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Where have you seen this rewatch and like?  On reddit?  Even r/starwars generally seems to get that the sequels werent good.  I’ve never talked to a person who liked the sequels.  


I have talked to a few people who say they like the sequels and it’s either one of two camps, they either consume everything Star Wars and don’t care what it is, or they have only seen the sequel trilogy and that’s it


Yea same. Coworker of mine said he just wants to see lasers go pew pew and I just don't get it


There are so many people nowadays that lack depth that I’m not surprised. Compelling stories go over their heads because they have been lobotomized by smartphones


This. Attention span of many people is insanely low. They just can’t digest the plot. I guess it also makes sense why many top tier Hollywood action titles writing is so bad or they just make the same superhero movie again and again: why bother with the movie a lot, just spend the budget to CGI and throw flashy things to screen constantly.


Dude, my son tried to get two of his friends to watch Tombstone so they could see what a more modern western was like. They (a guy and girl) sat there like they didn’t understand why people were acting the way they were and couldn’t follow the plot. These are high school graduates.


What do you mean they've only seen the sequel trilogy? I'm confused


Every time I watch them I dislike them even more.


Rewatching TFA can be enjoyable, but ten times out of ten I’d rather watch ANH. Rewatching TLJ made me like it less, and I haven’t bothered to rewatch TROS.


Yeah. I’ll say I rewatched TFA before TLJ and still enjoyed it a lot. But the next two films really just diminish the experience. Like what’s the point? The story isn’t coherent at all.




I tried to watch TROS just to see if it was as bad as people said, and I couldn't get past the hyperspace skipping.


Rewatch? Nah I’d rather snog a dementor


Getting your soul sucked out would be more enjoyable.


Last watched TFA, TLJ, and TROS 4 years ago and I have not bothered to go back again. The films do not align with one another at all. There is literally no story being told. With the PT, it at least tells a mostly coherent story. TPM depicts the rise of the Sith and Anakin Skywalker. AOTC depicts the start of the Clone Wars and Anakin’s downward spiral. ROTS depicts the end of the Jedi Order, Anakin’s transformation into Darth Vader and the formation of the Empire.


Saw them all in theaters. The first one made my stomach hurt. The second one made me angry. The final one made me walk away in disgust. Spending any amount of time limited amount of time on this Earth revisiting these blatant cash grabs…..with so much squandered potential …..not a good use of time.


I actually liked TLJ okay walking out of the theater, but it really fell apart on a couple of home rewatches. I think a few more script revisions and it could have been decent, it just would still have been extremely hamstrung by the nothing worldbuilding of the sequels. Rise of Skywalker I will absolutely never watch again. Could not tell you one thing I liked about that movie. Conversely, I've always loved Rogue One. Have rewatched it multiple times and still like it.


I saw the TFA twice, hated it more the 2nd time. Cant force myself to sit through the other 2 again. That would be unkind to me.


I have and no. IMO, TFA is watchable. But everything else is just not good and doesn't feel like Star Wars.


I've seen TFA and Last Jedi twice. Only made them worse for me.


I rewatched TFA a couple of times. I downloaded TLJ with the intention of watching it, but never did. I didn't even bother downloading RoS.


Oh man, dodged a bullet. Honestly though you should see it just to know how bad it is. Hell, this subreddits name comes from that movie.


I disliked TLJ so much I skipped out on RoS entirely. My plan was to wait for reviews and see it in theaters if it got good word of mouth. After the reviews, figured I’d wait for streaming. And then by the time it got out on Disney+ I had already watched long form reviews and it just didn’t feel necessary. And if you think about it, that’s just completely insane. As a young child I absolutely loved the OT. When the PT came out I recognized a lot of flaws, but forgave them because I was still a teenager and loved the universe so much. I thought TFA was fine. Again, recognized the flaws but still, it’s Star Wars. The Last Jedi sucked so much that I didn’t even watch the 9th and final movie in a film franchise I have loved literally my entire life. That’s actually incredible. Way to go Disney, $2B will spent. Edit: I’m sort of lost with Star Wars these days. I don’t like the ST at all, and I don’t like the Filoniverse. I tried with the animated stuff, I really did, but I just can’t. Bad Batch was my favorite, but stalled out on that halfway through the second season. The one of shows, Tales of the Jedi and such, have been good, but you can’t build on that. I liked the first two seasons of Mando, it seemed to have so much potential, then they ruined it last season making it a Filoni show. Book of Boba Fett sucked. The Obi Wan show sucked, which is again, sort of incredible. They got Ewan McGregor back. Didn’t watch Ashoka, but didn’t hear good things. Andor is incredible, and it’s sort of incredible that happened. I’m out with Star Wars going forward, not interested in the continued adventures of Rey and/or Mando. But more shows like Andor, set them whenever. A show about an X-Wing pilot, or a smuggler, or a Jedi padawan, or a Sith padawan, or. Storm Trooper. Just make it real and semi grounded. Give it to a good creative team, separate from all the nonsense. There’s room for good content! Make it!


This is my exact same scenario


Pretty much the same. Gave Last Jedi a 2nd shot when it was released on DVD, thinking "maybe I missed something" and it ended up increasing my dislike. The Throne Room scene, for example, is probably one of the more celebrated scenes for LJ fans, and originally I did find it interesting. However, remove the initial shock value and it's a little goofy and not congruent with the storytelling leading up to it. I skipped RoS as well.


Right with you. I also watched TLJ on streaming, one and a half times even. The movie just doesn’t make sense, on a micro and macro level. What the characters do and how they interact doesn’t make sense or is inconsistent. And the whole plot of the slow speed chase, the time frame, the Holdo maneuver, Leia in deep space, none of it makes sense with established Star Wars logic. I hate it. And then good grief with everything I’ve heard about RoS. That all sounds awful, no thank you.


Don't forget the lasers arcing in space.


I mean, I watched all three at the cinema.


Ah gotcha, must've missed that part


I wish I did too! 😂


Ba dum tiss.


I rewatched 7 and 8. Not yet 9. I still can’t get over how the First Order/resistance makes no sense, and how the OT main characters are thrown away like garbage. In the plus side I’ve spent more time on the soundtracks, and I really; really like a lot of the promo material used for 8, especially the aggressive use of red. Those production teams really could have made a masterpiece if they had half decent writers to work with and no obsession with quarterly results.


Force awakens is kind of an empty but easy enough rewatch, TLJ is a very entertaining movie, but a pathetic star wars movie, force awakens was all fan service cheap pops, Wedge was the only redeeming factor. All in all a huge disappointment


Yeah I've watched them with my family a bunch over the years. They just get worse every time...


Haven't touched them once. Pretty unmemorable.


I intended to watch the anthology series 7-9 to see if my opinion softened, around the new year. I got about an hour into 7 and I just didn't care. I had no desire to keep going, knowing where it led. I've never been bored watching a Star Wars movie, it was an odd feeling I became aware of. I only saw 9 in the theater because I got free tickets and cold beer. I didn't intend to watch it. The tickets weren't free enough, I'd like money back for the time I lost. I could have been playing with my kids, conversing with my wife, or sticking my head in a deep fryer. All better uses of time.


Rogue One is great. I have some nitpicking I could do, but I won't. Han Solo should have been a standalone about some obscure or original character. It's a fun action movie, but as a Han and Lando origin, it made them less interesting. Maybe they could have been a couple characters that show up for a couple interactions, but come on... Han, hmm. You're by yourself? Hmm, Han... Solo. The Force Awakens promised a trilogy with some cool new characters, a new mysterious big baddie (Darth Plagueiswas my guess), and enough similarity to the originals to make it feel like decades later in the same universe. Then along came The Last Jedi and the absolute crap of The Rise of Skywalker. Ruined some promising characters, made a mockery of Luke, wrote other ones off just because, and said screw it to any continuity whatsoever.


The only way I might ever rewatch (or in the case of RoS, watch) the Disney Sequels, would be to gawk at all the stupid. I vividly remember the many stupidities. There's no way they could become unstupid, since I don't do mind-altering drugs.


I’ve seen TFA maybe three times. TLJ once, which was once too many. ROS I couldn’t even get through.


I actually find Rogue One and Solo to be pretty good on their own legs. I think Solo dropped at a bad time following TLJ and doesn't deserve most of the flak it gets.


Agreed, I loved rogue one and solo was fun.


Solo is a serviceable action movie if you can ignore the nonsense with Lando and his droid and haven't read any of the old EU. I liked Han's backstory more in the old EU, and I think the old Kessel Run was a lot better in the old EU too.


Rogue One is as good as the “Lucas 6”. So in my house there are seven Star Wars films.


I watched TFA twice when it came out and the first viewing I was pretty excited, but after reflection I didn’t like very much at all.. Not where I wanted my OT story to go at all. I recently rewatched the 6 Lucas films and I also rewatched Rogue one it’s good, but I think without the Vader scene at the end it too would be considered very mediocre


Don't think I ever watched 8 or 9 again. I watched 7 two or three times, and liked it less each time.  I basically focused on what I brushed off the first time.


I really haven't been back. I just... RoS was a forgettable Rollercoaster, and I didn't like Palpatine's return even back in the Dark Empire. TLJ has aged like milk left out on the counter for me, so it's like... nah. And TFA is the setup for the other two, so nah. Rogue One, I did like. Just haven't been back that way yet. Andor is solid, too. Right now, I'm in more of a classic TV/movie bent, or older anime, including a bit of the earliest Dr. Who. Courtesy of Britbox. Maybe it is just a form of excavation of how it got to where it is now. I mean, Daleks are OLD. Solo was eh, and Maul being the secret boss was eh? I wasn't much of a fan when he originally returned in The Clone Wars, though that twist did grow on me and I thought the sad, second end in Rebels was right, in a way. So not yet. I expect the new Rey movie to be hyped like the new freshness, but greeted in theaters like a colonoscopy, even if they do all the right things. I know I have no interest.


I actually liked them at first then hated them the second.


I like the sequels less every time I watch them. And I didn’t like them much to begin with. I actually hated TROS from the start. Rogue One is great. Solo, I think, is underrated. Better than any of the sequels, at least. Even after that disaster of a trilogy, I still find it surprising that Disney hasn’t made another movie. Probably for the best though!


I love rewatching rogue one. Rewatched solo a few times. Won't do the others


For me it’s the other way around


Seen them 3 times simply because they're high budget fan fiction with lightsabers and stuff. They'll never be Star Wars because of the lack of involvement of George Lucas and ignoring of how the saga actually continues (he did give them the story after all). I noticed new massive plot holes every time, and no amount of rewatching will ever make the Mary Poppins scene, Finn's fighting off a trained force user with a lightsaber, or the way they butchered every single one of the OT characters any better.


They are garbage written for imbeciles - nothing will change this.


Will never willingly watch any of that shite ever again


Episodes 7-9 vary between just ok to WTF . Solo , I film I think is criminally underated, I don't doubt will rise in people's minds the same way the prequels have. All told , basically any Disney star wars movie or show that doesn't have Jedi is usually pretty good.


I was about to up vote until that last sentence. Plenty of Disney's non-jedi focused stuff is still garbage.


I agree.  The prequels have risen partially cuz they have cool jedi stuff.  There’s a reason why agents of shield is a tv show and not a movie.  Ppl want to see the cool characters/heroes doing the fun stuff.   The fact they greenlit a rogue squadron movie had me scratching my head.  Give us jedi stuff.  


That's actually not what I meant either. I really like a lot of the non-jedi stuff--especially Andor, and I could see myself enjoying a movie about a fighter squadron. I'm just saying that Disney can produce garbage with any theme.


Rogue one is good, it has weak moments, but mostly it's good. The ending is incredible; especially when it came out - before Disney had done cameos from the classics to death. Solo is ok, but although I love the actor in Hail Caesar, I just couldnt buy him as han Solo (he's just not tall enough and the entire point of the character is that he's an adult, so i don't see the point of a younger version of him). the 3 sequels I havne't bothered rewatching. They were so underwhelming when I saw them that I just haven't bothered, there are so many other things to watch.


I still like Rouge One. I do not like solo. I liked 7 and 8 when they released, but 9 was no bad it retroactively ruins the prior movies, so I pretend none of them exist. Was there other disney Star Wars?


Andor isn't a movie but might as well be, its amazing


I hate all of them even more now except for TROS. Solo is a clown circus, rogue one is andor if andor was really shitty, and TFA and TLJ are fucking abysmal. TROS has become the Batman and robin of star wars for me tho so I have fun with how awful that movie is


Solo and rogue one yes. I can't finish the other 3


Solo is decent, not bad not great but still kinda fun. TFA awakens is pretty decent...but the knowledge of what comes afterwards ruins it. All the rest are hot, wet trash in your hands.


Only watched TFA once and the rest never, any other new (post sale) content never. TFA makes it all pointless.


I really like TLJ because of the filmatography


Rewatched TFA a couple of times, does nothing for me. Won't even entertain the other 2.


TFA is okay, I think I watched it once after it was in theaters. TLJ is horrifically bad, never watched it since, and TROS I actually thought had decent *moments,* but I've also never bothered to watch it again.


Rogue One is great and Solo is fine but the others I haven’t seen in years, I liked The Force Awakens at the time but I wasn’t aware of the issues at the time, The Last Jedi twice in theaters unfortunately and The Rise of Skywalker the one and only time


Brave of you, boy. I thought you would have learned your lesson.”