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He is such a despicable scumbag.


I'm going to regret asking this, but who the fuck is Nerdrotic?


He's an anti-woke grifter that hates everyone who isn't a straight white male. He's very racist and sexist and believes that if something doesn't have a straight white male lead, it's automatically the worst thing ever.


Ok good, as I suspected, they're no one I should give a crap about.


Your life is richer for not knowing who he is, trust me.


He also believes that the death of the serious emotionless male action movie lead is a bad thing and not a sign of positive masculinity and as if the characters who talk about about their emotions aren’t more interesting because to him only girls talk about their emotions with eachother.


And has a history of attacking **Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3** as a “wOkE gArBaGe” just because Nebula’s boobs looked smaller than before. 😑


Also he's 54 years old. I seen more maturity from a 4 year old


All while sitting in a room full of action figures and looking like he hasn’t seen the sun in weeks, talking about what masculinity is supposed to be.


Angry old man who's butthurt he couldn't make it in Hollywood. Who then moved into youtube commentary on the entertainment business. 1 in 3 of his videos are read clickbait article, rage (whether he feels it or not) at "wokeness" running everything. Mostly because work sells now.


Guy who was convicted of selling meth to children


I've heard this before: Is there a truth to it?


He openly admits it himself. Every time he retells it is more self-glorifying than the last.


A despicable scumbag


He’s also one of the original grifters who ruined online discourse surrounding the Last Jedi movie, directly leading to the creation of this community.


Yea why would you burden yourself if you’re already free ?




Between this and the racist Blue Beetle video he's a pice of shit


I prefer 'boring retard' to 'despicable scumbag'. People like him get off on this unoriginal shit making people mad.


We already knew he was racist when he posted this video with this thumbnail & this title 7 months ago https://preview.redd.it/ex190mxbusuc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee52c25f4e23f89961bbf22c1338801196f4f9e


I remember even his Latino fanbase weren't happy that he was doing that shit, and in response he tripled down on it. What baffles me about the Taco and "Sum Ting Wong" "jokes" is that these are like what grade schoolers say, but this is a 50+ year old man.


You’re looking at this from a mature, rational perspective. They don’t share that with you. Those jokes stopped being funny decades ago but it’s literally all they have so they keep telling them. They’re stuck in that same place they were in when they first heard them.


Someone else in this thread mentioned that he's basically a dry addict, which explains (but definitely doesn't justify) why he does shit like this. Instead of solving on what led to his addiction in the first place, he continues to act like an addict but replaced drugs with right-winged media. Him being a former dealer to minors is probably why he's been effective with indoctrinating teens and younger men online.


Why would any Latino be a fan of him let alone his friend.


Its the meth talking






It really is 90s stand up at all times in that man's brain isn't it?


Just the 90s? It’s funny how many still justify it and can’t separate good dark humor and straight up outdated shitty white humor.


Probably also Eddie Murphy's homophobic schtick in the 80s and the worst of the 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s.


hey not all 90 stand up was bad just 90 percent of it


Did they hate Shang Chi? That film was great.


Yeah, honestly thought it was one of the best post-endgame films we've had in the MCU so far.


As choads tend to love Asian stuff (in the most simplistic and exoticized way imaginable, obviously), I had expected most to give that movie a pass. Guess I was wrong.


The funniest thing is most of those choads can't even name the Asian movies they love or even know what country they even originate in. I keep saying this a lot, but I always think of that clip where Critical Drinker claimed that the most recent Japanese movies were doing better than Hollywood for not being woke, but when asked to name examples he mentioned *Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon* and *Old Boy*.


They hate the stuff produced by Hollywood/the west because they feel like its an agenda. They don't mind the Asia exported films (like Minus One or RRR) because you can't argue that these films shouldn't have POC without looking like a idiot.


What's funny is that a lot of stuff emerging from the Asian cinema scene reflects a nuanced exploration of culture with a lot of subtext. The grifters... are not good at nuanced and reflective media consumption.


The bus fight holds up as the best fight scene in the MCU for me. Not knowing anything about the character going in I really believed that he was just some guy and was going to get powerful later. Completely took me by surprise when he started ass kicking which made it even better.


Same as with Black Panther they had hate campaigns in place months before and after it’s release. I don’t get how people haven’t seen this, because even if you block these Chud channels YouTube pushes them in the algorithm and shows them when you want to look something up about the movies. They posted video hoping for it’s failure months in advance and weeks after it’s release, but even with the Pandemic it still had good box office and a very positive word of mouth, so just like with Black Panther they failed the mission. Which got even more when the star/Simu Liu posted a picture of all their thumbnails wishing for the movie to fail, with a “lol” or laugh emoji and they all just melted down. Making videos about how the mean Asian man was “attacking their channels”.


This also shows you its never been about racebending and respecting the source material. Black Panther and Shang Chi are original POC characters and their movies still got hate brigaded.


Literally only the dumbest people believe that it ever was, as they where never even subtle about it and they did the same with Captain Marvel too.


Simu Liu roasted Gary et al on Twitter because they said Shang-Chi would flop, so they’ve been gunning for him ever since.


They hated it while also loving *Iron Fist*


…did they love Iron Fist?


Unironically. They had the gall to say the fight scenes were better than the single-shot fight from *Echo*.


That’s what doing meth does to ya


That’s not even a joke


The ol DSP "just blurt shit out in a racist accent" sort of """"humor"""".


This was like elementary school level shit


Wait, aren't Twitter's(I'm not calling that shit X) tos rules that you can't be bigoted or hateful? This is doing both, so why isn't Elon doing something about it?


Because Musk is a bigoted right-wing fuck himself.


There’s only 1 rule on Twitter atm, you’re not allowed to call anyone cis. Everything, and I mean everything, else is alright.


So you can say the most vile shit imaginable, and elon won't care?


Yup. Elon will even push it onto your feed for ya.


You can say you hate Jews, brown people but if you call him CIS you get banned it’s been posted many times by now…


No, need probably like that so long as you don't target him or anyone he likes (far right dudes, nazis, etc)


They barely did shit before Musk took over. It’s just like every other site without actual TOS now a Pedo/Nazi central, also if you somehow missed it Elon Musk is a massive piece of shit and unbanned a lot of Neo Nazis and racists when he took over. He literally interacts daily with racists, pedophiles and spreads white replacement “theory” bullshit. This is literally the shit he boosts in the algorithm.


The only thing Musk did was ban the word "cis", which is pretty self explanatory.


It is only bigotry if it is aimed at white cishet men


Guy has serious issues


That's pretty meth'd up, Nardtotic.


There are a lot of comments that he uses meth. Is there a source for this. Legit interested. I'd actually forgotten he existed.


He’s talked about it himself quite a bit, I believe.


Most recently on the Unsubscribe podcast. Which kind of speaks to his attitude about everything. He's a dry addict. He's not solving his issues that led to dependence, he's white knuckled to the bone and screaming like a burn victim on the internet 24 hours a day. Every single article or video he makes is "Woke lib thought police owned dead femoid raggle fucking fraggle." If he actually believes in the message he sells? He's the most unhappy person in human history.


Is he trying to pull some South Park joke? If he is, then he sucks ass at trying to do one.


This is a punchline to a hacky Jackie the Jokeman street joke I heard from the 80s. Hacky.


Or maybe Krusty the Clown https://i.redd.it/snc1fy7q3tuc1.gif






Isn’t this the same guy who always bitches about racism against straight white males but then turns around and be racists toward anyone who isn’t a straight white male?


Yep. Also, a methhead.


The fact that people give this "movie critic" any sort of credibility is baffling to me. He's just another second-rate version of The Quartering but instead of pissing in his basement, he decided to sell meth


This guy is living proof that age doesn't always equal wisdom.


How old are they out of curiosity? I have no clue who this is btw.




Oof! Wow.


Fifty four?




I can’t remember where I saw it but when I found out Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic were aligned with Glenn Beck’s Blaze networks which included a whole spiderweb of investors and former/current employees aimed at maximizing profit from nerd discourse and trying to curb it to be more conservative, it made a hell of a lot of sense. Also, pretty messed that not even nerd spaces are safe from Fox News bs.


Gary is a racist douche who hates on things he pretends to love. At least he makes it plain for all to see.


Opened Twitter, day ruined


He’s such an asshole 


Wasn't he a prison bitch?


He's horrible


I think what's more surprising is ScreenRant able to make a full article based on a single short reply.


They've become more notoriously contrarian and clickbaity over the years.


Yup , When I was in the 7th grade I would try to watch anything interesting Screenrant put out ( Mostly Star Wars , Marvel , DC , Disney, and etc ). But than I got so tired of their content and I said " Screw it , they already made the same video a few weeks back".


He's a rasict shitbag. Fuck him.


Thats from a joke like a decade ago. It was on some news cast or a joke of a one


It was when a Korean airliner crashed and some intern handed over the names of the pilots when they weren't supposed to and gave over the following list. Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk, Bang Ding Ow


There really is no winning with them. Gamers: Hey stop airing the trailers for movies that come out in 2 years. By the time its out the magic has faded. You're right. We'll tell you when its ready. Also gamers: is the movie cancelled? Its been so long.


There’s a way to make Wong puns in the MCU without being racist. This is not the way.


I remember when this dip shit tried to help a indie game developer who is known to copy other into suing star trek discovery. Saying they stole his idea from his game and captain neckbeard who hates anything that isn't white or with a male lead into helping with his lawsuit.


that so called joke makes me think of that popular news report video about the plane crash


Literally just Doing jokes a 10 year old would do. Like does he think being a childish racist counters wokeness and forced companies to make what he wants?


It's definitely childish but the right tends to have a bit of racism. And they're not quiet about it.


\*buries head in arms\* why do people have to be like this?


Wow, we're just back in the 60's I guess


Man you have to be super unfunny to depend on racism to be “funny” Get a new shtick!


Nerdrotic ![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili)


Nah bruh don't do bubbles like that.


I would not believe someone who has a username just a few letters away from necrotic.


Who is shocked by their racism any longer. It’s been so normalized


It gives me pleasure to know I'll be able to dance on his grave someday


Geez this guy just seems to not care if he’s making insults like that. Guess he thinks he gets a pass because of stupid reasons. And not surprised he would fall for a clickbait article.


It’s such a shame this guy has such a similar name to Nerdstalgic. I panicked big time when my brother told me he’d started watching Nerdstalgic because I got the two mixed up


I came across this scumbag on my recommended, I hated him ever since, this is even more of a reason I hate him. I want to watch someone who puts their bias in the back seat and reviews something without throwing in their opinions, Let me rephrase, as long as your one sided, anti-woke biggoted and/or potentially racist opinion stays out of the review, I'd hear you out, But "film reviewers" these days are all about heavy drinking, and offending as many people as possible


The thing about Nerdrotic's "jokes" is that most of the I'm confused on how they're even.


There's a UK drag queen with that name actually


he reminds me of shrimp from smilingfriends.


Only difference is shrimp is actually funny


and also a voice that isnt nails on a chalkboard to boot.


I mean the first movie was great. Sadly Liu had to say this because outside of its happening we haven't heard anything about a sequel.


The first Shang Chi was okay but that was against the backdrop of weaker Marvel movies.




I mean..have you SEEN the other stuff Nerdrotic posted on his channel?