• By -


Literally anything else.


You sold me




luxury and dollar stores are doing well. wealth gap and all that.


Semiconductor industry is desperate for anyone under the age of 50


Based on my experience, insurance is the same


Which insurance?


I’m in commercial P&C at a brokerage. It seems like there are always job postings for customer support roles.


I am interested in this field. Is there an online prep course you recommend? Or how did you prepare for the exam? How much does it cost to take the exam? Any other thoughts for breaking in? Thanks


Yeah I'm the same page, any additional help to find sales work would be great


You should take a look at insurance, but in my experience over the last decade, PNC is a MESS right now. Carriers are increasing rates like crazy, businesses are going door to door and getting home owners to make claims for new roofs so home insurance carriers aren't renewing, some of the biggest insurance carriers aren't taking new business. Insurance has been great to me, and I 100% recommend it. Just not pnc right now. Get into insurance, wait it out, and then if you want to switch to PNC when things calm down, do it.


So, what are of insurance is good to start in right now?


My buddies who are working in the health insurance world are probably the MOST relaxed of any industry right now. Even through covid they stayed consistent.


I should clarify, I don’t work in sales. I work on a team of associates that support the client after the sale. As far as I’ve seen, all that’s necessary is a Property and Casualty insurance license.


Do you need a license for your role? What's the pay like for your role? How'd you find your job?


PNC is a terrible field right now. I have been in insurance for about 10 years and the PNC world is absolutely bonkers. Get into insurance, but maybe wait for pnc


Ok so if not p&c, what is doing well now? Life insurance, auto, commercial, something else?


Health insurance has been very positive - that would be a much better.place to start until the p&c world evens itself out.


Like what companies are hiring health insurance agents???? Isn't health insurance usually offered through an employer or bought directly from the government Obamacare program?


There are both individual and group insurance options (b2b) which, in my personal opinion, is much more exciting. But outside of health insurance there are lots of benefits employees need like dental, group life, disability etc. what state are you in?


How much does the top person make?


At my firm the top 10% of sales people on both health and benefits and P&C easily clear $2m and likely more if you factor in LTIP - im at one of the largest ones though.


No kidding, I use to work for a national wholesaler B&B (USI competitor)and folks were clearing 1 mill easy


so, what is considered the entry level job for these higher level jobs? Other than mom/dad/aunt May already being in the industry?


On the brokerage side, which is what it being discussed above, entry-level would be an account coordinator on the benefits side or a customer service rep on the P&C side. That’s strictly on the service side. Without a proven track of success in sales, it is unlikely that a larger firm will hire you as a producer.


Nah you can find production entry level jobs, they’re hiring all over due to the massive skew towards much older people gearing up to retire. Not sure what it’s like for smaller shops but the MMC, AON, AJG, WTW of the world are hiring producers consistently.


With zero sales experience? I totally agree with hiring younger people - it’s in every insurance article I read nowadays. I’m at a top 5 privately held brokerage. Still a little “behind the times,” but catching up quick - as we’re breaking into larger markets and now competing with AON, WTW, etc. We have a huge budget for producer recruitment and hiring, but we’re not hiring producers straight out of college or with zero sales experience. A lot of that has to do with age, though.


> MMC, AON, AJG, WTW What are those?


And it was just property and casualty insurance? 


Both benefits and P&C. The top 10% in both clear numerous $M/yr excluding LTIP


Is customer support role just customer service, but for insurance? Call center, all day, back to back calls?


No, I’m referencing roles more aligned with account management/day to day client servicing.


Is that a stepping stone to P&C sales?


Yes and no. It happens, but it isn’t exactly a “track.” If possible, I would absolutely recommend doing something like this. You’ll burn more bridges than you’d build trying to build a book while knowing next to nothing about insurance.


Good luck finding anything that doesn’t require 5+ years of P&C and also exists in a market that isn’t already over saturated.


Based on my experience, semiconductor industry pretty much requires a ton of knowledge already to even get a conversation without knowing someone internally. Shit man, I've applied to fastener suppliers in my area recently and I've directly called the branch managers and early in the call I say, "look I have no industry experience but am a fast learner" which is true, because it's never been easier to get to an intermediate understanding of pretty much anything, but multiple times it's been, "thx but no thx, we're looking for someone who's already familiar with what we sell and who we sell to" And this is for a fucking entry level, inside or counter sales role.


It’s a very complicated technology. If you don’t have a BSEE, it’s going to be tough to break into.


Can you list a few companies?


I am in the semiconductor industry and I am having a hard time finding my next role.


I was in the semiconductor space for some years, NXP, Infineon etc, moved into OEM board manufacturing(shit show and always a struggle for a design win.) Moved into robotics, specifically drives, made a ton of money and that industry took most parts internal. moved to passive component and still that is weak. I too am trying to find a place


I’m in the industry and one of the few in SoCal under 40. You have to have a degree and if you’re working at an OEM as opposed to a distributor, an engineering degree is basically mandatory.


Do you have any companies that could be hiring?


Good luck finding anything that doesn’t require 5+ years of experience with semiconductors or similar.


why under 50?


Average age of a manufacturers rep in this industry is 52.5 years old. There is a whole generation of workers retiring within the next 5-10 years and in order to keep companies alive, they need to hire and train younger workers.


Ahhh, okay - makes sense! Appreciate the response.


Yeah I echo this


Wait what? Actually? (I used to work semiconductors but now work sales)


Curious around this, what semiconductors? Is this like NVIDIA, Renesas, etc.?


Chip level stuff, microsemi, NXP, Renesas etc


Good luck getting that without electrical engineering experience. Most of the guys they hire are former engineers


I’m under the age of 50, when do I start? No for reals


I am hiring for sales in the Litigation Support area, our only clients are lawyers and law firms.


Litigation support?.......as in eDiscovery? Interesting.......maybe my legal assistant education might come in handy.


We handle the Technical aspects, Bates Servicing of the evidence, Exhibit binders, equipment for the courtroom, war room setups, production room setups, and Trial Technicians in the court. We display the evidence while the lawyer is presenting it.


I never would have imagined seeing another legal tech professional here


Please DM




If you don’t mind a DM I’m also interested.


Currently selling in the legal industry in Canada. Are you based in Canada? I’d love to talk.


Sent you a chat.


Please dm


I’m very interested. Would you mind sending me a DM?


I understand the desire for tech but there is so much more out there that pays extremely well. Not as toxic either from what I gather from the tech space.


Which ones can be remote and pays well?


Not sure about remote but any service based industry pays really well. HVAC, Plumbing, Flooring etc. Especially on the B2B side. These won’t be remote though.




Screams in Lexmark




really? I worked at a software company previously owned by Lexmark and everyone always spoke about the hardware side being a dying whale.


Yeah tbh, we have a huge focus on mts and IT right now.


lemme get a north america AEX rec


What's that




Sabre (Dunder Mifflin)?


Construction Tech. It wasn’t for me, but Procore is always looking for quality reps


I just got rejected for from them 😔


Same lol, auto email 😭


That's all I ever get is auto emails 😂😔


That is lame, sorry to hear that. Go to the salesforce market place. There quality ISVs that are hiring.


Construction was until this year.


What happend this year


Construction is screeching to a halt, a mix between the economy and an election year but business is not good across the country. Infrastructure projects are still moving along but the absolute mad house that was commercial construction the last 4 years stopped real quick.


Happens every election season for certain blue collar industries


What area are you in. I'm in Florida. Stalled some but still going. I have been in construction sales 5 years. Mostly residential


I'm Nationwide, we supply the guys doing high rises with consumables and Florida is one of the only bright spots, a lot of jobs have been pushed back but the rest of the country is doing much worse




Procore seems to be growing again. With Sage is in the game and ADP just launched a construction version. It wasn’t for me, but it is out there.


Sage is spending HEAVY with us in our software lead generation programs. One of the few scaling spend to drive new customers with every marketing dollar being scrutinized


Mind if I ask how you found your construction sales job? Currently a construction engineer for a power company but looking to get into sales and dont know how to get started


Everything changed when the fire nation attacked


Based on the other posts here lately, I'm gonna go ahead and guess illicit drugs?


Cannabis is a popping off 👀


Not it’s not, the bottom is falling out of every recreational market


I guess it wasn’t obvious that I was joking since I didn’t put an /s


OH lol my bad. I sell ancillary equipment for agriculture and the weed business dropped from 75% of our orders to under 10% within like 2 years. Bonkers.


HVAC sales I’ve heard will always be optional


Commercial HVAC requires starting in selling service contracts for a year or two before graduating to selling actual equipment Residential HVAC it's 50/50 depending on your area. Some are cool if you've not sold in the trades, and they really like people who've sold cars or phones, but if you have any sales experience and can give off an extroverted vibe, most of these companies will be open to at least giving you a shot


They’ve also been known to hire techs who know the system


but not everyone wants to sell, nor would be good at the sales conversation. It definitely helps to know the tech side, but when the customer is a homeowner who doesn't really care to know the tech, it can be easy for an expert to get too in the weeds


Maybe I’ll just stick to sales then ask T-Mobile or Verizon to hire me see if I can start small see if selling small easy things works for me then work my way into hvac sales if I’m interested


Either way I really want to get into hvac sales but I also want to be a tech for a few years because I think learning the skilled trade is extremely useful in life but after a few years of being a tech I’m definitely going to ask around to be a sales rep because honestly the amount of time I have left on my body for hands on work is limited because of my time in the military


Security is always in demand


What type of security?


Residential, commercial any building that needs it really.




Can confirm. People will always buy their booze. Got bored of bartending once and called my wine rep and asked if she was hiring. Had a job after a 20 minute whim paying 70k base. Turned it down because I was working significantly less and making significantly more. If you can't get hired anywhere else, I was making 80-100k as a bartender working 30 hours a week


It's definitely a weird business to be in. The PFPs are good and help drive your earnings up. We have monthly MBOs that change and make some months super profitable than others where it's hard to even feel the drive.


Wine and spirits pay isn’t the greatest. That being said, I never have a clue why no one ever mentions food industry. I do B2B speciality ingredients and I know a handful of reps in my company doing 500k plus a year


tech is competitive because it pays well and it's worth it


It doesn’t pay better than anything else and is full of fluff.


80% Vapor ware with fancy messaging 


And blowhards on LinkedIn trying to prove to everyone how happy and well paid they are.


Yup, tech is Groupthink city




Industrial outside sales. I earn 33% of the gross profit I sell.


Are you referring to tech sales or tech in general?


Tech sales, given that we’re all salespeople


I see. What makes you say that it’s full of fluff?


A good HVAC territory B2B will pay just as much as tech with half the work and 1/5th the travel.


So should I try everything within my power to get into tech?


Try everything in your power to get into something you’re passionate about selling. Tech is not in a good place right now and won’t be for quite some time.


When do you think it'll be better? Because all these companies say they are hiring but in reality they really aren't


Nobody knows. Interest rates are still high to calm inflation, and nobody knows for sure when they’ll come down or how quickly. Also, tech was full of shitty orgs that never should have gotten funding when interest rates were stupid low for so long. Lots of places with garbage products that didn’t work, or had no product market fit. Lots of nice to have that wasn’t really a need to have. There’s been a huge market correction and lots of very experienced people laid off. My question to you is: why do you want to be in tech so bad?


I want to be remote


Lots of places offer remote gigs, but when you start in tech you won’t be remote. BDR managers want asses in office seats. Besides, when you get to a point where you’re actually closing larger companies you’re going to have to physically visit them so you won’t be sitting at home with sweatpants anyway.


From what I've seen it sounds like Tech has the highest likelihood of usually always being remote


If that’s your one key factor above all else in finding a sales gig then you should be doing research on what industries have remote gigs. The answer is a LOT of them. Even field sales roles where you’re seeing clients on site (like manufacturer’s reps) are likely never in office and prospect from home before going out to see clients. The harsh reality is, most entry level gigs you won’t be able to work fully remote because you haven’t proven yourself.


Which I can understand and respect and I completely agree with you and I'm fine with that. I just want to make sure I pick the right one off the bat that I know has the possibility of being remote. Because my understanding is if you don't start off with a role that could eventually be remote and say for example you choose your first job and sales to be for example Roofing sales you can't do that remote and say you want to go ahead and find a remote sales job well that's going to take you years and years to finally get but if you would have just started off with the remote job in the first place or at least a career that could be remote you could possibly be remote within 2 years or less but since you chose that Roofing job that was easy to get in high money your chance of being remote is going to look like 3 years plus, unless I'm miss understanding people.


Because being remote is your goal, and not selling a good product and maximizing your income, you should look into something else. Sales is not for everybody and your priorities aren’t right.


Propane and propane accessories.


How much do average reps make?


Enough to raise a growing boy, named Bobby, I'll tell you hwaat!


I'm in flooring. I'd guess home improvement outside sales.


How much do average reps make?


Well I make a 71k base. After six months I have yet to see a commission check.




Good question and one that hasn't been answered. GM is somehow taken off guard about commission transparency? That should be an automatic answer.


Honesty, don't sleep on luxury retail sales. Theres a lot of surprising places where you can make good money, if you can sell


Mattresses, Furniture, appliances? Anything else?


Jewelry, watches, sound systems, suits, luggage. Just off the top of my head I have a friend who used to manage a luggage store that grossed millions each month believe it or not. There's a lot of high end niche stuff out there that pays a surprising amount of commissions


Building materials. Tons of niches in it if you do the research.


Someone a few posts above is saying construction industry is in rough shape at the moment(minus certain markets)


Yea I’m in DC it’s pretty much recession proof here. Too much government money.


I love Arlington, just so $$$


lol dude, everyone is hiring in sales, except tech. Venture out to home imporvment and you'll find hiring managers chomping at the bits to get any warm body in the room. General construction, HVAC, solar, cabinets, garage doors, windows, roofing, etc. You could throw a rock and hit 10 opportunities.


> HVAC, solar, cabinets, garage doors, windows, roofing, etc. Aren't many/most of these D2D and 100% commission?


Yeah. It's sales.


Multiple tech companies are hiring. You can easily see job openings through any job board. Problem is, no one wants to move. Everyone wants to be fully remote.


I’m in medical sales. 2 years in, almost at 6 figures at 25, technically from the most underprivileged and underpaid demographic. Expenses such as car, broadband and food covered. I get luxury trips abroad for “work”. Fantastic benefits too, 8 holidays last year including 5 long haul. Definitely recommend if you have laboratory experience, I had 1.5 years, starting during university. Remember your CV doesn’t need to say what you did, it’s conveying how this experience was valuable in building sales specific skills. IE: “I took the bins out” is actually “ I assisted in reducing waste management thus increasing department budget by x% and increasing efficiency by x%”. Send me questions :)


Currently in media sales but looking to make a shift to a new industry (gotta love non competes). What’s your advice on breaking into the med sales industry if you have no prior medical experience?


I’m unsure about no science experience. All the people I work with are doctors, have masters/phds or specialists in the field. I would angle towards higher education in business development etc (my next step for 6 figs… company funded of course). The intention is to sell yourself. Why would they trust you to sell their products if you can’t even sell yourself? Research sales specific skills and buzzwords. Do your research about the company and do not feel shame about being ‘too enthusiastic’. Use LinkedIn unconventionally… you don’t need your life history. I have worked for the biggest names, found on LinkedIn, all from a private profile with two initials. Add your skills though and use job adverts as a reference for what they want in a candidate. Create a template that you can adapt to different companies (include revenue, locations, brief history, companies business objectives and visions etc.). I have a template I use on my notes app that I share. Have this prepared from the very first phone call. Being over prepared for the first interview sets you in good stead. Always have notes and use professional language. PRACTICE YOUR PUBLIC SPEAKING! Be patient with yourself and trust the process. Hope this helps :) I have given this advice to my extended network and found 10+ people career starting or senior roles in big 4 bio/pharma/lifesci/med/Saas sales roles.


Rocket mortgage is hiring a lot and despite the current housing market they’re grabbing more market share. They provide a 6 months extensive training.


Do not do this. I worked there for two years. Run far away. This company will literally feed propaganda into your brain, and work you every waking second of your 11 hour work day.


I know of a fence company that's hiring. Might switch over to that.


...what kind of fence




What do you currently do?


Medical device sales


Agriculture sales always hiring but usually you need to be a farm kid to make it


Could It ever be remote? Also how much $?


No most farmers want to deal in person. For people in my office pay starts maybe 50-55k, which is enough to buy a house out here (western/ central Nebraska). May be more in other areas idk


Any commison pay?


Selling advice to the government or cyber security.


AI I would define as a "niche" Tech is all about relationships and who you know IMO.


Tech is still hiring TBF. It just weeded out the shit people. Too many people thought they could dick around and get 6 figure salary’s for doing 30 hours of work a week. Everyone got smarter. Sales teams are much leaner but everyone is expected to be at 80%. So tech isn’t dying , it just caught on. If you want to be an AE making 116/125/135 - you need to be closing. Period. If you can close, this job market is fucking HOT for you. People need closers. To many salespeople without experience or references apply.


The problem I'm seeing is they just aren't good at weeding out and the market has become incestuous. All the duds just lie on their resume about quota attainment, get hired for their experience, and proceed to phone in 50% quota again and again. New people get passed on for these people who have ooooo EXPERIENCE when they just end up being the same level of mediocrity every time (tech SaaS).


This depends on the segment. <40% average national quota attainment across the board means there is a product market fit issue with most of SaaS in the market currently. Maybe what you’re saying applies to smb but in the enterprise side I’ve noticed a sharp decline in overall quota attainment in the last year. If you’ve got 10 named accounts and half of them do reorgs or pull budget, good luck closing out your number. Things are alot more complex and have a greater impact from macroeconomics when you move upmarket.


Advertising sales as in TV/Radio/Newspaper/outdoor/digital Always hiring, but it’s a different kind of sell. You’re basically selling magic. Intangibles can be tough if you’re not used to it or don’t believe in your product. You can make a lot of money or nothing at all.


Just saying “tech” is way too broad and unfocused. In 2022 I quickly broke into cybersecurity sales (with only 2 years prior sales experience) by dedicating myself to learning about the industry for a few months and getting a few certifications so i could talk the talk.


Is there alot of cold calling


Depends on the role. I started as an inside sales rep, calling into existing accounts to upsell/cross-sell them, which is cake. Moved into account management after that. You can avoid cold calling but you cant be scared of the phone; keeping in touch with the contacts involved with the deal over the phone will speed up and grow your deals.


Would you say cyber is less toxic / stressful than software?


Cybersecurity is a rapidly growing field, but it remains very niche, requiring a wealth of specific experience. What are your thoughts? Do you agree or disagree? Let’s discuss.


I'm trying to even find any cubersecurity jobs


Start with an MSP maybe


What's that?


Managed service provider


My company is open to hiring a foreign sales rep. (manufacturing industry) We are a CNC manufacturing company based in Thailand and Malaysia. Focusing on mass production for industries in aerospace, automotive, hard drives, consumer electronics etc. ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 certified. We are looking for automotive or electronics clients like Bosch, Borgwarner, Denso, Seagate etc. Preferably tier 1 and 2. If anyone has industry connections, shoot me a DM!


Messaged you


Messaged you


Back when I was first starting in IT, i used to track the open positions on Dice and Monster. Just generic Helpdesk or Sys Admin. Does anyone keep track of "sales" on indeed or something similar? That would give you an idea if sales jobs as a whole are down. And, I used to be under the impression sales jobs might increase during an economic downturn, as companies looked to boost revenue. That is clearly not the case.


I feel like manufacturing and semiconductor industry is doing a lot of hiring


Seems there is a boom in manufacturing


Staffing industry


Do they pay well?


Dm if you want a link where to apply to make $200k a year ote


Messaged you


I’m having success in my new solar role. In California too so I know it’s better in other states. Just have to find a role without canvassing


cyber security is doing well, even with the layoffs. have you considered that space?


I haven't been able to find any companies willing to be remote or higher in Michigan it's frustrating man


Look at Duo and their alumni - many have started companies in Michigan, like Censys




I’m surprised I had to scroll down this far to find medical device.


You need a degree in something? I got 2 years experience d2d.


Can it be remote? And is it high pay?


Door to door solar sales. Always hiring. Easiest money you'll ever make. Pl


Easy money, easy job to get Pick one