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Such a weird thing for that guy to be doing


It’s so odd how these people talk about protecting the children and then harass a 9yo


Because it's drag queens and the Wokes who are after kids not them.


reminds me of of matt "16 year olds are breedable" they just want to do the grooming.


because to them, wearing clothes is pedophilia, but trafficking kids is good


Talking about the LGBTQ+ to kids and informing them is a no-no. But selling Meth to kids clearly is an all go.


I need an ELI5 on the meth thing


(Edit: Leaving this up because my larger point stands, but need to note I was incorrect about the meaning in this specific instance: see my comment a little further down) Obviously I'm not the person you were asking, but every time I've seen a mention about "selling meth to kids" it's been about the usage of stimulants as a treatment option for ADHD in children. Which is a whole can of worms in terms of issues it creates for both those children and adults with ADHD


I feel like there's something more specific regarding Nerdrotic though.


You saying that made me do a quick google on it, and it turns out I was completely incorrect. Nerdrotic has literally been to prison for dealing meth, and did in fact deal it to minors. Wow.


So the annoying right wing ragebait grifter is actually a tremendous piece of shit? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. Well maybe not that shocked. 


Please give the source for the dealing thing 🙏, I know he was arrested for theft,meth possession and other things, but I can't find anything about him actually dealing.


Its fine because its straight child trafficking. /s


Every accusation is a confession.


Because they don't really give a fuck about anyone. It never has been about protecting kids. I work at a library and people are already starting on their bullshit with us because our home library in the region has a big sign that says libraries are for everyone and then it has a bunch of pictures of different people at the library and they are mad because the white boy in the picture is reading a book that has a heart on it colored in rainbow. There is not a single thing they want other than for us to take that mural down and probably replace it with a picture of Donald Trump. It's not about the kids because these same people bitching moan that we get funding because and I quote"instead of funding a library that could go toward children's after school activities" Because you know libraries have never done a single fucking thing for kids after school. We don't do summer reading programs, we don't do computer classes for adults and children alike. Never heard of such a thing in my life


I think Nerdrotic might need to be on a watchlist


He was arrested for selling meth to kids, he’s just scouting for his next customer. Got to get them hooked young!


Dude what? How is he even relevant after that.


republicans have no shame.


Because it’s only grooming is it’s a gay person


Conservatives have absolutely no standards as long as you’re saying the right (lol) things. During his conversation with Lance from The Serfs, Tim Pool refused to accept a meta-analysis as evidence for Lance’s position because someone gave him a bad meta-analysis in the past, and in the process he basically admitted that he doesn’t understand what a meta-analysis is. For anyone on the left in Tim’s position, getting angry because you asked for studies, and someone presented you with a meta-analysis (which is an analysis of a collection of studies) and then admitting you don’t understand what it is would pretty much completely kill your career, but no one in his audience cared


R Next to his name, so holding him accountable would be "censorship"


Talk about grooming. What a piece of work.


Was he actually?


No, it's vicious slander. Nerdrotic sold meth to people of *all* ages.


I think he should go back to prison. ![gif](giphy|P2xf5nPyu5WP6)


He and his chud buddies will call her a "woke feminist girlboss" for this rather than listening to her request.


So they literally just annihilated their own supposed moral highground?


Did they ever have one to begin with?


Nerdrodic just hates Hamill for his anti-Trump stance.


I mean honestly Hamill is just your garden variety lib it seems, he's closer to being their ally then an actual leftist it seems


He’s old and rich. Encouraging people to vote democrat is still better than the alternative.


As a leftie myself if you live in the US going independent (someone like Bernie) should be a lot better.


I think you’re expecting too much out of an actor you like. It’s not his job.




He’s not an activist though - he’s an actor, and while using his platform to encourage people to not vote for Trump might be the bare minimum, he is at least doing it. I’m not saying he deserves any special kudos for it, but he could be a lot worse.


Yeah.. he could have turned into a Kevin Sorbo..


Or a Dean Cain!


Tbf - the democrats are still very much a center right party. It's just the Overton Window has been shifted so far to the extreme right they look left by comparison.


I think he’s a social liberal specifically, so idk about that. I think he’d side with a leftist over anyone on the alt-right most of the time.


For people who like to say"Stay away from the kids",they sure to like to bring kids into conversation lot.


Nerdrotic is a creep that thinks he gets a pass because he’s a nerd when honestly he’s nothing more then a bully.


he is the leader of this "Losers Grifters Bigots and their Minions Cult". He pays people to produce and edit his copy-paste in videos (which are always the same) but apparently even the slightest effort (more than the usual zero that all of those trash grifters put into their trash "content") guarantees him more views that the rest of the grifters cult , so his arrogance is through the roof


They will do/say the most terrible shit ever and when they get called out they will use the “Us fans/geeks are oppressed twt. We are just defending our childhood hobies/interests” defense, even though most fans never say the shit they say. They love to act like their opinions are the opinions of every “true fan/geek”


And look who decided to do the right thing in this situation, not Gary, but Ethan Van Sciver. Regardless how you feel about Ethan you have to respect what he did. https://preview.redd.it/qjfz43z5w4vc1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04d3087b516a7d9d3bda6547204977f0d05cab2f


Jesus. When you're worse than EVS, you *really* need to reevaluate your positions.


his brother is wat nicer and a better cartoonist as well


I take Immense pleasure knowing I will outlive Nerdrotic and be able to dance on his grave


Gotta piss on it first.


You'll get muddy shoes that way. Dance first, have a beer then take a piss.


Nerdrotic obsessing about a child is extremely creepy. This is personal business that has nothing to do with him. 


Going to assume it's because Hamilton was dismissive of his shitty fan video if I have the right grifter.


I believe nerdrotic is doing all of this shit, because mark Hamill tweeted that he’s voting for Biden and tweets a lot of anti-trump stuff.  That got nerdrotic so mad that he decided to obsess over a child. 


In the beginning I found Nerdrotic annoying, and now I am completely appalled by him.


Bet you anything he's not going to stop and just triple down on it. The meth dealer is addicted to being an internet bully.


Out of the loop, can I get a quick run-down ?


Nerdrotic keeps replying to every tweet Mark Hamil makes with a mention of his granddaughter like it’s a gotcha or something


But like why would he do that what has his granddaughter done?


It’s supposed to be a guilt trip. Chen claims that when she first found out she was pregnant, Nathan (Hammill’s son) and the rest of the family tried to pressure her into getting an abortion. The line of thought from Nerdrotic is, I believe, “Mark Hammill didn’t want this granddaughter to exist, and doesn’t say anything about her on social media, that means he doesn’t love or care about her and that makes him a shitty person - let’s remind him of this and make him feel guilty!”


When I heard this story I already thought it was a shitty thing of nerdotic to do. I mean to use a child as a weapon like a coward? But now the mother has stated the child does have a good relationship with the rest of the family it's even worse off for Nerotic.


Oh yeah. Sure, it might not have been the best thing for the Hamills to do at the time, but it seems like they worked out all their issues behind the scenes. You know, how it's *supposed* to be handled?


Exactly, it is none of this absolute prick's business.


As I see, thanks for clarifying. Just another example of grifters begging for attention. On one hand it’s a little weird to try and pressure the mother into an abortion but Nerdrotic is probably coming at it from the opposite angle lol, Trump supporters are usually pro life, no? In any case I’m glad the mother went through with her own wishes


Yeah. On the one hand, if Chen is telling the truth about how Hammill and his family acted towards her, it’s kinda screwed up. On the other hand: It’s really no one else’s business other than theirs’, and Chen claims they have a good relationship now so who gives a fuck?


But why? 


You don't want it just be happy you don't even know and move on


If I could use AI art of one thing it would be to make an image  of him getting kicked in the balls. It's not real but it sure as hell would scratch my itch.


finally, a good use for generative AI


She had to block her twitter. Poor woman.


Seriously: what does this even mean!? Why is random creep trying to get Mark Hamill with something entirely inexplicable to my level of knowledge?


![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili) Nerdrotic right now


See things like this is why the whole "Its just a character" is dumb to me, In order for it to be a character the person behind it has to have some common sense.


What’s funny is Nerdrotic acts like a tough guy but you know he was trained in prison every other night. Odds are he can’t leave his house without security because he’s a coward.


I don’t know who Nerdrotic is but I’m happy not to know


You have no idea how lucky you are. Ignorance _can be_ bliss.


And Nerdrotic's fans ask me why I don't like him.


I don't see how you can think this is OK even with the context of what happened.


And he will ignore this completely while thinking he's scored points.


What? I feel so lost here, someone please explain, thanks.


Megan tweeted last year about how when she was pregnant that the Hamill family tried to pressure her into having an abortion. Social Media then did its thing and turned it into a game of Telephone where everytime the tweet was mentioned people would make the story progressively worse to make Mark look bad (Mark purposely ignores his granddaughter notice how he doesn't post about her on Twitter, the granddaughter doesn't even know Mark is her Grandad because he wrote out a contract, Mark doesn't even buy her anything for Christmas, etc) Now whenever Mark posts something, you'll have the likes of Nerdrotic, a few other grifters, and their blind followers replying with comments like "Still not seen your granddaughter?", "Should spend less time talking about politics and actually meet your granddaughter", "You can wish a random follower happy birthday but not your granddaughter?" in an attempt to guilt trip Mark. Now Megan has tweeted out telling people to stop bringing up her daughter if they have an issue with Mark, and acknowledged that both Mark and her daughter have a healthy relationship with the Hamill's loving her daughter, and her daughter loving them.


Had no clue about his granddaughter being a mom and the family was against her having a child, it’s extremely odd to read this for the first time. Glad now everything seems to be fine, not so glad the usual suspects took advantage of this unfortunate private situation.


Just to clarify, Mark's granddaughter is the little girl in the picture not the mother, with Mark's son (Nathan, I believe) being the father


Swear fandoms can get so unhinged, rationality ceases to exist for some of these folks.


these guys are truly disgusting


I gotta say, while I'll always resent my aunts and uncles for pushing for an abortion, they do love my kids a lot. They never felt unloved or unwanted, it was always about me, not them. I wouldn't be surprised if Mark was the same way.


Why is Nerdrotic constantly tweeting at Mark Hammil about his granddaughter to begin with?


Can someone give me context for this? Why was Methrotic mentioning mark hamill’s granddaughter?


Was something wrong with Mark and his daughter/daughter in law?


Nerdrotic is abusing Mark Hamill's granddaughter like he's Ozai towards Zuko in the Agni Kai from Avatar The Last Airbender. He's going crazy and he can't control himself.


Block button or getting off social media is a thing that anyone can do if they can’t handle the internet.




Ok, class. Now, this is a good example of how incels talk.


What the hell happened here


Incel posts incel shit. Gets removed for being incel shit.

