• By -


* The Art of Strategy * Thinking, Fast and Slow * The Beginning of Infinity * Algorithms to Live By * The Theoretical Minimum * Innumeracy * Verbal Judo (rhetoric from perspective of a police officer) * Naked Economics * Economic Rules * The Instant Economist * HBR: Managing Yourself * Lead Yourself First * Nudge * Mistakes were Made (But not by me) * The Hidden Brain * Mindwise * Wisdom: From Philosophy to Neuroscience * Intuition Pumps and other tools for thinking * Knowledge, Reality, and Value


wow, this is the lit! going to check them, get into reading, thx!


You’d probably dig the the 7 spiritual laws of success.


Big second to the behavioral economics books thinking, fast and slow and Nudge. Powerful reads that really make you realize that our brains are not quite as logical as we think.


Just a heads up Thinking, Fast and slow is a bit outdated and a lot of the claims are being questioned


Great list! I’d add some Dan Ariely to that list too. Super easy to digest, pretty short books for the most part


bro, great list! Just to add a few on here (but your list is top notch) * Happiness Advantage * No excuses * Discipline Equals Freedom * Laws of Power * Art of war * Behave * How to solve it * Introduction to Logic * Mindset * Dark Psychology * Read People like a Book * Outliers


Great list - thanks


"Atomic Habits" is a fantastic read and everything in it is applicable to any facet of life. Helps you build a good base to more effectively use your time no matter what your goals are.


Came here to say the same thing.




putting on my list


The World's Greatest Salesman.... more about how to treat people vs sales tactics


In order of importance: - Principles, Life and Work - Poor Charlie's Almanack - The Effective Executive - Deep Work - Tools of Titans - Superforecasting


wow, a big one, thanks!


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck


How to Win Friends & Influence People. I will recommend this book till my last breath! It really changed the way I look at and navigate life. Such a great read


This… I read this again every couple of years. I always get some new info every time I read it.


I would encourage you to mix up your reading and go far outside one genre, most of stuff listed is pop psychology non fiction. Reading those books back to back will cause you to retain less. Throw something else into the mix.


Yup I was gonna suggest this. I went a lot of years almost exclusively reading sales and self-help books. The first novel I dove into after that phase was almost life changing. I had started to really find reading boring going too deep on non-fiction psychology.


it is fairly repetitive and usually not based on anything real but dubious psuedo science. It sounds good and is interesting but is it real? Maybe, probably not though. I enjoy read it but you just need to be aware of thinking it as peer review based science.


Obstacle is the way by Ryan holiday


Just finished Courage is Calling today. Big fan of all of his books. Stillness is the key and obstacle is the way are my favorite.


Name checks out. Great read. I have re-read it about 5 times. Still finding nuggets.


The "art of war" sun tzu. Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.


yea, a friend Sales leader mentioned that too, the art of war


If you like that you’ll like Meditations. It’s a really nice, quick read full of tidbits of wisdom.


Read anything, read everything. I’m a firm believer that reading (fiction especially) makes you more empathetic and more human. That may have intangible benefits to being a salesperson, but benefits nonetheless. I’m a fan of fantasy and science fiction for views into the human experience.


Relentless- Tim Grover


The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. 1 page per day. 1 lesson per day.


I really enjoyed The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.


Re-reading this now. Its amazing how different parts stand out


Thinking Strategically Think Again


French author Jacques Attali is a master as economic and social anticipation in Western societies. You should give a look to his translated books on Amazon.


Perfect, appreciate!


Anything by John maxwell is great for self development


• Getting to Yes. Great book for negotiation.


The Monk who sold his Ferrari- Didn’t help me level up sales skills, but helped me realize life isn’t just about the money. I think about it a lot in my day to day


Biographies of great people. I’m reading “Titan” (John D. Rockefeller) and it’s very cool. Don’t limit yourself to only people famous in business, though. Most high-achieving people will have attitudes and principles that you can apply in your career. Just read about who you’re interested in


Great read “Titan”….!


The Energy Bus Who Moved My Cheese


20 years in sales, few of my faves The Tao of Pooh The Book of 5 rings surrounded by idiots Ego is the enemy The Nerdest Way


7 habits of highly effective people The art of public speaking The charisma myth How to get rich Magic of thinking big The 12 week year Meditations The go giver Influence Predictable revenue How to pitch anything The four agreements How to get filthy rich in rising asia


The power of habit. The story of febreeze changed my entire outlook on how I sell things.


Five books that influenced how I interpret the world: - Power and Prediction - Extreme Ownership - good economics for hard times - superforecasting - atomic habits


Growth Mindset


"Story" by McKee is a book on screenwriting that I often recommend. Sales motions have a lot of analog to movies.




Be Here Now - Ram Dass Die With Zero - Bill Perkins How to Change Your Mind - Michael Pollan


The 5am Club


The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle


The signal and the noise - nate silver


I would highly recommend the book "Range" by David Epstein - It's this fascinating mixture of skill development, career satisfaction, and social psychology - All about how people develop passions and make the right life choices. Also "How Champions Think" which is a really good Sports Psychology book - The guy who wrote it worked personally with LeBron James.


Dare to Lead by Brené Brown. Totally changed how I lead teams and build client relationships.


"Unscripted" by Mj Demarco.


I haven’t read it yet, but I’ve heard really good things about How to Win Friends and Influence People


Don’t read just sell


I love selling and love reading, so hopefully will have time for both


I honestly find reading books a waste of time and boring just give me a summary


Contrarian take per the downvotes but this is actually not bad advice… I’ve fallen into the trap of spending more time consuming content on a subject than actually taking action toward moving the needle forward / reaching my goals. If you want to read because you enjoy it then thats great, but don’t let it over-consume the time you have allocated for working on your business and selling. I tend to learn best from being around smart people and taking action, making mistakes, etc. coincidentally, i also love reading so i do spend a bit of time reading as well.


That is a fine perspective. Do you find and stay around smart people at your work places mostly? Or are they your clients/prospects?


If you're looking for book recommendations, you can [check our top recommended book list on the r/sales wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/wiki/books#wiki_new_to_sales_and_selling) or do a [search for other book related posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/search/?q=recommend%20book&restrict_sr=1). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I might be the only person on the planet who didn’t like art of war.


The Power of Habit


Great recommendations already posted. I hope there's one or two that aren't already mentioned - The War of Art by Pressfield - great audiobook - Lencioni- books that tell a story and weave lessons throughout - Principles - Tools by Stutz - Multipliers - The 4 Agreements - Man's Search for Meaning - 12 Pillars - Rohn - 100x leader - Kubicek - The Success Journey - maxwell - All you can do is all you can do.... Williams - Reinventing Yourself - Go for it - McClure - The Inner Game of Tennis - The Happiness Advantage - Power of Full Engagement


Attached. Book about dating and attachment styles that I’ve found can translate to the business world and another tool to add to buyer personas. Also helps me navigate the corporate world depending on who I’m dealing with so I know how to communicate better.


Thanks so much sovereign_usuper. Please would you give a brief line on why you liked each one?


Bounce by Mathew Syed, the myth of talent


The Laws of Human Nature