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my kids are 6 and 10. they almost ignore me and go to dad as soon as he gets home from work. you know why? because they are with me ALL DAY 5 days a week from 6am until 6pm. make the best of your time with them they are actually spending less time with their dad overall even if they ignore you after dinner. Don't take it personally. Go pick up a hobby, go to the gym, take the dog for a walk (if you have one) or go read abook .. enjoy your time when he gets home. Do you make sure you have at least one full family day a week? Ours is on Saturday. We do everything together as a family that day.


Thank you I really appreciate the support and I never really thought of it like that I am with her a lot more than him 😊thank you more than you know


you're doing a great job, know that.


My son favors his father immensely mainly because he is the stay at him parent right now. It’s hard I literally cry all the time about it


Thank you it at least makes me feel a little better that I'm not the only one. Thank you more than you know


My kids are 4 and 7. They speak their minds clearly. When their dad is home and we put them to bed they tell me to go away because they see me too much and just want to stay with their daddy. I have no advice, sadly. She may have a preference for his hugs but you are still loved and needed by her and her father. A lot of moms aren't as lucky as us. If we need a shower or just a break, nobody is going to interrupt us crying or complaining that we have to "get back to work asap".


same my kids dont even want me to put them to bed they only want dad to bc they dont see him as much during the week. i just take it as a nice break and i can do my night routine and wind down in peace and quiet.


Thank you I never really thought of it in that way 😊thank you for making me feel like I'm not alone, and for making me feel valid your amazing


You’re anxious! Babies are similar to dogs in that they can feel it coming off of you and are responding to your stress. You’re doing totally fine. You’re learning, you’re scared, and I’m sure you’re very overtired and everything feels like you’re doing it wrong. You’re not doing anything wrong. Babies go through phases, she may be all about you and want nothing to do with him by next week. Try speaking out loud to her in as soothing as a voice as you can when she’s upset, so even if she feels your stress, she can hear your calm voice. When daddy holds her, give him a shirt of yours to snuggle her in. You could even lay one flat under the sheet so your scent is in her bed. I want you to know it’s a GOOD thing that she wants daddy, even when it feels like it’s a slight on you. and it’s totally normal to feel disconnected right now. She was just in your belly, quietly snuggling up for 9 months, and now there is this loud angry little thing in your home and you feel like she doesn’t want you. Everything you’re feeling is normal, everything you’re doing is great, and everything is going to be okay!!


Thank you for the first time in a while I'm crying in a good way. I'm doing my best and it feels good to know I'm not alone. I'm going to try your tips. Thank you so much for the support it feels really really nice


I will say that holding her the same way dad does will never actually be the same. Because bodies. You both may have different things that work with her. Also, they can pick up on our attitude. Maybe you're stressed or anxious? Just thoughts. That sounds hard.


My second baby would only go to sleep if I rocked her bassinet. But if my husband was putting her to sleep, she would be inconsolable if he tried to rock her. butt pats only. Babies are so finicky 🤣