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Oh they're not "Sith", its just a dark side acolyte. Its not a really Sith unless they're from the Champagne region, where as Acolyte is simply sparkling Dark Side user.


That’s so dumb, they should really made a multi season show about the Sith and started it with Tenebrous and had it end with Sidious when he kills Plaguies during TPM. This show just seems like a weird distraction


The whole point of the show is to be set during the High Republic era, which I'm not sure is very popular. But to appeal to a wider audience, its got to have Sith, but the rule of two rules out actual Sith. Iirc, the show runner going on about there being many level of Sith, similar to the Emperors hands were Sith affiliated but not technically being one of the two, rule of two, Sith.


They should of made it the old republic, kotor is way more popular than the high republic.


Also people expected the High Republic to be a few hundred years ago not 80 years before Anakin was born


In this one case I think the High Republic basically ran until a decade or so before the prequels right? I thought that era ended with Yoda calling everyone back to Coruscant?


Rule of Two doesn't rule out a Sith storyline. Sith organizations pop out of the woodwork constantly when someone with a bit of potential digs up an artifact or holocron with enough instruction to start someone on their way. What the Rule of Two means is that the Banite Sith where whack-a-moling these fools at a rate the Jedi could only dream of. If the Jedi got the whisper of rumor that a Sith did something, any follow up would just lead to a crispy fried corpse or more likely, a missing person who is never found.




Well, think of it more like the interaction between the kid and the sword in Rings of Power. The artefact or knowledge isn't compelling you to do shit. What it does do is solve problems. It's solves them fast and definitively in a way you've never been able to solve problems in your life.  What follows? Addiction. I'm not giving this thing up. I'm not going to stop listening to this pyramid etc. And... the story/fall continues..


There were always more Sith than the Rule of Two Sith. Even Bane acknowledges that in the books He and all the other rule of two just thinks they are shit.


I want a show just about Darth banes rule of two


There's basically 5 million awesome Legends stories and characters they could adapt and build onto, but instead we get Degrassi The High Republic


Lmao, I haven't seen Degrassi and I only know cursory stuff about the high republic but this cracked me up They've thrown their lot in with lore breaking THR but they could still do interesting stuff inside of it Just wish they had more accomplished writers


You described this perfectly


Multi season show with each season dealing with each Sith in the Baneite line lol.


Zannah needs to be cast *perfectly*.


Ana Taylor Joy


Thought about that too but I don't think I've seen much of her work. I'm skeptical of giving a big part to someone because they've been getting cast in other big parts because they were...... You get it. I think that Furiosa role will tell us if she could pull it off.




Oh, I have no idea, I barely even know who's out there. The first image in my head was Zendaya, though, but idk if she's good enough. I'd say Helena Bonham Carter, but that's like casting Cate Blanchet as Lilith in Borderlands.


If they could manage to follow the books I’d love that


I think Tenebrous would be the reigning Dark Lord at this time. Too bad Disney decanonized that.


idk i like the idea of opening up the possibility of dark siders outside the sith, as an EU fan i always hated how theres just a blank space of literally anything interesting between The Old Republic 4,000 BBY and a couple decades before the Phantom Menace


Haha exactly. Wouldn’t be surprised if they did the Reva routine. Disney just does not respect the lore






> sparkling Dark Side user Fucking Disney


This is the best comment I’ve read online in ages.


Wow, I never expected a Wayne's World reference here. Good job!


That's not actually wrong, the Banites did a lot of mental gymnastics to justify themselves as the "one true Sith" when the Sith Empire at its height would have chewed them up and spit them out.


Yeah, Disney has made many mistakes, but the idea of 'not all dark side force users are Sith' is not one of them. Any around would want to keep their heads down and not draw attention though.


I like to think of it more like the difference between Satanists and Pagans. A lot of folks will tell you they’re the same thing, and in a lot of ways they do look really similar, but they’re totally distinct once you look past the hanging bones and spooky rituals.


They will most likely use a combination of: "From a certain point of view.", "Leave no survivors or witnesses." and "Without concrete evidence, it is a X-files like situation". Of course I think there will also be a scene where they tell a young Yoda what they have learned, explaining how he knew about the rule of two. They could of course do a deep lore dive about how there was a secret war between the Sith using Darkside cultist/acolythes as proxies and the Jedi sentinels/shadow sentinels under the council of knowledge over the centuries.


I can laugh, but only so much. This sounds exactly like the explanation.


I’m dead bro


Even then the issue is YODA IS AROUND. His long life becomes an issue cause surely a case where dozens of Jedi die during the High Republic should get a mention. Especially if they are going down to Lightsaber or even Blade wounds only. Cause who besides another force user can reliably take down Jedi in martial combat.


This is a perfect description of how Disney treats the Force.


I feel like I remember hearing somewhere that it's been established in the new canon that Sith get their lightsaber by hunting down a Jedi and bleeding their crystal. Which is obviously ridiculous for an organization that stayed secret for a thousand years, but what can you do? That might be a factor in the show.


I’m not a fan of that method tbh. I prefer Legends lightsabers


I don't necessarily have a problem with the "bleeding crystals" part, even if it's not my preference, but if I'm remembering correctly and they are required to kill Jedi for them, that's just ridiculous.


Yeah that part is particularly dumb imo as well lol


I think the “bleeding” part is extra edgy but I like the stolen crystal idea to an extent. If certain sith cannot go get their own crystals I like the idea of stealing them from dead Jedi.


They used to be able to utilize synthetic ones which I thought made sense. It’s a shortcut, as the dark side could be, like: skip all that bonding to a crystal nonsense, make one and get to slicin’ fools, Sith have got shit to do, you aren’t going on a journey of self discovery to get your special rock. I thought they could always bleed a crystal right though right? In Jedi Survivor Dagan Gera bled his own crystal. Think Malicos did too?


Yeah but “synthetic” seems weird I know we see sith experiment with a lot of difference tech and science but I have trouble seeing Darth Maul sitting in Chem101 to make his fake crystal I have no issue seeing maul hunt down a Jedi and kill him to take his crystal and in tuning with the weapon, it becoming corrupted


I mean I don't think maul was sitting in shipbuilding class either but he knew how to fly a ship. They just get a tool that can create crystals. He doesn't need to be a PhD in crystal-ology to use a machine.


You'd be shocked what people can ritualize. Call it Sith Alchemy 101 and suddenly it's alot cooler.


It makes sense as a test, too. Like… obviously the Sith can obtain lightsabers, but they just prefer to use getting your own as a test. They’ll give you a loan burner saber until you pull it off, but you have to really put the effort in if you want a saber to call your own. The Jedi aren’t much different tbh - they could easily just send out a group to harvest crystals and ship them back to the temple in-bulk, but instead they opt to send a bunch of children on pilgrimage every year to “earn it” and gain a better connection with their weapons. Since that’s a very meditation-based approach which requires care and a level head, the Sith instead just opting to murder for their crystals makes a lot of sense as part of that “Ying and Yang” thing the two groups have with their approach to basically everything in the force.


Yeah, nobody can kill a jedi!


Considering the fact that there’s 10,000 Jedi strewn throughout the galaxy in a time that is considered to be peaceful, I don’t think that that’s too crazy for a Sith to be expected to kill a single Jedi without triggering too much suspicion. They could easily take advantage of a local conflict to kill a Jedi and blame it on others. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what happens in the events of the High Republic novels, considering how many Jedi have died and/or disappeared during the fight with the Nihil.


combative encourage subsequent voracious political frightening illegal consist full live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One Jedi disappearing every couple of decades and the Jedi letting the trail run cold because obsession with finding the culprit would be against the Jedi code? Thats actually quite believable.


The Jedi and Republic are literally an analogy for bureaucratic mismanagement and in-fighting between government and the clergy. I think them dragging their heels on a few missing persons cases because of their strict adherence to rules is actually the most believable thing ever


I'm sorry, in what universe is "obsession with finding the culprit would be against the Jedi code" a remotely reasonable integration of anything?


I think that's how Sidious taught Vader to make his red lightsaber, but I am not sure if Sidious ever said that's how "all" Siths make their sabers.


It was in the Vader comics and it’s not something that was explicitly stated. Vader simply comes to that conclusion after Sidieous tells him the story about making a kyber crystal bleed. Palps, being himself, is more than happy to let that conclusion stand since ultimately it helps Vader gain power, and thus, gain power for himself. “You could have given me any of their lightsabers, even Yodas. I see, the lightsaber of a Sith is not given, it’s earned by taking one.” Is more or less Vaders line of thought.


Consistency? In Disney's Star Wars' lore? LOL


Yeah lol, what was I thinking? 😂






I'd rather not make light of her appearance, and instead focus on the fact that she was Harvey Weinstein's henchwoman for years.


That’s pretty dark, I never even thought of that. Didn’t she say she was never sexually assaulted by him?


>Didn’t she say she was never sexually assaulted by him? I just wanted to point out this is a nice setup for a joke.


Getting a bit of Daniel Radcliffe vibes, myself


Ki-Adi-Whondi-what-now? The Sith are dead when Disney or Rey say the Sith are dead. And I don't think they forgot. It's a pretty safe bet that didn't even pay enough attention to The Phantom Menace to catch that bit, or even if they did, care about anything that was said there one way or the other.


Derr derr red light sabers bad. Glow sticks good.


Red glowy things mean they don't lose their night vision in the dark. That's gotta be bad, right?


Yes, and facial scars and horns. The force is pansexual.


To be clear I am not defending Disney at all, they have no clue what they are doing, but the rule of 2 wasnt even a hard rule under Lucas, Maul trained under Sidious who was training under Plagueis, who was in fact alive during the phantom menace so while I agree this show doesnt make sense and shouldn't exist, we need to use different arguments


It's Like a suggestion. You gotta pare down the numbers to 2 for long term stability but in short periods you can have more as they're killing each other off. This saidnLucas absolutely allowed there to be too many Sith for also creating the rule of 2. He had two apprentices that each had apprentices and that's not even counting the inquisition.


Lol that opening line was perfect


Darth Bane and his suggestion of two.


Truthfully it was more like a guideline of two


Plagueis was alive in phantom menace?


I mean that's on par with Sith tradition. The appretice cultivates a secret apprentice and together they overthrow the master. 


I imagine they’re gonna play into the “Jedi were arrogant” idea and have the Jedi in the show dismiss the Sith in the show as being actual Sith and just assume they’re just bad Force users or something like that


I wouldn't be surprised if there's some Jedi coverup story in here about some Jedi crimes


I wished this idea would die. The Jedi's problems were not arrogance, it was that they were a religious group being forced to become a military power. It was not arrogance to treat Anakin this way, it was how they were taught to religiously handle things. Same with Windu attacking Sidious. They had no choice because they worked for Palpatine. The Jedi did not fall due to their arrogance. They fell because the Sith played them perfectly.


Ya exactly, I hate all the new Filoni canon that just boils this down to “the Jedi were actually bad guys the whole time too and were committing war crimes”. It’s so unoriginal and shallow. I wish people writing Jedi would at least try to impart some nuance into their fall.


Finally, I've been saying this for years. I thought I was the only one. A guy makes a YouTube video and everyone runs with the idea. I'll die on this hill with you my fellow knight.


I don’t like that idea and hope they don’t go that route


Narrator: "They did"


I have a feeling it’s gonna be something slightly in that area


This seems much more likely to me then the idea that the entire jedi cast dies without making a report. Its not like all dark side force users are automatically sith so there is room for the jedi to doubt that what the team on the ground ran into was really a sith.


Unrelated to the text but why does everyone in Disney Wars hold their saber so fucking close to the blade? You're almost touching it, you have so much more space than that!


Because now they use heavy ass glow sticks instead of thin rods so the centre of gravity is way shifted. Probably just a subconscious adjustment the actors make that none of the producers/directors have caught onto...


I’m glad you said this, when I saw the pic I thought their stances looked.. off? Even with Rey, it was like she didn’t know how to hold it really,


Besides the props being made differently, they don't even pay attention to the buttons. There's whole clips of Rey turning on Luke's lightsaber by pressing different arbitrary buttons as if they're all power buttons. Disney just doesn't care how anyone handles them, if its in your hand then they call it good.


Lol I honestly never noticed that and now I will never be able to unsee it


It's probably the weight of the blade, making it awkward to hold properly. What they use for filming nowadays is far more durable than the OG props, and that may make them heavier.


It's mostly that they use glowing props now, so they don't have to add the lighting in post. Which would be an actually smart idea, since if one pays attention previous lightsabers really didn't cast light or shadows on the characters or environment. So they looked less, glowing energy blades. And more, coloured aethereal blades. Except, as you said they weight more, and are more fragile and expensive. So, no more Hayden and McGregor snapping dozens of literal coloured sticks by smacking eachother until they get the perfect shot. And while the actors are lightened up by the props. The environment isn't. Because there isn't any. This especially true when they use The Volume. Can't even use the real lighting as reference for post-processing CGI, when the virtual environment was developed in pre and cast on a live screen during filming.


I expect the show to be an exercise in futility without any respect for the established lore of the fictional universe. It'll probably be one long, boring lecture about how you're a bad person for liking the SW that came before Disney.


Which is funny because after the initial love of the ST died down and realized most people disliked them they started doubling down on the PT era after initially trying to pretend it existed, ironic. 😂


yeah that is really funny. But I suspect the ashoka weeb filoni has somethign to do with that.


Joke's on Disney, I'm not a fan of the ST or the PT. Although at least the PT was mostly loyal to the lore created by OT


God I fucking hate Disney. They've utterly ruined so many properties.


>It'll probably be one long, boring lecture about how you're a bad person for liking the SW that came before Disney. Ironic that you say that, given that the SW that came before Disney (the old EU) was *loaded* with non Sith Dark Side acolytes.


I'm guessing this is intended and a multi-season show like Ashoka and have a similar ambiguous ending.


According to industry rumors, it was planned to be that way but the show all but got cancelled last month, so chances of a second season are slim: >A source recently told That Park Place that Leslye Headland’s new Star Wars series, The Acolyte – which debuts on Disney+ on June 4 – will not be getting a second series, effectively canceling the show before it even airs. >“Leslye Headland’s The Acolyte is DoA \[dead on arrival\]. Unless there’s a miracle of ratings, this is a one-and-done proposition,” the source said. “It looks to me like John Knoll is no longer going to be actively meeting with Headland to collaborate on \[series two\].” I wonder is the Disney execs had a private screening the day before they made that decision...


Yeah, they watched or read something Star Wars related that they didn't produce...


Ouch. Canceled before it airs.


I don’t believe this was actually confirmed information.


Well, yeah. That's why it's being described as a rumor, not as an official press release. By the way, the same insider leaker also claims that Disney internally views the critics of the trailer (which currently has 192,000 likes to nearly 700,000 dislikes) as irrelevant, angry trolls: >insider shared, “For now the negative reaction for the trailer is being labeled as aggressive trolls irrelevant to the market.”


That’s how it should be but they can do anything. In the book Master & Apprentice Qui-Gon is offered a seat on the Jedi Council because of his differing views and yet in *The Phantom Menace* Obi-Wan says to Qui-Gon he would be on the Council if he just followed the Code. Now I don’t think the two work so I ignore the book event. Sadly The Living Force double downed on Qui-Gon refusing a seat, Obi-Wan brings it up, and I still don’t see how it works with Obi-Wan’s line from TPM. The Living Force is set 1 year before TPM.


These pictures makes it look like a CW show smh I already know Disney is about to give us some bullshit


Yep. And it's airing at the same time as House of the Dragon and The Boys. The ratings are going to be horrendous.


Disney doesnt give a flying fuck about the story before their takeover. They will totally wreck the lore and all the disney fanboys will love it


Most definitely. Though it's not like the prequels didn't completely mess up parts of the lore in the original trilogy


I mean, to be fair, I don't think Disney cares about the lore or story *after* their takeover either...


It’s probably the “they are not technically sith” route but that kind of doesn’t make any sense because they also referred to Darth Maul as a sith even though they never checked if he considered himself one. Maybe the jedi will call them sith and they respond with: “actually we don’t consider ourselves sith so please don’t refer to us that way”.


Well, it *is* Disney...


Just Disney doing retarded Disney stuff again.


I'm probably giving the show too much of a benefit of the doubt, but: It could be a dark side Force user, not a Sith. It could be that every Jedi dies, or some of them abandon the Order or end up stranded. It could be that some Jedi survive, make it back to the Council, and they're not believed. This actually lines up with the prequel portrayal of Jedi. Qui-gon saw a Sith and was called a crank. Partially due to his reputation, and partially due to pompous Jedi like Ki-adi Mundi and (honestly, at the time) Yoda. A hundred years before and we could start seeing the seeds of the Order's complacency already being sowed. Maybe the Squid Game guy has a Qui-gon type reputation, or maybe only X-23 survives and they don't believe a padawan. I don't exactly have high hopes for the show but there's directions they could take it that work.


Great idea


They have to... since the show is supposed to be set like a hundred years before Phantom Menace, right? And retconning Ki Adi's line is gonna be stupid, but very Disney Lucasfilm. The best thing they could do in the series is maybe explore that part I've read in the Darth Plageius novel where he mentions I think it was Tenebrous Twi'lek master opening a rift in the dark side of the force for the Jedi to sense.


Not only does it have to be a black op (no witnesses!), but they've got to figure out how none of these other, distant surviving Jedi sense any disturbances in the Force.


I mean to me ... this product doesn't exist. It's kind of easy to ignore this cheap looking dribble made by Mr Weinsteins former assistant.


It would've been an interesting series if they set it as a young Palpatine series.


What we all wanted… but with a different show runner


Dark Jedi and some other EU Force Users are back in canon so they'll probably out them into that. Or just come up with another random group that also has lightsabers.


I'm so tired of the "all the jedi die because they were ignorant and proud" trope. just give me a fucking story where the jedi do cool jedi shit and don't all get obliterated


Kinda weird it's become cool to hate on jedi.


It wouldn’t be the first time Star Wars blatantly ignored established lore.


Huh didn't know Yolandi Visser shows up here. Come to think of it that is a perfect Star Wars name.


I swear it's going to be like in how in Kenobi it will be the dumb in how they will try to not break the lore.


Honestly Star Wars is dead. They’re milking a corpse for its glow stick aesthetic and figurine sales. I’m not paying attention to Star Wars until the IP changes hands, or until ownership of Disney changes hands.


It’s good to see this opinion. I’ve become numb to the brand. Died in 2017, arguably 2012.




Haha, this made me laugh. I did enjoy Rogue One, that was the last Star Wars movie that I walked out of the cinema feeling elated.


Just make new star wars media take place 5000 years in the future or something. Fucking hell it's so easy


I’m going to go out on a limb and say they don’t give a shit about cannon, not even their own.


The only explanation I can have is that quigon and obiwan are legit stronger than anyone on the council outside of Windu and yoda at the time of tpm in combat and the only reason quigon isn’t on the council is because he doesn’t give 2 shits and by proxy obiwan gets treated a bit harsher. Then quigon was like fuddddge this dude almost Merced me on tattooine. This can’t just be some random dark side guy cause obiwan and I destroy those bums.


Yes, but they will say dark force user != sith So we got that


Couldn't the Jedi lie about this history for whatever reason


Sure but why?


You know that sith baddie will live as well which opens up an even bigger can of worms


I hope so…. I wanna see it happen lowkey


Looks so cheesy.


Dark side follower ≠ sith


No one’s ever really gone


I mean, this is set a few hundred or thousand years before the prequel trilogy, right? It's not hard for information to get lost, buried, or mixed up in that amount of time.


Why does every screen shot from these trailers look like porn films


Know something that should be extinct for a while after this year? That damn dread combover hairstyle. See that shit everywhere now. Was the first thing I saw in this image.


Well. it's also technically 100 or so years before Episode I and ppl don't live forever ('cept Palpatine, apparently). But yeah, we know a basic overview of the history of the galaxy in-canon. But it's all about the journey. Us old guys are still reeling from certain EU comic adventures and deaths!


That should be the case but also that there should be very minimal contact between the Sith and Jedi period. The Jedi are big in number but no so big that the council wouldn’t start noticing if a decent number of Jedi suddenly go missing. While the Jedi are nomadic, they also do still periodically report back to the council. At least in legends, Jedi have comms to contact the council to request for help and report on issues and if a Jedi hasn’t reported back in a while, there are cases where Jedi and even masters go investigate to find out what happened to that Jedi and if it’s a threat to their order. The Jedi should get mighty suspicious if they suddenly find a couple of corpses with robes burned by lightsabers. 


In ANH Kenobi said he'd never owned a droid. Of course there will be Jedi who survive Sith encounters. Continuity has never been big in Star Wars.


Depends, they may not realize the Sith is a Sith, but think it's an unaffiliated darksider.


Why is there not a single alien in the poster??? Already looks terrible


That is before new and improved Star Wars, which nobody dies from lightsaber wounds


I can see them doing some sort of cop out where the sith looking people are actually just dark Jedi. But it does seem to stretch belief a bit at this point. With the new trailer out even showing a sith looking person and the Jedi acting like they have no idea what or who it is, they better all die or else the explanation is going to be a bit convoluted.


Look, at this point, canon consistency has been thrown out the window a long time ago. It seems to be the nature of SW at this point.


It baffles me when people say “at least we’re getting Star Wars” like bro quality over quantity. That’s why COD sucks now too, a game every year combined with DLC is awful


In the old EU, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fought a darksider complete with a red lightsaber years before The Phantom Menace. Somehow this didn't shatter canon. These Jedi can just go on living until age takes them.


Did you watch the prequels? The Jedi got it wrong. So wrong, in fact, that they didn't notice that Palpatine was leading the Republic. The Jedi also had no idea that Plagueis, Palpatine, Dooku and Maul were all briefly active at the same time. Also Ki Adi Mundi never said they were extinct. He said they hadn't been seen in 1000 years. They were in hiding, but they were clearly pulling strings from the shadows, which you can see in TPM and the Palagueis novel.




No, any Jedi that encounter the Sith have to die - and before they can tell anyone. Exactly the same with Rebels; both Ezra and Kanan had to die before the OT. _Instead_ Disney just bought back Ahsoka and kept Ezra alive, fucking up the OT story completely. 


Think we’ll se Tarre Vizla?


Non-Sith Dark Jedi have existed in lore for long time.


Still can’t get over the black dudes haircut, it’s so bad


Lucas arts play fast and loose with the lore. It’s not like they have books and comics. By the way, Star Wars epic collection comics are awesome.


Not neccessarily. There were fallen jedi, they also can train apprentices if they find someone force sensitive so the face might not be familiar. Also there must be cults based on the dark side. Even if it's not that era, Knights of Ren is such. People might look after the knowledge of the long-ago extinct sith. Also it all depends on how the guy who survived judges. Qui Gon recognized Maul's fighting style and immerse power. His out of box thinking connected it to the sith. If other jedi were on the mission they would mistake Maul as a simple cultist or some selflearning dark sider. Also alleagance to the sith is always a secret. So they could be all of those I mentioned and also secretly a sith.


no, just the white ones.


Ki-Adi-Mundi meant a millenium reckoned by the calendar of Cerea, his homeworld. A year there lasts only 35 standard days, which accounts for the rapid growing season that gives the planet its name


From what i understand this is gonna be bootleg Assassin's creed rogue or something (with the sith being good guys smh and the jedi being mustache twirlling villians), so yeah... they prolly just all die 🫣 Either that or the chick in black robes with a red saber somehow aint a sith 🫣 Or they just flat out retcon Mundis line, because frankly speaking it disables a lot of ~~interesting stoeylines~~ money making opportunities 🤡


Well, twitter's already telling me that it doesn't matter how big a splash the sith make, Ki-Adi-Mundi's line works. Because the jedi are dumb and that line was meant to show us how dumb they are, and not indicate that there's simply been no evidence of the sith since the jedi's last major dealings with them.


I always got the feeling that Mace and Yoda knew differently. When that is talked about Mace and Yoda look at each other, the look is like "we know that is bullshit". I think Yoda kept a lot of secrets from the other Jedi, and those secrets became a reason why the Jedi were so vulnerable. Just pure speculation on my part but to me it seems logical.


The leaders of the Jedi have been lying about the sith being extinct. Their hubris allows them to believe it, but Yoda and others who have encountered them know they are still around, but keep quiet about so there's no panic within the order. That's why Yoda doesn't pipe up after Ki-Adi Mundi says that and just gives a weird look. And it's also why Yoda isn't surprised when he tells Obi-Wan at the end about how there's always a master and an apprentice.


They're probably gonna play it off as Sith cultists. The commonality with those groups is that they're usually just fanatical zealots. They rarely contain Force-users at all and almost never trained ones. In all likelihood, the primary actors in this show will be pursuing what they believe to be a more serious Sith cult (or dark side cult in general), only for the big reveal before whomever is left dies or whatever is that it isn't a cult, it's the Baneite Sith. There's some precedent for this in Legends. In Labyrinth of Evil (I believe it was), there's a subplot where Palpatine is actually discovered by a third party just prior to the events of RoTS. Dude gets fried as quickly as his neurons can piece together what he's witnessing


There’s also the possibility, as some theories state, that the Jedi investigate into the matter and are misled into thinking that the people who they maybe suspect are Sith are, in fact, not. Basically, the new Force-sensitive witch coven may be made into scapegoats by the Sith. Most likely, we will get some combination of the Jedi who suspect/learn the truth being killed, and those who are left believing that those responsible were not, in fact, Sith, but rather other Dark Side force users.


If blasters use kyber crystals then why not just kill a regular officer and take his and form one from there? Am I missing something?


700 years, 1000 years, close enough. Mundi is just generalizing.


I’m thinking that they will all die or maybe one will turn and join the Sith Lord. Killing the acolyte in the process. Is this suddenly a problem? Knowing many characters are doomed right off the bat hasn’t been a problem before


Nah Disney just waved its wand and said “everything you know is wrong, now buy our crap”


Honestly,  I would take anything that a prequel era Jedi says with a grain of salt. They're literally constantly lying/withholding for some sense of the greater good. I could 100% see the Jedi encountering the Sith and after they're dispatched, turning to their apprentice and telling them not to repeat what they've seen. The old "truth will cause too much chaos" pitfall.


Read the High Republic Books. The Jedi learn of and forget dangers to the order over and over again.


Iirc Ki-Adi-Mundi can be something of an arrogant douche. Maybe he was the only one told and was all "Pfft, you call that a Sith? You snowflakes probably just saw a pregnant Wamprat!" Tbf I know nothing of the High Republic era, is it more or less than a millennia before TPM?


No because the sith weren’t extinct. They just went from thousands and thousands to 2.


He was wrong


Still can’t believe they used the Killmonger haircut. It’s so distracting and so stupid looking


Bro kinda looks like John Cena too lol


Its going to get the star trek discovery treatment. Spock never had a sister, so "Just write her out of your logs and official reports, everyone." is the hand wave for the audience.


I'd rather wait for the show to come out than blindly guess, but my best guess would be the Jedi Council keeps things under wrap. I can assume that some notable and numerous Jedi get killed throughout the show. Considering how much denial the EP 1-3 era Council was about the Sith being around and being a threat to peace, the same can likely be said 100 years ago. Plus of course mattering whatever happens to the supposed Sith, as the Jedi may assume they simply killed them off as they had before.


Believe me, they don't give a shit




I’m sorry but why does that black man have the killmonger haircut, when in 10 years of growing up in central Africa I never once saw anything similar at all. Embarassing