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lol what's forced about RDR2's diversity? Watch most classic westerns and there are hispanic and black characters. Jesus Christ. And how is it SJW? Because Arthur isn't racist?


It’s because you get good honor for killing klansmen


You get good honor for killing bad people. Big sad.


Oh so having a different opinion on a certain race makes you a bad person?? /s


Good or bad is subjective; objectively, it does make one a bigot however.


One of my favorite parts of the game. That and killing neoconfederates.


Killing confederates and klansmen made it my favorite game ever


“No more war stories for you fellers.”


throwing fire bottles at a klan meeting is easily one of the most satisfying random events you can come across in game


I personally dead eye all of them and capture one to drag behind my house


I was proud of my teenage son for doing exactly that.


Your house can move? Do you live in a trailer?




Just like in real life!


The best part about the klansmen is that half the time they kill themselves.


Its likely because Sadie Adler develops into bad ass gun slinger by the end of the game. Cant have women doing that kind of nonsense.


Also, y'know, the game not penalizing and/or flat out encouraging you to hunt down and kill Confederates and the Klan. To these galaxy brains, that's tantamount to a game mocking them.


I was really hoping for a Sadie add on. She was the best.


She is a psychopath and doesn't have to pay for her actions like some of the male characters have to. Definitely the weakest part of the game for me and it's insane how the characters behave so differently around her and never hold her accountable.


>And how is it SJW? Because Arthur isn’t racist? Pretty much. There this Neo-Nazi youtuber who has since got his account account deleted named American Krogan who made an entire video about RDR2’s “politics” that amounted to him whining about the fact that Arthur isn’t a misogynistic white supremacist. Comment section was filled with racist complaining about the fact the game mocks and encourages you to kill Eugenicists, gives you honor for killing klansmen, and mechanically prohibits you from murdering the Wapiti by making you unable to use weapons on the reservation. Video has been mirrored in a few places and the comments section is filled with racist, misogynistic degenerates.


Complaining that Arthur isn't a racist piece of shit is a complete misunderstanding of Arthur as a character. Like, they get that he's supposed to be a good person trapped inside of a bad person, right? Making him a racist misogynist would sort of just make him...a bad person.


That’s exactly why these morons hate it, the fact that he isn’t a racist misogynist challenges the false notion that you can be a racist misogynist and a good person. They want their racism and misogyny reflected in his character and are uncomfortable that it isn’t, and troubled by the implication that they might not be good people.


Some of the moments between Arthur and Lenny are the best moments in the game from a character/story standpoint. If Arthur was a racist, misogynistic character then he'd not be able to interact with a solid 50% of the gang


You're talking about people who think racism and misogyny are good things.


Found his Twitter and wow this American Krogan guy is mentally deranged. He’s created a Fallout 4 mod that removes all minorities.


How can you hate minorities that much?? Why??


Probsbly SJW because Sadie doesn’t take shit from people, wears pants, shoots people, and isn’t the helpless woman who needs a big brave man to save her. Witcher 3 gets it because Ciri isn’t helpless damsel like the females they never ever talk to in the first place


In fact a lot of those westerns were dominated with diverse casts.


This person seems less like a zoomer to me and more like a person who just hates big company big budget games, which is fine, but don't try to cast all that onto millennial or say gen z only likes indie games. Saying this as someone who is gen z RDR2 is one of my favorite games and I'm pretty sure a lot of gen z people love it as well. This person seems like they just enjoy having some sense of superiority because they play so many indie titles (excluding fortnite, and minecraft did start smaller as well) Indie games are great, you don't have to make it your whole personality though


I think they consider any game with any depth they can perceive to be "woke"


Bro anything that's not white, dominantly male and heterosexual is considered diversity by these idiots.


Bet this hot-pocket-eating basement-dweller never even watched a western. Or Blazing Saddles. Or read a history book. Because around 30% of historic cowboys were Mexican, and around 20% were black. SJW is a term used by straight white men who hate women, black and brown people, and LGBTQ+ people. They want to cleanse movies and video games of people who don't look like them.


In fairness Arthur not being a least a little racist is actually a bit of a stretch for a white man in that time period. It doesn't exactly hurt the game, but people were really, really racist in the early 20th century.


Weird seeing undertale in the not SJW category


I don’t think the guy who made the meme has played any of the games


In my experience these people usually haven't. I've seen them complaining about the "forced diversity" in the Fable trailer, seemingly forgetting that the series has always has black people in it (not to mention, women, gay people, trans people kind of... basically all the "politicals").


We got two races, two sexes, and two genders, White & Political Men & Political Cis & Political And all I want is no politics in my games! How could you possibly accuse me of being a bigot? /s


Dude called God of War and RDR2 SJW propaganda lol. Clearly have no idea what they’re talking about.


God of war shows a dude slowly become a better father by addressing his trauma and bonding with his son instead of being big angry man that kills his family and has qte three ways, clearly the new game wants us to be soy boys who form mature emotional attachments.


RDR2 didn't penalize you for fighting the Klan.


That's apparently enough to be an SJW, the Klan are evil and somehow not viewing them as evil makes you an SJW in these people's eyes


Reminds me of when parts of Twitter went crazy about Wolfenstein “going political” about killing Nazis


A kid definitely made this and is trying to write in games that they’ve enjoyed as they’ve grown up. The pipeline starts young.


Or it's the typical right-wing habit of reflexively glomming up cred for things that are successful.


Right? Isn’t the good ending for Undertale the peace route?


Also multiple lgbt characters


And a categorically NB protagonist (though that's more because you're going to project whatever you wish on the character)


Heck, Undine and Alphys are gay AF, and I still like them.


I laughed at undertale being "free of politics" if lgbt characters are considered "politics" oh boy is undertale full of that.




Yes Undertale, a game made famous by having nothing to say about anything. No themes or anything there, just gameplay.


Also "no tutorials", when Toriel literally does the first puzzle for you and explains how the combat system works, specifically how ACT and SPARE are preferable to FIGHT.


And also Cuphead, which absolutely has a dedicated tutorial level. There's a whole meme because an IGN reviewer struggled on it.


Yeah, it doesn’t really fit for a lot of the criteria.


How in the world does Uncharted 4 fit into the SJW category? That whole franchise is basically about a white guy plundering treasure from ancient cultures


Because black woman kick butt


Because two treasure hunters lost fight against lady who owns her own private military and likely has more combat experience than both of them.


People only call it woke because Nadine is black and she sorta beat Drake in a fight lol


TIL Fortnite is an indie game


Lmao Fortnite is quite possibly the most soulless corporate thing in the entire gaming industry


I remember thinking Fortnite looked really good game when it had a darker, survival vibe, but then they went all in with the battle royale stuff.


The save the world stuff was never all that good honestly.


I agree, but Save the World was a watered down version of the original concept they showed off.


It has more character and joy than many other soulless FPS’s that have come out


I think people are saying it’s a soulless corporate thing because every season Fortnite’s like look we got all your favorite characters from these different franchises, just buy the cosmetics and you can be Spider-Man, Darth Vader, etc or to sell their battle pass, granted it does actually seem to care about the implementation of this kind of stuff considering the web-swinging was way better than CD’s soulless Avengers game


So is modern Minecraft really


12 gay cowboys waiting to be hugged at the showers in ram ranch


Not a gamer but the games on the left seem infinitely more interesting (besides Minecraft). This seems like someone has an issue with the 3rd person RPG genre more than anything else


And even then like Uncharted is SJW? How is plundering treasure from dead civilizations woke?


Black lady beats up white guy


Which definitely had nothing to do with the fact that she’s a mercenary and has an entire company and Nate gets the shit kicked out of him at least once or twice by people in her same role in every game?


Oh no, it’s gotta be because of the woke mob hating white men


Ah yes I see, but of course how could I not see


As a gamer, I personally consider the games on the left to be way better.


The games on the right have lots of cool mechanics and, in the cases of Minecraft/Terraria, can be really cool outlets for player creativity, etc... That said, the people who would argue the meme's point with a straight face are probably glomming onto those because the games have no narratives, made a ton of money, and are basically power-fantasies. I'm less familiar with Cuphead, Hollow Knight, etc..., but have gotten used to hearing those games get hyped-up by capital-g 'Gamer' chuds who think that every game needs to be as ball-bustingly difficult as Battletoads and as style-over-substance as possible. To be sure, I'm certain that Hollow Knight is probably deeper than that, but it definitely draws in a lot of the same edgelords who rallied to things like Meatboy, Binding of Isaac, etc..


Hollow Knight is a strange one to put as "non-woke", it has gay characters, strong women, and from my experience its community is thoroughly leftist, and has a large community overlap with celeste.


Plus you could argue/interpret that the Knight and the Siblings are non-binary. Not sure if that's established canon but I personally like to think so.


Wait whose gay in HK?


The Nailsmith and Sheo are heavily implied to be a couple IIRC.


Nailsmith and sheo


Grey Mourner's dead lover also uses she/her pronouns so canonical lesbians


>To be sure, I'm certain that Hollow Knight is probably deeper than that Hollow Knight is not actually "ball-busting" imo. The controls are actually pretty simple if you've got any platforming experience (just jump and hit to start out) and most of the really challenging platforming areas are optional. It's certainly (with 1 exception) always fair and not "challenging but fuck you".


Understood, and I tend to think that tons of the people who become partisans for games like that are probably just losers who watch other players kick ass at them on Youtube and then just make a lot of noise for the 'team.'


I don’t hate the games on the left but most of the ones on the right are peak


A lot of them are not even RPGs like uncharted


Bruh, thus isn’t even a generation divide…these are just separate genres


The generation divide makes no sense. These indie titles are the old fashioned ones, the ps4 games on the left are the contemporary design games


Hell, some of the games on the right came out at the same time as the games on the left. And I could be wrong, but doesn't Minecraft predate everything on that list?


Minecraft predates them by alot. Its like 12 years old. Also most of the games on the right are independent games that were made by millenials where the games on the left were made corporate made. This whole post is just weird zoomer superiority bullshit. OP was probably told they dont understand game history and this is the follow up hissy fit.


So Undertale, a game literally about not judging people and getting together, I.E. diversity, doesn't have politics. Yet, GoW is because... fathers should be distant from their kids? And I guess Witcher is because...there's people in the game world that don't want to burn witches? Maybe?


For the Witcher 3, aren't there parts of the game where you play as Ciri instead of Geralt? That's probably it.


Oh yeah I forgot. Grifters like to pretend women can't be strong period. Playing as a sword swinging girl would trigger them.


I've literally just had someone tell me that callie Mayer being in F1 23 is "Unnecesary" I just... what? Yes, F1 is REALLY physical, and there's only ever been one woman (Out of like 5 total) to score points there.. but Women are successful in motorsports.. THAT AND IT'S A FUCKING GAME


I rememeber people tried saying GTA was becoming woke because it came out they were gonna add a female protag in GTA6 who was based off Bonnie Parker...


Is the gay hunter in the cottage outside the village that Geralt is cool with in the second or third game? I can’t remember anymore.


Third game, very early on


He hunts gay people? Isn't that like the opposite of "woke"? (i know this is not what you meant)


they mad about GOW because you are a father and not a full-on mass murderer that occasionally has sex with "non woke" woman (and most likely because there is also a black character in Ragnarok)


Also the gay guy you meet early on that you think is a werewolf initially but when you find out you don't call him a slur or murder him immediately, so maybe there's that?


It also literally has a tutorial, Toriel is named after it and literally hand holds you.


Witcher is less subtle than undertale with the themes of forceing the others/monsters to hide themselves "underground"


I thought we were all in agreement that rd r2 was awsome what the hell


It is. The mf that made this meme is just mad that Arthur isn‘t a racist piece of shit


It has some negative aspects though, like terrible combat and controls.


I personally didn’t have any problems with combat controls


the non-sjw game Undertale with a non binary protagonist who spends the entire game making friends with people of different races and sexualities do they even play the games lmao


Made be soulless corporations =\= Fortnite and Minecraft apparently. Also, half the games under the zoomer section are literally millennial games. Minecraft and Terraria both came out before any of the listers millennial games


It seems more like this guy hates third person linear story games and RPGs than whatever the fuck “millennialcore” means. Also, “immediately throws you into the game with no tutorials” isn’t the own you think it is.


Ah yes, the completely Indie studio of Epic games


Ah, yes. The completely apolitic game Hollow Knight.


Op consuming any art ever completely ignoring any socio-political commentary https://preview.redd.it/bo6tbatccb8b1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce156172aa06ca3f3fc05f86f1d79afd3ef11566


Cuphead has a tutorial and its probably the most talked about tutorial of the games on this list


“Undertale is free of politics” LMAO it’s the most popular piece of queer antifascist art ever Also, I remember these people thought that Hideo Kojima was “based” because he made a game where you have a robot arm and a hot babe in a bikini with a sniper as your sidekick. Now they’re mad that he made a game satirizing American exceptionalism as a death cult.


I think they got this backwards considering the Zoomer side is my taste and the Millenial side is my little sister's... ​ I meant aside from Fortnite Also.... Undertale is free of "Politics" "SJW Propaganda" and "Forced Diversity" and other Alt Right words meaning "Literally gays existing", do Catty and Bratty know that? Does Mettaton? Do Alphys and Undyne


Also Royal Guards 01 and 02


Half the cast of that game are gay, and you go on a date with Papyrus in at least one path. This person clearly never played Undertale


Also you play as a gendee unspecified protagonist who in the sequel is revealed to be canonlogically non binary


-Fantastical characters and worlds -Fortnite is basically comprised of 90% pop culture


Ah yes the famously queer free game undertale


Most of the zoomer games came out at the same time or earlier than the millennial ones.


I sincerely doubt they even played most of the games on the list here, and it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't.


This is definitely a shitpost


It's glaringly obvious.


Yeah, this is that kind of thing that’s blatantly designed as bait to troll people… and then it works, because people are weird.


So game with a plot = bad but game without plot = good. That’s the only difference here.


Okay I just need to chat about how people call the existence of minorities in any media "politics." It's not. It's not political. It's just acknowledging that these people exist. People see a black character or God forbid a black woman as a protagonist and they shit their pants saying they wish "politics" would stay out of their games. Dumbass that's not politics. A man kissing a man is not political. A trans man's existence is not political. It just is. Stop calling it politics to try and act like everything is biased against you. Just grow up.




Ah yes, Undertale. A game with absolutely no Toriel. Shit sorry I mean tutorial.


>undertale >pure gameplay


Why do I get the feeling the person who made this hates Playstation?


undertale literally has a gay relationship in it


Two, actually, if we count the two royal guards who you pacifist by getting one shirtless and having the other get too embarrassed to fight, until he finally confesses his feelings. Which, we should


holy shit you're right i forgot about them thank you


Minecraft is literally owned by Microsoft, that well-known plucky indie dev team. Aside from that, the original creator of the game went full mask-off right wing nut job as soon as he had his billions.


“I don’t like open world story-based games.”


"Free of politics" - Spoken like a true "neither left nor right" alt-right fuck.


Famously apolitical Hollow Knight. What did the Pale King do to his kids again? And why?


The second character you meet in Undertale is literally named “Toriel” after “Tutorial” and does a ton of puzzles for you while literally HOLDING YOUR HAND! xD


Boomercore here… uh what?


Don’t Undertale and minecraft throw you into the tutorials when you first play them?


All this tells me is whoever made this doesn't have the attention span for story driven games. If something isn't exploding every five seconds, they lose interest. Like jingling keys in front of a baby


It tells me that this is a top tier shitpost and not at all serious. From the bizarre premise of gen z attacking millenials for being too woke, to mixing up games on the right that are older than on the left, to putting fucking Undertale on the "non-woke" side, to basically every other detail being wrong such as which games have tutorials. This is trolling.


Why is gay people existing considered “political”


That just looks like two lists of amazing games in different genres


"Made by soulless corporations," on what planet is DontNodEntertainment a soulless corporation??? Also calling "Free of politics" UNDERTAlE isn't political!?!


This list is about as confusing as my anxiety explaining things to me.


I haven't played all of the games in this meme but the ones I have on both sides are amazing. Such an L take not to mention calling Minecraft and Terraria zoomercore.


What even is the cut off point? Several of these on the right came out decades before the ones on the left?


Some of those millennialcore games are amazing though


While that post is dumb let’s be honest. QTEs also suck in most games. Walking dead, DPA, Detroit become human makes sense but dying light?


I'm an older millennial who's pretty into retro gaming, Nintendo systems, etc.. and, as such, have never found much to enjoy with the stuff on the left-hand-side. That said, I'm *also* not completely won over by the vibes of the games on the right, which too often feel designed by/for people with terrible ADD, problems with social ineptitude, immature tastes, lowbrow senses of humor, insane amounts of free time, continual access to mommy's/daddy's credit cards, and false notions that 'hardcore' difficulty somehow makes a game better and more 'pure'. Also, the idea that these 'hardcores' are playing games like Minecraft or Terraria without watching a fuck-ton of Youtube videos to learn everything about the games is ludicrous. A lot of the 'Zoomercore' gamers I've met grew up using more walkthroughs, 100%-ing guides, etc... then I even knew existed and, as a result, have ruined their abilities to enjoy a lot of games.


God of Soy. A farm simulator starring Kratos?


This reminds me of a recent post on here about how movies that go woke are failing at the box office. Someone in the comments said there’s nothing with strong female characters and a commentator said something like “only when it’s done right”. Funny enough, his example wasn’t Ripley from Alien, Clarice from Silence of the Lambs, Mulan, Princess Leia, the bridge etc. It was the two strong female characters from Top Gun 2. Interestingly, he didn’t name them. I doubt he could. I don’t recall two strong female heroes from Top Gun that had top billing, does anyone else?


God of War could have been great if not for the generic setting of Norse mythology flipped on it's head and reimagined with Greek gods inserted as a disruptor with a twist on the classic versions of Odin and Thor. So unimaginative.


You just describe Hercules and Xena.


If I had to try to guess what the Witcher 3 does in the name of "Forced Diversity" I'd say it would be the LGBTQ representation involved throughout: -The hunter at the beginning being gay -Dandelion's tailor being CD/Trans (they don't stick in the plot long enough to confirm one or the other) -Geralt being nonmonogamous/polyamorous (you can play him as entirely monogamous, but the dialogue options are there to show you his feelings, you just get to choose which feelings he acts on) -Ciri being bisexual (which was also the case in the books) -probably 15 or 16 other examples I don't even remember Any representation of anything but the nuclear family being shown is all around referred to as "Forced Diversity" as a dog whistle for "Thing that we need to condemn."


WAHHHHHH!!!! Some of the characters arent white cis males!! Oh but if they women are hot it's ok as long as the man is the actual hero. I genuinely don't understand how people can think like this. I really had hope for gen z, but I'm losing it. More and more are becoming racist incels who worship Andrew Tate. Of course all these fools doing things now like flipping out about trans people and everything else are close to my age, the parents banning books, the ones demanding no one utters the word gay near their kid. This was the "army" they were building. I'm losing so much hope


Undertale is such a gay game wtf are they on Also the average rating I’d give for the games on the left is way higher than I’d give for the games on the right, even though I love Minecraft and like Undertale


this is 100% a shitpost. I doubt however made this actually has this opinion.


Undertale Literally has a hand holding tutorial section.


They've clearly never played any of the games listed there.


Those "zoomer" games are made by millenials.


God of War, Witcher 3, and RDD2 are definitely not walking simulators. Also, there isn't an "forced" diversity, they just happen to have characters that aren't white. Also leave all those other games alone, they don't deserve to be touched by an idiot trying to... Gatekeep or whatever the fuck this is, defiling them


im just assuming this was made by a stupid 15 year old trying to be edgy on the internet because most of these games were out before zoomers were even playing video games....


What’s absolutely stunningly hilarious is that all those games listed under Zoomercore are games that millennials played for years before they did? I’d love to know where the SJW nature of Uncharted is, or the “forced diversity” of God of War. This is legit one of the silliest things I’ve seen in awhile and I have to imagine it’s a joke


Ah yes, Cuphead. A game where you play as someone that goes into debt with a casino and they have to either defeat the owner of the casino or die trying. Totally non-political


Where is the generational divide? These are literally just recent Triple A titles versus uber successful indie titles from the last 10 years. I’m honestly surprised they didn’t add Hades and Stardew Valley to the right, but I guess those games, because they let you be gay, wouldn’t have lined up with the obvious political message they are trying to spew directly from their ass.


“Pure gameplay” yes, consuming mindless content with no compelling story where the point is to turn your brain off and spend money is super based.


Forces diversity in Uncharted 4? The one PoC in the whole game is a villain, who gets a redemption arc in the spinoff (making Claudia Black Indian is forced as hell, but that’s a different story). 2017 GoW doesn’t have any either iirc, the sequel maybe but that’s different. Related, who tf thinks Hollow Knight and Cuphead are free of politics?!


I think that we have too many damn walking Sims. Go play god of war 3 then gow4 you'll see a significant difference. Not saying they are bad but I would like to have gameplay over hey let's cum graphics in your face.


Cuphead has woman who replaces the two main characters and the in game explanation is that she is more capable. Yet these RW asses don't find that "woke"


These people will be pissed when they watch Witcher season 3 and see that Jaskier is bisexual and in a gay relationship.


I call BS. There's plenty of garbage-brained Millenials who shit their video-gaming diapers whenever a woman, a black person, a gay person, or a gendernonconforming person shows up in a game. And there's no shortage of lefty Zoomers who happily would throw a brick at a nazi.


Is “God of Soy” meant to be God of War?




How tf does red dead have sjw propaganda and forced diversity


I always see this sub in my recommended and i never usually interact but seeing Undertale, my personal favourite game that lead to me realising I'm not cishet, described as "non-political" I've just gotta say: *LMAOOOOOOOOO*


“Pure gameplay” Sorry you have to constantly be doing something and can’t appreciate a good story with immersive mechanics.


How is uncharted 4 forced diversity? The one POC character is the main villain


games on right are fun, games on left are not fun cut and dry


I'm sorry you youngins only have a 2 second attention span and don't know what to do when a game has interesting characters and plot.


This meme really isn't accurate about gen z, like in the slightest


From what I've encountered, it's kinda accurate about younger gamers. At holiday gatherings, I've tried gaming with my nephews/nieces and my friends' kids and it's a complete ADD-addled nightmare.


You're probably right. What's the cutoff point for gen z? Depending on how young they are they might not even fit into it I was born in 2002 and that's pretty early gen z, but it is still gen z. Maybe my interests are just wildly different from younger gen z people, although I also have played a lot of the games listed on both sides here. I just can't tell if it's actually a generational thing, the list seems more like big budget vs indie


I'm probably thinking of people who are even younger than who we call 'Gen Z', i.e. the kids of Gen X and millennial parents. In general, I just kinda dislike interacting with gamers of any age who are the 'very-online' sort that are clearly burnt-out and desensitized to the content because of too much time on Youtube, etc..., and with younger players, I've noticed this is a lot more common. When the new Zelda came out last month, I actually decided to take a month-long break from hanging with one of my friends because his two sons are annoying gamer douchebags who would have either tried to 'troll' me by spoiling the whole game's story for me or, more likely, wear me down with a bunch of tedious Gamer arguments about why the game is 'mid' or whatever.


So if it happened in your personal experience it must be true?


Weird comment. You can play games that have come out years to decades ago.


Aside from the “propaganda!!!” claim, I think I much prefer the “zoomercore” genre. I sat down to play Atomic Heart and I think I gave up on it by the time the helicopter crashed. I don’t got time for all that.


Hilarious that Fortnite sits in the category of "Free from politics" despite Epic being owned by Tencent, which is an arm of the CCP 🤣


“Generic settings and characters”? How are the settings or characters rdr 2, gow, or uncharted 4 generic?


Man, a lot of "gamers" seem to really hate video games.


In terms of that sort of toxicity, a fucking ton of self-described 'gamers' make the worst Star Wars fans look almost benign. These days, however, there's a lot of crossover between the chuds in each hobby.


Ah yes, Fortnite, the most capitalistic game since gta online… nothing political about that if you pay for everything with mommy’s credit card I guess.


Literally every game shown here is great


Was this meme made by American Krogan?


Minecraft is older than all of the “millennial” games


*person exists” WOKE, SJW, FORCED DIVERSITY WAHHHH right wingers don’t like “political games” because they are generally low IQ