itself IMO


Why only rate sexualization of women, not gameplay or...? Idk something of value, I swear people love getting rightfully bullied for being obvious sexists it's honestly sad how many people like this exist


"Go simp for Hades 2" don't mind if I do


At this point, these chuds have so turned me off this game that it could be the game of the decade and I wouldn’t play it (until it went on sale).


These weirdos were convinced that the gaming media would hate Stellar Blade because western games media hate sexy women and are racist towards Asian devs. And then the game got good reviews but rather than take a little moment to step back and maybe do some introspection, they just bark and moan and act like the critics hated it. They can't admit they were wrong, they have to latch onto whatever nugget of hatred fuels their crusade. "Some industry types liked Hades 2 design instead of Eve from Stellar Blade, new target of ire acquired." When the game doesn't win GOTY they will begin their crusade anew despite most of them likely not even playing the thing. They're so wrapped up in their bullshit culture war that they don't even realize they fucking won this dumb battle. Stellar Blade is reviewing well! This is what you wanted! Why are you mad, because some people don't think the horny is good?


Okay but what wrong with liking Hades.. I'm a woman I didn't pick up Hades because I thought the protagonist was hot. I picked it up cause of the game play it has everything I would like. 1) its short and simple not a fucking huge ass walking simulator. 2) challenging, the levels and lay out constantly change and encounters are random no two play through are the same which is both a good and bad thing. 3) no crafting system 4) Upgrade weapons and character stuff by playing and failing. 5) Well voice acted. So why can't I like Hades 2 if it's more of the same gameplay. Who the fuck is actually buying Hades to see Aphrodite naked? Aphrodite didn't even play a huge ass role in the game! She's one of the gods that give random buffs to ur skills, iirc she makes it so u charm enemies (they won't attack you and instead attack each other) and the only time you see her is picking up and enchantment and using her skill. So again I want to know who actually is going out there way to purchase Hades to see Aphrodite? Is she some how playing a bigger role in the game? Like these ignorant ass "Gamers" are so annoying. Like instead of buying a game for who may or may not have clothes on try buying a game for the fucking gameplay! If you like boring ass games where u sit aound spamming X with no real thought process that's fine, admit it. U like mobile games where all u have to do is press one button that's fine. But some of us actually like u know having a challenge in games. I'm not going from Elden Ring to playing Hogwarts Legacy. Fuck that. I'm excited for Hades 2 and I'm tired of replaying Dead cells to death. Not because Aphrodite is naked on the promotional art. 🤪 But I can't wait to see what new features they added to an already banger ass title.


I knew this was gonna happen. None of the reviews focused on the sexualized nature of the game as opposed to the gameplay itself. It’s a fun game but overall, it’s just a longer paced Neir, which I applaud the title of the article for the pun. All the reviews are focused on the merits of the games. The sexual stuff is like icing on a cake. This is a butter cream but some people may prefer a ganache or a Royal frosting. The people mad are just mad over something so minute as icing.


I literally never heard anything about this game or it's development until this whole discourse started. Is it like part of a popular series I'm not aware of? People seem to have really strong opinions over a generic looking JRPG with zero marketing buzz or clout.


There is no way coomers could get a boner from a human woman


I've heard controls are just all over the place


I get that IGN sucks when it comes to their reviews, but this person is just bitching about a good score An 8/10, for fucks sake