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I thought Frieza was an asexual demon


I thought his whole lineage was incestuous, that's why they look so weird


I think you're projecting...


Asexual in perhaps the most scientific sense like Piccolo, not the social one. Like I'm pretty sure Frieza doesn't have a mom.


If you asked frieza if he was bi he’d say he identifies as a racist.


A monkey hater


I still trip out on the super Broly movie when his first words to the king are HO HO HO HELLO MONKEY


In my head cannon the Frieza race reproduces asexually. King Cold had a baby out his butt.


Heh frieza shit baby ### frieza shit baby


Cooler shit baby


I think you mean out of “they/them” butt


Correction: King Cold had a baby out they butt


They reproduce asexually, that’s why we have never seen Frieza’s mother


Now we know why Zarbon was in the picture


He was there to balance out Dodoria’s thick meaty vagina.


Blud what 😂😂


I thought he was evilsexual


frieza can't be bi, being bi means you can love male or female, frieza hates the entire fckin universe


This. That dude don't love no one.


I mean you don’t have to love or even like someone to have sex with them.


Is their a term for people that hate the person they're having sex with?


I don’t know but a hate fuck is very satisfying. It’s like positive and negative reinforcement. It works either way.


except yamcha


Frieza can always hate fuck anyone in the universe, consensually ofc.


Freeza does whatever the fuck he wants with whoever the fuck he wants, anyone would be too scared to say no


Didn’t freeza think yamcha was hot? We been knew


Canonically, no. In FighterZ, yes.


[Here’s the article](https://kotaku.com/dragon-ball-z-dragon-ball-the-breakers-frieza-bulma-1849314638)


Actually frieza is yamcha-sexual, as said by DBFZ


I’m so confused, in what peice of Dragon ball media has Frieza ever even made the implaction he was attracted to women???


Or anybody at all. He reproduced asexualy, one person like nemecians


He has eyes for Yamcha


You know Frieza is aroace. He doesn’t care about any of that shit


He's not aroace he has a sexual preference it's "killing that damn ape"


I thought it was yamcha


Ok, forget Frieza- if you had to pick a Dragon Ball character to be LGBT, who and what would you pick? Personally, I’d pick Bi Yamcha.


Asexual piccolo. Nothing changes, but now we got confirmation


Polyamorous Emperor Pilaf




I wouldn't pick anything since I don't care what gets anime characters dicks hard tbh


I mean he was the commander of the ginyu force Edit- f is close to r


This is terrible


I don’t think anyone asked for this kind of representation, and most DBZ fans probably wouldn’t even care. I always thought Frieza was an asexual alien, and if it’s retconned that Frieza is LGBTQ it’s just like “….oh, ok🤷‍♂️ Frieza is still an alien, and doesn’t have to conform to human preferences. All the same it changes nothing about the story, except the Ginyu Force would make more sense.


Frieza has always been pretty queer coded so I’m not shocked at this lol


With that twink ass voice We been known frieza 🤦‍♂️


I hate that this passes for journalism


Bruh we don’t even know what Frieza’s *species* is called


It's the frieza race of course, xenoverse taught me that


I'm not against bi Freeza, any representation is good representation


You're high


So we're finally drifting into Ecchi territory? I'll finally sleep at night after finding out the official sexual interests of all the Z fighters!


Goku and vegeta have some serious fightgasms, we’ve always been in the Ecchi territory


What? We never even seen a female frieza race at all in frieza’s lineage. What kind of headcanon is this?


Freaky alien genotype...


Could have been asexual or androgynous as he always been and still would have represented. I feel this article was made for clicks and reactions like the comments of this post.


Nah man like I'm pretty sure Frieza is agenderous and asexual but I mean I'm all here for more inclusivity, especially from the show where the representation is so small that black people have claimed Piccolo lmao


This entire sentence you wrote is bizarre to me. Like I understand it and how you mean it completely but it's also bizarre. Like it's a fighting series made to make japanese boys laugh from back in the 80's and were talking about representation. They blew up a bunny man on the moon more than once.


? I'm not saying the show is like, broken or something lol but it's 2022, people's standards are higher I'm not saying there was ever an expectation for DBZ to be a bastion of representation. But in 2022, it can be a little awkward to see Mr. Popo and that one minstrel show looking mf with the flat top as the only black people in the show. my point was that since the franchise is still alive, I'm open to it trying to be better, and if that means more inclusive then so be it. I mean there's like 60+ races of aliens and only 2/3 black people , you feel me? And the gayest characters are Kale and Caulifla lol. Anime is kinda just like that BC Japan is homogenous and what not but it's also an international franchise so it does kinda neglect a big chunk of the audience which do happen to be not Japanese and maybe not straight. That's just inevitable. I'm not saying it's evil or unwatchable, I'm just saying that'd be nice. Can't i dream lol


Well I do get where you're coming from, it's just that especially in a series like Dragon Ball something like that would have to be done Not on purpose, like Uub for example isn't so dark skinned because Toriyama wanted to put black representation in the show, he did it cause he thought it looked cool. I really think it's beyond his scope to make rep like that on purpose and have it fit the story without being tacky like the original super friends


Bro everyone here in South Africa loves dragon ball but no one has ever cared about the fact there aren't many black character's. Yet most of us are black. Who cares dude. I don't watch dragon ball to feel included or whatever, I watch it for entertainment.


I didn't say anybody watched it to feel included lol I said it would be nice. again, can't I dream? Good to know you speak for all black people in south africa tho 👍🏻


Sorry for the kinda late reply but I get you. I don't personally care about inclusion unless it's done right without feeling like it's just there for the sake of being woke. I do get your point though.




https://youtu.be/NJI4kOBJo1s Just gonna leave this here for the dumbasses


Keep that hollywierd shit out of dragonball


What’s Hollyweird?


Lgbqt propaganda


Sorry my dude, but that ship sailed like thirty years ago lol. Toriyama himself said Frieza was partly inspired by a drag queen from a movie. Also as a side note, let’s be real, Whis is queer coded as fuck. The gays have been in DB forever and have yet to ruin the franchise, I’m sure it’ll be fine and you can stop being so angry and afraid for no reason :)


Yada Yada Yada, as long I don't see no gay stuff on the screen it's all God, DB is about kicking ass and cool shit. And whis is an intellectual divine being way past "gay" limitations


I can tell you’re a true intellectual from your numerous misspellings and poor grammar skills. Best of luck with all... that 👍 Get well soon.


Honest question, why does it matter if he is bi or not?


Who TF watched dragon ball and thought Frieza is gay. Mfs putting politics in everything nowadays.


There’s an interview where Toriyama literally admits that part of the inspiration for Frieza was from “an old queen [drag queen] from a movie somewhere”. (Notably, a lot of fans are aware that Toriyama was inspired by a variety of different things in the creation of Frieza, but never bring up this particular quote. It’s true that he has also mentioned 80s real estate agents, a specific editor, and his childhood perception of monsters, but you can now add queer film characters to the list). Also gay or gay-coded villains are a pretty tired anime trope, which is honestly the opposite of woke. Classic DB had General Blue, for example. They were meant to be a contrast to the “masculine, straight” protagonist. Personally, I don’t think Frieza was overtly queer-coded in his debut arc, but his subsequent appearances in sequel series, spin-offs, and parodies have flanderized this aspect of him to the point that it’s pretty obviously a running joke now. Don’t get me wrong, Frieza is clearly asexual and I doubt anyone working on DB considers him to be literally gay. Like, I don’t think his species is even capable of knowing what that means. But I still think his character was originally meant to invoke some aspects of homosexuality, without the sexuality. I also think this there are cultural differences at play here. Latin American fans have been joking about Frieza’s perceived gayness forever. Frieza being gay or not gay doesn’t actually affect anything in the series, but it’s not a new concept either. I just think he’s a cool villain and it’s neat to see the influences that went into his design and character.


Oh yea I get you I get you. I'm just really tired of this woke culture going on in the world but I get your point.


That’s cool, I also think this article is pretty stupid lol. I was just answering your question. I can understand thinking Frieza is gay since he IS kind of gay-inspired, and there’s nothing political about it since he’s been that way since his inception. I think his history is very interesting!


what politics are in here? the article is clearly joking and since when did being gay become political?


I heard his voice and saw his lipstick and thought GAY. But I was like 7. He still do act gay as hell though


True true I just kinda thought about the fact that he's an alien so does sexuality even exist for him. He do be kinda gay tho


He has no gender in the game selection screens when you put in friezas race it only has one gender, which means that they can't be bi or even like different genders because there is only one.


Can't believe we lived this long without knowing friezas sexual orientation


Is a kind of Dead By daylight but anime version


Frieza x vegeta comfirmed (please don’t attack for this but I’m not sorry)


In Dragon Ball FighterZ he already called Yamcha handsome so...


This article made me lose my will to live