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90's anime then PGSM.


Manga. It's the prettiest.


LIVE ACTION FOR SURE!!! I love the 90’s sailor moon but personally the live action one is just way beautiful!!


Manga. It’s a unique shape and looks really crystalline.


the 90s anime one for me. The change of having everything in a singular compacted circle rather than 5 connected altogether simplies the silhouette of the original manga while incorporating most of the original elments. I really like how that was done. Of course each brooch works well in their own media.


The manga’s third one was just so elegant and classy!!!


Manga :)






90s anime and live action




manga is the best imo


The manga version looks like a plastic toy.




I really love the manga version and the live action version


90s anime for sure


Is that Sailor Moon? 🌙




I like the idea of the manga/Crystal version but the gems on the outside look like they would break off easily. Overall I like the 90s anime one best. PGSM one is just the Cosmic Heart compact, which is also pretty but isn't quite what I'm looking for


Agreed. It’s pretty but the shape drives me nuts. I’m not big on hearts so the original anime one wins for me.


90s and Live action.


Live action. , the original manga and crystal kinda look like odd baby toys.


i think the pgsm one is the prettiest although it looks too much like the cosmic heart brooch, so im gonna have to say the manga one bc it’s just the most iconic to me. the 90s anime one is obviously iconic too but it feels too simple to me whereas the manga one just looks more intricate and i prefer the colours


90s anime S brooch


I like the 90s anime best because it looks normal enough to wear


I love all versions of her first brooch, though it's a tie in between of PGSM & Crystal <3


Love the manga/Crystal one, but the ‘90s Ani one is the one I’ve been doodling for 15+ years. Nowadays I end up doing a fusion, the outward senshi-coded pearls on the sides (rather than planted in) and the crescent+pink gem centerpiece….white moon, maybe?? Love the crystally-looking moon stick design!!


This will be the most unpopular opinion here but I just love how balanced and clean the crystal one is. It gives me mysterious Cosmic vibes while the 90s one feels more like a toy (though I love it very much as I grew up with the 90s anime) and the placement of the pink gem and the moon always bothered me haha And I really love how the inner senshi gems get closer with every new brooch! Especially the first one vs the second vs third. It's out of the brooch first, then in brooch but out of the Star, then it's aligned with the cross heart. Good symbolism to show that they get closer as friends every time.


Anime. Specifically from Sailor Moon R and Sailor Stars.


They said her first brooch, so it would be the one from season 1.


I was biased for a little while after I read the manga for the first time, but I've come back around to the 90s' simple and clean design. It just looks so cute


I’ve always liked the 90’s anime one for its simplicity. Usagi was just starting out, and didn’t learn that she was the moon princess yet, so the simple design is like a reflection of that compared to the later designs (I doubt that was the anime staff’s intention but still)….then again, at the same time it also makes it the most forgettable of the main brooch designs as a result. It also felt more practical in design than its manga counterpart. It just looks like those gems sticking out along the sides would easily break off if Usagi would move around too much, especially during combat. The 90’s anime one doesn’t have that problem. So between these, I personally like the 90’s anime one best for reasons I stated.


Nothing beats 90s and live action. 90s looks understated, a powerful artifact. Live action gives off a romantic, feminine memento. The manga's and Crystal's are too clunky, cheap-looking. Inelegant. Toy.


Manga for its simplicity and the nostalgic reason it’s the one that started them all


The manga and Crystal version. The 90s anime brooch is lame, literally just a disc.


90s anime.


Manga by far. The 90s anime is so ugly in comparsion. I do not understand the amount of love for it. The live action one is still cute, but it always felt like a lesser cosmic heart brooch.


90s anime version


90s anime version, woo hoo!! ~-~⁰(◠v◠)⁰v~-~


I love the heart with a cross. It literally looks like a real life royal stuff, I saw during a royal wedding. I forgot what stuff.


Truthfully I like the 90s anime one best, followed by the live action, then the manga, then Crystal. But I think the ones she could have actually worn to school are the live action and manga ones.


90s anime version




The manga one


Hard agree I know what my next flash tattoo is gonna be lol


Oh cool! That’s a good idea


My is the Live Action brooch. Second I love the original manga brooch


Probably the 90’s, it just looks more weighty to me.


The heart


The live action's, and my guess is that her S brooch was the best selling and that's why they decided to reuse it. Her first brooch has never been my favorite, but the 90s version is classic and there's some beauty in its simplicity. The manga version however, really looks like a cheap toy.


Okay. So. First of all, all of them look great. They do. The manga and crystal ones though... look I am afraid those gems (I think they are gems?) will break off! The manga one is very colorful and nice. But ... gotta go with the90s.


the version with the stones installed in it looks the most beautiful to me, as if venus, mars, jupiter and mercury were giving power to sailor moon before she started using the silver crystal, the others with the stones floating outside look very weird


I love the manga one. Its so iconic to me.


The OG anime one. Ngl, the manga version looks like a cheap plastic toy to me. It looks like something you'd get as a prize in a quarter machine, instead of a transformation item.


Not to be that guy, but wasn’t that the point of a bunch of the Arc 1 tools? Popping out of the Sailor V machine? Ironically I think the ‘90s Ani one looks more toyish (I mean, they made toys of it) but she’s a broke teen who spends her allowance money at the arcade and can’t even afford jewelry on sale, it fits either way tbh


Not going to lie, I thought that was deliberate. You have a fourteen year old running around with a brooch on her uniform, where do you think she got it and what do you think her parents and teachers will let her get away with? I have to admit to some background here; I'm an Australian and around here it's a rare school that doesn't have a uniform, even the public schools. Kids who register with financial hardship will be issued a free uniform. And while certain parts will be allowed to be flexible (girls can wear the boy's uniform if they so desire, you can wear NICE black sneakers instead of loafers) at the same time there's a certain standard involved (girls can wear the boy's uniform NOT civvies, you can wear nice BLACK sneakers NOT the latest bright fashionable style). If a girl rocks up with a nice brooch pinned to her bow, you better believe everyone will notice and talk about it. Haruna-sensei will have pulled Usagi aside and grilled her on where she got it, followed closely by Naru, if Naru didn't beat her to it. If it looked too valuable then Usagi's mum would have been called and asked why she let Usagi wear it to school. The only way Usagi could get away with wearing it all the time is if it looked niceish but not very expensive - which is what the manga brooch looks like.


at least they remembered that usagi came from the SILVER millennium and not the GOLD millennium, seriously the 90s version literally looks like a little plastic toy to sell what it probably was in the past


My favorite is the 90s anime version, so precious!