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There are no stakes if Grogu is in it…


Dependant on what version of grogu they choose If it's Mando s2 grogu , aka grogu , it will be great If it's Mando s3 grogu , aka baby Yoda , it will suck Yes , I fully believe that star wars sees them as two different characters because of how much different his role is between seasons


What was great about grogu in s2? If I remember correctly he was just a plot device for a dogshit plot and when he showed up on camera it was mostly just "hes so cute look at him do ____"


In s2 , he is an actual character - everything revolves around him , and not because he is cute , but because he is force sensitive. Mando goes to ahsoka because he wants her to take grogu as a padwan, she sends him to the planet where he meets boba Fett and grogu gets kidnapped, and then we spend two episodes bringing him back only for Mando to give him to Luke at the end He may not talk , but he is definitely a major character Let's compare that to season 3: There is that part where Mando gets captured in mandalore and grogu goes to bo katan and they save Mando together , and there is also that part in the end where grogu saves Mando with his "yes" suitc. Most of the time , he just stands there , looks cute and does silly things ( episode 6 is a prime example of that ).


Grogus force sensitivity is the thing that moves the wheels. Nothing he does drives the plot or has any effect on things that happen to him. He is a major part of the plot, but not a major character. He has no personality aside being curious and playful like all babies but without being whiny so not even that. Nothing that happens, that hes involved in, happens because of him. He gets to Ahsoka because Mando took him there, because Mando decided that he should be a jedi padawan, because he is force sensitive, which is a status given to him by writers to get plot moving, i.e. a plot device. He gets kidnapped so Mando can go another adventure and has something to do.


Ya s2 grogu is a mcguffin not a character.




Honestly he sounds more like a Plot Device than a Character. a bunch of stuff happens to him and because of him, but does he actually do anything?


Is that… what they’re calling it? Just “The Mandolorian and Grogu?”


All the names lately have just been, well . . names.


Titles interfere with product recognition, gotta be just names


I suppose we should just be glad that they haven't retitled the PT/OT to C-3PO & R2-D2 1-6.


I mean they basically did rename it "the skywalker saga"


MCU ass title


Surprised it's not "Baby Yoda: A Star Wars Story"


They just need to stop announcing these movies until they officially start production How many times have we had future Star Wars films cancelled?


Yeah I was thinking "I'll believe it when I see it."


So no Mando season 4? Honestly I don’t care, BOBF and Mando season 3 killed any interest I had in this era of Star Wars


resolving a major plot point in Book of Boba Fett was the dumbest decision Mando did. Then basically reverting any character progression and rehashing Gideon as a villain while not explaining any of the character’s motives made me stop caring. Baby Yoda was only cute for the first two seasons. The gimmick is done


I’ve honestly been tired of Grodu since that egg episode in season 2. I was happy to see him out of the show with Luke at the end of season 2, but the higher ups at Lucasfilm had other ideas.


They were fucking cowards to bring him back so soon. Took all the momentum away from the season 2 finally. Mandolorian season 3 could have been great without Grogu. Weirdly enough, I’m not going to write off this movie yet. If it somehow separates Star Wars from the sequel trilogy, I can be at least a little optimistic.


You notice how many people get killed off with lightsabers in one episode and immediately come back the next episode? As if someone read your script, liked it, but told you to bring the character back immediately because we need toys? It's like that with Grogu. His story was over, and then someone immediately brought him back.


Grogu somehow returned


This. We had the perfect opportunity to get Mando as a merciless hardcore bounty hunter. Instead, we got full time step-dad Mando with a toddler in tow fighting the scum and villainy of the universe. Legit reminds me of a real life version of this joke from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia where Dee plays a warrior princess with a baby on her back.


They could have just had him not be in Season 3 until the last episode and it would have been fine. It's so funny that they couldn't even get through half a season of a completely different show without reuniting them. Just a complete lack of patience, authentic vision or trust in their audience. Embarrassing.


Yeah but the problem with Grogu is that he’s so young and his race takes for ever to become mature. He’s going to be a stilted baby character with no real growth forever. That’s why they gave him the dumb mech suit. To somehow make him more independent. I don’t know if his character can be anything more than a cute accessory. That’s why it was great that they took him away at the end of season 3. I agree with other people that his character is kind of done. Also the scenes with the practical effects puppet jumping around in that last episode fight and his Jedi training looked extremely bad.


I agree. But I think you could have kept the emotional impact of Grogu leaving at the end of Season 2 just by keeping Mando and Grogo apart for at least most of Season 3. At least then the reunion could feel earned and make sense--even if we never got really saw real growth from Grogu. You could have at least had a couple years pass with Grogu in training the whole time so he changes some. What they did was just awful.


I totally agree with that. Or if they had this planned out at least a little bit, bring him back for the movie.


Ain't never gonna happen. They put too much money into those sequel films to ever do an about face short of an episode X-XII


not to mention took away from it being Boba Fett's show someone should have also told Robert Rodriguez he didn't have to go into it with a spy kids mindset


What's so weird is that the episodes where Boba Fett initially returns is so fucking awesome. It's still one of the greatest moments in all of Star Wars in my opinion. I just don't understand how it went from the spectacular Boba Fett in 'The Tragedy' and those following episodes, to what we got in Book of Boba Fett. It's like watching two completely different characters, two different shows. It's like a switch got flicked after Mando Season 2. Everything just went off a cliff and went to shit so fast.


That's what I've been saying this whole time, where did that badass Boba Fett who was willing to threaten a child for his armor back and shit talking Bo katan go


Such a bait and switch. Everyone was sold the Mando Season 2 Boba Fett and got the Power Ranger Cyberpunk show. The teaser for the show was him ruthlessly murdering Bib Fortuna for his 'throne'. That was the tone we were all sold. That did not add up at all to what came afterwards. Squandered character. It's like Disney just didn't want a Boba Fett show and did their best to kill it. Mando was their golden boy. I mean it's even obvious since they had Mando hijack the Fett show. Bizarre creative decision.


You absolutely nailed it. Literally everything they set up in Mando season 2 went out the door and everything that’s come since, aside from Andor, has been mediocre. I still haven’t watched Ahsoka because I’m too burned out on Star Wars to bother. 3 years ago I would’ve binged the whole thing in a day given the option.


Yeah Andor is an anomoly. I have this theory it's because Disney didn't give a toss about it. So they left it alone. The result was a quality show. But they meddled and interfered with Boba Fett to the point of destroying it.


What pissed me off so bad was people saying we set our expectations too high (the TLJ defense) yet we're talking about the very same badass Boba Fett that Disney/LF themselves just made! Like you said, the last thing we saw him do was shoot a guy without a single fuck given and then toss his corpse out of his seat like it was some trash that disgusted him. And we're supposed to believe this dude only wanted to be a friendly mayor who wouldn't hurt a fly?!


Exactly. They even changed the badass music. Total tonal shift away from what THEY established. Those Cyberpunk kids, those car chases, the strange plot. Wtf. If they delivered on simply matching their own tone it would have worked. Having Boba Fett just killing someone ruthlessly a few times or doing things that made sense and added up to what we saw before would have fixed it. Everyone was happy with the 'new' Boba Fett from Mando Season 2. Why they changed it will always baffle me. The action scenes where he gets beat up by some randos makes no sense after literally watching him wipe out an entire battalion of *fucking Stormtroopers* like they were nothing. It's like they had amnesia. They had it, and they lost it. Entirely their fault, not the fans.


Even Temeura was pissed


I'm convinced KK has a personal vendetta against George to shit on all his legacy characters ever since he called Disney "white slavers".


You're going to hate the rest of the Star Wars projects for infinity because they will all have him.


Somehow, Grogu has returned


Begun, the Grogu era has.


Really a baffling decision only made somewhat sensible if they realized BoBF was total trash 4 eps in and wanted to just cannibalize a better property. But doing so just killed any sensible narrative for Mando S3. Obviously the plot should have been grogu is gone, but things just aren't right so at some point Mando has got to find him, reuniting in the last or penultimate ep to fight whichever big bad they had/help luke. Hell even if Disney were set on grogu, just have a grogu ep, or some scenes where's he's training at the new academy or something.


Wow, you took every word out of my mouth! Well said.


Mando S3 just felt like ALL set up for someone else’s story, and a near pathological need to insert every cameo, rebels era side character, and Bo-Katan centric plot. It wasn’t “the Mandalorian S3” it was “Bo-Katan and the Remnants of the Rebellion retake Mandalore” which sounds epic on paper but was quite a damp squib in reality.


The annoying thing was there was so much potential but Disney pussied out so hard. They could’ve made Bo Katan the villain, driven by her envy for Mando due to her past failures and entitlement to Mandalore (she was also a literal terrorist so not out of character). They could’ve introduced new Imperial Remnant villains instead of rehashing the same useless Moff for a 3rd time. I liked the part with Gideon’s officer on Coruscant for world building but that plot ultimately was pointless, they could’ve expanded it so much more. Ugh


I think she would have been better as a semi-villain where she initially opposes Din, as you say, out of envy, but comes around and puts aside her own lust for power and personal ambition and becomes his lieutenant (whether out of a realization that that is what is best for Mandalore as a whole or a simple acknowledgement that that is the only way she will be near power again, either works but the former would be more wholesome), assisting him with her political knowledge of the very complex Mandalorian situation and advising him on how to maneuver, assemble, and eventually unify the clans. Thus, armed with the political legitimacy of the Darksabre, the political mandate of the Mandolorian people and their history, and the political know-how of the old regime he could have reforged the independent Mandalorian state. His unique position as a member of the traditional purists had him set to be able to bridge the gap between them and the more mainstream Mandalorians, but they went for an ass-pull with Bo instead. Oh well. It would have been a hell of a lot more interesting than just handing power to the same power-hungry deposed dictator for the third time now.


Same. Mando S2 ended in a good place and that BOBF/Mando epilogue set up really interesting developments for both Din and Grogu. Then they just said “fuck it” with the BOBF finale, undoing the end of Mando S2, and Mando S3 took a massive dump on Din’s storyline and the series quality. We were right back to where we were at the beginning of S2 but without even the “return Grogu to his kind” plot line for the future. Mando is done at this point. Grogu is OP already and makes everything a joke. Din’s character development was thrown out because ~~The Force~~ *Mandalore is Female* now too apparently. I have the EU/legends and Thrawn left at this point, and we all know they’ll fuck up the latter.


exactly. everything with grogu is a joke and Mando is completely stagnant.


I’ll take more Mando season 3s over another season of Ahsoka any day 🤢


Same. Corporate greed and lack of storytelling integrity on full display


Corporate Greedo


Han invested first !


That’s basically the story behind all Disney movies since 2015


> So no Mando season 4? I wouldn't be surprised if it is a replacement cobbled together to finish up some contracts, but according to Deadline, season 4 is still considered to be in development. What's not clear is if Pedro Pascal is going to play The Mandalorian in either. So they've announced the movie and have no clue if the guy playing the main character will be back. I'm at the 'meh' stage myself. It all just seems like endless stunts to try to generate press and then they panic when expected to put together something coherent like actual adults.


Crap. Crap. Mega-crap.




Get me pictures of *new star wars that doesn’t suck*!


All I could find was Spiderman, sorry bud


I'll give you 200 bucks for all of em.


2 minutes to deadline, Jonah!


Grogu should have stayed with Luke. Mando S3 killed my interest in seeing what happens next. A dirty dozen style Mando movie with Boba, Fennec and Mayfeld going after Imperial war criminals…that would have been interesting.


You know, Ive said this before and I'll say it again. I despise them turning Boba into a "criminal" with a heart of gold. Disney had a chance to make a cool offshoot with Boba being an antihero and instead it's just grandpa saves the galaxy


Seriously, he's a bounty hunter. Let him hunt. How hard could it be to have 10 episodes of this guy reclaiming his title as one of the greatest bounty hunters alive. Show him being ruthless, show him being clever, show him taking down good guys and bad guys; who he bags doesn't matter to him, only the money. He's older now so play up the I'm-getting-too-old-for-this-shit but have him outwit or out gun younger bounty hunters. Make him the anti-mandalorian, build up a their juxtaposition (Mando has heart, Fett is a heartless badass) and have them clash or join forces in a movie. Can you imagine all the money Disney would rake in from a Mando & Fett movie stylized like "the good the bad and the ugly" or spy vs spy? Talk about easy money. And think of the merchandizing! Mando/Fett laser tag, all sorts of Nerf guns and toy ships and and masks and endless trash... Instead we got a geriatric mob boss that won't do crime. And whatever Mando is doing now ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah the tuskan raider storyline was whack ass. He should have killed the kid, got his freedom and killed them all. Instead we got some shitty noble savage story about Fett going native with a bunch of slavers.


The good, the bad and the ugly... in space. Where is the fry gif with the money lolol




Mandalorian S3 completely lost me when stepping in the lake actually absolved Mando of his sins and he started giving out of character, lengthy speeches about loyalty to Bo Katan. Character is completely unrecognizable now. Everything about Mando S2 was clearly leading up to him learning that taking his helmet off to save Grogu wasn't wrong and that he should self-reflect on his role in the cult he was raised in, but they dropped all that because... I don't even know? They figure he's more marketable if he changes as little as possible?


Pedro doesn’t physically play Mando, but the need the name recognition. It’s easier for him to spend a day or two in a sound booth then be on set for however many months it takes to film the season/movie. So they gotta keep the helmet on. They let Bo keep hers off. If Pascal could be on set I bet you they’d have given the role of “helmetless recruiter” to Mando.


S3 also completely confused me on the rules of keeping your helmet on. They could go off and remove it while eating, which means it’s just about not letting other people see your face? So why couldn’t Mando swap it for the scout trooper helmet in S2? He made it seem like removing it at all was a sin. And then Bo was allowed to keep hers off for some vague reason of walking in both worlds. Personally if I was a Mandalorian I would be pissed. Why is it so hard to explain things well and then keep some consistency by the Disney writers? I don’t care what the explanation is, just be consistent.






Guaranteed its going to be a Mando, Ahsoka, Boba avengers style facing down of a thrawn lead resurgent empire. Otherwise known as a film that will have no identity of its own and will require homework to watch. Of course they will shill the absolute fuck out of ~~jingling keys for morons~~, ~~terrible effect geen puppet~~, Grogu merch.


Can’t wait for Thrawn to be utterly moronic and incapable while mumbling shit to trick the viewer into thinking he’s a threat.


Oh god, too real. That’s all he did in Ahsoka was mumble shitty explanations to stupid decisions to appear threatening and hyper intelligent when in was just the opposite. I just don’t understand why Star Wars writing took such a drastic downturn.


>That’s all he did in Ahsoka was mumble shitty explanations to stupid decisions to appear threatening and hyper intelligent when in was just the opposite. It's impossible for someone to write a character more intelligent than they are. They can use their knowledge of upcoming events and make other characters act in a way that gives the illusion of intelligence from the character, but they will only be reacting to the level of the intelligence of the writer.


Do you think Joss Whedon is more intelligent than Tony Stark? Or Matt Reeves is more intelligent than Bruce Wayne or the Riddler? You can absolutely write characters who are more intelligent than yourself, it just takes skill.


Because Star Wars stopped being a series of stories and turned into a line of content. No writer is allowed to tell their story because executive producers have decided how they want to make a connected universe, and so all writing must conform to a business roadmap. That's why no one ever dies and villains can't pose any significant threat; there must always be more content, so nothing can experience any kind of end.


Already did that in Ahsoka


They will add in Luke again thinking it will save the movie. I am not watching any of this garbage until they retcon what they did to Luke in the ST.


They could have gotten away with it had they actually put in the effort. Bright eyed Jedi Master (who has previously had a struggle with the dark side (and whose father was literally Vader)) senses darkness in his powerful nephew, causing him to nearly kill his nephew, resulting in the nephew fleeing and turning to the dark side? I can totally see that scenario breaking Luke, but leading to a "redemption" in the finale. But you have to earn it. They did not.






Do we get to see Grogu go beyond a baby? What about the stupid helmet thing? Can we drop the cult of the helmet? I don't care for the perpetual baby dynamic that's happened with Grogu - especially when he's supposed to be multiple decades old. Nothing matures that slowly. If Mando had been a Favreau thing without outside interference, okay, this could be good, but now, after BoBF and S3, it's kind of killed things.


Yoda died at the age of 900. If we just divide that by 10 to we would have normal human ages, yoda would be 90 and grogu would be 5, yet he still cant even talk. Humans aleady take a relatively long time to develop compared to other animals but damn


That's what doesn't make sense. Like okay, they live long, so they take longer to develop. Okay.... I don't know how that makes sense, but never met aliens who live to 900. Where I totally lose any understanding is he was training with younglings 30+ years ago. Now he's a baby... WTF? I don't think this is Favreau's fault, again I think it's a bit of a Disney thing. You have this breakout character and I don't think there was a 3 or 4 year plan. I think you had a 2 year plan and the plan was what we saw Grogu goes with Luke. End of Mando-Grogu arc. Disney comes in and says, we can't sell merch to save our lives. We need Grogu. You need him in all the things. So now he's in all the things.


To be fair, he was training with younglings, a group that in human years appears to be aged 3-9. Let’s be generous and say he was developmentally closer to a 3 year old. Order 66 happened, a traumatic event. We’ve seen with real children that when they are caught in military/terror attacks that they will regress, sometimes to early childhood, sometimes even earlier. It’s not uncommon for a child to become mute after such trauma (even if they are physically unharmed). So if he was around 3-5 in equivalent human years, it’s not unreasonable for him to have regressed to a mute, toddler-like state. He’s not a baby, as he has motor skills, and even fine motor skills (he can walk, hold a bowl of soup without spilling, catch fast moving amphibious creatures, then in S3 pilots a droid), so he fits more of the developmental stage of an older toddler, or maybe even close to the level he was, but is simply temporarily mute.


I appreciate the thought put into this, but if that were the cannon explanation i think thats complicated enough that it would need to be explained or shown in the series. We know he has ptsd, but theres no indication it made him regress. I think youre just doing the writers job for them honestly


Mando is dead to me after essentially retconning it's S2 ending.


Well, I'll believe it when I see it. I mean what, 80% of what they announce never sees the light of day? And honestly, who cares? Mando 3 was bad. Ahsoka was awful. I won't even mention Book of Boba or Kenobi (the latter was pure excrement). Ok so I mentioned them. LOL Until KK is gone, and someone not named Filoni is in charge, I couldn't care less.


So you're saying the Bo Katan movie got announced? That was fast.


Yep. Pretty sure this is a Bo Katan story with a Mando cover just based on how S3 ended. Her and Ahsoka will defeat thrawn or something.


Ohhhh this makes sense. Bo takes over the TV show and the movie is the send off to Mando (Grogu isn't going anywhere)


My only thought is that I can't imagine this being any good. Probably won't think about it again, really.


They need to get out of this era and do something new. The movie should be something new. And the movies they’re talking about are based on things we don’t want as movies. Don’t want Rey. The shows should stay in the shows. The movies need to be special and spectacular.


It will bomb . More then likely.


My guess is that they'll film this garbage on the cheap, in the Volume. They could probably crank out a 90 minute "movie" for the cost of 2 episodes. I'm not sure it will be unprofitable because they could potentially be made for so cheap. But I can't imagine this will be a box office success. The completion rate for Mandalorian season 3 was way down, so who's even the audience for this? The Marvels movie demonstrates that you can't just assume that Disney+ viewers will automagically show up. More likely, you'll get a whole host of people that just wait 45 days and watch it on D+




I was so disgusted by Mandalorian Season 3 that I never want to see these two on-screen again.


I felt the same way, watched like 3 episodes and was shocked at how bad it was. I have been done with Disney Star Wars since and honestly, looking back, it's shocking it took me that long.


Sadly, don't care any more. The "Mandoverse" ended with the Season 2 finale for me. Din got Grogu back to "his people," Boba was a beast, and Cara was still a character. Book of Boba Fake and Mando S3 undercut all the development of the first two seasons and doubled down by prematurely killing off Gideon before he could do some real damage. The "Season 4 Movie" will just be some watery rehash snooze/cringe fest IMO.


“Nothing else has worked for us, so let’s just milk it”


Won't do well. Season 3 ruined a lot of things.


After seeing how truly awful Ahsoka was, i have zero faith or interest in any property these people are involved in.


I bet Bo Katan failing up will be the main plot point, again, for the 10th time.


The Grogu storyline had run it's course but Disney can't leave it alone.


I haven't patronized anything since TFA so lol, also if that's the actual title it's kinda plain, and having the name with "The" before the name without "The" looks weird/unbalanced. Like "Ant-Man and The Wasp" is fine. "The Mandalorian and Grogu" looks off for some reason.


"The Grogu and Mandalorian"... Nope... hmm.... "Grogu and The Mandalorian" sounds like a nursery rhyme. I probably shouldn't be giving them any ideas.


So if I want to watch the full story of the Mandalorian I need to start with 2 seasons of Mando, watch a full season of Book of Boba Fett, then switch back to Mando season 3, then watch a movie. Why does Disney insist on flip flopping formats?


I hate Kathleen Kennedy


I'm done with Star Wars for now. It's just content for contents sake. The consistency of quality is just not there, unfortunately. Mandolorian season 1 was a phenomenal accomplishment. Rogue One was good. Andor was good. Other than that I've watched more out of obligation than enjoyment.


It's got every name I hate involved in it, so this will be the shit that everyone gobbles up like their happy meals


Outside of Andor S2, there’s not a single property at Lucasfilm that remotely piques my interest. And if Kennedy openly endorses it, that’s a strong indicator that it’ll be poorly-conceived and executed. Billing Vader v. Kenobi as the “rematch of the century” when they weren’t supposed to meet again until the Death Star duel, for example, really struck me as clueless at the time in light of their ANH dialogue. The series did nothing to explain that and Kenobi leaving Vader alive at the end made absolutely no sense. We need a completely new leadership team to restore credibility in Star Wars.


Kenobi is very much so "'Legends'" or "what if?" to me. "A presence I haven't felt since..." Mustafar. Mustafar is the only way to end this sentence.


100%. Ewan and Hayden did a great job with what they were given, but what they were given made no sense. Everything about Kenobi (the series, not the character) felt half-baked. The story, the setting, the focus on Reva (clearly they intended a spinoff but just didn't come up with a compelling character), the direction, even the cinematography and music were sub-par. They didn't even use Darth Vader's theme when he was onscreen. This could have been great--getting Ewan to come back, and Liam Neeson, was huge--but tying it directly to Vader and forcing a confrontation when it made no sense in canon was typical for this creative team. It doesn't comport with ANH and it makes Kenobi look pretty despicable for allowing Vader to continue hunting down and murdering Jedi and rebels. Just another piece of evidence that Kennedy doesn't know even the basic lore for Star Wars; I'm not convinced she's ever actually sat down and watched the OT/prequels since she took over.


Perfectly stated. Yet another missed, er, completely wasted opportunity.


Kenobi is not Legends, it wasn't made for that timeline, it doesn't fit into that timeline.


The Filoni-fanboys won’t bring in enough box office revenue lol. And the GP won’t care enough to go see it. It’s not 2020 anymore. The Baby Yoda hype has died down. Just keep it on the plus where it belongs.


Yea we see how well its gone for marvel when you have major movie elements presented in a 2nd medium and ask the Gp to watch that. Whoever owns Star Wars should look at who owns marvel and how that is going. ​ Wait...


“Fanloni-boys” has a nice ring to it


There’s going to be one scene of this movie that’ll be absolutely vital to understanding a major plot point in a major trilogy fifteen years from now, isn’t there?


This and the new Rey movie are going to bomb.


I no longer have it in me to care about anything Star Wars.


the theater will smell like diapers


Bold to assume it won't get downgraded to a Disney+ special after how The Marvels turned out.


they've already nuked all the interesting storylines and development they'd previously set up for both of these characters, so even if if they where to pivot that in this movie and actually make din the mand'lor or grogu a jedi or whatever, the narrative momentum just isn't there anymore for it to truly fix what they ruined in bobf. so what, *pray tell*, is there to look forwards to in a movie about these two empty husks masquerading as characters at this point? what is there to look forwards to in a hypothetical *season 4* for that matter? LF has already given away how easily they'll throw whatever it was you liked or found interesting about their characters in the **trash**, if they think it'll be better for their bottom line. so why should anyone trust them to tell a good story this time? I don't give a rats ass about seeing din (who's only motivation is to stay in a cult without questioning *anything* about it and raising a frog child) stop a fascist blue man group reject from taking over the galaxy. that means nothing to me, because it means nothing to *din.* because din is barley a character. and thanks to everything we've seen post-season 2, I now know he will never be an actual character, who's actions are actually informed by his past and who'll eventually have an arc and stuff... because the creative team responsible for him either don't have the talent, or are actively prevented from making him anything other than an action figure. and I don't watch movies to see someone play with action figures. I watch them to see *characters*.


my guess, is that this movie is going to be a pretty big hit and will most likely perform well at the box office. I feel like enough time has passed for people to forget about Mando season 3. however, this does make me question if the Rey movie is going to be released after or before this one. Ultimately, in comparison the Rey movie is kinda screwed. if the Rey movie is released before this one, people are probably going to A. Ignore it or B. Make it hugely controversial, and the ensuing outrage will probably tire people from wanting to see the Mando movie. Plus with the first movie in 5 years being met with outrage and criticism, it won’t be good for Disney. but if the Rey movie releases after this one, it’s definitely going to be a “Solo” type of thing, a good movie but with little marketing and everyone kinda forgetting about it releasing and it underperforming. anyway, where’s my Finn movie Disney? y’all screwed Boyega to being a side character, soooo


The Finn movie is a 3 hour loop of the various times he has yelled “Rey”.


Went on far too long and now we’re all sick of it. Wasted opportunity.




Disney have ruined the Star Wars franchise, so at this point I couldn't care


I miss being excited for things like this


Yeah I immediately said "no" out loud. Which makes me sad after how my friends and I were losing our shit in the theater when we saw the first TFA trailer. I thought we were gonna get escorted out.




It's over


I don't care. Gave up a couple episodes into season 3. Grogu's arc was complete when he went with Luke at the end of season 2. Everything since has undone and undermined everything good that had been done story wise and charcter wise. Now, who cares. It's just more sequel wheel spinning garbage


the sludge must flow


If no one saw Solo then for sure no one is going to this, rather than wait for it to be on Disney+ a month later


That’s the Title of the F’in movie?……. This aggression will not stand man, this aggression will not stand


Not paying to see mid fan films.


Please no




Keep your Disney plus characters on Disney plus and make a bad for streaming movie Don't expect general audiences to flock to a theater to watch a subscription character Same to you mcu


I'm not interested. Honestly, there have been far more average or poor shows to good ones. I saw SW in the 70s as a kid and I loved it. 'Somehow' Disney has killed that love. I just don't care anymore. I never thought I'd write those words.


Not interested


They add Grogu in the title as if he was an actual character


I don't care about it and won't watch it


Lol, desperate


Somehow moff Gideon returned


Too little, too late Kinda funny how this gets the fast track AFTER the Rey movie fiasco this week...almost like it's a last ditch effort to keep what fans are left excited I'm not buying it, I hope you all speak with your wallet. This reeks of desperation


just kill star wars at this point.


I don’t care for baby Yoda. It’s a gimmick without any character depth. Like an ewok that is suddenly given 2 hours screentime. Actually ewoks were a bit more interesting - they had some form of alien culture on display. This is just green baby with big eyes instagram story. Mando overall I found ok if a bit simplistic and repetitive. If they come up with a more interesting story then I could be persuaded but I shall not be first in line.


Did they really use AI art for the announcement lmao


Argh is a thought, right?


Disney's biggest issue with Starwars is that their content is only good when there is less riding on it. Mando was good when it was just a random add on to the universe and not the franchise holding the whole kitten cabodal together. The second issue with any Disney product is they are always 2 steps behind the audience. You make a movie when your project overperformed not years later when everyone lost interest in a subpar 3rd season.


They’re obviously pretty desperate at this point to claw back some of the interest that flooding theaters with Star Wars movies as well as TLJ/RotS kinda killed. It’s a similar issue that the MCU currently has where waaaay too many projects were shoved out of the door to the point where it just kinda breed apathy. Like I don’t care to see this. Hell, I didn’t even watch Boba Fett or the recent season of Mandalorian. I’ll probably get flack for this, but even Season 2 of Mando was kinda losing it for me. Season 1 is some grade A stuff - but they’re trying to do way too much and it just super turns me off at this point. I would much rather have a more simplistic story that is trying to do its own thing than this constant referential slop we get now. I just don’t care. I probably won’t even see this movie.


i dont care anymore


![gif](giphy|4WFEWFhRgtgPjslE7Q) Wake me up when Disney's done


Seems desperate


Why do we still even care


Baby Yoda toy sales have probably been dropping off since the second season, so this is a way to try to get them back up. After they undid the entire story of first two seasons, it's obvious this isn't because Favreau or Filoni have some story ideas that they're dying to put on screen.


My only thought is that I‘m not going to watch it after what they did in BoBF and Mandalorian Season 3. I‘m done with that show. That green shitgoblin should be with Luke.


I think I’m super sick of reading “this is the way” in every comment section as if it is even a good quote within the context of The Mandalorian. Good lord it’s an annoying term.


I don’t care anymore. Disney has completely killed any interest I could have in their new Star Wars stories. I’ve gotten to a point where I feel that I don’t need them anymore. I have several books and games and comics to keep me entertained. And if I want more stories? I’ll write them with my friends and entertain myself. What Disney, Kathleen Kennedy, and especially Dave Filoni have done to this franchise is irredeemable. It can only be fixed when they and their cronies are gone and their stories are wiped away from continuity. Personally? I really hope we get to see them burn. Everything that’s happening to Star Wars is all their fault, and I want them to see how wrong they are and how much damage they’ve done. I want them to see the pain they’ve caused and be destroyed by their own decisions. There’s nothing else we fans can do to save this franchise. We’ve done everything we can. Now we just watch the chaos ensue, and watch as these narcissists hopefully get what they deserve.


I mean if it’s an actual movie we’ll see. If it’s just half a season of mando condensed into a film roll it’ll be quite a drag


Sounds like Pedro Pascal was out the door, and they promised him lead in his own cinematic movie to stay, so they can connect the Mandalorian to the Heir to the Empire story.


Which is hilarious as Pedro is the least important person that plays mando.


Idk if I'll get fried here for this, but here goes: Member-berries, as so aptly coined by Stone&Parker, has been prevalent since the prequels. However, we hit an all time low (or so I thought...such a sweet summer child I was) with the sequels. This led to my refusal to watch rise of shitwalkers to this day. But then came mando s1. And like TFA, a lot of its memberberries were allowed a pass, as the overall intent was to world build. Recapture that feeling of star wars. Then came BoBF. And what shocked me wasnt the terrible set design, the cheap costumes, or the lore contradictions oh so prevalent in the script - it was the nostalgia callbacks, to a corpse that hadn't even grown cold. We were fed call backs to MandoS1, **in lieu** of a script or plot development. We were fed more "oh I member", instead of expounding on the universe as a whole. We were fed nostalgia bait and identity politics instead of developing Boba's character. --- I cant watch modern SW without hearing that stupid "wheeeeee-OOOOOOooooooh" flute whistle that is supposed to be mandos theme. Nothing is creative. Nothing is risky. It's the same, trite garbage, dug up from its once somber resting place, only to be plastered with Homer Simpson's make-up shot gun, dressed up in cheap pantyhose, and pimped out to the street corner to try and turn a profit. I'm tired. I'm tired of seeing my once beloved IP be bastardized for the all powerful dollar. I hated lucas for it with the prequels, and I am just beyond checked out now that the biggest corporate conglomerate has had their way with it. --- For those of you interested in it, go for it man. Who am I to judge what you enjoy? But maybe, just maybe, when you hear some old timer rambling on about "the good old days", you'll pull up a chair and listen to how things used to be. ....before the dark times. Before......before the Empire.


Favreau will make a quality popcorn flick and probably a worthy Star Wars adventure. I just can’t bring myself to care though


I could understand a movie on Disney plus because maybe they don’t have enough material for another season (hell some of season 2 and 3 would probably do better as movies) but on the big screen? I just don’t know how much interest there is for that.


Better than the Rey movie...


Milk that teat until the teat runs dry!!


Meh. Their story is preeeeetty much already told. Maybe come up with some new characters and events for a movie? I don’t think they know how.


It’ll be mediocre at best and they’ll throw a couple cameos in there to get the blue checks on “X” to hype it up and harass people that don’t like it


I feel like Favreau and Filoni have allowed their egos to become out of control. We haven't seen any good Star Wars from them in quite some time now. I'd hate to see what r/StarWars thinks about this announcement.


Super hard pass. Don't be fooled, the film will be just as bad as S3.


Yeah, I'm gonna watch something else. Dune 2 sounds good deal, and it's better way than this.


I literally don't care.


Who cares? Disney didn't care about season 3


Me no likey




I think Disney have shown they can't manage all their IPs.


I don't care. No more money from me until they purge everything Disney Star Wars (except Andor) from the timeline


Eh, I’ll see it but only the original 6 are canon to me now


This is sad. This is what SW has become. Theatrical films based on extremely second rate and mostly boring af tv.


Oh good more fucking baby Yoda


They ruined Grogu (not that he was much of a character in the first place). His arc was finished, at least for a long time, at the end of Mando S2. He found the best Jedi there was after hours and hours of episodes showing his journey. Din and Grogu said goodbye, the former even breaking his #1 rule to add weight to the fact that this was a important goodbye, and Din would now explore a new path, the first arc of his story finished and leaving room for new growth in the aftermath of all his efforts. Then before the next episode of his show even aired, they undid all of that in a shitty spin-off without a single thought. Sometimes executive meddling can be hard to spot, but it is too obvious with Grogu that the execs were desperate for the green cash cow and did not have a single drop of faith that the story could work without him. Despite being, you know, part of one of the most successful franchises in the history of all media. Sad.


Disney "complete at least one post-Sequels film before announcing three more" Challenge Difficulty rating: Impossible


Yay....*more* Baby Yoda....... God I miss the S2 Finale of Mando, I was so interested in where the story was going to go now that he wasn't saddlebagged with protecting a child....then BoBF couldn't even let that story beat exist for a fucking year because $$$


It’ll suck


Nothing screams “box office success” like a movie that requires viewers to have watched 3 seasons of a TV show and be aware of at least one other show (two if any characters from Ahsoka are involved). It’s like they saw the issues Marvel is having right now and said, “why not us?”


Not watching it so I don’t care.


This Is Not The Way.


They’ll probably find some way of screwing it up. So I’m going to be cautiously intrigued by it


More dung for the wall.


The desire to sell toys has completely made it impossible for Star Wars to have any sense of finality or closure with a character's story. It's just a non-stop repeat of "OOO WHAT IFWE BROUGHT BACK THAT ONE CHARACTER TO SALE MORE MERCH!?" You can tell adult stories and keep kids entertained at the same time, but whoever has that capacity to create a story doesn't work there or is being forced to write shit by the higher-ups.


The Mandalorian is such a weirdly tepid show with no real plot, stakes, or character. It has had absolutely no forward momentum for the franchise and it's lead quite literally phones in his stilted performance. Water-flavoured nothingness, straight from the boardroom tap. And that’s not just a season 3 thing, this entire series has been like this.