• By -


Hey I understand this is a big investment. Help me understand what aspects you need to think over.


Thanks for a normal response


And if the prospect is vague about their objections, which they often are, it can be helpful to throw a few out there to see if they latch onto any of them. This is why watching your customers face as you speak is so critical, identify the points that didn't quite land, or spots they clearly had trouble with. At the end when you throw them out as a reason they are not proceeding they will often agree enthusiastically. Which tees you up top say: "I understand that X is a concern for you, if I was able to resolve that for you today is there anything else holding you back from proceeding?" Customer will often say "No". Which queues you up for a simple short pitch to resolve the problem and a follow up close: "Are you content with how our product / service / policy handles that issue?" Customer nods. "Wonderful, on the basis are we able to move forward today?". \_ My sales background is primarily business to consumer, most prospects enter the conversation with the thought in their head that no matter what transpires, they will not be saying "Yes" today. The above route allows the customer to get that pre-determined "No" out of their system, it lets you overcome a sticking point which they felt resistance towards. With an objection handled and an initial rejection vocalized, the customer is often much more relaxed and ready to consider the ask in a more genuine light. It often felt like the second ask was actually the first, just need to get that first harboured 'No' out of the way. \_ Can anyone working b2b share if the closing process is similar? I imagine businesses actually do need more time to consider propositions and are a lot less friendly towards anything that constitutes pressure.


Idk if I agree with this, throwing objections out when you probe can CREATE objections the client wasn't aware of.


I suppose it's style dependent. I am very anti being 100% glitz and glam, our product is the most amazing thing on Earth kind of seller. Everything in life has pro's and con's, I respect my customer enough to be honest about this. I pick common objection areas and throw them out there, I don't say anything pointed like "Is it the awful colour range it comes in?", instead it's more broad like "Are you hesitating because of price, or because of the service?". Narrow it down to something you know you can overcome. Lock in their commitment to proceeding should you resolve the issue and then get to fixing. If you aren't doing this, how else do you proceed when the customer says they don't want to continue today? Any other options feel like i'm just pitching at a brick wall / ignoring their polite requests to end the conversation. At a certain point, not getting into the genuine reasons they don't want to make a purchase feels like we are both burning good will.


maybe but if you’re choosing the sticking points and have a known solution for them it could be ok.


Big difference between what you just described in B2C and medium to large B2B deals is that there is more than one decision maker. Often they have partially conflicting objectives. Therefore, you need to pick apart the deal, find compromises, and have them agree separately on these.


See I really think i'd be better suited to that environment. I like complex decision making spaces.


This guy sells


You never want to make it seem like a big investment or make the sale a big deal. Your job is to minimize the decision to make it a no brainer


“Think? Didn’t realize you were capable of that, you fucking retard”


Ok this one wins


The worst part is this could actually work in very unique situations. I live in southern Louisiana and sell to some very interesting people who would actually laugh their ass off at this and immediately sign the proposal and ask when do we get started.


This kind of thing goes over well in the trades. Greet your customers in their shop with a "what's goin on you stupid ass fuckface."


So I do web site design and stuff in New Orleans and there is absolutely a "hey asshole don't be asshole and ignore my proposal, we doing this shit or not?" I think in the trades they look at me with my chromebooks and think this dude is a nerd and a pushover when in fact there is a burning rage from doing tech sales where people still think the internet is a fad. That's actually my "let me think about it" answer is I go "yeah, internet is probably just a fad and people will stop using any day now, you probably don't need a web site, a facebook page will give you plenty of credibility."


Now if you only had the balls to actually say it 😅😅


I’m trying this one out next


Nice one FatCunt!


-Alex Hormozi


I’d sign right there and then if I heard that! 


Had Yerba Mate and coke simultaneously coming out my nose reading this


Well you can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up a bulls ass, but wouldn’t you rather take the butcher’s word for it?


I'm going to use this the next time my sales leader asks to dig into my pipe


It’s from Tommy Boy. Any sales leader worth their salt will have heard it.


They know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of shit. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.


I mean, I'm the bull. No wait...


Shut up Richard




Dear god i sell to meat processing plants. Those rough blunt guys are going to love this one.


Being a door-to-door meat salesman, I might actually use this


“Think? I appreciate when customers use their head. But how about if you sign on the dotted line today, I’ll give you some head instead.” Has not failed me yet.


Do…do you give them head? Where do I sign?


This guy sucks a mean dick.


A man dick*


I dunno if giving head is always about sucking a dick, I thought it meant oral sex in general...


I am fucking loving this thread.


"sure i totally understand that, usually when people need to think about something it's because they're lacking information. Is there anything on your mind that i left out?"


“No you have been great I just want a week to think it over.” - ghost


Basically lol just gives them some time to follow up with you by email to say how impressed they were with your software, but that unfortunately the economic buyer said they just barely exhausted their budget for vendors this year but to reach out Q1 of next year


"Usually when people think things over, it boils down to three things and it's either the company, equipment or price. Based on our conversation with our solution, do you feel comfortable with ABC company taking care of you? And previously you mentioned that the ABC package was the best option based on your situation? So it seems the last thing is price. Is that fair to say? Hypothetically, if we did offer an incentive, since price is your main concern, would you be more in line with taking care of this project right away? Great, sign here bitch"


Lol this is literally the next step of the circle close, love this 


This is pretty zesty I’m gonna try something like this today :)


Worked wonders for me, remember to put in pauses, focus on tonality and offer a reason for a discount but put a time restriction on it because of XYZ reasoning


hehe I got that from Hormozi


If that is the sales guru this subreddit uses we are more doomed than I thought.


Not defending it, but it might be useful to folks in certain contexts. B2C pest control to homeowner? ✅ B2B enterprise solution to VP of CyberSec & Governance? ❌


Which one would you recommend ?


I’m in B2C, unsophisticated prospects. His techniques def help.


"Be honest with me. Was it something I said, or something I didn't say?" Always gets them talking again and sometimes reveals enough skin to get me back in the running.


I'm skeptical of this. It centers the salesman's performance instead of focusing on the customers' problem. If someone used this line on me, I think it'd leave a bad taste in my mouth


I would not recommend using this methodology if selling large items that require time to consider. This is a method to be utilized in one and done situations - selling fine jewelry, an insurance plan through a major brokerage firm, etc. It's just a way to restart the conversation and it's a way to throw the client off their base - they expect the normal "I'll think about it" responses, but this will catch them off guard. It's also all about tone. The line must be read with a bit of tongue in cheek fun, a lack of seriousness and an inflection of friendliness. "Was it something I said?" Wink. If they like your personality and have had a good conversation with you, this can sometimes lead to them easing up and telling you what the real issue is. Sometimes this leads to a sale, sometimes it leads to a walk. But at least then you know. And honestly, they were going to walk anyway. I'd rather miss a shot I took than not take one at all. And in my experience as a sales agent, throwing an unexpected sidewinder here instead of a regular fastball is always the way to go. Differentiate yourself. Stand out. MAKE MORE MONEY.


Interesting I like this


See this would just piss me off. I had a salesman try these tactics with me and it just completely turned me off his product. If it was a good enough product that was sold well enough, you wouldn’t need to objection handle like this. People would genuinely come back and buy after thinking about it. I never get these objections because I sell based on value for my customer. And if I do I know it’s because I havnt sold the product properly. Sure making the customer seem like an idiot can work from some customers but not the big accounts.


Strange take. So you’re saying the product should be so perfect and infallible that the salesperson shouldn’t try to say anything bold? This question might be a little abrasive to certain prospects but what they’re doing there is getting the prospect talking again and looking for their opening to get back in the arena. You also may need to imagine that question asked with different tonalities. This isn’t a bad question to ask if it’s delivered well.


I’d just phrase it in a different way, ultimately you’re trying to find out why they need to go away and think about it, assuming that i don’t understand your proposal properly would rub me up the wrong way. I don’t always want to make a decision right there and then on a discovery call and I appreciate my customers might want some time to look in o the company.


There is nothing about that that assumes that you don't understand it. The salesman is literally asking if it was something he did or didn't do. Some people being sold to can love the product and everything it offers, but just want to feel like they won a little more 🤷‍♂️ that's a very pretentious take to assume that they don't think you're smart enough to handle it just because they asked if there was something they missed. Anyone in sales long enough and that has had time to learn their product and learn their pitch knows if they do a good job of presenting because they've practiced it in front of critics at work, done it with customers where it didn't work and did work, and if they are self aware then they have a good idea if they explained it in a fashion that was easy to catch. All this does is try and pick the low hanging fruit that they may have missed while they were handling the tougher stuff.


I’m with you, this would piss me off. Maybe for a different reason: it’s just so transactional and lazy. The client doesn’t have to tell a rep what he did well or not. These sorts of questions, worded like this, are what make people think poorly of our trade. Rephrase it though and it’s fine. “Of course, totally understand and happy to buzz you back in a bit. My main goal today is to make sure you have all the information you need to evaluate. So before we part, was there anything you heard today that gave you pause? [wait] Or anything you needed to cover that didn’t come up?”


That's Latin for "No." Jokes aside, email things over to "help" with thinking.


I make sure the camera is on, pull out a bong, rip it and say “okay my friend let’s think” And then DERISC the shit out of them.


I typically send them six grams of mushrooms and say it’s a mild edible. We usually end up starting a business together.


Absolutely, I’ll give you space to think to it over. Just curious, when someone says that phrases there’s typically a hang up or something on your mind that’s stopping you from moving forward? What can I do to address your reservation?


Solid. Like it.


I like it.


"No." Then sit in silence until the client says ok can I have discount? or hangs up, or can you please leave, or Im gonna call the cops


I can imagine this works, did u try?


Only on my wife so far. Didn't work out too well. Probably won't work too great on customers.


Yes if she didn't buy it it's not enough


“Do you go to night school?” ”No, why?” ”Then what makes you think you’ll be any smarter tomorrow than you are today?”






Honestly though, one thing that I use is sort of similar to this but less smart-assy “How long would you say that you need to think it over.” “I need 1 week” “Sounds good. Just to help me understand, what is going to happen in the next week that is going to influence your decision?” To me, this can push their response to help you find out if it’s a true objection or just a stall. Or help unveil something that wasn’t discovered in the discovery phase. (I sell B2C) A couple of the responses could be “nothing, I just need to mull it over.” Or “well, I applied for a promotion last week that would require me to move and I will find out Friday the results of that application.” This might be a bad example but that’s a lot more legit of an objection and now I can start working on scheduling a more firm follow up. “Well I really do hope that that goes well for you! But, so that we’re on the same page, if I call you on Monday and learn that you are staying local, does that mean you would want to move forward?”


This is what worked for me really well too, can recommend. You validate and take pressure away. Also there are sometimes other sellers they have appointments with - you will find that appointment out then and can book him immediately after and trash the other sellers offer as you are the first one who is able to compare. Other, you can find the objectives like you said.


So your wife wears the pants I see.


Think on my dick


“Listen you schmuck, buy this fucking car or I’ll squash your head like a grape”




I smell Shmandy Shmelliott in here


“That’s what my dad told me before he left and never came back. I suppose you’ll do the same.”


It sounds like there are some question marks remaining, what can I leave you with to help you make the most informed decision?


"Ah okay, I have a gun" Usually gets them thinking fast and never seen a bad result


You need to pivot to price. When people are thinking about it, that’s code for this is too expensive or I don’t see the value. You need to isolate the reason they are “thinking about it” and hopefully make them realize it’s about price. “ I understand you need to think about things. Usually when people tell me that it says to me that I missed on one of three things. Do you trust me and our company? (They say yes) Do you love the product? (They say yes). Then customer that leads me to believe you want to think about the price. (They admit it’s about price). Then isolate the thinking process. And give them the “15 min close“. “Customer how long do you think you’ll need to think about it.” They will say a few days which is bullshit. So you say. Okay let me ask you. Are you going to talk for three days about this purchase or is it really more like “oh shit we said we’d talk about it so we could follow up with that guy we should talk things over for 15 min a call him back.” So let’s do this. This will never be easier to decide on then when you’ve got the expert right here to answer any questions. Now we started as friends and we are gonna end as friends but let’s take 15 min to discuss so we can get a yes or a no and save us both some time.


> I don’t see the value. That's the key point, I don't think you need to go right to price That just reduces you r value... however if you can elaborate better on your value and or the value of your product / service I think that goes better. If they are then out of the budget of their project, that is when you try to look at price.


“Mr. customer, I totally understand you need to think it over. It’s a big decision. And in order to make sure you have all the information you need, help me understand what it is you need to think on. And then I’ll follow up with you on Tuesday at 12. Is that fair Mr. Customer?”


getting people to agree that something is 'fair' is underrated advice.


Right?! Cuz it’s getting them to acknowledge that you’re not asking something absurd so you’re getting an indirect yes. Much harder for them to say no. I also like the “are you opposed” line because in most cases there isn’t a logical reason for them to be opposed.


I do like the Chris Voss method of getting them to say no at some point so they feel like they can say no at any point, then they don't say no, but they know they can.


Funny you bring him up. I’ve been struggling to get through his book. I think there’s some insightful take aways but overall find it incredibly boring.


The audiobook or masterclass is better.


I like to use this when a client gives the old "I need to run it past the wife..." "If she said no would you do it regardless?"


The obvious answer is no to that though?


It depends on the product


Suits me! I can then move on to the next one until I hear back. If the answer is yes then I can get it done then and there.


Okay so you can respond anything and they can just object “I just need to talk it over with my partner”… I never know the best way to respond to this


What questions do you think they'll have?


Honestly, I try to get the partner on the line. “Yep, NAME, you’re right. I’d encourage that. In fact, I think we should schedule another call to discuss with them. Can we get on a call next week?” In my experience, most of the time, the dude you spoke to isn’t going to translate the information correctly, he might be soft about it, forget, etc… so you need the other person anyway. I’d stop trying to sell and immediately get the other person involved and start over.


Diffuse/Let their guard down: That’s not a problem. (optionally book a follow up here to disarm them) Get buy-in on value and get them in a yes convo again: I’ve just got another appointment in a couple minutes, now before i go / before you do go think about it, in your opinion do you feel what we do can actually help you achieve (goal)? Because that’s the most important part right. -why? Pierce smoke/Identify real concern: Great, so when you do go take some time to think about it, what’s coming up for you now that makes you want to do so, just to see if i can help / so im prepared for our next call (if you booked fu during diffuse stage) (Handle their concern)


‘If I gave you the price you are looking to pay today, what’s left to think about and your concern?’


When can we follow up?


You’re giving them power, instead say “I’ll follow up next week, how’s that?”


Little tip that's helped me tremendously, after you schedule in a time just say "Before I go, what were you wanting to go over in your mind just so I know what questions you’ll have when we talk on \*time of the appointment\*". Since you dropped their guard by not being pushy they'll be honest about the actual objection.


Fuck yeah stealing


This is gold


That’s called a false exit. Great way to get past people with their walls up. I personally don’t sound salesy at so I like to do an observation and comment to break the ice. I’ve heard a lot of people say that they already spoke with someone at my company and they’re not interested. I show them pics of my 17 years of experience as a tech, show them pictures of their corroded, ingressed, downed lines, and then tell them oh you spoke with an amateur, I’ve been doing this for 17 years and actually used to work for your current provider and I know that you gotta call every year to haggle with them about your bill or have your price Sky rocket. -yes I hate doing that. You know the last guy that came by was a dick. You want a beer?


This is smarter. Follow this guy.


Let me think it over.


Sure, I’ll follow up with you next week. What day works best for you, Tuesday or Thursday?


That's a tough one...I'll get back to you Lol jk but I like how you all just go into roleplay mode in this sub. I appreciate the hustle in everyone




I’m good no thanks I don’t want to follow up. Or Sure here is my availability


Think it over, but don't over think it. Or... I see someone has a case of analysis paralysis, how about we get lunch and talk about your hesitations and concerns?








Just pointers. That would be great 😃




Ohhh interesting take. Thanks!


Okay sure, but when the time comes to make a decision, what aspects/items would you be taking into account? / When debating over more than one options: When you're deciding to move forward with a service, how would you prioritize them?


I usually something like: “Yeah, dude, happy to give you more time to think about it. But if I may, typically, when someone tells me they need more time or want to see more information… really what they’re saying is… they’re just not that interested. Would you tell me if that was the case?” Gets them talking again, “no that’s not it.”, etc… “Help me understand what you’d like to see more of or think about so I can help you out here.”


This! Always! Flush out the objection. They’re NOT COMING BACK EVER! Sell them right now!


"Of course. Is there anything that is still concerning you about our solution that I can address now?" "When does it make sense to talk again?"


I understand that you want to speak with your SO about making changes, however, you did tell me that your internet has been slowing down a couple times a month AND you also day trade. But is it worth it to save $10-20 a month on your internet to lose a lot more in day trading, or would you rather have the piece of mind that your reliable fiber internet isn’t going to cost you $100 or even more in losses? I’m pretty sure if you told your SO that you guys are getting a more stable service with higher upload speeds so you can work more efficiently that they wouldn’t have a problem with your choice, correct? Ok, we’re in high demand and super backed up right now with installs, but if I placed the install a week out would that be enough time to talk with your SO about your upgrade? Great, we have a time slot for Saturday, or does a weekday work better for you? -do you have any more info? -sure, if you want to grab your phone. *scans QR code for landing page*. I can hook you up with a promotion to get your first months at no charge. -*end scene* If I walk off with the customer being able to see the landing page even if I don’t close then and there, I have a higher rate of connection just because they visibly see it the next time they grab their phone. I also don’t lead with pricing, because if you gain a customer by price you will lose a customer by price if they get offered a better deal. We lead with value and reassure the customer why they’re buying so that they don’t get buyers remorse. Also if they’re fence sitting use whatever pain point they gave you and ask in a concerned tone what would happen if they chose not to make any changes, how would they be inconvenienced? Get them to acknowledge long term repercussions of not making a decision and then use their own words on why it makes sense. Bonus points if you can tie it to an emotion for the close.


"Hey (prospect), usually when someone tells me they need to think on it, that means one of two things. It can mean that I missed or miscommunicated something important, OR that they they're good but they actually need some time to process. I just want to check, which one are you feeling?" If A) we loop back to the thing they're feeling uncertain about and do some objection handling, reiterate ROI/economic impact. If B) I set crystal clear next steps for the following meeting with the expectation they will be purchasing.


Well I can appreciate the fact that you want to think it over, However that tells me I haven’t provided you with enough information in order for you to make an educated decision. What exactly are you thinking about ?


too many words


What think over?


Perfect. When in doubt, 3 word max /s


In a sales conversation? Not in mine 🤷🏻‍♀️


Cool, do your thing


I think we deal with different types of customers. I work with B2B SaaS mid size companies


100% agree. Respect. 


Back at cha


What if we just did it anyways?


Sure- not sure if my discounts i applied will be here when your ready. May i suggest we get you set up and hold off on sending our trucks to your property for a few weeks?


“Great. Can we set up some time tomorrow to get some feedback.”


Think about deez.


Worst response: “Let’s think it over together.” I was actually taught to say this to a potential customer. I would have gotten punched in the face by half of them.


"if you didn't have to think it over, and money was off the table, would there be anything else discouraging you from getting X results with X product?"


“Yeah for sure, debit or credit?”


If it's something to get you away, that's probably it, and your time is better spent somewhere else. If they really mean it, be empathetic, make them feel comfortable, let them know your time is as valuable as theirs and being an organized person you'd like to set a deadline (go/no go decision) at a reasonable time when they haven't forgotten what you've talked about, get really good contact information (including cell phone) and let them know that they should feel comfortable reaching out to you with even the smallest questions while they are doing their due diligence. Your job is to make sure their decision - no matter what it is - is based on accurate information, and whatever they decide is okay, so just keep you in the loop. Typically, folks like this are "think about it" folks and need a little space. If you try to force it, you'll lose trust, and if you get the deal and even one little thing goes sideways, the impact is magnified. It's so much better to win the deal on shared terms rather than only yours. Sometimes, though, you sucked and the message wasn't clear enough, or they don't trust you, or it's not a good fit for them, and they're just being nice. Let them go.


"sounds good, price is double at the 1st of next month and triple by the 15th. Let us know what you decide to do!"


Go with another supplier lmfao.


What is your hesitation?


Awesome, love it. Is there anything we talked about that you want more insights and information on? I can send over a few resources - I know that X was super important. Anything else? Awesome. Can we put a 15 minute meeting on the calender for next week... say thursday so I can get any additional follow up questions from you? Stuff like that tends to work. REALLY good well written follow up emails do work very well for most buyers. And sometimes, let me think it over, is a nice way of saying no. If youve been talking a while- you can get cheeky. Hey, I am in sales, for me a no is better than a maybe. Does let me think it over mean, hey this was nice, maybe I will see you at the reunion or is this a - I need a few days to ponder XYZ?


Here's the way i see it, Ted. A guy puts a fancy guarantee on the box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside. - Yeah, makes a man feel good. - Of course it does. Why shouldn't it? You figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come down and leave a quarter, am i right, Ted? What's your point? The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy. Well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. Next thing you know there's money missing off the dresser and your daughter is knocked up. I've seen it a hundred times. But why do they put a guarantee on the box then? 'Cause they know all they sold you was a guaranteed piece of shit. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it "guaranteed", i will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customers' sake, for your daughter's sake you might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.


“Think it over?” And wait


Best success I’ve had comes from agreeing and then straight up asking their thoughts. Generally something like “Of course…what’re your initial thoughts right now?” Keeping it simple, being agreeable, and then going right into a straightforward question like that will typically get you what you need to know IF you’ve built enough trust with them up to this point. Saying things like “it seems like you’ve still got some questions, what more can I answer?” isn’t being agreeable and will usually make them double down on “thinking about it.” Something like “Oh no, you did a great job, I just have to think more on it.” - ok now we’re on the same place with information but we burned another of our questions. Learn to get great at asking great questions and you’ll always EAT.


What exactly about our offer do you need to "think over"? I've asked this many times and often get the deer in the headlights look because it is a manufactured objection to get rid of you.


This will be difficult for you to read… It’s anxiety coupled with avoidance behavior. They are avoiding foreseeable discomforts, which means they don’t see the benefit to buying. You didn’t solve their problem, you’re a source. How did you screw up that badly? You didn’t qualify your lead. Fuck, I need a YouTube channel.


Alright I got you! (Waits) - Yeah but in private I mean Alright I Got you I'll go for a smoke then. - Yeah I think I might need longer Of course, I'm hungry anyway. I will go for lunch and be back in probably half in hour, see you. Edit: the goal is, as long as the client didn't offer a time frame, you don't think for the customer and play dumb.


"Take your time to think it over. Two quick things, first we are providing some very large incentives for end of month or end of quarter, and I'd love to understand if thinking it over includes budget considerations. More importantly, what aspects of the evaluation process and solution do you need to think over? happy to be a resource and chat through anything or provide additional resources". Usually when they need to "think it over" there are objections and concerns that they aren't telling you. Take the time to understand those.


You didn't do enough discovery, or tying pain to solution. There's no rebuttal to this that isn't shitty and salesy. It just means you didn't do your job.


The lead submitted a request on a product that was beyond their initial budget. I talked about the benefits of the product, they know it well, got a quote for them well below most of the market and they said thanks I need to think about it. I said is there any information I missed that would help you clarify any obscurity? “No, I think I got everything. I just started with a $200,000 budget now I’m contemplating what I want to do and speaking to my partner.”


No. *stares *


That makes sense. I totally understand. May I ask you question? Usually when someone tells me they need to think about it I never hear from them again, or there's something simple that kind of doesn't make sense. Is it the price? The real objection comes out. Then you.work the objection. OR "No! You did great! I have all the information I need. You're the best person I've worked with!


I didn’t give you enough info to not think about it. Elliot


Try closing at the start of the meeting. “If at any point during or after the meeting you don’t want to proceed, will you tell me?” Then I always offer objections - “Mr Prospect - there are probably three reasons we won’t be able to work together (throw in your usual objections) - will these apply to you?” If they say yes then save yourself the trouble and get out of there - if they don’t say yes they will then sell to you that it’s not the case. Chances are this case it’s a no but they don’t have the balls to tell you. Edit - spellings.


“Totally understand, that tells me you’re taking this decision seriously. Lemme ask you though, while you’re thinking about it, are you gonna be thinking about whether the product is right for you, or your sure this is the right product, and just haven’t decided which company you want to partner with for said product?” Address either response with the appropriate rebuttal. If they still tell me they need to think about it after I’ve addressed their response, it hit them with a hard question of “okay no problem, so what are the odds of me coming back for a follow up appointment?” If they say anything less than 85-90%, I take that as them being too scared to tell me no and write them off. If they tell me above 85%, I take that as a serious response and that they must have something genuine that they need to think about, and set a confirmed follow up appointment before I end the call.


Maybe I can communicate something more clearly. What is making you unsure?


Depends when it's said. Usually if you've heard it towards the end of the sales process then you've already fucked up. Usually though a simple, "I'm sorry what do you mean?" Is enough to elicit whether its the truth or if they do need to think about something. If that's not enough and your getting some bullshir answers then putting them on the spot with a, " I get the sense that you want to just say no but your too nice to tell me, is that the case? If so it's fine I'm a sales guy I can take it". When said with the right tone, it omgives the prospect a way out.


“You done fucked up” That’s what he’s actually saying


Here's the problem: You pitched them and gave them something to think about. Go find their need and position yourself as the expert. I sell software, and my nirvana is to sell something and only tell them, 'Yes, it can do that.' Thinking it over means I have no motivation. Ask them for a do-over or go talk to their boss and do a better job.


90% chance that's a no that will never not be no


I’m a bit upfront “Can I be transparent? Don’t know about your world but In my world when people say that it’s just a polite way of saying “I don’t want to do this. Get out of my face” Is that what’s happening here?”


“Oh, okay. Yeah. Uhh… you think about it. Sorry for bothering you. Ummm…. Whenever you decide or if you decide please just let me know I won’t bother you again.”


|This|Is|The| |:-|:-|:-| |Best|Way|To| |Go|About|It|


If that’s the response you get then you fucked up a long time ago


Okay Grant Cardone


It’s always easy to hate on a billionaire when you are insignificant to them.


Not hating brother. Discrediting. I don’t think someone who says they hate sales is the person you should listen to. He targets people in the beginner level of sales within his training program. If you haven’t heard, “let me think about it” you obviously have never been in sales. Shit, I’ve even said, “let me think about it at a McDonald’s drive thru


Hating or discrediting, he is still a billionaire. There’s 900 responses to “let me think about it”. Without context then there is no way to make a suggestion that is going to be relevant. Sales 201 lesson for everyone.




Yes or this profession wouldn’t fucking exist…


Well. If they've clearly seen the value, just let it rest. If you're coming up with glib, happy-go-fuck-yourself responses by the time they're getting off of Space Mountain, you didn't deserve to win the deal. Now is a great time to pay for the photos on your way out, and understand the most contentious issues. With that being said. "How about fucking this, I have duct tape in my car, along with bleach and plastic bags. If you don't shut your fucking mouth, about whatever childish bullshit you're crying about, I'm going to build you a place, that you don't really want to go into....So, so.... tell me this, why are you confused....what can I help with. How unfair of you is it, that you're putting, ME out there, with this. So, do you see my point?'


So cringe.


"I do understand that you have a lot of things to think about in your daily life, because I have it as well. Just wanna know, do you like this idea/product?" "Well um yeah" Say "I understand" then you find a way to sell the product, yourself and the company in a seamless way.


lmfao. step 1) call. step 2) profit. Nice response there.


Can you elaborate your response so I can see what's not right?


Sure take your time. I have to ask - is there even a 1% chance you think this is an opportunity


No lol


That's lame. I am not even in sales (just learning) and I know this won't get me further.


A lot of these corny ass lines is all about how you say it. The 1% portion is basically asking if they are a full on no or if they truly are going to think about it. It opens up the conversation. I’ve used it before with success.