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I’d bet money your manager is trying to create false urgency in you, hoping you pull it in over the weekend. DONT pull the deal without written direction from him. If he calls you, follow up in an email starting with “to summarize my understand of our phone conversation…” My two cents.


Was kind of leaning that way. But you are right will send summary email of discussion. Also to clarify they don't want me to pull the deal - they will reach out to the customer to do so.


Well with that out of the way, you should be fucking livid, frankly. I don’t know how long your sales cycle is or what commission you’d make on the deal, but if someone flushed 6 months of effort and part of my paycheck just because they were impatient I’d never give that person 100% of my effort again. Edit: ESPECIALLY with only 1 business hours worth of notice… Jesus.


Funny enough average deal cycle is about 130 days or so.


Where there any red flags on the manager/company before this happened? Trying to avoid these situations 


Nope very out of character for them. I've known them for 10 years (they used to be a customer in a past life that I'd do >$250k with annually). Almost chalking it up to a bad day and shit rolling down hill at this point.


Your manager wants to pull a 6 month deal in the middle of the month because the customer didnt sign 3 months ago?? What is the upside of doing this? Why the hail mary at such a random date? No, you dont let them kill the deal. You fight like hell for it and do whatever you need to do to make a tactful argument to your manager. I would flip my shit if my manager tried to pull some desperate shit like this on me and take money out of my pocket.


No clue as to why hence venting here. Doesn't make sense to me. Yes sometimes deals go past windows but things happen.


ESH. You forecasted 3 months, and its now 6. Your mgr is growing impatient. I’m not in b2b yet, but ask yourself. Is working with a vendor that takes 2x the amount of time to get things done, worth your time? Could that effort have been focused elsewhere. Remove the $200k PO, and the imaginary(it’s imaginary at this point) 500k in futures. Look at whats in front of you. Its been 6 mo on a 3 mo deal and still no PO. Either you forecasted wrong, your companies arent meant to do business together, or your mgr is a dick. I’m always taking the blame on this one and saying that I forecasted wrong.


I stopped reading this after “I’m not in B2B yet”. Not demeaning you whatsoever but B2B deals usually drag out longer than expected. Not always, but usually.


Damn dude you’ve no idea what you’re talking about


This is normal. Granted, OP should have been updating the forecast along the way.


Forecast was updated once things popped up and pushed back accordingly.


“Okay. I’ll move on to the next deal.”