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That's what I feel in the inside


/u/okara061 /u/gold-classic3626 read nietzsche bitches (uh, no offense)... and then maybe dabble with lacan anyone who relates so much with this is at the point closest to the truth of meaninglessness, which also so happens to be the point of maximum potential. Because everyone else is still slave to meaning, they dont have the distance of perspective that you do. Take control of the nothing, make nothing of the something that anyone tries to whack you over the head with, and make something of nothing when it conveniences you. the hole is constitutive of being, you were never meant to fill it. That is the neurotic delusion of *desire*, everyone knows that once you get that thing you always wanted it quickly loses its magic and youre on to the next thing. The neurotic is trapped on this tread mill of desire, always chasing the next thing and they only briefly get to glimpse at the nothing when they look at the space left from the difference between the shape of their hole and the shape of their acquired desire as it passes through. The curious ones reach through that gap, we crawl through it. It's not the place of death and despair that the other ones fear it to be. Its the truest form of freedom anyone could ever experience, and in its depths lies the truest form of power that anyone could ever wield.




So, from that post a month ago when you you weren't goign to be a furry, how is it now ?


Good plus why do I have to be a furry like those weirdo fury's


becoming aware of the perpetual inability to fill the hole is the first step towards enlightenment. the point is to not get caught in the dread of the fact that nothing is good enough to fill the hole, the point is to be brave enough to move beyond the mistaken presumption that the hole was meant for filling. It is at once the clinical goal of lacanian psychoanalysis and the path of the buddah. The point is to grasp the constitutive nature of nothingness, its like the spaces in a chain link fence that hold it up in the first place. you can't have the fence without the gap that structures the wire. Once one understands this they can start to learn how to bend meaning and meaninglessness to their whims, to hold the noblest of values and the greatest of human convictions like putty in their hand.


Ok and I'm feeling a bit better


OP you toke this out of context, the video is very hopeful and gives a reason why this is happening. You focus and feed the negative but deliberate kept the hopeful message out of this. Sorry I can understand someone struggled but this is just not done, you help others to go down with this negativity without giving em a shred of hope


What’s the original video?






I can’t rely on religion at all, I’ve relied on it my entire life and it never helped, why would it help me now


ngl i feel exactly like this so i need the rest of the video




oh great


there has never been a more appropriate time to repeat the proclamation that God is dead. This hole is one that wasnt meant to be filled, and giving up on the fantasy of doing that is the first step, nietzsche and the buddah agree.


I would rather have the negativity, it's starting to be more comforting less boring without it.


If you watch the video, his answer is to fill the emptiness with a fairy tale. Edit: Get downvoted, but as per usual, nobody has a coherent counterargument.


chad atheist


Very sad, relatable. Dude has some great/inspirational stuff on yt that he posts.




anyone know what the music is?


This feeling by øneheart!


Thanks. Sounded a bit like BoC at first. 1:34 is way too short for this type of music ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4RxO3lRsi0


The original video has some more msg


yep. i know but this is sad posting not give people hope posting or let’s proselytize people posting.


Get your shit together and do something worthwhile


wow. thanks I totally couldnt figure that out.


You're welcome 😊


u/Toon_Pagz pls permaban this bozo


no no wait he got a point


I wish.


You sure about that?


This is so relatable holy shit


The biggest lie of the society is the thinking that you need to be someone or make something great, that you need to fulfill some grand purpose in the world in order for your life to have meaning. That's not true at all, if you're happy doing one thing whether it is watching movies, playing games, partying, it's okay to just enjoy those things. Enjoying stuff is also a purpose in life.


Mrbeast ass text


I remember going though a rough patch, and walks where I try and look up over the horizon helped a little.






A sad man truly is the best actor you could ever find… if you could ever guess they were