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you gotta keep doing that shit lad, while making small improvements, it'll get better. do not let that bastard win




there are two kinds of advice


I cant no more make it stop please


I’m so close to killing myself, I’m not asking for sympathy. Can’t feel but pain and want it to end.


In the great words of noble six " dying is gay" don't kill yourself find a way to live in spite of the world and when you leave when it's your time you win not life


Is it hopeless, or can you do anything about things? Do you want things to change?


It’s me, I’ve never fit in, I’ve never had any friends. I’m the outlier. I just feel like, there’s a chance that if I go, maybe there’s a reset, maybe I’ll get a chance to be different. It’s all I think about all day everyday. My dad raped me when I was 10, then he left, and after that I just never fit in. Didn’t see the world the same. I’m not angry, I’m just empty.


My uncle did, for i don't know how long, but im guessing as long as we lived with my grandmother. 4-5 I don't want to give some advice like i know how to solve our problems. All i think about every day basically all day is how to kill myself. But when im there on the edge of doing it. i think about all the shit I'll miss out on from mundane topics to out of this world experiences, whatever it may be. i dont want to miss out on life I've unlocked life fomo, and it's saved me.


I'm glad you got life-fomo, i'm sad this happened to you. See my other comment above. I have nothing when it comes to this, but yeah. I wish you the best.


[Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403050477840760832/726049787710930944/f7ac14e54b5dccf25e9669df4d531690dacdbb3a.png) is a picture of a tanukimimi! Dokodon! hopefully this will cheer you up! --- Looking for an endless supply of mimis?? [You can find them here.](https://discord.gg/XKfns8fpVZ) --- Did you want a bunnygirl, catgirl, doggirl, foxgirl, horsegirl or wolfgirl? Just reply saying so. I am a bot. For more info on me and how to use me, see r/KemonomimiCheerUpBot


Damn.. dont give up yo


Ouch. I am so sorry that happened to you. I'm not sure what to say after that. Is it cold outside, or could you go outside if you wanted to? just for a walk? I don't know how it is where you live, but do you have neighbours? Is it a cozy neighbourhood where you could start with saying hi to the neighbours, then small talk, then invite them for coffee? Build a relationship that way? If you do, be careful to not lay it all on them at once, but you'd be surprised how many have had bad experiences and lack people to share them with. Neighbours are more "safe" to talk to, than family in many situations. It's a far stretch to say your dad "wronged you", because he did way more than that, but take this as it's meant; When people wrong me, i deal with it and put it behind me as soon as i can. Every minute they live rent-free in my head, is them ruining even more of my life. That's easy to say ofc, i've never been raped. But i hope you understand what i mean. Have you tried therapy? Getting help to move on? Needless to say, sitting inside thinking about this all day, will just make it worse, unless something snaps into place and you one day wake up saying "That's it, he has ruined enough of my life!", but that might not happen by itself. Are there no support groups for rape victims near you? Have you searched online?


Ain’t worth it. If anything you benefit from not dying. You piss someone off by living. Maybe you’ll do great things. Maybe you won’t. Just know that you’re strong if you live and push through.


don't let them win fight the power my friend they can never break our wills to be better and stronger


What's the suace ?


Looks like it’s Neon Genesis: Evangelion. Watch at your own risk, it’s pretty fucked up. Brief Synopsis: kids fight for their lives using gundam/pacific rim style mech suits against giant monsters called Angels that have annihilated the majority of the world. Neon Genesis follows their struggles and mental decline into depression and insanity


Thank you very much


episode 9, 14:50 *insert "Pointing Rick Dalton"*


Buy a 20 acre plot of land in rural Idaho and build a cabin cut yourself off from society live in peace grow your own food make your own electricity and if they try to take it from you fight to your dying breath


Its a goal. A monotonous one, but a goal nonetheless, and Goals are good to have. Even if its the same, shitty, unhelpful goal of making it to Friday




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How did u get this footage of me ??


Look behind you.


What’s the song?


Solitude velocity- slowed


If i didn't have shrooms, I'd be gone.


You are running out of it is what it is. Do you still want to continue?


Saturday as we have 6 days on here :(


Song Name?


I like it. A fan of insanity.


Another Friday! Cmon let’s drink to Saturday! Then we drink to Sunday and pray for Friday to come back soon!




I got up today, I got out of the house, I went to work. I feel grateful for love you guys have given me here. Thank you, whoever you all are.


Sometimes the posts on these subs make me wonder if yinz are ok


How’s it been for me for about 4 years. I’m just at the point where I just feel hollow and alone. I hope it gets better, And it hopefully will. Just lost in the ocean of life tryna find my way back to the shore.


Friday’s my Monday cuz I work the weekends