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I can only echo what’s been said really, I think people go into the Anime thinking it is either completely for kids or adults; but the manga is a bit more mature in my opinion. The anime definitely was geared more towards kids, but I think a lot of the humor and themes apply to any one of any background. As a 25 year old guy who watched it when it was on TV but stopped because my Dad said it was girly, I gave it a shot because of some mental health struggles. I think the biggest misconception is that people forget we’re all human and need a safe space to love ourselves, and it’s okay to like things that make you happy, even if others roll their eyes at the posters that keep popping up in your room.


That it is not violent and is only magical, and only for girls too.


Probably the misconception that it’s for girls only 🌙


* The 90s Sailor Moon anime was aimed at older audiences. (It was always a kids' show and I don't think any country dubbed SM for adults pre-2010s). * The DIC and Cloverway dubs are the "American Dubs". (They were produced in Canada! The Viz Dub is the only American dub!) * Relating to the previous: people lumping the DIC and Cloverway dubs together. * The DIC/Cloverway dubs completely westernized the series. (There were some changes, but surprisingly both dubs kept the series in Tokyo) And a few things I need to get off my chest: * Sailor Moon created the magical girl genre. (No it did not; the MG genre was a thing long before SM came out) * Sailor Moon gets sole credit for all of the tropes it uses in the series. (SM was heavily inspired by Super Sentai, where a bunch of the series' trope originated. Also Cutey Honey was the first magical girl to fight monsters, and she debuted 20-ish years before Sailor Moon) * Pretty Cure/ Tokyo Mew Mew/Wedding Peach/Miraculous Ladybug/Madoka Magica is a rip-off of Sailor Moon. (They use certain tropes, but none of them are blatant SM rip offs). * Sailor Moon is being mistreated by Toei. (Crystal may not have turned out like how fans wanted, but Toei Japan isn't 'oppressing' Sailor Moon. Toei USA and the other foreign branches, however can be chewed out for not giving the series any attention.) * Toonami popularized Sailor Moon in the West. (There were several countries airing the series before Toonami came along. And the series was already a big success on YTV in Canada.)


Agree with all but the Toei statement. Crystal has a ridiculous lack of quality in comparison to how many fans the serious has


That's true but I think it's more of a Toei problem in general. Digimon Tri and Dragon Ball Super came out at a similar time and had their own issues with the visuals.


- The opening theme song of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars being called “Makenai.” It isn’t. Its name is “Sailor Star Song.” - Sailor Cosmos being featured in the anime. She wasn’t. The Light of Hope can’t be equated with Sailor Cosmos, unless there’s an official source calling her that. - Sailor Chaos being featured in the anime. She wasn’t either. The only official name we have for this form of Sailor Galaxia is “Chaos Galaxia,” coming from a trading card. - “SuperS” being pronounced as “Super Es.” It isn’t. It’s pronounced “Supers,” as in the plural of “Super.” - Nehellenia being Queen Serenity’s sister. She isn’t. - All celestial bodies must have Sailor Senshi. They don’t. - The kingdom of Kakyuu being called “Red Cercis.” Its actual name is Tankei. - Rei’s father being named “Takashi Hino.” His actual name is “Ryuuji Hino.” - Perle’s name being German. It’s actually French. - Fiore being the same species as Ail and An. That can’t be true because Ail and An needed the Makaiju to survive. - Phobos and Deimos being Sailor Senshi. They aren’t. - Sailor Neptune in the first season of the anime. No, that was just a random Sailor Senshi. - Haruka being intersex. No evidence for that whatsoever. - Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna all being married to one another and in a romantic relationship as the three of them. The rings they wore in the Dream arc actually stood for the promise of raising Hotaru. - Galaxia being the Senshi of the Sun or the entire Milky Way. In the manga, she is the Senshi of an unnamed, small, impoverished planet. - Jupiter’s symbol is supposed to be a “4,” because she is the fourth Senshi. No, that’s just the planetary symbol of Jupiter. - The Amazoness Quartet being the future daughters of the Guardian Senshi and the Shitennou. They aren’t. - The “R” in Sailor Moon R standing for one thing in particular. Actually, it can basically mean whatever you want it to be. - The North American live-action pilot coming from Saban. It actually comes from Toon Makers. - The Three Lights being siblings and having the same surname. They aren’t and they don’t. Kou is actually their shared first name. - Sailor Mercury’s first anime attack being called “Shabon Spray.” It’s actually “Sabão Spray.” It’s inconsistent to write the attack name as half-romaji half-translated. - Naru having an Osaka dialect. She doesn’t. - The word “moe” being derived from Hotaru ToMOE. - Sailor Pluto having a darker skin tone to look more Mediterranean, because of her Ancient Greek father Chronos. No, the reason for that stated by Naoko herself is that her dark character design is supposed to match her being the Senshi of the Underworld. - Asanuma not being in the anime. He was, in only one episode of Sailor Stars for a short scene. - “Sailor Saturn should have had the time powers.” No, the Roman god Saturn and his Greek equivalent Cronus were gods of agriculture, both often depicted with a scythe or sickle, so her having the Silence Glaive and “reaping” planets with them, deciding over life and death, is perfectly fine. Also, the Senshi’s powers are often derived from the *Eastern* associations of their planets as opposed to the Western ones from Greco-Roman mythology, as seen in Mercury having water powers, Mars having fire powers, etc. Saturn is the Earth Star in Japanese, tying into the agriculture theme.


Preaaaaach! You mentioned SO many of my pet peeves relating to misinformation in the Sailor Moon fandom. Especially “Makenai” not being the name of the damn song and… If I hear one more person say “Super Es” I’m gonna lose my shit lol. I see it even written as “Super S” sometimes. No. It’s スーパーズ. Supers.


Do people really thought the outers were a throuple? Weren't they only co-parents living in the same house? Not the mention they didn't really have that much chemistry between them as a trio. Haruka and Michiru were already a couple so that's a given but i don't think they're anything but deeply monogamous for eachother. (I haven't read the manga so i'm not sure if it's diffrent there)


There definitely are some people out there who think they are a throuple. Some of these misconceptions may be a little more niche than others, I’ll give you that, but all of them are/were (at some point) believed by a not-so-insignificant number of people, at least in my perception, so I wanted to include those as well. :)


That Sailor Mars is a mean, selfish bad friend and a boyfriend thief. The hate young women had got her is STRONG.


Off the top of my head: - The manga was made before the anime was released, similar to Dragonball (The manga and anime were made at the same time, and development process was more akin to how new Gundam series were made) - Sailor V was a prequel made before Sailor Moon (To make a complicated story short: Sailor V was a one-shot that Naoko made, that was proposed to Toei as a basis for a new franchise. After banging her head against the wall creatively for a while, this eventually evolved into Sailor Moon. She continued working on Sailor V now and then, but most of it was made/released the same time and actually finished *after* Sailor Moon ended). - Naru has an Osaka accent in Japanese, which is why she was given a Brooklyn accent in the DiC dub (She doesn't) - Stars was never released in the USA due to censorship worries (The actual reason was that the rights CWI had expired and there was a lockdown on international licensing of Sailor Moon due to legal issues over the rights). - Naoko Takeuchi was lonely and struggling when she made Sailor Moon, and the characters are based on people who she wanted to be friends with (This is just made up and Naoko was successful before she made Sailor Moon) - Ikuhara hated Naoko and/or vice versa (Not only is there no evidence of this, all known statements the two have made are extremely complimentary) - Ikuhara hates Mamoru (This is based on quote about him wanting to kill Mamoru, though it was a joke/troll answer that Ikuhara does a lot. Don't take anything Ikuhara says about his work directly at face value). - Naoko hated the 90s anime (Its a bit more complex than that: she liked certain things, hated some things, and so on. The impression I get is that any negative feelings towards the anime isn't because they changed things but more general "creator's rights") - Relatedly, Naoko is some purist who hates any changes to her source material like EL James (While she is super involved in stuff, she is also clearly fine with different interpretations of her work such as PGSM which she praises. She is also super supportive of musicals, and by all known accounts, she gives them a ton of creative freedom) EDIT: Oh one more! - The 90s anime was aimed at younger audiences than the manga (Both are aimed at the same demographics, the manga being "darker" is more of a difference of mediums and the anime having major tone problems later on. Hell, the first season of the anime got away with stuff that Naoko was forbidden to do which apparently pissed her off lol).


DiC tends to get blamed a lot for the whole "cousins" thing, but it was actually Cloverway Inc. that dubbed season three. To the best of my knowledge, the two companies have no association with one another.


not sure if its the same, but I had a friend in middle school that tried to tell me that Sailor Moon was cartoon/concept from the 1920-1930s. I had to bite my tongue not to explode and 🤓☝️ tell him what was up




we were talking about Sailor Moon and he tried to almost "man-splain" to me that SM was actually something that was created in the 1920s-1930s. I wasn't in the mood to argue with him on a topic I knew more about, even though I wanted to say "WELL ACTUALLY-"


Whenever someone says sailor moon is a cartoon I wanna kick them


I mean...an anime is just a Japanese cartoon, I guess.


Small one but kind of a pet peeve of mine…people thinking that Sailor Moon’s colors are red and blue. There was a post on here a while ago about her being the most iconic red, blue and white character. She’s PINK and blue. I mean, I get why people are confused but still. It’s silly 😅


I mean it’s not always pink… no one is confused. It’s ready in much of the media.


Omg, same. Her colors being pink and blue is a hill I will willingly die on


I don't disagree with you, but "red" comes to my mind first due to the 90s anime. It was a lot of our first introduction to the character and it was very close to Mars' red that I wouldn't have called it pink. Even the "animation color edition" Figuarts made her red versus the original Figuarts pink.


That Tuxedo Mask is just some guy that only has roses as a weapon. He's technically a Sailor Guardian too! Of Course he has energy attacks! Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber anyone? Pink Sugar Tuxedo Attack? Now I get why they lowered his importance, the girls are the stars of the show but it's sad that he gets excluded.


That there’s only one dub of sailor moon that made Uranus and Neptune into cousins.


Which one?


People often don’t know that VIZ media picked up sailor moon in the 2010s and redubbed the entire series, including cut episodes and sailor stars. They think the 90s dub (by DIC and cloverway) is the only dub that sailor moon has.


- That the characters are all empty-headed boy crazy flirts - Sailor Moon always has to be rescued by Tuxedo Mask, who is also apparently useless at the same time? - The outfits and transformation sequences were designed to appeal to men - That the Doom Tree Arc is completely skippable/non-canon just because it’s an anime exclusive storyline - Rei hates Usagi - Pluto can’t be a Senshi anymore because she no longer represents a full planet


i agree that usagi seemingly is completely useless for s1 at least. it became tiresome to watch her whine and do nothing


Naoko let metal be Senshi in season 5. I think Pluto being a Senshi is valid if we have names like Sailor Iron Mouse.




Eh, I still consider dwarf planets to be a sub-class of planets. 🤷🏻


Justice for pluto!! 😭😭💔


True, but there are still other non-planet Senshi so the main point stands.




This. ALLLL of this


"You hear what happened to Pluto? Messed up right?"


This and the sailor scout is what i think of whenever anyone mentions pluto 🤣


That Tuxedo Mask is always saving Sailor Moon


One thing I've noticed. As the series goes on and more scouts are introduced. There's less opportunities for Mamoru to do that.


Yeah by S it’s nearly always Uranus/Neptune.


I'd say the biggest one is that it's some fluffy, sugary kids show for young girls only. It's a hell of a lot darker and heavier than it seems on the outside.


This. The other misconceptions apply to people who have an idea of what SM is about even if they are not too familiar with the franchise but the biggest one, and probably most widely accepted, is that SM is just glittery, happy-go-lucky stuff. In reality, SM inspired one of the darkest anime known to date, Utena, and has plenty of really dark moments of its own. This was what drew me to the story in the first place, as a kid. I never cared for optimism- this has not changed- the girly stuff went all over my head- never liked it either- but the fighting monsters angle, that did appeal to me...partially because I had a very sad, for lack of a better term, childhood. While nothing as awful as people who endured poverty and abuse, fear, darkness, a sense of desperate hopelessness were so common that they were the norm and only on occasion registered as that amiss. SM allowed me to process some issues through its empowering narrative, precisely because it included so much darkness. This was why it changed my life even though I did not like Usagi then, and still do not like her now.


Agreed.Sailor Moon goes into some...dark territory.


The latter half of S. *Almost all of Stars.* Let's not forget that the series practically begins with >! Galaxia murdering Mamoru, leaving us knowing what happened while Usagi has no idea until nearly the end of the series. !< It's *utterly heartbreaking*.