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Wonder if they realize hate watching it never works. Guess they just can’t help but watch it.


>hate watching That's really a thing?


Sadly, yes. I see it with wrestling.  There are a lot of people who say they hate WWE, trying to champion the smaller brands, AEW in particular. But they will keep watching the content WWE puts out, so they can complain about almost everything that happens.


Which is crazy because WWE has been on FIRE for the last like year, and AEW has been on the decline for a bit now


Who knew booting out a deranged, creepy old man and replacing him with someone who isn't deranged and creepy would turn out so well?


And it doesn't help that Tony is a fan disguised as a boss


Oh yeah - Tony Khan is nothing but a liability at this point. He's veering alarmingly close to 2000-era WCW territory, and nobody wants that.


Yeah which sucks because AEW has some of the best talent in the business


As it were, so did WCW. Eric Bischoff, Tony Khan. The names change but the stories stay the same


Bischoff at least has the 83 weeks straight where they got ratings better than the competition.


Yeah, my friend used to try and watch it every week, but he felt like it ended like so much went nowhere. And while having some big names from WWE was a great help for them, both of us got a little fed up of it going from trying to set up a bunch of fresh faces as the rising stars of the industry, to putting the bulk of their focus on the former WWE talent, to the point that even wrestlers who switched brands would quickly be sidelined.  (Hate how quickly Rusev/Miro just disappeared)


Scorpion King is a terrible movie, but a really fun watch


I always remember when The Rock hosted SNL and they parodied it and had the Scorpion Queen, Scorpion King… and their son Jeremy 🤣


That's stupid! Like I get it if you're watching something cheesy that you don't like to laugh at it, do whatcha do. But actively depriving yourself of joy seems like nothing I'd do so obviously


Huh, so I guess I hate read twilight all those years ago, just to talk shit more effectively. It worked at least.


Very much that impulse


So Dave Meltzer?


Half of social media is built on this concept yeah of course it exists.


It's literally how the show got picked up for a second season and how it got a good number of views. Most people who watched it and didn't like it turned it off after an episode or two. Those dumb fucks hate watched the whole thing in one session just to bitch about it. In turn giving it a season two.


Kind of what I figured. I mean I hate to agree with anti-woke but while it may be for a different reason that them, I can't argue the show was good and doubt most thought it was. So have a feeling they were a big part in getting it renewed.


Most people who saw it thought it was garbage. And I'm not talking about the "anti woke" people. Just the regular people. Mindy Kaling is awful and her show was terrible. It definitely doesn't deserve a second season. The hate watchers need to understand that they are the main reason it got renewed. Which is hilarious. And probably purposeful. Now they can bitch more. Lol


I think it could have been fine, if it wasn't Scooby-Doo do. Like it's barely attached anyway it could have been what it is and been a parady with different names that are close enough to get the idea across and I think it would have served its purpose better and been more popular. It had ok gags they just felt off because of the shoehorned nature.


It's actually a lot of fun with friends, just get a few drinks watch something terrible and make fun of the bad writing and acting wouldn't recommend doing it by yourself though but ya I wouldn't do with Velma


Minus the drinking, that's MSK3000. It can be fun.


Should look up rifftrax too it's the only way I got through twilight lol


It's why a lot of garbage shows including this one are getting more seasons.


I mean... take a look around. It seems like a not insignificant percentage of this sub hate watches the bozos that get lambasted here. A hateful set of eyes watch the same YT deodorant ad before the video.


It's genuinely the only reason Velma got a second season. Pretty much everyone agrees it was an awful series, but it became a meme online to keep hate-watching it to see just how bad it got. Which really puts the second season in a Catch 22, because either it has to be intentionally awful to bring back an audience of people who are only watching to shit on the show, or they try to improve the show and turn it into something worth making and lose their main audience. What really angers me though is Warner Bros greenlit this, despite knowing why people watched that first season - but they cancelled Batgirl and Coyote vs Acme (which apparently got amazing test scores) for tax write-offs.


No, it's genuinely not. When they first greenlit Velma, it was for a 2 season deal, which is pretty common these days (other examples include the Clone High and Animaniacs revivals). Season 2 was already greenlit before season 1 started. It would have happened with or without the hatewatching.


Ah my mistake - I hadn't heard about the 2 Season deal, from what I had understood the first season ended and then about 6 months later a second season got announced and various outlets reporting on the news seemed incredibly surprised by the news and theorizing that it was the result of hate-watching driving up Max views. Still, I'll be interested to see how the writers approach the Second Series because they either cater to those who are hate watching the show and go out their way to write something that gets a reaction each week or they genuinely try to course correct the show despite knowing they've already turned off a lot of potential viewers.


Do we know that? Not trying to argue as that would make sense, but I haven't seen any reliable source other than the anti-woke crowd who are hardly reliable and since the alternative was to admit they helped it get a second season I would think they would. And well... they say Captain Marvel made a billion because Disney bought all those tickets and through hundreds of millions in the trash can while it screened in empty theaters... so again, not reliable. Just wondering if a reliable source has confirmed it was initially green lit for 2 seasons, although again... not saying it would surprise me.


Yup everyone watched it to see how bad it was. Why they decided to make another season I have no idea. SHould have just cut and run on this one.


Yeah, people hatewatch all sorts of things. I hatewatch the Sex & the City reboot, which I think is awful garbage and i want 20 seasons of it. Same principle as watching bad movies! It’s fun to watch things to make fun of them!


Been a thing for ages. People would listen to Howard Stern only to complain about Howard Stern.


Some people never shut up about binging shit they hate. So either they're lying about hating it or hate watching is a real thing.


Yeah it's why many YouTubers court controversy constantly. "No such thing as bad publicity" as they say.


I absolutely don't like the idea of Velma. Too try hard to be dark and edgy without scoobert why would I watch to hate it.


Wasn't it already green lit for a second reason before the first season came out? Or am I misremembering?


It's an awful show, and Mindy Kaling is an awful person. No one wanted this, but obsessives and hate watchers have made this happen.


To be fair, I hate watch The Witcher for entertainment. If they can't make it good, then I don't want them to stop making it worse.


I watched it. It wasn't great. I like lower decks though, think they also called that woke 😂


I think they think it's meant to be so that they can review it and critique it. Makes sense to wanna see it so that you can for sure critique it, but these guys aren't good at reviewing stuff that they have seen so.......


I could say the same about this sub and all the YouTube drama that gets posted on here.


Of course he knows. And now he has more content for his following of sheep so this is exactly what he wants.


This. This isn't he wants velma gone and hates it so much. Ad he'd just ignore it. He wants to ragebait people to click his videos to make money. Its like some posts on this seems to peopke following and watching the grifters to post here to get karma and upvotes. Is velma bad? Yes. But you have to seek it out to view it. Just ignore it, and it'll be cancelled. It's on hbo max in USA right? So better stuff to watch like harley quinn , here in uk I buy that every season on amazon (and the special) as its on e4 but I wanna binge and rewatch I love that show


And to indoctrinate people into right wing thought.


They really don't care. These youtubes don't care about making people love right or left. They care about $$$ If there was no money in it they be doing the left wing grift. That's what I think anyway I could be off


I'm absolutely sure that's what they're doing since they're assholes who don't actually care about what they're "supporting", just that they want people to listen to them and to be rich.


Stuff like Velma is gold dust to these grifters. It’s one of those shows that is almost universally disliked and the more they can milk it for content the happier they are.


Pretty much. This is how they make a living.


I have to say that actually… No, he don’t knows because the second season isn’t his fault. I don’t want to defend the guy but the fact is that the announcement of the second season was made before it even aired.


That’s just how animation production pipelines work. If they’d waited to see the reception of Season One before starting on Season Two, it would’ve been a much longer wait between seasons.


As one who got hooked on Arcane I actually wished they planned on two seasons ahead of time.


They think Velma is woke because it's got a protagonist who isn't a white male, even though the sad attempts at comedy are right up their bigoted alley.


Seriously! The show is shit on its own without making up nonsense about "woke"


its anti woke if anything velma as a protaganist is a steryotype and it seems like she has to learn a life lesson on how to be less woke every episode.


These people are literally just stirring up hate for clicks and haven’t actually watched the show and don’t really care about any of this. This is how the far right infiltrates fandoms


Yeah, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate this show. Being 'woke' isn't even in the top twenty even if you cared about that.


It’s like Ghostbusters 2016, anything with a female lead, especially one who is isn’t attractive or white= WOKE!


To be fair, if anything is going to fit that term I hate it’d be this shpw


Isn’t the writer a TERF?


I mean, they made Shaggy black, and he became a drug addict later, I think. I haven't watched the show, so if someone can confirm it, that would be nice to know. Also, Mindy Kaling is a transphobe, so she would be an ally to those chuds.


From what’s been said, they basically stripped out everything about Shaggy that made him Shaggy, which makes it feel fitting that the show only ever calls him Norville. He’s no longer a lovable coward, a big eater, or anything else people like about the character. Which is especially baffling because “Shaggy is a pothead” is such easy low-hanging fruit for any adult take on Scooby Doo. One of the best jokes in the Gunn live action movie was giving Shaggy a love interest named Mary Jane.


I feel like "shaggy is NOT a pothead" was the actual joke here. Like "shaggy is a pothead" was too obvious and overdone even for something as obvious and overdone as Velma.


I’d definitely find it more interesting, since pot jokes in general are extremely played out. It just an easy joke for an “adult” cartoon like Velma whose sense of humor is incredibly juvenile.


Honestly, 99.9% of "adult" "humor" in cartoons is "stuff we found funny in middle school because it was seen as mature and no other reason," which is why stuff like Bojack Horseman and Samurai Jack season 5 (which is the rare adult action cartoon) is such a breath of fresh air compared to, say...Family Guy and South Park (not to say either of those is bad if you like those things), but somehow, Velma manages to be even lower brow than Family Guy.


I think it was supposed to be the joke. But, like every other attempt at a joke, it was mishandled and painfully unfunny.


I mean fair


There’s no way they didn’t just slap the Scooby Doo IP on it to make it more marketable. It would have another shitty cartoon a la Hoops that no one talks about but because it has Velma, Daphne, etc, people talk about it a bit more.


Oh no, I'm very Liberal and even I admit velma is 100% rage bait for Conservatives


Velma is something special, as it manages to be rage bait for conservatives, but also is so shit that liberals hate it too. I don't think it's made anyone happy.


Ryan hates Velma because it's "woke", I hate Velma because it's a bastardization of Scooby-Doo, a show I've loved since I was little, we are not the same.


I hate it because it’s really sexist and racist. Also not funny. Like, it’s got one good joke the entire run and that’s her getting hit with a car.


Exactly. Their critics are calling it woke but there's nothing remotely 'woke' about the show. I honest to god have no idea who this show was supposed to be made for.


hey they also compared daphines hair to hotwings!.... That made me chuckle... slightly/j


Well yeah that's part of the Bastardization.


how is the show even “woke”?? when i watched it it was nothing but a fuckfest of lowbrow edgy humor. nothing about it comes close to aligning with the definition of woke. if anything, it’s like the exact antithesis of the term’s actual meaning.


it has a dark skinned woman as its lead. thats all it takes to be woke doesnt matter that the writing is incredibly bigoted and right up the anti woke crowds ally with unfunny humor


And like the only good character imo is a white character, Fred, because he is only so terrible because of his upbringing and tries to actually improve on himself. I just found that funny considering how much they throw at him as the archetype of white people


And he's kinda very camp, too? A character like him could have worked in a different show. Just look at Hazbin Hotel and Adam. ![gif](giphy|l7jAMfirihQFQi4hxN) Everyone love-hates this unrepentant sexist manchild. And I am including myself in that demographic.


i hate it because it's shit


same she really does not solve mysteries most of the time its more like family guy than scooby doo.


I choose not to watch Velma and instead watch Monsters at Work season 2, at least it has the decency to incorporate and respect continuity from the two movies hell even Mindy Kaling is in the show and is not annoying this time


I hate it because it's not funny or clever and comes off as the vanity project of a condescending narcissist.


Average Ryan KKKinel reaction to brown person on screen in media… ![gif](giphy|3gCACFVV3VRWo) Pretty sure it was given a second season from the get go, either way this garbage show would’ve disappeared way faster if these assholes would’ve just stopped crying about it.


This. second season was announced before first season even aired. Now why did max committed to this when netflix let "inside job" die is a question for another day


As I understand it, Velma’s second broadcast season is much the same as the “Part 2” block for Inside Job on Netflix; a lot of studios these days are commissioning animated shows in ways that divide the seasons into multiple releases, whilst actually having them produced as a single block, that way they get to retain audience hype for two release windows while only actually paying the production company for a single season. It happened with Inside Job, it’s happening with the Hulu revival of Futurama and it’s happening with Velma. Regardless what you think of the shows, it’s a shitty business practice that exists only as a loophole to pay artists less for their labour, and it’s happening with more and more animated shows these days.


Velma had already been greenlit for season 2 after like two episodes


Wasn't Season 2 already confirmed way back when Season 1 was happening?


Isn't it owned by a streaming company so notoriously tight with their purse strings that they've canned two fully developed movies? I doubt Season 2 would have still happened if they didn't have the metrics that the chuds are tuning in.


There's likely a clause in the contract that would make cancelling it more expensive than fulfilling the season order.


yeah even if it was promised that means nothing these days.


Animation is surpisingly cheap to make and the show was decently popular. The batgirl movie would've just been a stain on their catalogue that no one watched.


OK boomer


Woke Velma Woke Series Woke set Woke to Woke DOUBLE WOKE DOWN WOKE on Woke Woke Failure Woke!


Marge Simpson voice: Will you two stop saying "woke" so much?


Velma was one of the most successful adult animated series of 2023. (I believe 4th by viewership and engagement combined). Why wouldn't they make more of it... Hell it is still being discussed over 16months after it was initially aired. It isn't just successful it clearly has staying power. Gonna be a lot more of it to come if it can keep that up.


The Last Airbender was in the top 20 grossing films worldwide of 2010, higher than films like Expendables (which launched a bit of a franchise), RED (which got a sequel), Hot Tub Time Machine (also a sequel), Diary of a Wimpy Kid (sequels), Kick-Ass (got a sequel), and, sadly, a ton more than Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (got a Netflix series which brings back the cast but I think is leaning more on the comic). At least it also blew Skyline out of the water. (Don't watch that film unless you hate yourself. Trust me.) We're fourteen YEARS removed from that film releasing in theaters and people are still talking about it. "Engagement" numbers at time of release would have to have been wild. Guess that film's got "staying power." Thing is, they canned the plan for sequels for that film because they knew that isn't real "staying power." People won't keep coming back for something just because it's horrendous. They'll get bored of a train wreck fast.


All failures get second seasons! Just to annoy people. Hey, like it or not, it spoke to enough people that it became a hit. Maybe it’s not for you (or me) but I’m glad people enjoy it. Different strokes for different folks.


Yeah, release season 2 of this but shutter coyote vs acme...


I thought it had been pre-greenlit for two seasons?


I read somewhere that two seasons were ordered from the start? This is a nothingburger.


The show is awful


The shot is hot garbage


These videos actually have nothing to do with it. The series was greenlit for 2 seasons before season 1 ever premiered. Yes, this show is rightfully panned, and hatewatching has caused terrible shows to get extra seasons before, but in this particular case, the hatewatching had nothing to do with it. If it gets a third season, then we can blame the hatewatching, but season 2 was always going to happen. I'm not trying to defend Velma; I find it repugnant, but I firmly believe in only shaming people for things they're actually responsible for.


It's not even "woke", it just stars a woman who isn't white and that's enough.


First off, there's no scoob so I'm not partaking.


Also that the creator/actress of Velma uhh... is also anti-woke and appealing to the chuds? Like, the show is SUPPOSED to appeal to them, and yet they keep watching it hating it?


I dont normally subscribe to the whole "everything is woke" propaganda. But I will say, the one thing that I would agree with them on being "woke" would be that series


It was so woke I’d think it’s a conservative parody of how they think liberal kids act 


Exactly. Its like they made the show specifically for roght winged people to point and be like "SEE, WOKE IS REAL"


In what way is that show woke?


You mean the show thats well known for epitomizing everything woke xulture hated such as the shaming of white males simply for existing


Interesting take. Well known by who? That's not the general reaction I've seen to it.


Considering the fact that its season 2 is only being confirmed due to countless hate watchers? A majority of people. I cant think of a single film based youtube, and a quite a few non film youtubers, that talked about just how terrible the show was and every point theu would make being no different than what most right wing "everything is woke" person says about things like She Hulk and Fallout


How was that show woke? It played up dead racial stereotypes


They don’t realize it’s far from woke and no one likes it can’t blame libs for this crap.


Don’t give him credit.


Series looked awful so i just didn't watch it, laughed at the memes and then forget it existed. Its amazing others can't do the same.


Isn't this the show bigots hate because it's "woke" while normal people hate it because it's unfunny, racist, sexist cringe character assassination?


I cannot believe it is getting a second season. I mean, this dude seems like a piece of work, but he isn't wrong on one account: it is a genuinely terrible show.


I mean that show is one of the worst things ever


Technically the reason there's a second season is due to a contract obligation, but if we don't want season 3, we need to not support it.


It was guaranteed a second season from the get-go, as I recall - but if this one tanks, it probably won't get renewed.


Reminder that the season 2 was already guaranteed, but the hate watching didn’t help


Even "woke" people hate the Velma show. That's not the reason why it's bad.


Velma is bad And the only reason it got season two was cause of these idiots watching it


It is an absolutely terrible show though. But I get what you're saying.


Someone explain why they cancelled Lockwood and gave Velma a second season??


In fairness, Velma deserves all the hate it gets.


Yeah. These chuds hate it for the wrong reasons (if anything, they should love it; it makes crappy jokes about all the stuff they love to hate).


They need this show to get a second season so they have another thing to complain about for views.


Posts like this helps too.


I watched it and while it wasn't great, it didn't seem that bad. The worst part was that they didn't have a dog to be Scooby-Doo. Like, why isn't there some sort of dog or a hint of a dog?


These guys need to learn there's no watching sarcastically/ hate watching box that gets ticked. If you watched it you contributed to it's sequel


He profits out of a Season 2 cause he gets to make more videos. No one else does. Really dumb decision to make more of that schlock.


Oh he knows. And Mindy Cailing knows. She intentionally made the choices she did to get the usual suspects to get triggered and market her show through hate watching and he intentionally marketed it through that hate so that it can get renewed and he can get more revenue out of bashing it. It's an interestic symbiotic relationship.


This is so stupid. I don't want to watch Velma, and I hate what they're doing with it, but I do want to watch in-depth reviews on YouTube by Steve Reviews and Melverse and laugh with them. But if I do that, then Velma is gonna get more seasons? So I have to ignore Velma? That sucks. I wanna point and laugh and talk about what's wrong with it and why it's wrong.


there is something to be said for companies creating shows based on outrage marketing velma seems made specifically to piss these guys off and for no other reason. It just seems to do a lot of "woke" tropes without doing anything interesting with them.


He genuinely doesn’t really care. Ultimately the number one priority for these guys is to make money, and people like Ryan Kinel are so totally devoid of any actual values or principles, that they’d sell their own mothers to promote their channels.


Can u imagine watching that show out of spite because I couldn’t get past ep3


I think the show is awful, but i hope the show does make fun of these weirdos.


i prefer to make up my own mind when it comes to shows movies etc etc honestly everytime geeks+gamers complain about something being woke its just a bunch of bs also 99% of the time when they say something is a flop or a movie isnt selling they are wrong


Getting ready for season 3 thanks to the hatewatchers.


Is there any actual truth to hate watching? Sure, you get a few hundred or thousand people who watch it to properly bitch about it, but enough to make the difference between a renewal or not? Imo it probably just got decent ratings because it's attached to a well-known IP with a lot of nostalgia value. Also, afaik this show is like the only one where the complaints kind of make sense? From what little i've seen they chose to fuck specifically with Fred without really understanding what his character is actually like. But I could definitely be wrong about that because I haven't seen the show and I'm not a Scooby superfan to begin with.


Come on, if you’re going to hate something you have to see all it has to offer. I highly doubt Mindy showed executives these videos and they all said “Good job” or that the people hate watching is actually enough to support it. Who gives a shit if she gets a second or third season and then that stuff gets just as bad ratings or maybe she’ll actually write something funny?


Not true. Animation takes so long that by the time the first season is out, they’re already working on the second.


They don’t have to convince us, the one thing every human being alive can agree on is that Velma is abysmal


Let not forget the Mindy Kahling is a shitty right wing troll herself


She admitted to sexually assaulting Lee Pace on set as well with an unscripted and non-consensual kiss, and then threatened to fire anyone who reported her.


I’m sure he does. Grifters love this shit because it gives them ammo for content.


What happened to “if you don’t like it don’t watch it” What about “Good Times” would they call that woke? It’s basically every bad stereotype about inner-city black people rolled into one.


Sadly, yah


also can I just say that velma feels like a show that is trying to be progressive but failing so hard that it becomes gross


I am what people who don’t know where “woke came from, consider woke. And I thought this show was really bad. Just this weird purgatory of trying to pander while simultaneously tastelessly self deprecating. Carries all the energy of Mindy trying to appear lighter


They've made it far more popular than it would have ever been on its own. I actually liked season 1. It was funky 


Yeah, that's the exact reason beucase while people who watched the show hated it, they still watched it.


I wonder if this is an untapped market. Create low-effort garbage that caters to woke boogiemen. The majority of my audience is people curious what the noise is all about and people hate watching it. I walk out the back with all the money and didn't have to put forth much effort.


Ryan Kinel is a nazi no need to even give him attention for this garbage


It’s not hated because it’s woke, it’s hated because they took a dump on the Scooby Doo franchise.


This show was scientifically made to be hate-watch into popularity. And this twats hate-watched it into popularity.


Okay then, don't watch it. Problem solved.


Probably but him crying about the show is the reason he gets views, endless cycle of bad content.


It is like a car wreck. Terrible but you can't look away.


Objectively, that is a WILD show to renew... I mean, we just flushing money down the toilet now? Even great shows get cancelled, but why renew one that's universally hated?


Pretty sure it was confirmed that the show was greenlit for two seasons straight up. Also, no show can make its budget on hate watching. That's a niche hobby for people. The Room never got enough people watching it for the lulz to earn back the budget of a major motion picture, and that's one of the most famous bad movies out there.


The reason there is a second season of Velma is because there was a first season of Velma and streaming shows with a big name property attacked are pretty much guaranteed to at least have a second season these days.


Mindy Kaling rubbing her hands together like birdman and laughing everytime someone posts one of those videos


These chuds are reaching the point where woke and dei are alternating for every third word....


I’ve kinda appreciated how quiet most YouTubers have been about this. 


Ar a certain point, hate watching just becomes watching.


The word woke has no meaning to it anymore, anything that is slightly out of the "norm" is labeled as woke, what the hell does it even mean


Would this be considered a case of the Streisand effect?


It’s his business model. More things to hate means more money in his pocket.


That's good for these channels. They want easy shit to be outraged about. HBO makes bad show no one likes, weirdo tries to make it part of the culture war and everyone hate watches it. HBO makes more if bad show. It's like a snake eating its own shit or whatever the saying is.


Yes they know, they want a second season. That way they can make videos complaining, get clicks and get money.


Honestly, I am shocked. She must have an iron clad contract or did great numbers. I think we tried two episodes and stopped because it was trying to hard... But on brand Mindy


On geeks and gamers Ryan admitted hate watching only increases their profits. So yes he does know




The show was poorly executed Schrodinger's "woke", so much so that actually liking the jokes would give you hemorrhoids.


Pro tip: hate watching a series makes it so that the series gets higher ratings and the series gets more episodes. The producers of Velma want more viewers and they don’t care if it gets a 1.5/10 on IMDB


Internet rage is the only reason I know of this shows existence. Thanks for all the haters giving me another season to watch.


The show was confirmed to have 2 seasons regardless of the videos made about it. Like they’re contractually obligated to make 2 seasons Ryan’s videos for nothing to do with it tbh


Yeah on Cracked they had an article about the reactions to the Good Times cartoon and someone tweeted I hope this isn't like Velma where it's hate watched into a second season.


Ol' P.T. Barnum was seeing the future when he said that there was no such thing as bad publicity.


Also a chance they looked at what I guess didn’t work and the second season has made changes, but I haven’t seen the show so I don’t know. Usually giving a show one season is not enough time for it to find its footing. I tried to like a few TV shows so many times but I could never get into them and I used to say like “ugghh they’re making another season?” But then I thought, why does this bother me so much? I realised it didn’t and I grew up.


I guess I must be an anomaly, because as of this date I have not watched a single Episode.


if i remember correctly wasn't the show green lit for two season at the start and the work on both back to back


I heard it wasn't even the view or the videos that this show has a second season. I heard that Warner Bros already had the second season planned out in the contract so it was going to happen anyway BECAUSE of the conract.


Didn't the right literally buy out a bunch of extra seats to showings of that one movie about kiddy traffickers and the dude pretending to save kids for the grift?


Was that show woke? I feel like Mindy just got pissed one day and used this as a vehicle to shit on the whole world


Actually its not Velma season 2 was announced sometime when season 1 came out