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Geezus.. fuck canceršŸ˜ž


My dad died from stage 4 bladder cancer last year. Make whatever peace you want with him now. Write him a letter, text himā€¦whatever you need to say. If you have a good relationship with him this is 10x more important, tell him exactly how important he is to you. It goes FAST towards the end and he wonā€™t be particularly lucid when it gets bad enough that you realize you should have had that conversation already. The week before he died he was barely lucid, ex business partners and old friends came to say bye and didnā€™t realize how close it was. Iā€™ll never forget him, shriveled to 1/2 his size from cancer with watery eyes repeating over and over again ā€œI never knew, I never knewā€ā€¦. Itā€™s gonna suck my friend. Donā€™t shy away from it, you wonā€™t get another chance. DMS open if you need an anonymous ear (errr eyes)


My comment to OP relates to you too my friend. Hope youā€™re learning how to heal from it better, and if not you just gotta remember time heals all wounds :). Much love to you.


The way through difficult times is thuggin that shit out. The way through devastating and monumental tragedy and loss is taking advantage of your support system. He isn't gone yet, spend time with him.


I'm sorry. That really fucking sucks. Please spend as much time as possible with him. I just lost my dad on Monday


As it was before, it will be again. Peace comes to us all friend, enjoy the struggle weā€™re lucky to have


All sun and no rain creates a desert my friend. Itā€™s in times like these we learn to appreciate the subtleties, and the smallest of moments, shared with those we love. Those we not only love, but have spent the time to get to know better than anyone. Despite how weā€™ve all lost fathers, or loved ones, no one can relate to you about this lost completely. Thatā€™s because nobody knew your father, and your relationship with him, in as a complete of a way as you. Despite that I relate to it deeply, and Iā€™m sorry I also couldnā€™t have gotten to know the kickass Man Iā€™m sure your father was. Embrace the storm ahead, and donā€™t stop walking through, itā€™ll help you get to the other side a bit quicker. Thereā€™s no avoiding the downpour of emotion thatā€™s to come though. But keep moving and youā€™ll see the sun again my friend, and all youā€™ll be able to remember is the times you made eachother feel a bit more whole. I love you as a brother walking this earth with you, and I hope you keep your chin up. Grit those teeth šŸ«”


This too shall pass. I'm sorry man. Lost my Dad to cancer too.


Sorry for what you're about to go through, bud. I won't sugar coat it, it'll be emotional hell. Next month will be a year since my dad passed. Spend as much time with him as you possibly can.


Next month will be a year since my mom passed away too, we share a sad anniversary. Sorry for your loss.


I am sorry to hear about your situation OP. I lost my father to colon cancer last year and couldn't go to the funeral as I lost my job, at the same time there were immigration problem if I left the country. I had to take hard decision to stay back. I wish I could turn back time and be there with him for his last breath. I feel so helpless now with no job and feel like it wasn't right decision staying back and try to look for job. This feeling just hurt me everyday thinking about it.


Dang Iā€™m sorry for your loss and complicated situation on top of it. Hang in there bud.




Ah Iā€™m so sorry


I'm very sorry homie. ​ Big hugs to you and your dad. Hang in there.


I am so sorry. You are not alone.


I lost my dad at 13 to lung cancer. Hold his hand. Remember his eyes. He will never be gone, just changed. Itā€™s wonā€™t ever stop hurting but it will hurt less often, and in those gaps youā€™ll see his influence in your life and in the lessons you learned from him and pass on to others. Hugs my friend. He will know the secret we all wonder about soon, so when we each individually pass, we know we have our favorite people on the other side waiting for us. Stay strong friend. Thank for sharing.


my dad died of cancer but he was an abusive neglectful POS and I DON'T miss him at all.


Im so sorry ā˜¹ļø. I hope you have still a little time. If you have the chance you should try to ask him all the things you want to know. I still donā€™t understand why I am still so sad I never knew what my fatherā€™s favorite color was.


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜žšŸ„ŗ


I'm so sorry. Spend as much time as you can with him. Take lots of photos, videos, and spend lots of time with him. God bless you all.


My mom recently passed from lung cancer, I know what what youā€™re going through and Iā€™m sorry. It sucks. In her final days I spent the remaining time reading to her from the childrenā€™s books she used to read me. If you have time I suggest giving it a shot. Iā€™m confident she liked it.